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The Bible Condemns Witchcraft

Witchcraft can be a power for good...how many demons did the Charmed ones put paid too? How many vampires and evil doers did Willow help Buffy despatch? Didn't Glinda protect the Munchkins? What about Samantha Stephens? Not an evil bone in her body.
You will be telling us Gandalf is evil next...what is wrong with you people?
The bible condemns witchcraft. Getting involved in occult practices is very dangerous. According to the authors of books on the subject research has proven that the occult, spiritism, divination, fortune telling, people who become mediums or channels for demon spirits, satanism, witchcraft leads to suicide and insanity. Mental institutions are filled with people who have lost their minds after having been taken over by demons which entered through their involvment with the occult. Consider the following research and bible scripture which confirms these findings:

Witchcraft Can Destroy You
What does the Bible says about Satan?
It is imperative that we understand the identity and the character of these strange supernatural powers. We need to have clearly before us what God says about them and His warning prohibitions against them. Only in this way can we be protected from the deception and terrible retribution that will come from making friends with them.

Special information and unmistakable warnings are to be found all through the Old and New Testaments regarding Satan, demons, evil spirits, familiar spirits, necromancy (trying to talk to the dead), sorcery, witchcraft, divination, and wizardry.

Satan before his fall from heaven was named Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-14), anointed cherub, and covering cherub(Eze. 28:14, 16). Since his fall he is called accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10), adversary (1 Peter 5:8), Beelzebub(Matt. 12:24), devil (Rev. 12:9), enemy (Matt. 13:28, 39), father of lies, liar, and murderer (John 8:44), old serpent(Rev. 20:2), power of darkness (Col. 1:13), prince of this world (John 12:31), prince of devils (Matt. 12:24), prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2), god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience(Eph. 2:2), tempter (Matt. 4:3), and wicked one (Matt. 13:19). It is clear that Satan is real, and God wants us to have nothing to do with him!

Satan was once an angel of light. His name, being Lucifer, means “light bearer” (Isa. 14:12-14; Eze. 28:13-19). But rebellion against God in heaven changed him into a demon of darkness. When he was cast out of heaven, the angels who sided with him were cast out with him (Rev. 12:7-9).

You're talking about the worship of "satan".

Witchcraft is not satanism.

Witches do not even believe that satan exists.
The bible condemns witchcraft. Getting involved in occult practices is very dangerous. According to the authors of books on the subject research has proven that the occult, spiritism, divination, fortune telling, people who become mediums or channels for demon spirits, satanism, witchcraft leads to suicide and insanity. Mental institutions are filled with people who have lost their minds after having been taken over by demons which entered through their involvment with the occult. Consider the following research and bible scripture which confirms these findings:

Witchcraft Can Destroy You
What does the Bible says about Satan?
It is imperative that we understand the identity and the character of these strange supernatural powers. We need to have clearly before us what God says about them and His warning prohibitions against them. Only in this way can we be protected from the deception and terrible retribution that will come from making friends with them.

Special information and unmistakable warnings are to be found all through the Old and New Testaments regarding Satan, demons, evil spirits, familiar spirits, necromancy (trying to talk to the dead), sorcery, witchcraft, divination, and wizardry.

Satan before his fall from heaven was named Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-14), anointed cherub, and covering cherub(Eze. 28:14, 16). Since his fall he is called accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10), adversary (1 Peter 5:8), Beelzebub(Matt. 12:24), devil (Rev. 12:9), enemy (Matt. 13:28, 39), father of lies, liar, and murderer (John 8:44), old serpent(Rev. 20:2), power of darkness (Col. 1:13), prince of this world (John 12:31), prince of devils (Matt. 12:24), prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2), god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience(Eph. 2:2), tempter (Matt. 4:3), and wicked one (Matt. 13:19). It is clear that Satan is real, and God wants us to have nothing to do with him!

Satan was once an angel of light. His name, being Lucifer, means “light bearer” (Isa. 14:12-14; Eze. 28:13-19). But rebellion against God in heaven changed him into a demon of darkness. When he was cast out of heaven, the angels who sided with him were cast out with him (Rev. 12:7-9).

You're talking about the worship of "satan".

Witchcraft is not satanism.

Witches do not even believe that satan exists.

Excellent point. I completely missed that conflation. :thup:

"Satan" has always been a strawman. The original. "He" is in that box of toys with the boogieman, fear of the dark and monsters under the bed.
The bible condemns witchcraft. Getting involved in occult practices is very dangerous. According to the authors of books on the subject research has proven that the occult, spiritism, divination, fortune telling, people who become mediums or channels for demon spirits, satanism, witchcraft leads to suicide and insanity. Mental institutions are filled with people who have lost their minds after having been taken over by demons which entered through their involvment with the occult. Consider the following research and bible scripture which confirms these findings:

Witchcraft Can Destroy You
What does the Bible says about Satan?
It is imperative that we understand the identity and the character of these strange supernatural powers. We need to have clearly before us what God says about them and His warning prohibitions against them. Only in this way can we be protected from the deception and terrible retribution that will come from making friends with them.

Special information and unmistakable warnings are to be found all through the Old and New Testaments regarding Satan, demons, evil spirits, familiar spirits, necromancy (trying to talk to the dead), sorcery, witchcraft, divination, and wizardry.

Satan before his fall from heaven was named Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-14), anointed cherub, and covering cherub(Eze. 28:14, 16). Since his fall he is called accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10), adversary (1 Peter 5:8), Beelzebub(Matt. 12:24), devil (Rev. 12:9), enemy (Matt. 13:28, 39), father of lies, liar, and murderer (John 8:44), old serpent(Rev. 20:2), power of darkness (Col. 1:13), prince of this world (John 12:31), prince of devils (Matt. 12:24), prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2), god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience(Eph. 2:2), tempter (Matt. 4:3), and wicked one (Matt. 13:19). It is clear that Satan is real, and God wants us to have nothing to do with him!

Satan was once an angel of light. His name, being Lucifer, means “light bearer” (Isa. 14:12-14; Eze. 28:13-19). But rebellion against God in heaven changed him into a demon of darkness. When he was cast out of heaven, the angels who sided with him were cast out with him (Rev. 12:7-9).

You're talking about the worship of "satan".

Witchcraft is not satanism.

Witches do not even believe that satan exists.

Excellent point. I completely missed that conflation. :thup:

"Satan" has always been a strawman. The original. "He" is in that box of toys with the boogieman, fear of the dark and monsters under the bed.

And - I just looked at the link.

Its about Harry Potter, for Pete's sake.
Witchcraft can be a power for good...how many demons did the Charmed ones put paid too? How many vampires and evil doers did Willow help Buffy despatch? Didn't Glinda protect the Munchkins? What about Samantha Stephens? Not an evil bone in her body.
You will be telling us Gandalf is evil next...what is wrong with you people?

I get the joke but actually, real witchcraft is indeed a force for good. Wicca has a set of commandments but there are two basic rules a practitioner must live by:

The Wiccan Rede: 'an ye harm none, do as ye will'

And the belief that whatever one does, comes back to them threefold.

Do evil and that evil will come back three times worse. Do good, and the good come back to you times three.
I would be interested to know if the bible actually condemn witchcraft/wicca/pagan religions. Not satanism, as in the OP.
Actual wiccan religions.
As to the Iron Maiden comment I think that is a rock band and while I pray for the people - that God deliver them from it - the music is satanic and should not be listened to. Take the music out of your house / car and destroy it - burn it on the trash pile. Anoint your house / your car with oil and pray over it afterwards.

Not just no, but fuck no.

Up the Irons!

You couldn't pay me to listen to Iron Maiden's crap (even with a "gallop" in it) so in that sense I sort of agree with Jere.

The reference was to the torture device the band named itself after, which is why it was in lower case as opposed to a proper name.

Never mind.

Shart "disagrees" with this post. :rofl:

What, you don't think my lower case reference was to the torture device, Shartstorm? You wanna tell me what my own intention was now?

What a sad, obsessed, control freak maroon. :dig:

Hey, why don't you edumacate us all on wht the Wiccan Rede is, since you "disagreed" with that too. Enighten us, o Sage.
You're talking about the worship of "satan".

Witchcraft is not satanism.
Witchcraft is not Satanism but many types of Satanism involve witchcraft...
Witches do not even believe that satan exists.
Perhaps the majority of witches who restrict themselves to practicing only Wicca do not believe in Satan, but Wicca is only one of many Pagan religions which involve witchcraft, and only one of many religions where those who practice it consider themselves to be "witches", and thus the term "witch" is not strictly a Wiccan term. Wicca is a relatively newer religion that was influenced by much older Pagan religions.

Besides... what use would a Satanic figure be to Wiccans when they really only practice the "Light Side" of witchcraft?

Many witches do believe in Satan, and may or may not view Satan from the traditional Christian point of view. Many witches do believe in a sentient source of all "evil" which they may or may not refer to as "Satan". For some this Source is instead Lilith, or some other god such as Ahriman/ Angra Mainyu.

The witches that dare to practice the "Dark Side" of witchcraft may not even believe in a sentient source of all evil, but instead, a Natural, non sentient Force that is beyond our comprehension... perhaps the collective energy of "negative" or "evil" human emotions and practices. Or perhaps they may view that Force to be alive after all. Not as a deity, but as a living current of energy intertwined with the "Light" in a cosmic dance.

One needn't be an adherent of Wicca, or possess a belief in a Satan, to be a witch and practice "witchcraft".
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Witchcraft can be a power for good...how many demons did the Charmed ones put paid too? How many vampires and evil doers did Willow help Buffy despatch? Didn't Glinda protect the Munchkins? What about Samantha Stephens? Not an evil bone in her body.
You will be telling us Gandalf is evil next...what is wrong with you people?

Wrong, hotpotato, witchcraft can never be a power for good because only God is good and He condemns witchcraft in His Word. He condemns witchcraft. Do you understand what that means? It means it is forbidden. We should obey God not man, not demons, not Lucifer. We should obey God.
If witchcraft is so bad, why would God set up the universe to allow it at all? Instead of telling people not to suffer a witch to live, why not cut out the middle man and just make magic non-possible in any non-divine event?
You're talking about the worship of "satan".

Witchcraft is not satanism.
Witchcraft is not Satanism but many types of Satanism involve witchcraft...
Witches do not even believe that satan exists.
Perhaps the majority of witches who restrict themselves to practicing only Wicca do not believe in Satan, but Wicca is only one of many Pagan religions which involve witchcraft, and only one of many religions where those who practice it consider themselves to be "witches", and thus the term "witch" is not strictly a Wiccan term. Wicca is a relatively newer religion that was influenced by much older Pagan religions.

Besides... what use would a Satanic figure be to Wiccans when they really only practice the "Light Side" of witchcraft?

Many witches do believe in Satan, and may or may not view Satan from the traditional Christian point of view. Many witches do believe in a sentient source of all "evil" which they may or may not refer to as "Satan". For some this Source is instead Lilith, or some other god such as Ahriman/ Angra Mainyu.

The witches that dare to practice the "Dark Side" of witchcraft may not even believe in a sentient source of all evil, but instead, a Natural, non sentient Force that is beyond our comprehension... perhaps the collective energy of "negative" or "evil" human emotions and practices. Or perhaps they may view that Force to be alive after all. Not as a deity, but a living current of energy intertwined with the Light in a cosmic dance.

One needn't be an adherent of Wicca, or possess a belief in a Satan, to be a witch and practice "witchcraft".

On your last comment while this is true one is nevertheless serving Satan whether they know it or not. Ignorance of the fact does not change the truth of the matter. To expound on the idea of one needn't be an adherent of Wicca, or possess a belief in Satan to be a witch or practice witchcraft - if one is operating in manipulation, control, is possessed by a Jezebel spirit - that one is operating in witchcraft. Jezebel ( Jeze - baal ) was a baal worshiper but one would not necessarily need to bow down to baal or to give offerings, sacrifice, perform rituals to be operating in witchcraft. It could be as simple as controlling others through your emotions, manipulation, guilt tripping people into doing things the way you want them done - all of this is part of witchcraft unbeknownst to some. Control is witchcraft too. A person could be operating in witchcraft without realizing it.
You couldn't pay me to listen to Iron Maiden's crap (even with a "gallop" in it) so in that sense I sort of agree with Jere.

We can't be friends any longer. I mean, not liking Maiden? How do you sleep at night without a soul? What's next, you going to tell me you like Zima, thought Friends was an underrated show, and think George Lucas' changes to the original trilogy were improvements?
If witchcraft is so bad, why would God set up the universe to allow it at all? Instead of telling people not to suffer a witch to live, why not cut out the middle man and just make magic non-possible in any non-divine event?

You are referencing a scripture from the old testament which once again depicts the severity of judgment which befalls an individual who practiced divination, fortune telling, occult practices, sorcery, witchcraft even in that time. From the beginning it has been condemned by God, Steven. Today it is still condemned by God but we are under a new covenant not the old covenant. You understand? Now God does not operate by incantations, invoking demons, occult books and curious arts. God does not use these methods and warns that those who do shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.

It is written:

He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my Son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. - Rev 21: 7,8

So if you are committing these abominations before God, sacrificing humans - is murder - sexual orgies - in the occult - this is whore mongers - even fornication - sex with one you are not married to - is being a whore monger - sorcery is the occult involvement - any form whatsoever which is also idolatry as God alone is to be worshiped - and all liars - what sorcerer? - occultist? have you ever known not to lie? To hide what they have done? This is the judgment - they shall suffer the punishment that is described in Rev. 21: 8

Still, God says, repent. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. God sent His Only Begotten Son into the world not to condemn it but to save it, Steven! Christ did not condemn the prostitute. He said, Go and sin no more. You understand? Go and sin no more. That is what Jesus says. Though your sins be many, they are forgiven. Now. Go and sin no more.
Here is a wonderful scripture. Think about this story today.

Luke 7 47 Therefore I tell you her many sins have been forgiven--as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.

The Parable of the Two Debtors
…46"You did not anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with perfume. 47"For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little." 48Then He said to her, "Your sins have been forgiven."…
Cross References
Luke 7:46
You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet.
Luke 7:48
Then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."
Treasury of Scripture
Why I say to you, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.

The truth is the person who thinks they have kept the law perfectly their entire life, ate with one hand in their lap and a napkin neatly folded to pat their perfect mouth has not seen their true state apart from Christ if they think they do not need Him. Because ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

But for someone who has blatantly sinned, lived a wild, rebellious life to realize I have no reason to hope in going to heaven should I die. If the bible is true then there will nothing but torment ahead for me in eternity because hell is described as a lake of fire, where the worm does not die, terrors unspeakable await me in that place....why should I perish in such a way when Christ offers me eternal life with him in heaven if only I will give my heart to him now and live for him. He will save me, fill me with His Holy Spirit and give me new desires - take away my old desires - what have I got to lose? Nothing but the misery of knowing I'm headed for hell right now. It certainly keeps me from enjoying anything else. I am not satisfied where I'm at today and I know it.

What have I got to gain by calling on Jesus to save me today? Everything. I can go to sleep tonight at peace with God. I can begin a new journey more exciting than anything I have ever done before. I can be taught by the Holy Spirit and learn more about this new life God has offered me and I have decided to take hold of. I can learn how much God loves me and I can have communion with Him every waking hour now. For some? You are like the prodigal son. You need to return to the Fathers house. By faith. Return to Him now.

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Wrong, hotpotato, witchcraft can never be a power for good because only God is good and He condemns witchcraft in His Word. He condemns witchcraft. Do you understand what that means? It means it is forbidden. We should obey God not man, not demons, not Lucifer. We should obey God.

Only god is good????

What a fecking sad world you live in Jeri...maybe you should leave your gilded palace and meet some real people instead of fantasizing about imaginary sky fairies.
There are a lot of GOOD people out there Jeri...many who couldn't give two hoots for your god!
Wrong, hotpotato, witchcraft can never be a power for good because only God is good and He condemns witchcraft in His Word. He condemns witchcraft. Do you understand what that means? It means it is forbidden. We should obey God not man, not demons, not Lucifer. We should obey God.

Only god is good????

What a fecking sad world you live in Jeri...maybe you should leave your gilded palace and meet some real people instead of fantasizing about imaginary sky fairies.
There are a lot of GOOD people out there Jeri...many who couldn't give two hoots for your god!

Define good.
Did you know that you can convince yourself to believe a lie? Yes, because with the heart someone believes. You can most certainly convince yourself to be believe a lie.

It is written:

Jeremiah 17 9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it

Cross References
Matthew 13:15
For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.'Mark 2:17
On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."Mark 7:21
For it is from within, out of a person's heart, that evil thoughts come--sexual immorality, theft, murder,Mark 7:22
adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly.Romans 1:21
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

Now here is the question. Although your heart can deceive you and even deceive you enough to believe a lie that contradicts the Word of God - the Truth can set you free. Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me. That is what Jesus said. No one can enter into heaven except through Jesus Christ. Question. Does what you believe and live today line up with His Word or are you in conflict with His Word because you have believed a lie / lived a lie?

If it is the latter, there is good news. By faith you come to Jesus Christ and call upon Him to save you. Read Romans 10: 8,9 - it is with the heart you believe and with the mouth you will confess - Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth. God does not say believe in your mind. He says Believe it in your heart. Receive this truth into your heart. God loves you, beloved. One of Satan's biggest lies is God is holding out on Christians and serving God is no fun. That is so not true! I am telling you there is no life like the life of a child of God. It is too wonderful to begin to tell the half of it! Belonging to God is wonderful - too wonderful not to tell others about! Today I had an opportunity to talk about the LORD with a person on the phone and the presence of the LORD was so beautiful! I thought what a life this is! To know Christ is to know true liberty, to know true joy, true peace, true authority in the spiritual realm! There is nothing that compares to walking with God. NOTHING. If you know Jesus Christ - share Him with others! If you do not know Jesus Christ call upon Him today and ask Him to come into your heart! Read Romans 10: 8,9 because that invitation it to you, Beloved!

I heard a minister once talking about this idea of Satan questioning God's goodness in the garden. You know God told Adam and Eve - everything in this garden is yours to enjoy. Everything except that one tree over there. One tree! ONE TREE, folks! Was God holding out on Adam and Eve? Not at all! What was their mistake? Listening to the serpent. They could have said, IT IS WRITTEN - GOD SAID - and walked away. The lesson? Do not listen to the devil. Obey God. Amen? Amen.
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Define good.

"Good"... when not used to describe something that brings happiness or "positive" feelings in someone, or when describing those feelings themselves... is a subjective opinion of what a person considers to be "morally right" and just, and that person's behavior when it falls in line with this perceived sense of "correctness".

Selfless acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion... and deeds performed for the betterness and well being of others... are commonly subjectively considered to be "good", and may seem to describe a person who frequently and naturally performs these "good " acts with mostly selfless intentions.

The religions and cultures that one has been exposed to can greatly affect that person's subjective opinion of what he or she considers to be "good", especially by indoctrinating them into believing in the existence of objective morality.

I would be interested to know if the bible actually condemn witchcraft/wicca/pagan religions. Not satanism, as in the OP.
Actual wiccan religions.

Witchcraft Can Destroy You
A covenant with hell
The Bible Condemns Witchcraft
In this chapter, we will learn what God has told us about these matters. This is so important that He has given specific warnings. We dare not ignore those warnings and run on heedlessly down a road that will lead us to destruction.

(1) What does the Bible says about Satan? (2) Who are these “spirits” that appear to people? (3) Why must we not have anything to do with them? (4) What are the two main lies of Satan?

What does the Bible says about Satan?
It is imperative that we understand the identity and the character of these strange supernatural powers. We need to have clearly before us what God says about them and His warning prohibitions against them. Only in this way can we be protected from the deception and terrible retribution that will come from making friends with them.

Special information and unmistakable warnings are to be found all through the Old and New Testaments regarding Satan, demons, evil spirits, familiar spirits, necromancy (trying to talk to the dead), sorcery, witchcraft, divination, and wizardry.

Satan before his fall from heaven was named Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-14), anointed cherub, and covering cherub(Eze. 28:14, 16). Since his fall he is called accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10), adversary (1 Peter 5:8), Beelzebub(Matt. 12:24), devil (Rev. 12:9), enemy (Matt. 13:28, 39), father of lies, liar, and murderer (John 8:44), old serpent(Rev. 20:2), power of darkness (Col. 1:13), prince of this world (John 12:31), prince of devils (Matt. 12:24), prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2), god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience(Eph. 2:2), tempter (Matt. 4:3), and wicked one (Matt. 13:19). It is clear that Satan is real, and God wants us to have nothing to do with him!

Satan was once an angel of light. His name, being Lucifer, means “light bearer” (Isa. 14:12-14; Eze. 28:13-19). But rebellion against God in heaven changed him into a demon of darkness. When he was cast out of heaven, the angels who sided with him were cast out with him (Rev. 12:7-9).

We want to know more about these angels who were cast out of heaven with Satan.

The New Testament constantly tells about the reality and personality of these angels who are called demons. They are also called “spirits,” “unclean spirits,” and “wicked” spirits (Mark 7:25-26; Luke 10:17, 20; Matt. 12:43, 45). In the Gospels (which is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), the term, “unclean spirits,” is used interchangeably with “devils” (Mark 1:27, 34; 3:11, 15; 6:7, 13). They are the devil’s “angels” (Matt. 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4) and are so numerous as to make Satan’s power operative practically everywhere (Mark 5:2, 8-9). They are capable of entering and controlling both man and beast (Mark 5:8, 11-13). Satan and his fallen angels have the ability to impart information, to change their appearance, and to personate others (2 Cor. 11:13-14). “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works” (2 Cor. 11:14-15).

Demon influence and possession are constantly portrayed in the New Testament. These demons are unclean, sullen, violent, malicious. They know Jesus to be the Son of God, and are compelled to recognize His authority(Matt. 8:28, 31). —That is an important truth to remember!

They inflict physical maladies (Matt. 12:22; 17:15-18; Luke 13:16) and cause those disorders of the mind induced by demon control. Christ while on earth cast out devils by the Spirit of God (Matt. 12:28).

A succession of instances of demon possession appear in the New Testament—the two Gergesenes, the dumb man, the blind and dumb man, the Syrophenician’s daughter, the lunatic child, the man in the synagogue, and Mary Magdalene. These devils were cast out by Jesus (Matt. 4:24; 8:16; Luke 8:2). Power over demons was also given by Christ to His disciples, and they too cast them out.

Demons are always—without exception—the adversaries of man (1 Peter 5:8; Matt. 12:45) and they bear false messages. Nevertheless, they “believe [that God exists] and tremble,” and are to be judged (James 2:19; Matt. 8:29)and punished (Luke 8:28; 2 Peter 2:4; Rev. 12:7-9). Of this they are very much aware.
Next, we want to learn what the Bible teaches about sorcery and witchcraft. The Scriptures are very clear about this!

Of the various occult activities being done in Bible times, sorcery (witchcraft) was most widely named as practiced among the nations. Sorcery is divination through the assistance of evil spirits. It was practiced among the Egyptians (Isa. 19:3, 11-13), by the Ninevites (Nahum 3:4), and also by the Babylonians (Isa. 47:9-13; Eze. 21:21-22; Dan. 2:2, 10, 27). It was likewise exercised by such individuals as Balaam (Num. 22:6-7; 23:23) and Jezebel (2 Kgs. 9:22). In New Testament times it was practiced by Simon Magus (Acts 8:9, 11), Elymas (Acts 13:8), the damsel at Philippi (Acts 16:16), and the sons of Sceva (Acts 19:13-15).
Are we told to avoid these things?

God expressly forbade us to consult “familiar spirits” (Lev. 19:31; 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:10-11; Isa. 8:19; 19:3) or to have anything to do with necromancy—which is trying to contact dead people (Deut. 18:11; 26:14; Isa. 8:19).Wizardry was similarly prohibited (Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:31; 20:6, 27). And, under the theocracy, witches were to be destroyed (1 Sam. 28:3, 9).

All divination was strictly forbidden (Lev. 19:26-28, 31; 20:6; Deut. 18:9-14). All contact of this sort was denounced, as was all divining by means of “familiar spirits” (Lev. 20:27). Sorcerers were strictly forbidden (Ex. 22:18; Deut. 18:10-12), with warnings against their deceptions (Jer. 27:9-10) and their punishment foretold (Micah 5:12; Mal. 3:5; Rev. 21:8).

What does the Bible teach about those who practiced witchcraft and other satanic arts?
According to Scripture, many in ancient Israel “sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord (2 Kgs. 17:16-17).By their sins, they gave themselves into the control of Satan, who then used them to capture still others who sought them for advice! They did this by necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery, familiar spirits, etc., and thus became the slaves of the demonic powers behind the occult and mysterious rites.

Because of their evil influence, and the reliance of some upon them and the “spirits,” witchcraft and wizardry were sternly forbidden.

Spiritualists are an abomination to God“There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch . . or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God.”—Deuteronomy 18:10-13.

Have nothing to do with them“Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.”—Leviticus 19:31.

Do not listen to their lies“Therefore hearken not ye to . . your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers . . for they prophesy a lie unto you, to remove you far from your land.”—Jeremiah 27:9-10.

God will judge them severely—“And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers.”—Malachi 3:5.

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