The Biden administration is behind an ICC plan to arrest senior Israeli officials


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Biden administration is behind an

ICC plan to arrest senior Israeli officials

24 Apr 2024 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

As Jews wake up to the reality that the Democrat party has broken its decades’ long implied promise to protect the Jews from another Holocaust, Joe Biden may be doubling down on an effort to placate the Hamas wing of the Democrat party. According to an Israeli reporter who has highly placed contacts at the Hague, the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) is planning to arrest senior Israeli officials, something it would do only if it had the Biden administration’s permission.
Caroline Glick, who is very connected to information about the Israeli government, broke the news to English-language speakers:

Even for the ICC, this is a bold move. That the ICC has the courage to make this move is allegedly because of Joe Biden:
Suffice it to say that the Democrats have made common cause with Islam. Each is using the other to obtain political power. When this unholy alliance finally achieves total political power, one will destroy the other. My bet is on Islam, which still recognizes biological reality, rather than on the fragile flowers in academia, the screaming drag queens and other LGBTQ+ activists, the angry black TikTokers, and the hysterical women who make up so much of the Democrat party’s current political strength in America.
If the Biden administration is conspiring against the Israeli government, there is no safe place in the world for Jews at all. Every nation has become Nazi Germany, including America.

It appears that without the Isla,ic vote Biden could lose the next election. Because of this prospect the perfidious Joe Biden would rather stab Israel and Bibi Netanyahu in the back.
Panning to do the dastardly Joe Biden would arrest senior Israeli officials and turn them over to the ICC for trial. They will be charghed for defending the pople of Israel for Hamas terrorists.
Seems the entire leadership structure of the Democrat Neo-Marxist party was in bed with Hitler and Nazi's until the day he bombed Mother Russia.
Protect the criminals. Prosecute the victim.
Why should Jews expect to be treated differently?
The question being asked is, how many ICC warrants have been issued for the arrest of Hamas terrorists?
Seriously have Democrats and the 46th president become so depraved as to turn against America and Israel in favor to Iran. Hamas and the Arab Brotherhood terrorism?
Orwell's 1984 fast forwarded to 2024 and the endless wars divided into three superstates: Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, ...
Does it ring any bells?

The Biden administration is behind an

ICC plan to arrest senior Israeli officials

On the other hand, at least you have no shortage of hysterical snowflakes to write 'opinion' pieces, so there's that.
Now there would be some serious shooting if they actually tried to arrest anyone.

Would not want to be on the receiving end of their wrath.
Start with the fact that the ICC I am entirely independent organization

What are these guys being charged with and who?

If this guy is so well placed he should have that information
Start with the fact that the ICC I am entirely independent organization

What are these guys being charged with and who?

If this guy is so well placed he should have that information


The Biden administration is behind an

ICC plan to arrest senior Israeli officials

24 Apr 2024 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

As Jews wake up to the reality that the Democrat party has broken its decades’ long implied promise to protect the Jews from another Holocaust, Joe Biden may be doubling down on an effort to placate the Hamas wing of the Democrat party. According to an Israeli reporter who has highly placed contacts at the Hague, the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) is planning to arrest senior Israeli officials, something it would do only if it had the Biden administration’s permission.
Caroline Glick, who is very connected to information about the Israeli government, broke the news to English-language speakers:

Even for the ICC, this is a bold move. That the ICC has the courage to make this move is allegedly because of Joe Biden:
Suffice it to say that the Democrats have made common cause with Islam. Each is using the other to obtain political power. When this unholy alliance finally achieves total political power, one will destroy the other. My bet is on Islam, which still recognizes biological reality, rather than on the fragile flowers in academia, the screaming drag queens and other LGBTQ+ activists, the angry black TikTokers, and the hysterical women who make up so much of the Democrat party’s current political strength in America.
If the Biden administration is conspiring against the Israeli government, there is no safe place in the world for Jews at all. Every nation has become Nazi Germany, including America.

It appears that without the Isla,ic vote Biden could lose the next election. Because of this prospect the perfidious Joe Biden would rather stab Israel and Bibi Netanyahu in the back.
Panning to do the dastardly Joe Biden would arrest senior Israeli officials and turn them over to the ICC for trial. They will be charghed for defending the pople of Israel for Hamas terrorists.
Seems the entire leadership structure of the Democrat Neo-Marxist party was in bed with Hitler and Nazi's until the day he bombed Mother Russia.
Protect the criminals. Prosecute the victim.
Why should Jews expect to be treated differently?
The question being asked is, how many ICC warrants have been issued for the arrest of Hamas terrorists?
Seriously have Democrats and the 46th president become so depraved as to turn against America and Israel in favor to Iran. Hamas and the Arab Brotherhood terrorism?

Wow, the right wing conspiracy theory mill is working overtime.

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