The Best Commencement Address Ever!

The health of the nation's people is a vital national interest. Since that is irrefutable, then it is irrefutable that the government has not only the right, but the obligation, to involve itself with healthcare wherever healthcare is lacking.

Hypothetically, does the government have the right to force a physician to treat a patient for free? No compensation? If the health of the nations people is vital enough that the government has a right to involve itself, what limits would 'you' place on that involvement?

That's a non sequitur. When it's in the national interest, the government has the right to draft me into the military, send me to die, and tax you to pay for it. Where's the limit to that?
It's ironic that this mythical commencement speech by the anti-government extremist Boortz was mythically given at Texas A & M,

which is a GOVERNMENT school.
I've always like Steve Jobs' '05 commencement address about life, and death, and about not worrying about connecting the dots of the pursuits and interests that bring joy and meaning to your life until after the fact.

But a speech about disdaining those who think differently than you do on political issues is a close second, no doubt.

That's because Steve jobs was a genius and boortz is a rightwingnut loon

Care to take a shot at some of the points he made?

You're ignoring the shots fired.

Do you agree with Boortz's scorn, ridicule of, and contempt for fathers and mothers who 'only' work 40 hours a week?
1. … you can bet your tassels…[y]ou may not like much of what I have to say, and that’s fine. You will remember it though. Especially after about 10 years out there in the real world. This, it goes without saying, does not apply to those of you who will seek your careers and your fortunes as government employees

a. Boortz showing contempt for those who choose careers in the military.

b. Boortz ridiculing the government, and those who work for it, while giving an (imaginary) address at a government school, whose existence depends on government labor and finances,

and speaking to students that in many cases, especially among those of low income origin, would not even be there were it not for government assistance.

Point one demolished.

I think?

dear op your a fucking partisan hack.

It is your party that denies science and cold hard court documented facts daily here.

bite Boritz butt

I think?

dear op your a fucking partisan hack.

It is your party that denies science and cold hard court documented facts daily here.

bite Boritz butt

I wish you BBQ and beer...and a satisfying Memorial Day.
Be well.
That's because Steve jobs was a genius and boortz is a rightwingnut loon

Care to take a shot at some of the points he made?

You're ignoring the shots fired.

Do you agree with Boortz's scorn, ridicule of, and contempt for fathers and mothers who 'only' work 40 hours a week?

I believe that I have disabused you of any such notion with the blistering post #75...

...and, therefore, fully understand your desire to pretend not to have seen same.

While those of us who respect and honor the values of America wave our American flags on this day...
....are you raising the Red Flag?

Do you folks have BBQ's and such....or is this a 'Day of Defeat' for the Left....
...just curious.
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Reading this thread, I have to wonder at the aversion of the left to just address the points.

It's all ad hominem. Do they not realize it, or do they do it on purpose?
For Memorial Day....

Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:
‘To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods,
Horatius at the Bridge by Lord Macaulay
Reading this thread, I have to wonder at the aversion of the left to just address the points.

It's all ad hominem. Do they not realize it, or do they do it on purpose?

I have often pondered over that exact query....

...and, since they lose every argument based on facts, logic, experience, history, data.... can only be a religious doctrine for the Left.

a. Leftism is a religion. One may see a hint of that when Hillary popularized ‘the politics of meaning…’ “Mrs. Clinton recently criticized the way American society rewards selfishness and stigmatizes idealism, publicly embracing my call for a politics of meaning…” Cynicism vs. the Politics of Meaning : Hillary Clinton doesn't deserve the media's sneers for saying what most Americans feel. - Los Angeles Times

Highly meaningful to the Left, it meant nothing to conservatives. This is because conservatives do no look to government, or politics, for meaning. Rather, they look to their own lives, their families, their work, friends, hobbies, and, most frequently, their religion.

b. Need an example of this blind utopianism, and the Left’s willingness to destroy what is provably good, in the hope of finding this imaginary utopia?
Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism “is an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the many…. "So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore. "Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.” Michael Moore: We're Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It | RealClearPolitics
For Memorial Day....

Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:
‘To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods,
Horatius at the Bridge by Lord Macaulay

Anthropologist Peter Farb, in the context of writing about strange native American rituals,

on Memorial Day:

Look objectively at Memorial Day and you can see its true nature:

a cult of the dead that cuts across boundaries of religions, national origins, and social and economic classes to achieve national unity. The common theme of all speeches made in observance of that cult is the obligation of the living to be worthy of the sacrifices made by the dead.

Memorial Day also serves as a catharsis for personal anxieties about death. "There is no death," thunders the Memorial Day orator - and that seems confirmed by the massive assault upon it by the marchers bearing the mystic crossed sticks and colorful bunting,

by the pilgrimages to the shrines of heroes like the Unknown Soldier, by the number of different organizations wearing distinctive insignia and carrying their own totems
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Care to take a shot at some of the points he made?

You're ignoring the shots fired.

Do you agree with Boortz's scorn, ridicule of, and contempt for fathers and mothers who 'only' work 40 hours a week?

I believe that I have disabused you of any such notion with the blistering post #75...

...and, therefore, fully understand your desire to pretend not to have seen same.

While those of us who respect and honor the values of America wave our American flags on this day...
....are you raising the Red Flag?

Do you folks have BBQ's and such....or is this a 'Day of Defeat' for the Left....
...just curious.

So you chide us for not addressing the points, and then chide us when we do?

You are awesome ex-wife material for some poor soul.
2. Imagine, if taxes were not so high, thanks to you 'tax and spend Democrats,' perhaps more mothers would be able to be home with the children....
...ya' think?


Half the households in America are currently paying NO federal income taxes, mostly because they get huge deductions for their children. And a significant portion of those households have both spouses working.

(Of course if their combined workload is only 80 hours a week, then Boortz thinks they're LOSERS.)

Now you tell us how much lower than ZERO can we make their income tax in order to make up for the 40 hour a week 'loser' job the mother is working,

so she can stay at home????

Give us a ballpark figure...:lol:
Reading this thread, I have to wonder at the aversion of the left to just address the points.

It's all ad hominem. Do they not realize it, or do they do it on purpose?

Ironic coming from someone here who refuses to debate on facts.

I addressed Boortz's point one in #125. Now show me where I'm wrong.
You're ignoring the shots fired.

Do you agree with Boortz's scorn, ridicule of, and contempt for fathers and mothers who 'only' work 40 hours a week?

I believe that I have disabused you of any such notion with the blistering post #75...

...and, therefore, fully understand your desire to pretend not to have seen same.

While those of us who respect and honor the values of America wave our American flags on this day...
....are you raising the Red Flag?

Do you folks have BBQ's and such....or is this a 'Day of Defeat' for the Left....
...just curious.

So you chide us for not addressing the points, and then chide us when we do?

You are awesome ex-wife material for some poor soul.

I believe you are actually developing a sense of humor!

I deserve at least part credit for that....
2. Imagine, if taxes were not so high, thanks to you 'tax and spend Democrats,' perhaps more mothers would be able to be home with the children....
...ya' think?


Half the households in America are currently paying NO federal income taxes, mostly because they get huge deductions for their children. And a significant portion of those households have both spouses working.

(Of course if their combined workload is only 80 hours a week, then Boortz thinks they're LOSERS.)

Now you tell us how much lower than ZERO can we make their income tax in order to make up for the 40 hour a week 'loser' job the mother is working,

so she can stay at home????

Give us a ballpark figure...:lol:

Can I modify that for you, and add that taxation increases the prices of consumer goods of every nature...and almost requires both parents work?
I say almost because not everyone tries to keep up with the ever-increasing American standard of living.

You Liberals should try to think beyond first stage....

Taxation itself reveals a major difference between Liberals and conservatives...

1. For conservatives, taxes are for the purpose of allaying the legitimate costs of government. Excess should be returned to the people via tax cuts.

2. For Liberals, taxes are for equalizing outcomes, and for "social justice."
2. Imagine, if taxes were not so high, thanks to you 'tax and spend Democrats,' perhaps more mothers would be able to be home with the children....
...ya' think?


Half the households in America are currently paying NO federal income taxes, mostly because they get huge deductions for their children. And a significant portion of those households have both spouses working.

(Of course if their combined workload is only 80 hours a week, then Boortz thinks they're LOSERS.)

Now you tell us how much lower than ZERO can we make their income tax in order to make up for the 40 hour a week 'loser' job the mother is working,

so she can stay at home????

Give us a ballpark figure...:lol:

Can I modify that for you, and add that taxation increases the prices of consumer goods of every nature...and almost requires both parents work?
I say almost because not everyone tries to keep up with the ever-increasing American standard of living.

You Liberals should try to think beyond first stage....

Taxation itself reveals a major difference between Liberals and conservatives...

1. For conservatives, taxes are for the purpose of allaying the legitimate costs of government. Excess should be returned to the people via tax cuts.

2. For Liberals, taxes are for equalizing outcomes, and for "social justice."

No you cannot modify that for me.

You didn't answer my question, in other words, you couldn't defend your point.

How much can you lower a family's income tax, if they're already paying ZERO, to make up for one of the 2 incomes?

And btw, did you ever actually say whether you agreed with Boortz or not, that the 40 hr. week is for LOSERS??

I work a 40 hour week, I own a paid for property and have ZERO debt. How am I a loser exactly, as it relates to my work ethic?
Half the households in America are currently paying NO federal income taxes, mostly because they get huge deductions for their children. And a significant portion of those households have both spouses working.

(Of course if their combined workload is only 80 hours a week, then Boortz thinks they're LOSERS.)

Now you tell us how much lower than ZERO can we make their income tax in order to make up for the 40 hour a week 'loser' job the mother is working,

so she can stay at home????

Give us a ballpark figure...:lol:

Can I modify that for you, and add that taxation increases the prices of consumer goods of every nature...and almost requires both parents work?
I say almost because not everyone tries to keep up with the ever-increasing American standard of living.

You Liberals should try to think beyond first stage....

Taxation itself reveals a major difference between Liberals and conservatives...

1. For conservatives, taxes are for the purpose of allaying the legitimate costs of government. Excess should be returned to the people via tax cuts.

2. For Liberals, taxes are for equalizing outcomes, and for "social justice."

No you cannot modify that for me.

You didn't answer my question, in other words, you couldn't defend your point.

How much can you lower a family's income tax, if they're already paying ZERO, to make up for one of the 2 incomes?

And btw, did you ever actually say whether you agreed with Boortz or not, that the 40 hr. week is for LOSERS??

I work a 40 hour week, I own a paid for property and have ZERO debt. How am I a loser exactly, as it relates to my work ethic?

I was trying to cover for your inability....inabilities.....but, you wish.

"And btw, did you ever actually say whether you agreed with Boortz or not, that the 40 hr. week is for LOSERS??"

If you insist that you are the representative of the 40-hour-a-week-worker....
.....I rest my case. missed a spot in the corner....some litter is still there....

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