The Bible Tells Us When Jesus Returns - Between Tisha B'Av and Day of Atonement 2029

Dear sealybobo
the Christians and religious coalitions for the environment
would AGREE with you that it is our responsibility to be STEWARDS
and take care of the creation or world as you are saying.

Remember the same GOD creates the laws of nature.
aNd what environmentalists are arguing for is to respect the
laws of nature and natural balance as was already created by NATURE.

So you are asking people to abide and respect NATURE
which is the same as respecting God as creator or as creation.

We don't have to get divided over language.
The concepts align and we are asking to
restore peace and harmony and stop destructive practices
by greed and unforgiven conflicts.
The collaboration we are asking for is what it
means to be united or joined in CHrist or by CONSCIENCE.

You want people to obey CONSCIENCE
and this is what it means when Christians are called to obey God through CHRIST.

we are asking for the same things.
We just use different language for accepting
responsibility for the laws and restoring natural harmony and balance.

Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.

As you can see sealybobo TY and I aren't buying into that go to hell approach.
The path to salvation is forgiveness first, and then correction follows.

We are both trying to rebuke our fellow believer.

We are called to establish truth by agreement in Christ.
So until we reach that point, the jury is out and it is not clear what points are right or wrong.

We build consensus by agreement, so we need to resolve these conflicts first
and there is no need for judgment in that process.

@Parjure is projecting emotionally which is natural and not something to demean somebody over.
The truth is written on our consciences, so where we resolve issues and forgive emotions attached,
then this truth will be brought forth, agreed upon and established.

If @Parjure is not a true believer this person may cut and run.
But since all of us attest to be believers in Christ then we are called to
finish the process and reach agreement in truth. Only nonbelievers
can ask believers to part company. True believers are called to finish witnessing
in Christ until truth is established by agreement.

That is why TY and MaxGrit are still here also.
if they were nonbelievers they would curse so and so as a fake and run off thinking they are done.

True believers in Christ will continue the process until all agree on God's truth as one.

You want the truth? Here is how to find it.

Finding truth is difficult and the road to it is rough. As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking. Take this course, and truth will be revealed to you.

You are putting your trust in the writings of the ancients. You are not being critical enough of those writings. If you believe Jesus was god himself and performed miracles then you believe that on faith alone. Just like Muslims believe what happened to Mohammad 500 years ago.

sealybobo and where are you getting that I am doing this?
I think your fears may apply to Parture
who is citing scripture and trying to judge me by that

The problem with Muslims are if they reject and exclude Jesus
and divide themselves from others.

The Muslims who include all people, especially people of the
Book with Jews Christians and Muslims as one in Christ
do not have these problems of dividing people or judging by religion.

So a Muslim can acknowledge Jesus was a prophet, which they do, but worship Mohammad and be Muslim and still go to heaven? Parture???

The Muslim would have to accept the full meaning and message of Christ Jesus,
where there is no conflict or separation from other Christians.

Even if the Muslim is a secular gentile and follows natural laws such as seeing Jesus as a teacher,
then the spirit of Restorative Justice still has to fulfill the NATURAL LAWS to be one in Christ Jesus.

If there is division and not agreement in truth, no, that is not heaven.

So no, you cannot DIVIDE the secular gentiles under natural laws
AGAINST the believers under spiritual scripture or that isn't unity in Christ yet.

They have to be fully joined in agreement in Christ
even if some atheists Muslims Jehovah's Witnesses
and Buddhists remain secular gentiles under natural laws.
Many people are miraculously healed who aren't Christians and even become more emboldened against Christianity when they are healed which is why God gives the resurrection proof of Jesus to convince people as it is the best proof.

What? no, the fully healed people do not "go against" anything.
So that means they are not fully healed!

Full healing means full forgiveness so that includes all people.

This is a sign they are not fully healed if they REJECT and divide.
Some fear or unforgiveness is still not healed if that is occurring!

here are the resources I most refer and trust for teaching
the full message and process of spiritual healing:
* Dr. Francis MacNutt Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries
* Dr. Phillip Goldfedder Healing Is Yours
* Olivia Reiner Listen to the cries of the children a non profit organization

If people have not finished the full healing process,
then finding out WHERE they have not forgiven conflicts
can help remove the obstructions so they can be united and not divided.

Some people get stuck in the 12 step process because they don't finish it.
Where they get stuck is where they can't forgive something,
let something go, or they hold on to some fear. So then the next step
is to hep each other find and remove that fear or stumbling block
and that is where prayers in Christ Jesus have removed demons
and negative curses and obsessions/addictions that people could not cure on their own.

When you get rid of these demonic blocks, then the prayers and therapy/
treatment can work that failed before.
Dr. Scott Peck wrote "Glimpses of the Devil" after he found out
that incureable Schizophrenic patients could be saved from
sickness by applying the steps of deliverance and exorcism to
remove the demons first, and then the person could follow normal treatment afterwards.
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Critically examine the proof of Scripture that scientifically still to this day nobody has been able to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles. People don't willingly die for what they know is a lie, group hallucinations are impossible, and swoon theory would not convince anyone Jesus is the risen Messiah.

Better yet, if you look into spiritual healing and casting out of demons to cure people of sickness
you can see this process at work.

This observation changed the mind of many doctors
from Scott Peck who wrote a book on why he changed his mind after he witnessed this himself,
to Dr. Phillip Goldfedder and Dr. Francis MacNutt.

So they all saw physical proof of how healing is done by casting out the negative demons
and energy in Christ Jesus authority through forgiveness prayer.

This has been documented in medical studies
and can be replicated. People who have seen proof have been sharing this for centuries.

And it is just the stubborn fear, rejection and division between science and religion
that has blocked this information and studies from being pursued on a public level.
People were not ready but kept fighting and blaming each other over religion.

But those who have forgiven have discovered that science can prove spiritual healing
and aren't afraid of the massive change this has on people and on society.

Science can explain. Its the Placebo effect. Someone is mentally ill. They say he's possessed. The priests comes in and performs an exorcist and subconsciously the person feels better. That's one of the main attractions of god/religion. To make people feel better about themselves. Like they are special and have a protector.
The Bible is clear what Jesus said,

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

I wish Christians would let this be known. Instead they are sugar coating it to win back members. They don't mind the $ from liberal Christians who sort of believe some of it I guess.

Just look at how the Pope is a liberal now who is ok with gays because he knows they can't tell people who know gay people that it is a sin any longer. We all see it is not. Eventually that'll be completely taken out of the bible. Christianity has evolved over time along with the humans it controls. Look at how slavery was ok with Christianity for over 2000 years. Or murdering indians for their land. Or Iraqi's for their oil.
What matters is you prove Jesus is God because you can't find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings.

Are you kidding me? That's reasons 1 and 2 of 46 reasons why there is no god.

Why there is no god

Dear @sealyboby
if you believe Nature exists and that we should respect Nature
that is your equivalent of believing in God's laws as the default that we should naturally follow and respect.
Parture has something to say to you honey. You aren't a real christian. See why religion is wrong/bad and a waste of time? Made up? Everyone has their own idea and no one has an ounce of proof. But you're going to hell says another Christian.

As you can see sealybobo TY and I aren't buying into that go to hell approach.
The path to salvation is forgiveness first, and then correction follows.

We are both trying to rebuke our fellow believer.

We are called to establish truth by agreement in Christ.
So until we reach that point, the jury is out and it is not clear what points are right or wrong.

We build consensus by agreement, so we need to resolve these conflicts first
and there is no need for judgment in that process.

@Parjure is projecting emotionally which is natural and not something to demean somebody over.
The truth is written on our consciences, so where we resolve issues and forgive emotions attached,
then this truth will be brought forth, agreed upon and established.

If @Parjure is not a true believer this person may cut and run.
But since all of us attest to be believers in Christ then we are called to
finish the process and reach agreement in truth. Only nonbelievers
can ask believers to part company. True believers are called to finish witnessing
in Christ until truth is established by agreement.

That is why TY and MaxGrit are still here also.
if they were nonbelievers they would curse so and so as a fake and run off thinking they are done.

True believers in Christ will continue the process until all agree on God's truth as one.

You want the truth? Here is how to find it.

Finding truth is difficult and the road to it is rough. As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking. Take this course, and truth will be revealed to you.

You are putting your trust in the writings of the ancients. You are not being critical enough of those writings. If you believe Jesus was god himself and performed miracles then you believe that on faith alone. Just like Muslims believe what happened to Mohammad 500 years ago.

sealybobo and where are you getting that I am doing this?
I think your fears may apply to Parture
who is citing scripture and trying to judge me by that

The problem with Muslims are if they reject and exclude Jesus
and divide themselves from others.

The Muslims who include all people, especially people of the
Book with Jews Christians and Muslims as one in Christ
do not have these problems of dividing people or judging by religion.

So a Muslim can acknowledge Jesus was a prophet, which they do, but worship Mohammad and be Muslim and still go to heaven? Parture???

The Muslim would have to accept the full meaning and message of Christ Jesus,
where there is no conflict or separation from other Christians.

Even if the Muslim is a secular gentile and follows natural laws such as seeing Jesus as a teacher,
then the spirit of Restorative Justice still has to fulfill the NATURAL LAWS to be one in Christ Jesus.

If there is division and not agreement in truth, no, that is not heaven.

So no, you cannot DIVIDE the secular gentiles under natural laws
AGAINST the believers under spiritual scripture or that isn't unity in Christ yet.

They have to be fully joined in agreement in Christ
even if some atheists Muslims Jehovah's Witnesses
and Buddhists remain secular gentiles under natural laws.

But I don't agree with everything Jesus supposedly said. Most of it is all good but not all. If he said he is the only way then I would disagree with him. If he said we must believe the corrupt churches of today, I don't believe it. If he said he was the son of god I don't think he meant it the way Christians take it. We are all sons of god. He didn't even say start a new religion. Anyways, who knows what he said. Lets toss everything the ancients told us and start a new. All the good stuff in the bible, I'll accept. All the stuff that is divisive, take out. Edit it and get back to me when you are done with the final version so I can look it over.

If you knew the history of the Abraham religions and the religions that came before and after, you'd know this.
Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

I wish Christians would let this be known. Instead they are sugar coating it to win back members. They don't mind the $ from liberal Christians who sort of believe some of it I guess.

Just look at how the Pope is a liberal now who is ok with gays because he knows they can't tell people who know gay people that it is a sin any longer. We all see it is not. Eventually that'll be completely taken out of the bible. Christianity has evolved over time along with the humans it controls. Look at how slavery was ok with Christianity for over 2000 years. Or murdering indians for their land. Or Iraqi's for their oil.
What matters is you prove Jesus is God because you can't find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings.

Are you kidding me? That's reasons 1 and 2 of 46 reasons why there is no god.

Why there is no god

Dear @sealyboby
if you believe Nature exists and that we should respect Nature
that is your equivalent of believing in God's laws as the default that we should naturally follow and respect.

If good means God and bad means Satan, ok I am for the side of good.
Science can explain. Its the Placebo effect. Someone is mentally ill. They say he's possessed. The priests comes in and performs an exorcist and subconsciously the person feels better. That's one of the main attractions of god/religion. To make people feel better about themselves. Like they are special and have a protector.

Nope, sorry
forgiveness cannot be faked through a placebo

You cannot use a placebo to cure someone of alcoholic addiction.
They cannot fake it, and cannot will it away.

Even more so with the demons that cause schizophrenic voices and sickness.
The only cure I have seen is the prayers in Christ Jesus to cast out the demons
so people have their minds and free will restored.

I have an atheist friend who could not get rid of his demonic rages
until after he went through spiritual healing using Christian prayer.

He is better able to forgive Christians than he was before.
He is not as angry or out of control.
But where he cannot forgive, he still limits his own healing.

Where he accepted healing and forgiveness, it works.
Where he blocks it himself by unforgiveness and holding onto division and conflict,
then he blocks the process. Same when Christians refuse to forgive and block their process.
But I don't agree with everything Jesus supposedly said. Most of it is all good but not all. If he said he is the only way then I would disagree with him. If he said we must believe the corrupt churches of today, I don't believe it. If he said he was the son of god I don't think he meant it the way Christians take it. We are all sons of god. He didn't even say start a new religion. Anyways, who knows what he said. Lets toss everything the ancients told us and start a new. All the good stuff in the bible, I'll accept. All the stuff that is divisive, take out. Edit it and get back to me when you are done with the final version so I can look it over.

If you knew the history of the Abraham religions and the religions that came before and after, you'd know this.

First of all it the "only way" doesn't mean what you think

Yes, there is one universal process by nature that all humans go through.And the key
to full healing, recovery and unity is FORGIVENESS. SO YES
Christ Jesus represents the Universal level of FORGIVENESS that covers all humanity.

If you try to use conditioned forgiveness, that only heals so far.
It is the UNCONDITIONAL level of love and forgiveness that heals all humanity in full.

By this being UNIVERSAL
then Buddhists can still follow Buddhist teachings that explain the same spiritual laws.
Constitutional laws are not in the Bible, but they are based on NATURAL LAWS
so these come from the SAME SOURCE of God or Nature.
Science comes from natural laws from God or Nature, so those are consistent.

You can use all these laws and teachings that are CONSISTENT with
God's natural universal laws and that can still be used to establish TRUTH.

What you CANNOT do is abuse these laws
to teach false things that go against truth.

The number one problem is not the laws we use
but the UNFORGIVEN conflicts over them that prevent truth from being established.

The same Universal truths can still be shared and explained
using other teachings that are consistent with truth.

So these are not excluded. That's not what it means!

The Constitution is the law of the land for all America
But that doesn't EXCLUDE Texas laws, Hawaiian laws, city codes,
traffic laws as long as those laws don't CONFLICT and
cause a violation of Constitutional laws that are supreme.

The natural laws of JUSTICE govern humanity by default, by nature.
And Jesus represents the central embodiment by conscience
of the spirit of EQUAL JUSTICE that is UNIVERSAL for all humanity.

Any laws that teach justice, such as explanations of karma
or "cause and effect" by Buddhists or scientists, etc.
are INCLUDED in natural laws that Jesus or Justice governs and fulfills.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

This is you.
So either you believe and are saved or you doith good and are saved. Which is it?
Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast.
So why mention works? You have contradicted thyself.
The Bible is clear what Jesus said,

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

I wish Christians would let this be known. Instead they are sugar coating it to win back members. They don't mind the $ from liberal Christians who sort of believe some of it I guess.

Just look at how the Pope is a liberal now who is ok with gays because he knows they can't tell people who know gay people that it is a sin any longer. We all see it is not. Eventually that'll be completely taken out of the bible. Christianity has evolved over time along with the humans it controls. Look at how slavery was ok with Christianity for over 2000 years. Or murdering indians for their land. Or Iraqi's for their oil.
What matters is you prove Jesus is God because you can't find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings.

Are you kidding me? That's reasons 1 and 2 of 46 reasons why there is no god.

Why there is no god
Since nature can't start up from nothing, nor always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

This is you.
So either you believe and are saved or you doith good and are saved. Which is it?
Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast.
So why mention works? You have contradicted thyself.
Works are unto rewards for believers, not for initial salvation.
Critically examine the proof of Scripture that scientifically still to this day nobody has been able to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles. People don't willingly die for what they know is a lie, group hallucinations are impossible, and swoon theory would not convince anyone Jesus is the risen Messiah.

Better yet, if you look into spiritual healing and casting out of demons to cure people of sickness
you can see this process at work.

This observation changed the mind of many doctors
from Scott Peck who wrote a book on why he changed his mind after he witnessed this himself,
to Dr. Phillip Goldfedder and Dr. Francis MacNutt.

So they all saw physical proof of how healing is done by casting out the negative demons
and energy in Christ Jesus authority through forgiveness prayer.

This has been documented in medical studies
and can be replicated. People who have seen proof have been sharing this for centuries.

And it is just the stubborn fear, rejection and division between science and religion
that has blocked this information and studies from being pursued on a public level.
People were not ready but kept fighting and blaming each other over religion.

But those who have forgiven have discovered that science can prove spiritual healing
and aren't afraid of the massive change this has on people and on society.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you reject Jesus existed before time and space Who created all things, you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

This is you.
So either you believe and are saved or you doith good and are saved. Which is it?
Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast.
So why mention works? You have contradicted thyself.
Works are unto rewards for believers, not for initial salvation.
Initial salvation? You don't even know what you're babbling about. If works were irrelevant to salvation it wouldn't be mentioned.
Every wonder why they make you memorize that bullshit? Even I know it. I don't buy it, but I know it. You're brainwashed. That's just one cults schtick.

So Jews are all condemned? They saw it with their own eyes supposedly and they didn't convert? Why should I?

How come all my friends who sound/talk like you guys are always the least educated white hillbillies?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Muslim faith has something similar to what you wrote above. He who believes in allah and mohammad as the profit shall be saved, blablabla. You buy it? Then why should I buy yours? What makes any of your mumbo jumbo any more or less believable? You were born into Christianity and Muslims born into Islam. Both of you believe. You remind me of the Babalonians & Greeks with their competing gods. Long before the Jewish story was made up.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

I wish Christians would let this be known. Instead they are sugar coating it to win back members. They don't mind the $ from liberal Christians who sort of believe some of it I guess.

Just look at how the Pope is a liberal now who is ok with gays because he knows they can't tell people who know gay people that it is a sin any longer. We all see it is not. Eventually that'll be completely taken out of the bible. Christianity has evolved over time along with the humans it controls. Look at how slavery was ok with Christianity for over 2000 years. Or murdering indians for their land. Or Iraqi's for their oil.
What matters is you prove Jesus is God because you can't find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings.

Are you kidding me? That's reasons 1 and 2 of 46 reasons why there is no god.

Why there is no god
Since nature can't start up from nothing, nor always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.

Why do you come up with the conclusion that an eternal god created the Cosmos? Why can't the cosmos be eternal? Just take god out of the equation. No need for one. We know how and when the big bang started. We may have come out of a black hole. Inside a black hole is another universe, and so on and so on. Did you see the Cosmos yet? There are billions of suns in our galaxy. There are billions of galaxies in our observable universe. There might be an infinate number of universes.

What do you know? Of the 13.5 billion years of our universe, we've only been aware for 40,000 years. We've only begun to know who we are and were we are in the universe. We'd have known 2000 years earlier if not for superstition, religions, gods, churches, super natural thinking, mysticism.
Critically examine the proof of Scripture that scientifically still to this day nobody has been able to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles. People don't willingly die for what they know is a lie, group hallucinations are impossible, and swoon theory would not convince anyone Jesus is the risen Messiah.

Better yet, if you look into spiritual healing and casting out of demons to cure people of sickness
you can see this process at work.

This observation changed the mind of many doctors
from Scott Peck who wrote a book on why he changed his mind after he witnessed this himself,
to Dr. Phillip Goldfedder and Dr. Francis MacNutt.

So they all saw physical proof of how healing is done by casting out the negative demons
and energy in Christ Jesus authority through forgiveness prayer.

This has been documented in medical studies
and can be replicated. People who have seen proof have been sharing this for centuries.

And it is just the stubborn fear, rejection and division between science and religion
that has blocked this information and studies from being pursued on a public level.
People were not ready but kept fighting and blaming each other over religion.

But those who have forgiven have discovered that science can prove spiritual healing
and aren't afraid of the massive change this has on people and on society.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you reject Jesus existed before time and space Who created all things, you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19
If you can reason, you are not a Christian.
When I get to Heaven I will have the joy of being with God and the Lamb for eternity, and with all those who are saved, chosen by God before the foundation of the world. When I get to Heaven you will be forgotten, so I will have no thought of you at all. That's what the Bible says. You want a hypothetical case of you being Heaven and want my reaction to that, but I don't do hypotheticals, as the Bible is clear, you are going to Hell, not Heaven, obviously, for reject Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Ok. I will forgive you for not being able to read, and not finding it in your heart to give a simple yes or no answer to my question.

You excuse yourself by saying it is hypothetical and then say:

as the Bible is clear, you are going to Hell, not Heaven, obviously, for reject Jesus as Lord and Savior

So I ask you to please please please educate me. Where exactly did I ever reject Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, the one who died a horrible and painful death for my sins? Links to the post(s) I have made here to convince you of that. And please provide the Chapter and verse in the Bible to back your claim.

Because, failing that, you have proven to me and everyone else here that you have put yourself in Jesus Christ's place on the Judgement Throne.

You see, I know I am saved. I have a personal relationship with Christ; albeit strained at times. And the kicker? Even though you have put my worldly flesh through great trials and tribulations here, making me want to curse you badly: I will rejoice when I see you in heaven my brother in Jesus Christ because then the lampshade will be off all the way. And we will know each others hearts.
So Jews are all condemned?

No there are many Jews who receive understanding of Christ Jesus
and accept Salvation. Peter Loth, his friend who do spiritual healing
ministry in Houston Irvin and Olivia Reiner, and our friend Juda Myer
and others are Jews who have received Christ Jesus as completing and fulfilling the laws.

Jews are not excluded.

Only people who cannot forgive and block the process
are excluding themselves from spiritual healing and heavenly peace
in the Kingdom of God as one with all others joined in Christ or by perfect Conscience.

Christians who cannot forgive
Jews who cannot forgive
Muslims or Atheists or Buddhist who cannot forgive

The key is to what degree we forgive.
The more we forgive the more u nified we become with all other
people as children of God, as one humanity.

Our affiliations and tribe is part of our identity
and how we organize, but forgiveness and fear
is what causes us to either be divided against ourselves
or united as one regardless of our tribal affiliations.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

Where are you getting that I am rejecting anything especially Jesus in the Trinity?

I believe that God/Christ Jesus/and the Holy Spirit are universal for all humanity.

I don't deny any of this, where are you getting these fearful accusations?
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you reject Jesus existed before time and space Who created all things, you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19

I didn't say "most people are saved"
Most people LIKE YOU can't forgive so that blocks full entrance into heaven.

the path of destruction is broad with people
LIKE YOU saying I am right you are wrong

the gate of righteousness is narrow where people agree in Christ

So first we form agreements in Christ
then we correct all the issues and remove the unforgiveness
and then all people who receive this understanding
this forgiveness and correction in Christ join in Salvation

I would AGREE with you that most people are
at war and in conflict stuck in unforgiveness and
repeated cycles of hell

Just because most people go through this
doesn't mean Christ cannot save all people through forgiveness
when we get tired of putting each other through hell!

People are so designed to be self-serving
they WANT To be free from suffering and WANT freedom and peace

So by the very free will, conscience and reason God gave us
where the right choices lead to peace and satisfaction
with the wrong choices lead to pain and suffering
EVENTUALLY people discover forgiveness and healing and choose that instead

When they are tired of going through hell
When I get to Heaven I will have the joy of being with God and the Lamb for eternity, and with all those who are saved, chosen by God before the foundation of the world. When I get to Heaven you will be forgotten, so I will have no thought of you at all. That's what the Bible says. You want a hypothetical case of you being Heaven and want my reaction to that, but I don't do hypotheticals, as the Bible is clear, you are going to Hell, not Heaven, obviously, for reject Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Ok. I will forgive you for not being able to read, and not finding it in your heart to give a simple yes or no answer to my question.

You excuse yourself by saying it is hypothetical and then say:

as the Bible is clear, you are going to Hell, not Heaven, obviously, for reject Jesus as Lord and Savior

So I ask you to please please please educate me. Where exactly did I ever reject Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, the one who died a horrible and painful death for my sins? Links to the post(s) I have made here to convince you of that. And please provide the Chapter and verse in the Bible to back your claim.

Because, failing that, you have proven to me and everyone else here that you have put yourself in Jesus Christ's place on the Judgement Throne.

You see, I know I am saved. I have a personal relationship with Christ; albeit strained at times. And the kicker? Even though you have put my worldly flesh through great trials and tribulations here, making me want to curse you badly: I will rejoice when I see you in heaven my brother in Jesus Christ because then the lampshade will be off all the way. And we will know each others hearts.

Not to worry
Parture is also a true believer and is questioning but will see that our spirit is consistent

I think Parture is one of those who is best suited for
rebuking the Pharisees who have strayed and gone off mark

So these gifts and talents for rebuke may be misdirected at us
but are good for checking others who do need this kind of help
from a fellow believer as Parture

Parture would you be interested in a rebuke of
* Jehovah's Witness elders?
* other cults that are teaching in conflict?

We do need to bring all teachers and leaders in unison
and make sure we teach the consistent truth and not falsely.

You mention concern about how Universal Salvation is taught.
My concern is for people like Carlton Pearson who teaches there is no hell.
So you might address that which is not the same thing I am saying.

Would you like to have an online conference
and start calling Christians to bring these issues forth
to be resolved so we can establish unity in truth?

I have issues with people misteaching about spiritual healing
and people killing or injuring people doing witchcraft or exorcisms the wrong way.

What issues most concern you?
I would like to organize a rebuke and get those resolved.
So Jews are all condemned?

No there are many Jews who receive understanding of Christ Jesus
and accept Salvation. Peter Loth, his friend who do spiritual healing
ministry in Houston Irvin and Olivia Reiner, and our friend Juda Myer
and others are Jews who have received Christ Jesus as completing and fulfilling the laws.

Jews are not excluded.

Only people who cannot forgive and block the process
are excluding themselves from spiritual healing and heavenly peace
in the Kingdom of God as one with all others joined in Christ or by perfect Conscience.

Christians who cannot forgive
Jews who cannot forgive
Muslims or Atheists or Buddhist who cannot forgive

The key is to what degree we forgive.
The more we forgive the more u nified we become with all other
people as children of God, as one humanity.

Our affiliations and tribe is part of our identity
and how we organize, but forgiveness and fear
is what causes us to either be divided against ourselves
or united as one regardless of our tribal affiliations.
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19.

Where are you getting that I am rejecting anything especially Jesus in the Trinity?

I believe that God/Christ Jesus/and the Holy Spirit are universal for all humanity.

I don't deny any of this, where are you getting these fearful accusations?
Understand why you are not a Christian. If you reject Jesus existed before time and space Who created all things, you are not a Christian. If you claim nobody is going to Hell forever, you are not a Christian, because that is part of the gospel. If you reject Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity, you are not a Christian, so you are going to Hell. Jesus said unless you confess who He truly is, He will deny you be fore the Father in Heaven (Matt. 10.32,33). If you reject Jesus resurrected Himself the 3rd day, you are not a Christian, for that is part of the gospel. If you believe most people are saved, you are not a Christian, because that is not the "little flock" (Luke 12.32). If you reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth over the nations for 1000 years with his Overcomers in the 3rd Temple, you are not a Christian, for this is His second coming. If you believe there are more than 66 books to God's word, you are not Christian as per Rev. 22.18,19

I didn't say "most people are saved"
Most people LIKE YOU can't forgive so that blocks full entrance into heaven.

the path of destruction is broad with people
LIKE YOU saying I am right you are wrong

the gate of righteousness is narrow where people agree in Christ

So first we form agreements in Christ
then we correct all the issues and remove the unforgiveness
and then all people who receive this understanding
this forgiveness and correction in Christ join in Salvation

I would AGREE with you that most people are
at war and in conflict stuck in unforgiveness and
repeated cycles of hell

Just because most people go through this
doesn't mean Christ cannot save all people through forgiveness
when we get tired of putting each other through hell!

People are so designed to be self-serving
they WANT To be free from suffering and WANT freedom and peace

So by the very free will, conscience and reason God gave us
where the right choices lead to peace and satisfaction
with the wrong choices lead to pain and suffering
EVENTUALLY people discover forgiveness and healing and choose that instead

When they are tired of going through hell
My forgiving another person has nothing to do with saving them. You're confused. You're a universalist, but the Bible does not teach universalism.

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