The Bible Tells Us When Jesus Returns - Between Tisha B'Av and Day of Atonement 2029

The Bible teaches that we are all born into sin by the fall of the first Adam due to his own rebellion, independency and disobedience to God. This sin separates us from God. The only way for God to reconcile and redeem us back to Him is by Jesus entering His creation to pay the penalty in our stead for forgiveness of sins and gives us power over sin since we who are in Christ died with Him on the cross. Since you are unwilling to come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior, you are going to spend eternity in Hell. And that's sad.

Man is made in the image of God first, not Satan.
the fall came AFTER man was made.
And Christ Jesus came after that
to restore and reconcile with God's perfect will.

God is still more powerful than Satan.
God allows Satan and demons to teach the difference
between what goes wrong if we don't forgive and repeat our history
and what Christ Jesus can do to heal and correct wrongs
if we forgive first and allow God's will by our FREE CHOICE.

So if you want to CHOOSE to fear Satan more than God,
you do allow Satan to divide and conquer.

If you CHOOSE to let God in to save as many souls
as can be saved in Christ Jesus, then you put God before Satan
and do not block God and Christ from entering in to complete Salvation.

God's will is IDEALLY that no one should be lost.
So if you CHOOSE to believe that God's will is supreme
then God can save all the souls that can possibly be saved.

If we cannot agree with each other, can we agree to leave it to God
and not try to outguess if God is going to find a way to use
Jesus to save all souls, to make sure all receive and finish the process
to be included in Salvation. I happen to have faith that God can do all things
that are otherwise impossible, so I trust God to save the maximum through Christ.
if Jesus is the Messiah for all humanity, that includes all people, so that is
what I agree and "give permission" to God to fulfill if that is God's will.

If God decides otherwise, it isn't because I blocked it by teaching "it wasn't possible"
and turning people away from Salvation.

When you watch the Cosmos you realize that the universe doesn't care about what is going on here on earth. You, ants, spiders, lions, Muslims, atheists, Hindu, dogs, dinosaurs, cats, mice. One day the sun is going to burn out or a meteor is going to wipe humans and 90% of the animals out or we might might do ourselves in with human caused global climate change.

This god talk is a distraction. It is why most scientists just avoid the subject altogether. Better to focus on the facts. Science got us to Mars. If we are ever going to get off this planet, god aint gonna come tell us how to do it. The scientists are. Do you want the human race to live forever? I do. So instead of making bombs, lets get people living on a space ship and figure out how to get to the next nearest star in 40 years instead of 70,000 years.

We are destroying this planet. Lets figure out how to power things through photosynthesis. It is possible. Don't ask god or a church to figure it out because they won't. They're in bed with the corporations. They think the earth will be fine because god told them when the end would be coming. When he comes back. So don't worry about us bringing on the end of days, because that's nonsense. God has his plan for us..

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.

As you can see sealybobo TY and I aren't buying into that go to hell approach.
The path to salvation is forgiveness first, and then correction follows.

We are both trying to rebuke our fellow believer.

We are called to establish truth by agreement in Christ.
So until we reach that point, the jury is out and it is not clear what points are right or wrong.

We build consensus by agreement, so we need to resolve these conflicts first
and there is no need for judgment in that process.

@Parjure is projecting emotionally which is natural and not something to demean somebody over.
The truth is written on our consciences, so where we resolve issues and forgive emotions attached,
then this truth will be brought forth, agreed upon and established.

If @Parjure is not a true believer this person may cut and run.
But since all of us attest to be believers in Christ then we are called to
finish the process and reach agreement in truth. Only nonbelievers
can ask believers to part company. True believers are called to finish witnessing
in Christ until truth is established by agreement.

That is why TY and MaxGrit are still here also.
if they were nonbelievers they would curse so and so as a fake and run off thinking they are done.

True believers in Christ will continue the process until all agree on God's truth as one.
Since Jesus is proven to be God, then you are going to Hell.

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
The Bible teaches that we are all born into sin by the fall of the first Adam due to his own rebellion, independency and disobedience to God. This sin separates us from God. The only way for God to reconcile and redeem us back to Him is by Jesus entering His creation to pay the penalty in our stead for forgiveness of sins and gives us power over sin since we who are in Christ died with Him on the cross. Since you are unwilling to come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior, you are going to spend eternity in Hell. And that's sad.

Man is made in the image of God first, not Satan.
the fall came AFTER man was made.
And Christ Jesus came after that
to restore and reconcile with God's perfect will.

God is still more powerful than Satan.
God allows Satan and demons to teach the difference
between what goes wrong if we don't forgive and repeat our history
and what Christ Jesus can do to heal and correct wrongs
if we forgive first and allow God's will by our FREE CHOICE.

So if you want to CHOOSE to fear Satan more than God,
you do allow Satan to divide and conquer.

If you CHOOSE to let God in to save as many souls
as can be saved in Christ Jesus, then you put God before Satan
and do not block God and Christ from entering in to complete Salvation.

God's will is IDEALLY that no one should be lost.
So if you CHOOSE to believe that God's will is supreme
then God can save all the souls that can possibly be saved.

If we cannot agree with each other, can we agree to leave it to God
and not try to outguess if God is going to find a way to use
Jesus to save all souls, to make sure all receive and finish the process
to be included in Salvation. I happen to have faith that God can do all things
that are otherwise impossible, so I trust God to save the maximum through Christ.
if Jesus is the Messiah for all humanity, that includes all people, so that is
what I agree and "give permission" to God to fulfill if that is God's will.

If God decides otherwise, it isn't because I blocked it by teaching "it wasn't possible"
and turning people away from Salvation.

When you watch the Cosmos you realize that the universe doesn't care about what is going on here on earth. You, ants, spiders, lions, Muslims, atheists, Hindu, dogs, dinosaurs, cats, mice. One day the sun is going to burn out or a meteor is going to wipe humans and 90% of the animals out or we might might do ourselves in with human caused global climate change.

This god talk is a distraction. It is why most scientists just avoid the subject altogether. Better to focus on the facts. Science got us to Mars. If we are ever going to get off this planet, god aint gonna come tell us how to do it. The scientists are. Do you want the human race to live forever? I do. So instead of making bombs, lets get people living on a space ship and figure out how to get to the next nearest star in 40 years instead of 70,000 years.

We are destroying this planet. Lets figure out how to power things through photosynthesis. It is possible. Don't ask god or a church to figure it out because they won't. They're in bed with the corporations. They think the earth will be fine because god told them when the end would be coming. When he comes back. So don't worry about us bringing on the end of days, because that's nonsense. God has his plan for us..

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.
The Bible is clear what Jesus said,

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Yes I agree with that. I believe we are both believers in Christ Jesus
and so are TY and MaxGrit if they finish the process and have faith in God's truth
to be established by agreement among us and in the process cast out all error and fear otherwise.

Thank you Parture I pray that your faith grows and the fears that you have are overcome in Christ Jesus
so these not become a stumbling block to any person
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Man is made in the image of God first, not Satan.
the fall came AFTER man was made.
And Christ Jesus came after that
to restore and reconcile with God's perfect will.

God is still more powerful than Satan.
God allows Satan and demons to teach the difference
between what goes wrong if we don't forgive and repeat our history
and what Christ Jesus can do to heal and correct wrongs
if we forgive first and allow God's will by our FREE CHOICE.

So if you want to CHOOSE to fear Satan more than God,
you do allow Satan to divide and conquer.

If you CHOOSE to let God in to save as many souls
as can be saved in Christ Jesus, then you put God before Satan
and do not block God and Christ from entering in to complete Salvation.

God's will is IDEALLY that no one should be lost.
So if you CHOOSE to believe that God's will is supreme
then God can save all the souls that can possibly be saved.

If we cannot agree with each other, can we agree to leave it to God
and not try to outguess if God is going to find a way to use
Jesus to save all souls, to make sure all receive and finish the process
to be included in Salvation. I happen to have faith that God can do all things
that are otherwise impossible, so I trust God to save the maximum through Christ.
if Jesus is the Messiah for all humanity, that includes all people, so that is
what I agree and "give permission" to God to fulfill if that is God's will.

If God decides otherwise, it isn't because I blocked it by teaching "it wasn't possible"
and turning people away from Salvation.

When you watch the Cosmos you realize that the universe doesn't care about what is going on here on earth. You, ants, spiders, lions, Muslims, atheists, Hindu, dogs, dinosaurs, cats, mice. One day the sun is going to burn out or a meteor is going to wipe humans and 90% of the animals out or we might might do ourselves in with human caused global climate change.

This god talk is a distraction. It is why most scientists just avoid the subject altogether. Better to focus on the facts. Science got us to Mars. If we are ever going to get off this planet, god aint gonna come tell us how to do it. The scientists are. Do you want the human race to live forever? I do. So instead of making bombs, lets get people living on a space ship and figure out how to get to the next nearest star in 40 years instead of 70,000 years.

We are destroying this planet. Lets figure out how to power things through photosynthesis. It is possible. Don't ask god or a church to figure it out because they won't. They're in bed with the corporations. They think the earth will be fine because god told them when the end would be coming. When he comes back. So don't worry about us bringing on the end of days, because that's nonsense. God has his plan for us..

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.
The Bible is clear what Jesus said,

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Anyone who accepts Christs is saved. Anyone who does not is going to Hell with you.
Man is made in the image of God first, not Satan.
the fall came AFTER man was made.
And Christ Jesus came after that
to restore and reconcile with God's perfect will.

God is still more powerful than Satan.
God allows Satan and demons to teach the difference
between what goes wrong if we don't forgive and repeat our history
and what Christ Jesus can do to heal and correct wrongs
if we forgive first and allow God's will by our FREE CHOICE.

So if you want to CHOOSE to fear Satan more than God,
you do allow Satan to divide and conquer.

If you CHOOSE to let God in to save as many souls
as can be saved in Christ Jesus, then you put God before Satan
and do not block God and Christ from entering in to complete Salvation.

God's will is IDEALLY that no one should be lost.
So if you CHOOSE to believe that God's will is supreme
then God can save all the souls that can possibly be saved.

If we cannot agree with each other, can we agree to leave it to God
and not try to outguess if God is going to find a way to use
Jesus to save all souls, to make sure all receive and finish the process
to be included in Salvation. I happen to have faith that God can do all things
that are otherwise impossible, so I trust God to save the maximum through Christ.
if Jesus is the Messiah for all humanity, that includes all people, so that is
what I agree and "give permission" to God to fulfill if that is God's will.

If God decides otherwise, it isn't because I blocked it by teaching "it wasn't possible"
and turning people away from Salvation.

When you watch the Cosmos you realize that the universe doesn't care about what is going on here on earth. You, ants, spiders, lions, Muslims, atheists, Hindu, dogs, dinosaurs, cats, mice. One day the sun is going to burn out or a meteor is going to wipe humans and 90% of the animals out or we might might do ourselves in with human caused global climate change.

This god talk is a distraction. It is why most scientists just avoid the subject altogether. Better to focus on the facts. Science got us to Mars. If we are ever going to get off this planet, god aint gonna come tell us how to do it. The scientists are. Do you want the human race to live forever? I do. So instead of making bombs, lets get people living on a space ship and figure out how to get to the next nearest star in 40 years instead of 70,000 years.

We are destroying this planet. Lets figure out how to power things through photosynthesis. It is possible. Don't ask god or a church to figure it out because they won't. They're in bed with the corporations. They think the earth will be fine because god told them when the end would be coming. When he comes back. So don't worry about us bringing on the end of days, because that's nonsense. God has his plan for us..

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.
The Bible is clear what Jesus said,

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.
So Jews are all condemned?

No there are many Jews who receive understanding of Christ Jesus
and accept Salvation. Peter Loth, his friend who do spiritual healing
ministry in Houston Irvin and Olivia Reiner, and our friend Juda Myer
and others are Jews who have received Christ Jesus as completing and fulfilling the laws.

Jews are not excluded.

Only people who cannot forgive and block the process
are excluding themselves from spiritual healing and heavenly peace
in the Kingdom of God as one with all others joined in Christ or by perfect Conscience.

Christians who cannot forgive
Jews who cannot forgive
Muslims or Atheists or Buddhist who cannot forgive

The key is to what degree we forgive.
The more we forgive the more u nified we become with all other
people as children of God, as one humanity.

Our affiliations and tribe is part of our identity
and how we organize, but forgiveness and fear
is what causes us to either be divided against ourselves
or united as one regardless of our tribal affiliations.
The Bible teaches that we are all born into sin by the fall of the first Adam due to his own rebellion, independency and disobedience to God. This sin separates us from God. The only way for God to reconcile and redeem us back to Him is by Jesus entering His creation to pay the penalty in our stead for forgiveness of sins and gives us power over sin since we who are in Christ died with Him on the cross. Since you are unwilling to come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior, you are going to spend eternity in Hell. And that's sad.

Man is made in the image of God first, not Satan.
the fall came AFTER man was made.
And Christ Jesus came after that
to restore and reconcile with God's perfect will.

God is still more powerful than Satan.
God allows Satan and demons to teach the difference
between what goes wrong if we don't forgive and repeat our history
and what Christ Jesus can do to heal and correct wrongs
if we forgive first and allow God's will by our FREE CHOICE.

So if you want to CHOOSE to fear Satan more than God,
you do allow Satan to divide and conquer.

If you CHOOSE to let God in to save as many souls
as can be saved in Christ Jesus, then you put God before Satan
and do not block God and Christ from entering in to complete Salvation.

God's will is IDEALLY that no one should be lost.
So if you CHOOSE to believe that God's will is supreme
then God can save all the souls that can possibly be saved.

If we cannot agree with each other, can we agree to leave it to God
and not try to outguess if God is going to find a way to use
Jesus to save all souls, to make sure all receive and finish the process
to be included in Salvation. I happen to have faith that God can do all things
that are otherwise impossible, so I trust God to save the maximum through Christ.
if Jesus is the Messiah for all humanity, that includes all people, so that is
what I agree and "give permission" to God to fulfill if that is God's will.

If God decides otherwise, it isn't because I blocked it by teaching "it wasn't possible"
and turning people away from Salvation.

When you watch the Cosmos you realize that the universe doesn't care about what is going on here on earth. You, ants, spiders, lions, Muslims, atheists, Hindu, dogs, dinosaurs, cats, mice. One day the sun is going to burn out or a meteor is going to wipe humans and 90% of the animals out or we might might do ourselves in with human caused global climate change.

This god talk is a distraction. It is why most scientists just avoid the subject altogether. Better to focus on the facts. Science got us to Mars. If we are ever going to get off this planet, god aint gonna come tell us how to do it. The scientists are. Do you want the human race to live forever? I do. So instead of making bombs, lets get people living on a space ship and figure out how to get to the next nearest star in 40 years instead of 70,000 years.

We are destroying this planet. Lets figure out how to power things through photosynthesis. It is possible. Don't ask god or a church to figure it out because they won't. They're in bed with the corporations. They think the earth will be fine because god told them when the end would be coming. When he comes back. So don't worry about us bringing on the end of days, because that's nonsense. God has his plan for us..

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.

As you can see sealybobo TY and I aren't buying into that go to hell approach.
The path to salvation is forgiveness first, and then correction follows.

We are both trying to rebuke our fellow believer.

We are called to establish truth by agreement in Christ.
So until we reach that point, the jury is out and it is not clear what points are right or wrong.

We build consensus by agreement, so we need to resolve these conflicts first
and there is no need for judgment in that process.

@Parjure is projecting emotionally which is natural and not something to demean somebody over.
The truth is written on our consciences, so where we resolve issues and forgive emotions attached,
then this truth will be brought forth, agreed upon and established.

If @Parjure is not a true believer this person may cut and run.
But since all of us attest to be believers in Christ then we are called to
finish the process and reach agreement in truth. Only nonbelievers
can ask believers to part company. True believers are called to finish witnessing
in Christ until truth is established by agreement.

That is why TY and MaxGrit are still here also.
if they were nonbelievers they would curse so and so as a fake and run off thinking they are done.

True believers in Christ will continue the process until all agree on God's truth as one.

You want the truth? Here is how to find it.

Finding truth is difficult and the road to it is rough. As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking. Take this course, and truth will be revealed to you.

You are putting your trust in the writings of the ancients. You are not being critical enough of those writings. If you believe Jesus was god himself and performed miracles then you believe that on faith alone. Just like Muslims believe what happened to Mohammad 500 years ago.
So Jews are all condemned?

No there are many Jews who receive understanding of Christ Jesus
and accept Salvation. Peter Loth, his friend who do spiritual healing
ministry in Houston Irvin and Olivia Reiner, and our friend Juda Myer
and others are Jews who have received Christ Jesus as completing and fulfilling the laws.

Jews are not excluded.

Only people who cannot forgive and block the process
are excluding themselves from spiritual healing and heavenly peace
in the Kingdom of God as one with all others joined in Christ or by perfect Conscience.

Christians who cannot forgive
Jews who cannot forgive
Muslims or Atheists or Buddhist who cannot forgive

The key is to what degree we forgive.
The more we forgive the more u nified we become with all other
people as children of God, as one humanity.

Our affiliations and tribe is part of our identity
and how we organize, but forgiveness and fear
is what causes us to either be divided against ourselves
or united as one regardless of our tribal affiliations.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.
When you watch the Cosmos you realize that the universe doesn't care about what is going on here on earth. You, ants, spiders, lions, Muslims, atheists, Hindu, dogs, dinosaurs, cats, mice. One day the sun is going to burn out or a meteor is going to wipe humans and 90% of the animals out or we might might do ourselves in with human caused global climate change.

This god talk is a distraction. It is why most scientists just avoid the subject altogether. Better to focus on the facts. Science got us to Mars. If we are ever going to get off this planet, god aint gonna come tell us how to do it. The scientists are. Do you want the human race to live forever? I do. So instead of making bombs, lets get people living on a space ship and figure out how to get to the next nearest star in 40 years instead of 70,000 years.

We are destroying this planet. Lets figure out how to power things through photosynthesis. It is possible. Don't ask god or a church to figure it out because they won't. They're in bed with the corporations. They think the earth will be fine because god told them when the end would be coming. When he comes back. So don't worry about us bringing on the end of days, because that's nonsense. God has his plan for us..

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.
The Bible is clear what Jesus said,

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Anyone who accepts Christs is saved. Anyone who does not is going to Hell with you.

And where we FORGIVE that is where we receive God's will love truth and healing through Christ.

Matthew 6:15

1 John 4:20

Love Comes from God
19We love, because He first loved us. 20If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.21And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also.
So Jews are all condemned?

No there are many Jews who receive understanding of Christ Jesus
and accept Salvation. Peter Loth, his friend who do spiritual healing
ministry in Houston Irvin and Olivia Reiner, and our friend Juda Myer
and others are Jews who have received Christ Jesus as completing and fulfilling the laws.

Jews are not excluded.

Only people who cannot forgive and block the process
are excluding themselves from spiritual healing and heavenly peace
in the Kingdom of God as one with all others joined in Christ or by perfect Conscience.

Christians who cannot forgive
Jews who cannot forgive
Muslims or Atheists or Buddhist who cannot forgive

The key is to what degree we forgive.
The more we forgive the more u nified we become with all other
people as children of God, as one humanity.

Our affiliations and tribe is part of our identity
and how we organize, but forgiveness and fear
is what causes us to either be divided against ourselves
or united as one regardless of our tribal affiliations.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

Where are you getting that I am rejecting anything especially Jesus in the Trinity?

I believe that God/Christ Jesus/and the Holy Spirit are universal for all humanity.

I don't deny any of this, where are you getting these fearful accusations?
Man is made in the image of God first, not Satan.
the fall came AFTER man was made.
And Christ Jesus came after that
to restore and reconcile with God's perfect will.

God is still more powerful than Satan.
God allows Satan and demons to teach the difference
between what goes wrong if we don't forgive and repeat our history
and what Christ Jesus can do to heal and correct wrongs
if we forgive first and allow God's will by our FREE CHOICE.

So if you want to CHOOSE to fear Satan more than God,
you do allow Satan to divide and conquer.

If you CHOOSE to let God in to save as many souls
as can be saved in Christ Jesus, then you put God before Satan
and do not block God and Christ from entering in to complete Salvation.

God's will is IDEALLY that no one should be lost.
So if you CHOOSE to believe that God's will is supreme
then God can save all the souls that can possibly be saved.

If we cannot agree with each other, can we agree to leave it to God
and not try to outguess if God is going to find a way to use
Jesus to save all souls, to make sure all receive and finish the process
to be included in Salvation. I happen to have faith that God can do all things
that are otherwise impossible, so I trust God to save the maximum through Christ.
if Jesus is the Messiah for all humanity, that includes all people, so that is
what I agree and "give permission" to God to fulfill if that is God's will.

If God decides otherwise, it isn't because I blocked it by teaching "it wasn't possible"
and turning people away from Salvation.

When you watch the Cosmos you realize that the universe doesn't care about what is going on here on earth. You, ants, spiders, lions, Muslims, atheists, Hindu, dogs, dinosaurs, cats, mice. One day the sun is going to burn out or a meteor is going to wipe humans and 90% of the animals out or we might might do ourselves in with human caused global climate change.

This god talk is a distraction. It is why most scientists just avoid the subject altogether. Better to focus on the facts. Science got us to Mars. If we are ever going to get off this planet, god aint gonna come tell us how to do it. The scientists are. Do you want the human race to live forever? I do. So instead of making bombs, lets get people living on a space ship and figure out how to get to the next nearest star in 40 years instead of 70,000 years.

We are destroying this planet. Lets figure out how to power things through photosynthesis. It is possible. Don't ask god or a church to figure it out because they won't. They're in bed with the corporations. They think the earth will be fine because god told them when the end would be coming. When he comes back. So don't worry about us bringing on the end of days, because that's nonsense. God has his plan for us..

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.

As you can see sealybobo TY and I aren't buying into that go to hell approach.
The path to salvation is forgiveness first, and then correction follows.

We are both trying to rebuke our fellow believer.

We are called to establish truth by agreement in Christ.
So until we reach that point, the jury is out and it is not clear what points are right or wrong.

We build consensus by agreement, so we need to resolve these conflicts first
and there is no need for judgment in that process.

@Parjure is projecting emotionally which is natural and not something to demean somebody over.
The truth is written on our consciences, so where we resolve issues and forgive emotions attached,
then this truth will be brought forth, agreed upon and established.

If @Parjure is not a true believer this person may cut and run.
But since all of us attest to be believers in Christ then we are called to
finish the process and reach agreement in truth. Only nonbelievers
can ask believers to part company. True believers are called to finish witnessing
in Christ until truth is established by agreement.

That is why TY and MaxGrit are still here also.
if they were nonbelievers they would curse so and so as a fake and run off thinking they are done.

True believers in Christ will continue the process until all agree on God's truth as one.

You want the truth? Here is how to find it.

Finding truth is difficult and the road to it is rough. As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking. Take this course, and truth will be revealed to you.

You are putting your trust in the writings of the ancients. You are not being critical enough of those writings. If you believe Jesus was god himself and performed miracles then you believe that on faith alone. Just like Muslims believe what happened to Mohammad 500 years ago.
Critically examine the proof of Scripture that scientifically still to this day nobody has been able to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles. People don't willingly die for what they know is a lie, group hallucinations are impossible, and swoon theory would not convince anyone Jesus is the risen Messiah.
Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.
The Bible is clear what Jesus said,

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Anyone who accepts Christs is saved. Anyone who does not is going to Hell with you.

And where we FORGIVE that is where we receive God's will love truth and healing through Christ.

Matthew 6:15

1 John 4:20

Love Comes from God
19We love, because He first loved us. 20If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.21And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also.
No matter how many times you forgive someone else, you remain unforgiven because you don't give your life to Christ and accept His forgiveness as only God can forgive sins to save souls.

Matthew 6.15 is part of the Sermon on the Mount about proper conduct for Christians. Father forgiving sins here is not with regard to saving souls, but living a good Christian life. Once a person is born-again they can still transgress so they need to one by one deliver those sins to the cross for the continuous forgiveness of God the Father for each of those sins once repented of.

So naturally it is talking about not the new birth but "reward of your Father which is in heaven" (v.1). God the Father is not your Father because you have not received what His only begotten Son did for you on the cross.

The Father has forgiven me, but He has not forgiven you.
Man is made in the image of God first, not Satan.
the fall came AFTER man was made.
And Christ Jesus came after that
to restore and reconcile with God's perfect will.

God is still more powerful than Satan.
God allows Satan and demons to teach the difference
between what goes wrong if we don't forgive and repeat our history
and what Christ Jesus can do to heal and correct wrongs
if we forgive first and allow God's will by our FREE CHOICE.

So if you want to CHOOSE to fear Satan more than God,
you do allow Satan to divide and conquer.

If you CHOOSE to let God in to save as many souls
as can be saved in Christ Jesus, then you put God before Satan
and do not block God and Christ from entering in to complete Salvation.

God's will is IDEALLY that no one should be lost.
So if you CHOOSE to believe that God's will is supreme
then God can save all the souls that can possibly be saved.

If we cannot agree with each other, can we agree to leave it to God
and not try to outguess if God is going to find a way to use
Jesus to save all souls, to make sure all receive and finish the process
to be included in Salvation. I happen to have faith that God can do all things
that are otherwise impossible, so I trust God to save the maximum through Christ.
if Jesus is the Messiah for all humanity, that includes all people, so that is
what I agree and "give permission" to God to fulfill if that is God's will.

If God decides otherwise, it isn't because I blocked it by teaching "it wasn't possible"
and turning people away from Salvation.

When you watch the Cosmos you realize that the universe doesn't care about what is going on here on earth. You, ants, spiders, lions, Muslims, atheists, Hindu, dogs, dinosaurs, cats, mice. One day the sun is going to burn out or a meteor is going to wipe humans and 90% of the animals out or we might might do ourselves in with human caused global climate change.

This god talk is a distraction. It is why most scientists just avoid the subject altogether. Better to focus on the facts. Science got us to Mars. If we are ever going to get off this planet, god aint gonna come tell us how to do it. The scientists are. Do you want the human race to live forever? I do. So instead of making bombs, lets get people living on a space ship and figure out how to get to the next nearest star in 40 years instead of 70,000 years.

We are destroying this planet. Lets figure out how to power things through photosynthesis. It is possible. Don't ask god or a church to figure it out because they won't. They're in bed with the corporations. They think the earth will be fine because god told them when the end would be coming. When he comes back. So don't worry about us bringing on the end of days, because that's nonsense. God has his plan for us..

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.

As you can see sealybobo TY and I aren't buying into that go to hell approach.
The path to salvation is forgiveness first, and then correction follows.

We are both trying to rebuke our fellow believer.

We are called to establish truth by agreement in Christ.
So until we reach that point, the jury is out and it is not clear what points are right or wrong.

We build consensus by agreement, so we need to resolve these conflicts first
and there is no need for judgment in that process.

@Parjure is projecting emotionally which is natural and not something to demean somebody over.
The truth is written on our consciences, so where we resolve issues and forgive emotions attached,
then this truth will be brought forth, agreed upon and established.

If @Parjure is not a true believer this person may cut and run.
But since all of us attest to be believers in Christ then we are called to
finish the process and reach agreement in truth. Only nonbelievers
can ask believers to part company. True believers are called to finish witnessing
in Christ until truth is established by agreement.

That is why TY and MaxGrit are still here also.
if they were nonbelievers they would curse so and so as a fake and run off thinking they are done.

True believers in Christ will continue the process until all agree on God's truth as one.

You want the truth? Here is how to find it.

Finding truth is difficult and the road to it is rough. As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking. Take this course, and truth will be revealed to you.

You are putting your trust in the writings of the ancients. You are not being critical enough of those writings. If you believe Jesus was god himself and performed miracles then you believe that on faith alone. Just like Muslims believe what happened to Mohammad 500 years ago.

sealybobo and where are you getting that I am doing this?
I think your fears may apply to Parture
who is citing scripture and trying to judge me by that

The problem with Muslims are if they reject and exclude Jesus
and divide themselves from others.

The Muslims who include all people, especially people of the
Book with Jews Christians and Muslims as one in Christ
do not have these problems of dividing people or judging by religion.
When you watch the Cosmos you realize that the universe doesn't care about what is going on here on earth. You, ants, spiders, lions, Muslims, atheists, Hindu, dogs, dinosaurs, cats, mice. One day the sun is going to burn out or a meteor is going to wipe humans and 90% of the animals out or we might might do ourselves in with human caused global climate change.

This god talk is a distraction. It is why most scientists just avoid the subject altogether. Better to focus on the facts. Science got us to Mars. If we are ever going to get off this planet, god aint gonna come tell us how to do it. The scientists are. Do you want the human race to live forever? I do. So instead of making bombs, lets get people living on a space ship and figure out how to get to the next nearest star in 40 years instead of 70,000 years.

We are destroying this planet. Lets figure out how to power things through photosynthesis. It is possible. Don't ask god or a church to figure it out because they won't. They're in bed with the corporations. They think the earth will be fine because god told them when the end would be coming. When he comes back. So don't worry about us bringing on the end of days, because that's nonsense. God has his plan for us..

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.
The Bible is clear what Jesus said,

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

I wish Christians would let this be known. Instead they are sugar coating it to win back members. They don't mind the $ from liberal Christians who sort of believe some of it I guess.

Just look at how the Pope is a liberal now who is ok with gays because he knows they can't tell people who know gay people that it is a sin any longer. We all see it is not. Eventually that'll be completely taken out of the bible. Christianity has evolved over time along with the humans it controls. Look at how slavery was ok with Christianity for over 2000 years. Or murdering indians for their land. Or Iraqi's for their oil.
So Jews are all condemned?

No there are many Jews who receive understanding of Christ Jesus
and accept Salvation. Peter Loth, his friend who do spiritual healing
ministry in Houston Irvin and Olivia Reiner, and our friend Juda Myer
and others are Jews who have received Christ Jesus as completing and fulfilling the laws.

Jews are not excluded.

Only people who cannot forgive and block the process
are excluding themselves from spiritual healing and heavenly peace
in the Kingdom of God as one with all others joined in Christ or by perfect Conscience.

Christians who cannot forgive
Jews who cannot forgive
Muslims or Atheists or Buddhist who cannot forgive

The key is to what degree we forgive.
The more we forgive the more u nified we become with all other
people as children of God, as one humanity.

Our affiliations and tribe is part of our identity
and how we organize, but forgiveness and fear
is what causes us to either be divided against ourselves
or united as one regardless of our tribal affiliations.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

Where are you getting that I am rejecting anything especially Jesus in the Trinity?

I believe that God/Christ Jesus/and the Holy Spirit are universal for all humanity.

I don't deny any of this, where are you getting these fearful accusations?
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you reject Jesus existed before time and space Who created all things, you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19
Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.
The Bible is clear what Jesus said,

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

I wish Christians would let this be known. Instead they are sugar coating it to win back members. They don't mind the $ from liberal Christians who sort of believe some of it I guess.

Just look at how the Pope is a liberal now who is ok with gays because he knows they can't tell people who know gay people that it is a sin any longer. We all see it is not. Eventually that'll be completely taken out of the bible. Christianity has evolved over time along with the humans it controls. Look at how slavery was ok with Christianity for over 2000 years. Or murdering indians for their land. Or Iraqi's for their oil.
What matters is you prove Jesus is God because you can't find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings.
When you watch the Cosmos you realize that the universe doesn't care about what is going on here on earth. You, ants, spiders, lions, Muslims, atheists, Hindu, dogs, dinosaurs, cats, mice. One day the sun is going to burn out or a meteor is going to wipe humans and 90% of the animals out or we might might do ourselves in with human caused global climate change.

This god talk is a distraction. It is why most scientists just avoid the subject altogether. Better to focus on the facts. Science got us to Mars. If we are ever going to get off this planet, god aint gonna come tell us how to do it. The scientists are. Do you want the human race to live forever? I do. So instead of making bombs, lets get people living on a space ship and figure out how to get to the next nearest star in 40 years instead of 70,000 years.

We are destroying this planet. Lets figure out how to power things through photosynthesis. It is possible. Don't ask god or a church to figure it out because they won't. They're in bed with the corporations. They think the earth will be fine because god told them when the end would be coming. When he comes back. So don't worry about us bringing on the end of days, because that's nonsense. God has his plan for us..

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.

As you can see sealybobo TY and I aren't buying into that go to hell approach.
The path to salvation is forgiveness first, and then correction follows.

We are both trying to rebuke our fellow believer.

We are called to establish truth by agreement in Christ.
So until we reach that point, the jury is out and it is not clear what points are right or wrong.

We build consensus by agreement, so we need to resolve these conflicts first
and there is no need for judgment in that process.

@Parjure is projecting emotionally which is natural and not something to demean somebody over.
The truth is written on our consciences, so where we resolve issues and forgive emotions attached,
then this truth will be brought forth, agreed upon and established.

If @Parjure is not a true believer this person may cut and run.
But since all of us attest to be believers in Christ then we are called to
finish the process and reach agreement in truth. Only nonbelievers
can ask believers to part company. True believers are called to finish witnessing
in Christ until truth is established by agreement.

That is why TY and MaxGrit are still here also.
if they were nonbelievers they would curse so and so as a fake and run off thinking they are done.

True believers in Christ will continue the process until all agree on God's truth as one.

You want the truth? Here is how to find it.

Finding truth is difficult and the road to it is rough. As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking. Take this course, and truth will be revealed to you.

You are putting your trust in the writings of the ancients. You are not being critical enough of those writings. If you believe Jesus was god himself and performed miracles then you believe that on faith alone. Just like Muslims believe what happened to Mohammad 500 years ago.

sealybobo and where are you getting that I am doing this?
I think your fears may apply to Parture
who is citing scripture and trying to judge me by that

The problem with Muslims are if they reject and exclude Jesus
and divide themselves from others.

The Muslims who include all people, especially people of the
Book with Jews Christians and Muslims as one in Christ
do not have these problems of dividing people or judging by religion.

So a Muslim can acknowledge Jesus was a prophet, which they do, but worship Mohammad and be Muslim and still go to heaven? Parture???
Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.

As you can see sealybobo TY and I aren't buying into that go to hell approach.
The path to salvation is forgiveness first, and then correction follows.

We are both trying to rebuke our fellow believer.

We are called to establish truth by agreement in Christ.
So until we reach that point, the jury is out and it is not clear what points are right or wrong.

We build consensus by agreement, so we need to resolve these conflicts first
and there is no need for judgment in that process.

@Parjure is projecting emotionally which is natural and not something to demean somebody over.
The truth is written on our consciences, so where we resolve issues and forgive emotions attached,
then this truth will be brought forth, agreed upon and established.

If @Parjure is not a true believer this person may cut and run.
But since all of us attest to be believers in Christ then we are called to
finish the process and reach agreement in truth. Only nonbelievers
can ask believers to part company. True believers are called to finish witnessing
in Christ until truth is established by agreement.

That is why TY and MaxGrit are still here also.
if they were nonbelievers they would curse so and so as a fake and run off thinking they are done.

True believers in Christ will continue the process until all agree on God's truth as one.

You want the truth? Here is how to find it.

Finding truth is difficult and the road to it is rough. As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking. Take this course, and truth will be revealed to you.

You are putting your trust in the writings of the ancients. You are not being critical enough of those writings. If you believe Jesus was god himself and performed miracles then you believe that on faith alone. Just like Muslims believe what happened to Mohammad 500 years ago.

sealybobo and where are you getting that I am doing this?
I think your fears may apply to Parture
who is citing scripture and trying to judge me by that

The problem with Muslims are if they reject and exclude Jesus
and divide themselves from others.

The Muslims who include all people, especially people of the
Book with Jews Christians and Muslims as one in Christ
do not have these problems of dividing people or judging by religion.

So a Muslim can acknowledge Jesus was a prophet, which they do, but worship Mohammad and be Muslim and still go to heaven? Parture???
Of course not, for they reject Jesus died on the cross, with no evidence six centuries later to make that claim. Why would you believe in a non-evidentialist faith?
Critically examine the proof of Scripture that scientifically still to this day nobody has been able to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles. People don't willingly die for what they know is a lie, group hallucinations are impossible, and swoon theory would not convince anyone Jesus is the risen Messiah.

Better yet, if you look into spiritual healing and casting out of demons to cure people of sickness
you can see this process at work.

This observation changed the mind of many doctors
from Scott Peck who wrote a book on why he changed his mind after he witnessed this himself,
to Dr. Phillip Goldfedder and Dr. Francis MacNutt.

So they all saw physical proof of how healing is done by casting out the negative demons
and energy in Christ Jesus authority through forgiveness prayer.

This has been documented in medical studies
and can be replicated. People who have seen proof have been sharing this for centuries.

And it is just the stubborn fear, rejection and division between science and religion
that has blocked this information and studies from being pursued on a public level.
People were not ready but kept fighting and blaming each other over religion.

But those who have forgiven have discovered that science can prove spiritual healing
and aren't afraid of the massive change this has on people and on society.
Critically examine the proof of Scripture that scientifically still to this day nobody has been able to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles. People don't willingly die for what they know is a lie, group hallucinations are impossible, and swoon theory would not convince anyone Jesus is the risen Messiah.

Better yet, if you look into spiritual healing and casting out of demons to cure people of sickness
you can see this process at work.

This observation changed the mind of many doctors
from Scott Peck who wrote a book on why he changed his mind after he witnessed this himself,
to Dr. Phillip Goldfedder and Dr. Francis MacNutt.

So they all saw physical proof of how healing is done by casting out the negative demons
and energy in Christ Jesus authority through forgiveness prayer.

This has been documented in medical studies
and can be replicated. People who have seen proof have been sharing this for centuries.

And it is just the stubborn fear, rejection and division between science and religion
that has blocked this information and studies from being pursued on a public level.
People were not ready but kept fighting and blaming each other over religion.

But those who have forgiven have discovered that science can prove spiritual healing
and aren't afraid of the massive change this has on people and on society.
Many people are miraculously healed who aren't Christians and even become more emboldened against Christianity when they are healed which is why God gives the resurrection proof of Jesus to convince people as it is the best proof.
Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.
The Bible is clear what Jesus said,

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

I wish Christians would let this be known. Instead they are sugar coating it to win back members. They don't mind the $ from liberal Christians who sort of believe some of it I guess.

Just look at how the Pope is a liberal now who is ok with gays because he knows they can't tell people who know gay people that it is a sin any longer. We all see it is not. Eventually that'll be completely taken out of the bible. Christianity has evolved over time along with the humans it controls. Look at how slavery was ok with Christianity for over 2000 years. Or murdering indians for their land. Or Iraqi's for their oil.
What matters is you prove Jesus is God because you can't find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings.

Are you kidding me? That's reasons 1 and 2 of 46 reasons why there is no god.

Why there is no god

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