the Bible alone

I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
This is a good way to get yourself brainwashed.

I on the other hand encourage people to first learn Philosophy, and Aquinas' 5 proofs of God.

From there they can then decide which major world religion most appeals to them. In comparative religion, Jesus' "Sermon On The Mount" is normally taken as Christianity's fundamental tenants, as opposed to Judaism, which instead involves quotes from Exodus like "The 10 Commandments".

There is also Buddhism, Confucianism, Shinto, Zen, and Islam, as well as others.

Once you make that major world religion choice, then the next step is to choose a sect within it. Each one contains numerous sects. For example the Muslims have Sunni and Shia. Sunni is Arabian whereas Shia is Persian.

Christianity has Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestantism.

Within Protestantism there are hundreds more, including the "Restorationists" which includes your own sect -- the LDS. Not to be confused with LSD however.

Relying on God is a good way to be brainwashed?

What is the point of giving us the gift of the Holy Ghost if not to teach us directly?
Relying on the religions of mankind is an excellent way to get brainwashed.
Mudda said:
So how did Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards?
God called the animals to the ark before the earth was divided and afterwards
its where they were when it was divided.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?

It wasn't until after the days of Noah and the Flood that the earth was divided.

Genesis 10:25
25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.

1 Chronicles 1:19
19 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother’s name was Joktan.
So you're saying that all the land masses were together at that time, like, 5000 years ago? Um... no. Science doesn't bear that out.

no science proves that it wasn't.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?

It wasn't until after the days of Noah and the Flood that the earth was divided.

Genesis 10:25
25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.

1 Chronicles 1:19
19 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother’s name was Joktan.
So you're saying that all the land masses were together at that time, like, 5000 years ago? Um... no. Science doesn't bear that out.

no science proves that it wasn't.
That's what I said, science proves that the continents have been in their current place for millions of years.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?
That's totally irrelevant to this discussion.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?
That's totally irrelevant to this discussion.
You're clueless. Got it.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
It is true that the Scriptures need to be applied to our lives today, and trying to find a perfect Church is fruitless, because you just won't find one. When a pastor or church persists in saying things that contradict the Word or ignore parts of it, then it's time to walk away.

Christianity is not a passive pursuit. It is something that requires active participation. That is why I say that polls claiming 70% of Americans are Christians are bogus.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?
That's totally irrelevant to this discussion.
You're clueless. Got it.
As long as you can point to that one thing and say it's not 100% accurate based on today's scientific understanding, you can ignore the parts that convict you of sin, I get it. Either way, it's irrelevant to the discussion.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?
That's totally irrelevant to this discussion.
You're clueless. Got it.
As long as you can point to that one thing and say it's not 100% accurate based on today's scientific understanding, you can ignore the parts that convict you of sin, I get it. Either way, it's irrelevant to the discussion.
If some parts of the bible are made up, it puts into question the validity of all the claims in the bible. Used as a book of philosophy to teach a moral code, ok, I can be down with that. But saying that it's the word of some invisible being, um... no. Not even close.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?
That's totally irrelevant to this discussion.
You're clueless. Got it.
As long as you can point to that one thing and say it's not 100% accurate based on today's scientific understanding, you can ignore the parts that convict you of sin, I get it. Either way, it's irrelevant to the discussion.
If some parts of the bible are made up, it puts into question the validity of all the claims in the bible. Used as a book of philosophy to teach a moral code, ok, I can be down with that. But saying that it's the word of some invisible being, um... no. Not even close.
You made my point, but you should be able to see that does not intersect with Christians talking to other Christians about their attitudes toward the Church they attend.
I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got Kangaroos and other marsupials from Australia, all the way to his boat and back again afterwards. Can you help?
That's totally irrelevant to this discussion.
You're clueless. Got it.
As long as you can point to that one thing and say it's not 100% accurate based on today's scientific understanding, you can ignore the parts that convict you of sin, I get it. Either way, it's irrelevant to the discussion.
If some parts of the bible are made up, it puts into question the validity of all the claims in the bible. Used as a book of philosophy to teach a moral code, ok, I can be down with that. But saying that it's the word of some invisible being, um... no. Not even close.
You made my point, but you should be able to see that does not intersect with Christians talking to other Christians about their attitudes toward the Church they attend.
I'm trying to help you see that your bible isn't true. Or find evidence that it is, but so far, nada.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone. And when they start at the church they go until they find something that seems to be contrary to the bible and then go to the next one. I've had people say to me how they've had a hard time finding a church true to the bible.

I was pondering this and it seems like there is a flaw with this thinking. They can't find a church that teaches the bible alone because this concept is foreign to the bible.

The new testament church was not a bible alone church. The Lord gave the apostles authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allowed all those who receive it to obtain revelation from God and the Spirit of prophecy. Thus it allows them to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

They didn't have a complete Bible. They looked to those who had been given authority and to direct revelation from God. It was from those revelations that the Apostles wrote the Bible.

The Bible has wisdom from the beginning of man. It contains the revelation and testimony of our forefathers . We would learn much from its daily study. But when we make a claim that Bible alone all there is we cut ourselves off from the possibility of real communication with God. Without that communication its impossible to know God or His Son.

I encourage everyone to ponder this. To read the scriptures and seek the Lord daily. Exercise faith and deny not the gift and power of God in your lives.
I've met alot of people who go to church after church looking for one that teaches the Bible alone.

in fact their purpose to have compiled a bible to begin with and their inclusion of absolutes w/ divinity that has never existed from an original source the late 4th century ever possessed.

from the standpoint of the spoken religion, the thread is a ray of light seldom seen from a fundamentalist source.

I've never been a fundamentalist.
I've never been a fundamentalist.

because you say so ...

Because I'm not.
...The Bible is quite true.
The hand of Gawd did not reach down from Heaven and write it.

People did. And people make mistakes.

It doesn't mean their testimony or the doctrine of Christ is untrue.
It doesn't mean anything. It's just a major historical anachronism in the narrative.

Oceanic travel was first developed by the Portuguese in the 15th Century.

They stopped teaching that decades ago.
The Chinese for example had the technology long before. But they didn't explore much using it once they determined nothing important was outside China.

There has been evidence of transoceanic travel between the old and new world for thousands of years
That's totally irrelevant to this discussion.
You're clueless. Got it.
As long as you can point to that one thing and say it's not 100% accurate based on today's scientific understanding, you can ignore the parts that convict you of sin, I get it. Either way, it's irrelevant to the discussion.
If some parts of the bible are made up, it puts into question the validity of all the claims in the bible. Used as a book of philosophy to teach a moral code, ok, I can be down with that. But saying that it's the word of some invisible being, um... no. Not even close.
You made my point, but you should be able to see that does not intersect with Christians talking to other Christians about their attitudes toward the Church they attend.
I'm trying to help you see that your bible isn't true. Or find evidence that it is, but so far, nada.
Based on what I've seen you post elsewhere, you seem fixated on doing that. Have you ever thought about why it's so important for you to destroy the faith others have?
You're clueless. Got it.
As long as you can point to that one thing and say it's not 100% accurate based on today's scientific understanding, you can ignore the parts that convict you of sin, I get it. Either way, it's irrelevant to the discussion.
If some parts of the bible are made up, it puts into question the validity of all the claims in the bible. Used as a book of philosophy to teach a moral code, ok, I can be down with that. But saying that it's the word of some invisible being, um... no. Not even close.
You made my point, but you should be able to see that does not intersect with Christians talking to other Christians about their attitudes toward the Church they attend.
I'm trying to help you see that your bible isn't true. Or find evidence that it is, but so far, nada.
Based on what I've seen you post elsewhere, you seem fixated on doing that. Have you ever thought about why it's so important for you to destroy the faith others have?
Because you folks are always going on about how Jesus said this, and god said that, when all that stuff is made up, as in, not true. But you folks seem to believe some stuff in the bible and not other stuff. It's called cherry picking.
As long as you can point to that one thing and say it's not 100% accurate based on today's scientific understanding, you can ignore the parts that convict you of sin, I get it. Either way, it's irrelevant to the discussion.
If some parts of the bible are made up, it puts into question the validity of all the claims in the bible. Used as a book of philosophy to teach a moral code, ok, I can be down with that. But saying that it's the word of some invisible being, um... no. Not even close.
You made my point, but you should be able to see that does not intersect with Christians talking to other Christians about their attitudes toward the Church they attend.
I'm trying to help you see that your bible isn't true. Or find evidence that it is, but so far, nada.
Based on what I've seen you post elsewhere, you seem fixated on doing that. Have you ever thought about why it's so important for you to destroy the faith others have?
Because you folks are always going on about how Jesus said this, and god said that, when all that stuff is made up, as in, not true.

You sound very definite on that. You don't, however, have any more standing to insist that it is not true than I do saying it is. IOW, you don't know what God says and what He doesn't. And it's not just me you'll have to convince of your pipeline to God, it's millions of people over thousands of years who have discovered the truth and power in the Word.

But you folks seem to believe some stuff in the bible and not other stuff. It's called cherry picking.

1. Cherry picking is not obedience.
2. A thorough understanding of the Word shows what God desires from us, not just, as you say, cherry picking what you think you can throw at someone.
3. Obviously, the idea of people discussing the Bible in public bothers you. That's called conviction, and I believe you are feeling that daily, based on what you've been posting.

Now, why does any of this bother you? You sound like someone trying to tell two physicists arguing over string theory that they shouldn't do it because string theory hasn't been proven yet.
If some parts of the bible are made up, it puts into question the validity of all the claims in the bible. Used as a book of philosophy to teach a moral code, ok, I can be down with that. But saying that it's the word of some invisible being, um... no. Not even close.
You made my point, but you should be able to see that does not intersect with Christians talking to other Christians about their attitudes toward the Church they attend.
I'm trying to help you see that your bible isn't true. Or find evidence that it is, but so far, nada.
Based on what I've seen you post elsewhere, you seem fixated on doing that. Have you ever thought about why it's so important for you to destroy the faith others have?
Because you folks are always going on about how Jesus said this, and god said that, when all that stuff is made up, as in, not true.

You sound very definite on that. You don't, however, have any more standing to insist that it is not true than I do saying it is. IOW, you don't know what God says and what He doesn't. And it's not just me you'll have to convince of your pipeline to God, it's millions of people over thousands of years who have discovered the truth and power in the Word.

But you folks seem to believe some stuff in the bible and not other stuff. It's called cherry picking.

1. Cherry picking is not obedience.
2. A thorough understanding of the Word shows what God desires from us, not just, as you say, cherry picking what you think you can throw at someone.
3. Obviously, the idea of people discussing the Bible in public bothers you. That's called conviction, and I believe you are feeling that daily, based on what you've been posting.

Now, why does any of this bother you? You sound like someone trying to tell two physicists arguing over string theory that they shouldn't do it because string theory hasn't been proven yet.
What you claim to be the word of god has no basis in reality. As in, no proof. Whatsoever. Millions of people over time believing in something does not make it real, or the truth. You'd need proof. Show me some.
You made my point, but you should be able to see that does not intersect with Christians talking to other Christians about their attitudes toward the Church they attend.
I'm trying to help you see that your bible isn't true. Or find evidence that it is, but so far, nada.
Based on what I've seen you post elsewhere, you seem fixated on doing that. Have you ever thought about why it's so important for you to destroy the faith others have?
Because you folks are always going on about how Jesus said this, and god said that, when all that stuff is made up, as in, not true.

You sound very definite on that. You don't, however, have any more standing to insist that it is not true than I do saying it is. IOW, you don't know what God says and what He doesn't. And it's not just me you'll have to convince of your pipeline to God, it's millions of people over thousands of years who have discovered the truth and power in the Word.

But you folks seem to believe some stuff in the bible and not other stuff. It's called cherry picking.

1. Cherry picking is not obedience.
2. A thorough understanding of the Word shows what God desires from us, not just, as you say, cherry picking what you think you can throw at someone.
3. Obviously, the idea of people discussing the Bible in public bothers you. That's called conviction, and I believe you are feeling that daily, based on what you've been posting.

Now, why does any of this bother you? You sound like someone trying to tell two physicists arguing over string theory that they shouldn't do it because string theory hasn't been proven yet.
What you claim to be the word of god has no basis in reality. As in, no proof. Whatsoever. Millions of people over time believing in something does not make it real, or the truth. You'd need proof. Show me some.
Would you accept proof that you, and you alone, could verify? IOW, proof that someone in your current position would never accept?
I'm trying to help you see that your bible isn't true. Or find evidence that it is, but so far, nada.
Based on what I've seen you post elsewhere, you seem fixated on doing that. Have you ever thought about why it's so important for you to destroy the faith others have?
Because you folks are always going on about how Jesus said this, and god said that, when all that stuff is made up, as in, not true.

You sound very definite on that. You don't, however, have any more standing to insist that it is not true than I do saying it is. IOW, you don't know what God says and what He doesn't. And it's not just me you'll have to convince of your pipeline to God, it's millions of people over thousands of years who have discovered the truth and power in the Word.

But you folks seem to believe some stuff in the bible and not other stuff. It's called cherry picking.

1. Cherry picking is not obedience.
2. A thorough understanding of the Word shows what God desires from us, not just, as you say, cherry picking what you think you can throw at someone.
3. Obviously, the idea of people discussing the Bible in public bothers you. That's called conviction, and I believe you are feeling that daily, based on what you've been posting.

Now, why does any of this bother you? You sound like someone trying to tell two physicists arguing over string theory that they shouldn't do it because string theory hasn't been proven yet.
What you claim to be the word of god has no basis in reality. As in, no proof. Whatsoever. Millions of people over time believing in something does not make it real, or the truth. You'd need proof. Show me some.
Would you accept proof that you, and you alone, could verify? IOW, proof that someone in your current position would never accept?
Proof that could pass scientific scrutiny would do. I'll agree if the scientific community agrees.
Based on what I've seen you post elsewhere, you seem fixated on doing that. Have you ever thought about why it's so important for you to destroy the faith others have?
Because you folks are always going on about how Jesus said this, and god said that, when all that stuff is made up, as in, not true.

You sound very definite on that. You don't, however, have any more standing to insist that it is not true than I do saying it is. IOW, you don't know what God says and what He doesn't. And it's not just me you'll have to convince of your pipeline to God, it's millions of people over thousands of years who have discovered the truth and power in the Word.

But you folks seem to believe some stuff in the bible and not other stuff. It's called cherry picking.

1. Cherry picking is not obedience.
2. A thorough understanding of the Word shows what God desires from us, not just, as you say, cherry picking what you think you can throw at someone.
3. Obviously, the idea of people discussing the Bible in public bothers you. That's called conviction, and I believe you are feeling that daily, based on what you've been posting.

Now, why does any of this bother you? You sound like someone trying to tell two physicists arguing over string theory that they shouldn't do it because string theory hasn't been proven yet.
What you claim to be the word of god has no basis in reality. As in, no proof. Whatsoever. Millions of people over time believing in something does not make it real, or the truth. You'd need proof. Show me some.
Would you accept proof that you, and you alone, could verify? IOW, proof that someone in your current position would never accept?
Proof that could pass scientific scrutiny would do. I'll agree if the scientific community agrees.
What sort of proof is that, from which scientific field? Astronomy, Biology, Geology?

There's a problem with that. The scientific community is supposed to change its mind when presented with evidence that contradicts prior belief. For example, had you proposed that standard only a few centuries ago, the scientific community would have agreed that the sun revolved around the earth, which was at the center of the universe. "Proof" that satisfies today's scientific community may be considered laughable by tomorrow's. Do you want to base eternal belief on something so fluid?

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