The Biden administration has no choice but to pursue accountability for Trump and all his associates

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The pardons are a matter of record and not subject to second guessing. Whether I or you like it or not. Other than who he pardons, as long as not selling pardons (I'm a Tennessean, we been there done that), his other decisions, actions and transgressions must be looked and and held to account. He should be punished for his crimes as anyone else. He is owed no special consideration after he leaves office.
You can't pardon someone to dismiss your own criminal liability however. And if the very people he pardons commit perjury in front of a grand jury, it's back to jail for them.
Not unless they do it in front of a judge or by a new affidavit about that which they were pardoned. That is why, if he is prosecuted, they will be called to testify, having inside knowledge, and that by accepting pardon, they have given up right to refuse to answer on the subject by 5th amendment protection and cannot lie as it would be a new count committing as a new offense, post pardon. Perfect chance to get to the truth.
I saw Tribe interviewed last night and he is correct - It is a criminal act for a president to pardon criminal associates involved in their crimes. Otherwise a president could literally get away with anything. Hell, they could tell a crony or family member to go murder a federal official and then pardon them.
Tribe is a lickspittle who does the deep state's bidding.
No, he is an expert on Constitutional law.
He's a leftwing propagandist, and nothing more.
Good thing that the credibility lies with Tribe and not you. You're a liar 24/7, so we know nothing you say is worth a shit.
ROFL! Tribe has "credibility" with the same kind of person who loved Stalin.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.
When the whole Russiagate scandal first broke, I remember thinking it was such an obviously phony and ridiculous charge that all those who claimed to believe it and who were acting as if it were true were exposing how deeply dishonorable and socially poisonous they were--knowingly embracing public lies for their own partisan reasons. Then the whole obstructionist abusive treasonous pile of dogshit finally collapsed under its own stink, and I thought to myself, well, in a healthy country, those responsible for this highly destructive fraud would be prosecuted, but at least it's over, and the perpetrators have to live with the shame of being so destructively, hatefully, wrong.

But now I see there is no shame. And you still, with breath-taking deceit, continue to flog the Russiagate scandal.

I want to know whether you are Jewish. In my experience, only Jews, with few exceptions, are as monumentally dishonest and so knowingly contrary to the public good. I have also learned that the primary Jewish tactic of "let's you and him fight" was and is behind this constant warmongering between the two centers of white Christian military power, USA and Russia.

Are you a Jew?
Trumps own intelligence agencies, along with the senate investigation, all confirmed Russia helped Trump win the election.

The sheer fact that you need to ask me if I am Jewish, proves you needed a distraction because of your inability to engage the facts and the truth yourself. You see, you have no rebuttal against the intelligence community findings. You are weak and dishonest.
So are you or are you not Jewish?
Amazing how such a persecuted minority somehow manages to miraculously create their own country out of nothing, defend it against overwhelming odds and end up ruling literally everything. It's almost as if there's a supernatural force blessing them, isn't it?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

What is Trump charged or being investigated for? If he isn't being investigated, I'm trying to figure out how he is obstructing justice?
He already obstructed justice. Did you not watch the Mueller hearing?
Man, you should have provided all this to Nancy and her minions. They could have used some real evidence in their sham impeachment. Why didn't you let them know you found all this on the internet?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
How did Kushner get his billion dollar loan paid off?
How did Ivanka get at least 6 patents in China?

Heres some advice: when you’re clueless about what’s happening keep your mouth shut or you look like an imbecile.
How did Kushner get his loans paid off---I am assuming that he made his payments as in paying his bills-----

Obviously, this is a concept that you have no clue about.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The pardons are a matter of record and not subject to second guessing. Whether I or you like it or not. Other than who he pardons, as long as not selling pardons (I'm a Tennessean, we been there done that), his other decisions, actions and transgressions must be looked and and held to account. He should be punished for his crimes as anyone else. He is owed no special consideration after he leaves office.
You can't pardon someone to dismiss your own criminal liability however. And if the very people he pardons commit perjury in front of a grand jury, it's back to jail for them.
Criminal liability for what?

Be specific.

Bring actual crimes with the specific action that violated that crime.

Unhinged rants by the Madcow dude on MSLSD don't count.

Criminal liability is not the same as actual crimes, yet. So your request is laughable. Not to mention, no one cares what you think makes a case. By the way, Trump was already fined millions for bogus universities and stealing from charities. Trump is already a proven criminal.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

What is Trump charged or being investigated for? If he isn't being investigated, I'm trying to figure out how he is obstructing justice?
He already obstructed justice. Did you not watch the Mueller hearing?
Man, you should have provided all this to Nancy and her minions. They could have used some real evidence in their sham impeachment. Why didn't you let them know you found all this on the internet?
We did, but the Republican Senate decided to violate their oaths of office and decided they didn't want to remove Trump.
I saw Tribe interviewed last night and he is correct - It is a criminal act for a president to pardon criminal associates involved in their crimes. Otherwise a president could literally get away with anything. Hell, they could tell a crony or family member to go murder a federal official and then pardon them.
Tribe is a lickspittle who does the deep state's bidding.
No, he is an expert on Constitutional law.
He's a leftwing propagandist, and nothing more.
Good thing that the credibility lies with Tribe and not you. You're a liar 24/7, so we know nothing you say is worth a shit.
Tribe is an unhinged nutbag.

Laurence Tribe Says Drs. Birx, Fauci Must Warn Against ‘Trump’s Wild Advice’ or Else Face Criminal Liability

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The pardons are a matter of record and not subject to second guessing. Whether I or you like it or not. Other than who he pardons, as long as not selling pardons (I'm a Tennessean, we been there done that), his other decisions, actions and transgressions must be looked and and held to account. He should be punished for his crimes as anyone else. He is owed no special consideration after he leaves office.
You can't pardon someone to dismiss your own criminal liability however. And if the very people he pardons commit perjury in front of a grand jury, it's back to jail for them.
Criminal liability for what?

Be specific.

Bring actual crimes with the specific action that violated that crime.

Unhinged rants by the Madcow dude on MSLSD don't count.

Criminal liability is not the same as actual crimes, yet. So your request is laughable. Not to mention, no one cares what you think makes a case. By the way, Trump was already fined millions for bogus universities and stealing from charities. Trump is already a proven criminal.
Another opinion piece on how things MAY PLAY OUT.

Do you know WTF evidence is? Apparently not.
I saw Tribe interviewed last night and he is correct - It is a criminal act for a president to pardon criminal associates involved in their crimes. Otherwise a president could literally get away with anything. Hell, they could tell a crony or family member to go murder a federal official and then pardon them.
Tribe is a lickspittle who does the deep state's bidding.
No, he is an expert on Constitutional law.
He's a leftwing propagandist, and nothing more.
You cannot stand intelligent people, we get it.
I saw Tribe interviewed last night and he is correct - It is a criminal act for a president to pardon criminal associates involved in their crimes. Otherwise a president could literally get away with anything. Hell, they could tell a crony or family member to go murder a federal official and then pardon them.
Tribe is a lickspittle who does the deep state's bidding.
No, he is an expert on Constitutional law.
He's a leftwing propagandist, and nothing more.
You cannot stand intelligent people, we get it.
He may be intelligent, but he's still a scumbag.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

What is Trump charged or being investigated for? If he isn't being investigated, I'm trying to figure out how he is obstructing justice?
He already obstructed justice. Did you not watch the Mueller hearing?
Man, you should have provided all this to Nancy and her minions. They could have used some real evidence in their sham impeachment. Why didn't you let them know you found all this on the internet?
We did, but the Republican Senate decided to violate their oaths of office and decided they didn't want to remove Trump.
They violated nothing, turd.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

What is Trump charged or being investigated for? If he isn't being investigated, I'm trying to figure out how he is obstructing justice?
He already obstructed justice. Did you not watch the Mueller hearing?
Man, you should have provided all this to Nancy and her minions. They could have used some real evidence in their sham impeachment. Why didn't you let them know you found all this on the internet?
We did, but the Republican Senate decided to violate their oaths of office and decided they didn't want to remove Trump.
Russia wasn't even a part of the accusations, nor anything from Mueller. It was all about that phone call. Obviously, they did not think they had enough of anything from Mueller. Maybe they didn't browse the internet far enough.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The pardons are a matter of record and not subject to second guessing. Whether I or you like it or not. Other than who he pardons, as long as not selling pardons (I'm a Tennessean, we been there done that), his other decisions, actions and transgressions must be looked and and held to account. He should be punished for his crimes as anyone else. He is owed no special consideration after he leaves office.
You can't pardon someone to dismiss your own criminal liability however. And if the very people he pardons commit perjury in front of a grand jury, it's back to jail for them.
Criminal liability for what?

Be specific.

Bring actual crimes with the specific action that violated that crime.

Unhinged rants by the Madcow dude on MSLSD don't count.

Criminal liability is not the same as actual crimes, yet. So your request is laughable. Not to mention, no one cares what you think makes a case. By the way, Trump was already fined millions for bogus universities and stealing from charities. Trump is already a proven criminal.
ROFL! Says the guy who voted for a corrupt, senile pedophile who sold his office to the enemy for cash.
I saw Tribe interviewed last night and he is correct - It is a criminal act for a president to pardon criminal associates involved in their crimes. Otherwise a president could literally get away with anything. Hell, they could tell a crony or family member to go murder a federal official and then pardon them.
Tribe is a lickspittle who does the deep state's bidding.
No, he is an expert on Constitutional law.
He's a leftwing propagandist, and nothing more.
Good thing that the credibility lies with Tribe and not you. You're a liar 24/7, so we know nothing you say is worth a shit.
Tribe is an unhinged nutbag.

Laurence Tribe Says Drs. Birx, Fauci Must Warn Against ‘Trump’s Wild Advice’ or Else Face Criminal Liability
Nor at all, he is speaking the truth, which many of you cannot deal with.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The pardons are a matter of record and not subject to second guessing. Whether I or you like it or not. Other than who he pardons, as long as not selling pardons (I'm a Tennessean, we been there done that), his other decisions, actions and transgressions must be looked and and held to account. He should be punished for his crimes as anyone else. He is owed no special consideration after he leaves office.
You can't pardon someone to dismiss your own criminal liability however. And if the very people he pardons commit perjury in front of a grand jury, it's back to jail for them.
Criminal liability for what?

Be specific.

Bring actual crimes with the specific action that violated that crime.

Unhinged rants by the Madcow dude on MSLSD don't count.

Criminal liability is not the same as actual crimes, yet. So your request is laughable. Not to mention, no one cares what you think makes a case. By the way, Trump was already fined millions for bogus universities and stealing from charities. Trump is already a proven criminal.
ROFL! Says the guy who voted for a corrupt, senile pedophile who sold his office to the enemy for cash.
He is none of these things, you are just a liar.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The pardons are a matter of record and not subject to second guessing. Whether I or you like it or not. Other than who he pardons, as long as not selling pardons (I'm a Tennessean, we been there done that), his other decisions, actions and transgressions must be looked and and held to account. He should be punished for his crimes as anyone else. He is owed no special consideration after he leaves office.
You can't pardon someone to dismiss your own criminal liability however. And if the very people he pardons commit perjury in front of a grand jury, it's back to jail for them.
Criminal liability for what?

Be specific.

Bring actual crimes with the specific action that violated that crime.

Unhinged rants by the Madcow dude on MSLSD don't count.

Criminal liability is not the same as actual crimes, yet. So your request is laughable. Not to mention, no one cares what you think makes a case. By the way, Trump was already fined millions for bogus universities and stealing from charities. Trump is already a proven criminal.
Criminal liability is not the same as actual crimes, yet. So your request is laughable.

Once again you use words without knowing what they mean. And you are correct on one thing, it was laughable for me to ask you to back up your moronic claims.

criminal liability
noun [ U ]
responsibility for any illegal behaviour that causes harm or damage to someone or something:

I saw Tribe interviewed last night and he is correct - It is a criminal act for a president to pardon criminal associates involved in their crimes. Otherwise a president could literally get away with anything. Hell, they could tell a crony or family member to go murder a federal official and then pardon them.
Tribe is a lickspittle who does the deep state's bidding.
No, he is an expert on Constitutional law.
He's a leftwing propagandist, and nothing more.
Good thing that the credibility lies with Tribe and not you. You're a liar 24/7, so we know nothing you say is worth a shit.
Tribe is an unhinged nutbag.

Laurence Tribe Says Drs. Birx, Fauci Must Warn Against ‘Trump’s Wild Advice’ or Else Face Criminal Liability
Nor at all, he is speaking the truth, which many of you cannot deal with.
He's a leftwing hack and nothing more.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The pardons are a matter of record and not subject to second guessing. Whether I or you like it or not. Other than who he pardons, as long as not selling pardons (I'm a Tennessean, we been there done that), his other decisions, actions and transgressions must be looked and and held to account. He should be punished for his crimes as anyone else. He is owed no special consideration after he leaves office.
You can't pardon someone to dismiss your own criminal liability however. And if the very people he pardons commit perjury in front of a grand jury, it's back to jail for them.
Criminal liability for what?

Be specific.

Bring actual crimes with the specific action that violated that crime.

Unhinged rants by the Madcow dude on MSLSD don't count.

Criminal liability is not the same as actual crimes, yet. So your request is laughable. Not to mention, no one cares what you think makes a case. By the way, Trump was already fined millions for bogus universities and stealing from charities. Trump is already a proven criminal.
ROFL! Says the guy who voted for a corrupt, senile pedophile who sold his office to the enemy for cash.
He is none of these things, you are just a liar.
You know it's true. That's what makes you a sleazy lying scum.

There's no way that an obvious piece of shit like Biden who never drew more than 20 people to his rallies won this election. All you Dims know it.

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