the Bible alone

I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?

It wasn't until after the days of Noah and the Flood that the earth was divided.

Genesis 10:25
25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.

1 Chronicles 1:19
19 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother’s name was Joktan.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone.

in fact their purpose to have compiled a bible to begin with and their inclusion of absolutes w/ divinity that has never existed from an original source the late 4th century ever possessed.

from the standpoint of the spoken religion, the thread is a ray of light seldom seen from a fundamentalist source.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?
It is most likely that Moses (Moshe in Hebrew) adapted this flood story from the Epic Of Gilgamesh which dates back 500 years before Moses in Egypt. Moses would have learned about this from his scribe teachers when he was adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh Of Egypt.
We donte know moses hebrew name
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
so where does the kolob stuff fit in?
Thats one of the 7 mysteries if the Mormon Church
The Mormon Church has 7 mysteries and thats one of em
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.

I think anyone seeking God would do so with prayer as well as studying what is in the Bible. The early Christians met in homes, temple courts, and in hiding places such as the catacombs. They had the opportunity to speak to some of the original followers of Jesus as well as some of the original eyewitnesses. They didn't have the New Testament in its current form, but would have been writing parts of it and through verbal retelling of the events. It is possible some individuals who are looking for a Church that teaches the Bible, are looking for one that teaches it accurately and practices what it asks the followers of its teachings to do.
I think anyone seeking God would do so with prayer as well as studying what is in the Bible. The early Christians met in homes, temple courts, and in hiding places such as the catacombs. They had the opportunity to speak to some of the original followers of Jesus as well as some of the original eyewitnesses. They didn't have the New Testament in its current form, but would have been writing parts of it and through verbal retelling of the events. It is possible some individuals who are looking for a Church that teaches the Bible, are looking for one that teaches it accurately and practices what it asks the followers of its teachings to do.
How would you account for the Christian brainwashing to begin with though ??

There are a dozen major religions in the world. Why fall upon Christianity out of the blue ??
...The Bible is quite true.
The hand of Gawd did not reach down from Heaven and write it.

People did. And people make mistakes.
You set an excellent example.

Can you pull from my quote where I said That God wrote the Bible?
You sound like a Protestant.

They all think Gawd wrote the Bible in English with pen and ink.
I hear they call you yochipsahoy. What you put into other people's mouths isn't always so chocolatey sweet.

Do you always take gossip to heart ??

A moron hippy who smokes dope every day made up that word.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone.

in fact their purpose to have compiled a bible to begin with and their inclusion of absolutes w/ divinity that has never existed from an original source the late 4th century ever possessed.

from the standpoint of the spoken religion, the thread is a ray of light seldom seen from a fundamentalist source.
Avatar4321 's sect of Christianity has a golden bible of their own which is said by them to come from the Meso-Americans from 600 BCE to 400 AD. If you like fiction and you have not read it you may find it entertaining. He would be very glad if you read it.

It has a few problems though. There were no sailing vessels in existence that could have sailed from the Arabian Peninsula to Brazil or Peru in 600 BCE. They did not have the technology yet. Their Greek and Phoenician galleys and round boats of the time could not have ventured out of the Mediterranean without capsizing in the Atlantic or Indian Ocean swells.

The Vikings made it from Iceland to Newfoundland in galleys however that was a substantially shorter trip. And Greenland would have been their way point where they could restock on fresh water and meat.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?
It is most likely that Moses (Moshe in Hebrew) adapted this flood story from the Epic Of Gilgamesh which dates back 500 years before Moses in Egypt. Moses would have learned about this from his scribe teachers when he was adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh Of Egypt.
Everyone here so far has said that the bible isn't true. Doesn't anyone believe in the bible anymore?
Not so. The Bible is quite true.
So how did Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards?
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?

It wasn't until after the days of Noah and the Flood that the earth was divided.

Genesis 10:25
25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.

1 Chronicles 1:19
19 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother’s name was Joktan.
So you're saying that all the land masses were together at that time, like, 5000 years ago? Um... no. Science doesn't bear that out.
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  • #32
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
This is a good way to get yourself brainwashed.

I on the other hand encourage people to first learn Philosophy, and Aquinas' 5 proofs of God.

From there they can then decide which major world religion most appeals to them. In comparative religion, Jesus' "Sermon On The Mount" is normally taken as Christianity's fundamental tenants, as opposed to Judaism, which instead involves quotes from Exodus like "The 10 Commandments".

There is also Buddhism, Confucianism, Shinto, Zen, and Islam, as well as others.

Once you make that major world religion choice, then the next step is to choose a sect within it. Each one contains numerous sects. For example the Muslims have Sunni and Shia. Sunni is Arabian whereas Shia is Persian.

Christianity has Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestantism.

Within Protestantism there are hundreds more, including the "Restorationists" which includes your own sect -- the LDS. Not to be confused with LSD however.

Relying on God is a good way to be brainwashed?

What is the point of giving us the gift of the Holy Ghost if not to teach us directly?
  • Thread starter
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  • #33
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.

CS Lewis wrote about this in The Screwtape Letters, and he was very insightful.

"You mentioned casually in your last letter that the patient has continued to attend one church, and one only, since he was converted, and that his not wholly pleased with it. May I ask what you are about? Why have I no report on the causes of his fidelity to the parish church? Do you realize that unless it is due to indifference it is a very bad thing? Surely you know that if a man can't be cured of churchgoing, the next best thing is to send him all over the neighbourhood looking for a church that "suits" him until he becomes a taster of connoisseur of churches.

The reasons are obvious. In the first place the parochial organisation should always be attacked, because, being a unity of place and not of likings, it brings people of different classes and psychology together in the kind of unity the Enemy desires. The congregational principle, on the other hand,makes each church into a kind of club, and finally, if all goes well, into a coterie or faction. in the second place, the search for a "suitable" church makes the man a critic where the Enemy wants him to be a pupil. What He wants of the layman in church is an attitutde which may, indeed, by critical in the sense of rejecting what is false and unhelpful, but which is is wholly uncritical in the sense that it does not appraise - does not waste time in thinking about what it rejects, but lays itself open in uncommenting humble receptivity to any nourishment that is going."

The purpose of church is to make us better Christians and bring us into a closer personal relationship with God. It does this by bringing us into contact with a wide variety of other believers, so that we can hear and learn from their experiences, insights, and revelations about the everday application of Christianity to their lives. The teachings of the Bible MUST be the direct underpinning of all the insights, but the false belief that you should not talk about and learn from things outside the Bible that have grown from the Bible is just one of the ways that Christians are led into behaviors and attitudes that shut them off from any learning and growth.

Any sermon, by definition, is going to be about expanded thinking on the themes of the Bible. If that isn't allowed, then it merely becomes a blank reading of the text, which can be gotten from listening to an audiobook at home and doesn't really do much for you.

I disagree. The Bible, while profitable, could not be direct underpinning. The Bible came from the Church, not the Church from the Bible.

The Bible teaches of a new testament church with authorized administrators called as Aaron was. It teaches of ordinances and covenants we are to make with God. It speaks of the gift of the Holy Ghost. A gift that would be highly irrelevant if the Bible is all their can be.

I often hear about having a relationship with God. How do you have a relationship from someone where all you know about them is from a book? The relation comes from the guidance of the Holy Ghost revealing the truth of the doctrine, giving us commands, and placing the word of God in our hearts.
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  • #34
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?
It is most likely that Moses (Moshe in Hebrew) adapted this flood story from the Epic Of Gilgamesh which dates back 500 years before Moses in Egypt. Moses would have learned about this from his scribe teachers when he was adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh Of Egypt.
Everyone here so far has said that the bible isn't true. Doesn't anyone believe in the bible anymore?

I haven't said that. Where are you getting that?
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  • Thread starter
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  • #36
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone.

in fact their purpose to have compiled a bible to begin with and their inclusion of absolutes w/ divinity that has never existed from an original source the late 4th century ever possessed.

from the standpoint of the spoken religion, the thread is a ray of light seldom seen from a fundamentalist source.

I've never been a fundamentalist.
  • Thread starter
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  • #37
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.

I think anyone seeking God would do so with prayer as well as studying what is in the Bible. The early Christians met in homes, temple courts, and in hiding places such as the catacombs. They had the opportunity to speak to some of the original followers of Jesus as well as some of the original eyewitnesses. They didn't have the New Testament in its current form, but would have been writing parts of it and through verbal retelling of the events. It is possible some individuals who are looking for a Church that teaches the Bible, are looking for one that teaches it accurately and practices what it asks the followers of its teachings to do.

I would think someone seeking to know God would study the Bible and ask the Lord as well. But that's part of my point. They wouldn't be relying on the bible alone. They would be seeking the Spirit. The Spirit is God. He speaks God's word. Thus the only way for the Bible to be all there is the Spirit would have to stop speaking with men. But then how can anyone be converted? How can anyone know God if all we have is the Bible? All we have is the words of dead prophets. Useful definitely. But God is the God of the living as well as the dead.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?
It is most likely that Moses (Moshe in Hebrew) adapted this flood story from the Epic Of Gilgamesh which dates back 500 years before Moses in Egypt. Moses would have learned about this from his scribe teachers when he was adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh Of Egypt.
Everyone here so far has said that the bible isn't true. Doesn't anyone believe in the bible anymore?

I haven't said that. Where are you getting that?
So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?
Continental drift and plate tecktonics.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone.

in fact their purpose to have compiled a bible to begin with and their inclusion of absolutes w/ divinity that has never existed from an original source the late 4th century ever possessed.

from the standpoint of the spoken religion, the thread is a ray of light seldom seen from a fundamentalist source.

I've never been a fundamentalist.
I've never been a fundamentalist.

because you say so ...
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.

I think anyone seeking God would do so with prayer as well as studying what is in the Bible. The early Christians met in homes, temple courts, and in hiding places such as the catacombs. They had the opportunity to speak to some of the original followers of Jesus as well as some of the original eyewitnesses. They didn't have the New Testament in its current form, but would have been writing parts of it and through verbal retelling of the events. It is possible some individuals who are looking for a Church that teaches the Bible, are looking for one that teaches it accurately and practices what it asks the followers of its teachings to do.

I would think someone seeking to know God would study the Bible and ask the Lord as well. But that's part of my point. They wouldn't be relying on the bible alone. They would be seeking the Spirit. The Spirit is God. He speaks God's word. Thus the only way for the Bible to be all there is the Spirit would have to stop speaking with men. But then how can anyone be converted? How can anyone know God if all we have is the Bible? All we have is the words of dead prophets. Useful definitely. But God is the God of the living as well as the dead.
God, Lord, and Spirit are the Christian trilogy.

Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are the Hindu trilogy.

Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are the ancient Greek trilogy.

Osiris, Isis, and Horus are the ancient Egyptian trilogy.

Odin, Freyr, and Thor are the Norse trilogy.

Starting to see a trend here ?!

Triple deity - Wikipedia

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