The Biden/Sanders Debate.A Possibility?,So Who Will Doze Off, Faint Or Have A Brain Freeze First?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:poke::slap: Now there's a debate worth paying to watch! Two 74{ish} year old Democrats attempting to debate one another for 90 minutes without falling asleep or having to rush to the nearest restroom. :piss2:
So lets just picture this laughable debate with two borderline senile candidates who are at the age where they need to take three to four naps a day. So what will happen during the debate (aside from either one fading away). Will Biden be the first to be caught on camera,eyes shut and snoring? Or will we see Sanders missing from his podium because he needed to crouch down on his knees from the pain of standing in the same spot for 10 minutes? :laugh2::laugh:

Why would those two be debating? And where do you get the idea either one is showing signs of senility?

You ever get a brain scan? I mean, to see if there is one?
they should line the front row with 40 very hot sexy females, boobs all over the place,,then lets see them debate.
What the hell would they be debating?

Biden's not a candidate for anything --- you know that, right?
i brought up biden because the democrats might need to dig him up again if Hillary fails.
maybe they can just have 12 or so 12 year old girls seated all around Biden to keep him sane for 90 minutes,,at least he wont fall alseep,,,,but he better keep his crotch area in the podium.
Two 74{ish} year old Democrats attempting to debate one another for 90 minutes without falling asleep or having to rush to the nearest restroom.

Are you describing everyone over 70 in your family or do you really not know any older people? I ask because you seem obsessed with this particular aspect of aging, as if you assume everyone ages at the same rate.

Would you say everyone your age is exactly the same?
Two 74{ish} year old Democrats attempting to debate one another for 90 minutes without falling asleep or having to rush to the nearest restroom.

Are you describing everyone over 70 in your family or do you really not know any older people? I ask because you seem obsessed with this particular aspect of aging, as if you assume everyone ages at the same rate.

Would you say everyone your age is exactly the same?

You mean like the far left and McCain in the 2008 run?

Silly far left drones!
maybe they can just have 12 or so 12 year old girls seated all around Biden to keep him sane for 90 minutes,,at least he wont fall alseep,,,,but he better keep his crotch area in the podium.

When JoJo grows up, he wants to be a sexual abuser in the shadow of Bill "Blow Job' Clinton!

right, when McCain was running, the left feared that he would die and we would have a president palin,,,,oh noooooo!
Two 74{ish} year old Democrats attempting to debate one another for 90 minutes without falling asleep or having to rush to the nearest restroom.

Are you describing everyone over 70 in your family or do you really not know any older people? I ask because you seem obsessed with this particular aspect of aging, as if you assume everyone ages at the same rate.

Would you say everyone your age is exactly the same?

You mean like the far left and McCain in the 2008 run?

:poke::slap: Now there's a debate worth paying to watch! Two 74{ish} year old Democrats attempting to debate one another for 90 minutes without falling asleep or having to rush to the nearest restroom. :piss2:
So lets just picture this laughable debate with two borderline senile candidates who are at the age where they need to take three to four naps a day. So what will happen during the debate (aside from either one fading away). Will Biden be the first to be caught on camera,eyes shut and snoring? Or will we see Sanders missing from his podium because he needed to crouch down on his knees from the pain of standing in the same spot for 10 minutes? :laugh2::laugh:

Rexx Taylor Wake me up when they get to Trump and Sanders having a fireside chat
about rebuilding the economy and shifting jobs back to the US to replace slave labor.
I want to be wide awake for that conversation!!
i brought up biden because the democrats might need to dig him up again if Hillary fails.
Obama should retire and swear in Joe as president. This would open the way for a Biden/Warren convention challenge. He should wait unti afterl the super primary. Joe would be a one term president. The age argument is valid.

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