The Big Anti-Cop Lie.

Your story stretches credulity. It's not that crazy things can't happen, it's that they're unlikely. Yes, law abiding citizens can get a gun pulled on them by the cops in some freak scenario, but in nearly every case, the person having the gun pulled on them is not a law abiding citizen or is hanging out with the wrong crowd.

Go fuck yourself then.

You're getting a little touchy. What I said was fact. Lots of people involved in crime have no idea why the police are "out to get them" and don the persecution mantel, but the truth is, negative police contacts are highly unlikely unless you're doing something wrong or are in the wrong place. If you think that the cops just have a hard on for you, then you might want to get help with that.

NO, what you said was wankitudinous speculation callig me a liar on an event you were not there to see. So fuck you.
I was once pulled over 3 x in one day by 3 different agencies....staters, tribal, and city, lol.

The third time, my ex was excessively pissed and the cop had the intelligence to get in his car and drive.

I think they were looking for a car like mine, that's the only thing it could have been. But when they do that, why don't they just TELL you? Instead of making up some bogus shit like " looked like you parked too close to the edge of the parking lot there"....EXCUSE ME???

I was once pulled over, just after leaving my house, and given EIGHT tickets -- at a time when I was on the way to a place of employment where I was in a dispute with management, who would have known where I lived and when I'd be leaving.

In other words, somebody called in a favor to harass me.

This was in New Orleans though, so I just picked up the phone and called my own favors in and got all 8 tickets dropped.

Leave it to Beaver here won't believe that one either. These kids today...

Yes, I did lead a Leave it to Beaver lifestyle and have had no bad interactions with cops.

Funny how that works.
I've never been arrested or committed such an offense either. That would be actual law enforcement, and not what I was talking about.

But I have been jumped by guys who pulled guns on me who turned out to be cops (they never identifiied, I had to figure that out on my own) for the "crime" of walking home. Or if you like the crime of BTOPA -- Being the Only Person Around. That's all it takes.

Good thing I don't follow the advice of the gun nuts on this forum -- had I been packing to "protect" myself while these plainclothes rubes jumped out of a plain white Oldsmobile, I suspect at least one of us would have been dead. If not more.

Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

That's about the only case where the cops are going to detain you is if you're in the vicinity of a crime that just occurred. Now that we've got all the facts, it makes sense. That can happen to anyone because when a murder just occurred, there's a high probability the murderer is still around. This is hardly an example of police persecuting you for no reason at all. Next time lead with the facts.

Bite my crank asshole -- it was NOT "in the vicinity" at all. We had to DRIVE to the scene. Which was I would say a couple of MILES AWAY.

Go fuck yourself with a wire brush, Dickbreath.

Your mangina is bleeding all over the thread. No wonder you have a persecution complex and think the cops have a hard on for you. You can't even discuss the situation rationally. You held back important details and then get bent out of shape when nobody understands your situation. Maybe you should have a hot bath with some of those fancy beads, Nancy.

Maybe you're just a fucking idiot with a sheltered life, Beaver.
Wrong. What I did was I spaced out on the trolley coming home from work, and missed my stop and had to walk back two blocks. Had I not missed my stop I wouldn't have been there when these goons came up the street, and they would have picked up somebody else. With who knows what results. And I was alone, not "hanging out" with anyone.

If you think that simplistic scenario you laid out above is actually the way the world works look around and see if the people around you are named Ward and June Cleaver.

Your story stretches credulity. It's not that crazy things can't happen, it's that they're unlikely. Yes, law abiding citizens can get a gun pulled on them by the cops in some freak scenario, but in nearly every case, the person having the gun pulled on them is not a law abiding citizen or is hanging out with the wrong crowd.

Go fuck yourself then.

You're getting a little touchy. What I said was fact. Lots of people involved in crime have no idea why the police are "out to get them" and don the persecution mantel, but the truth is, negative police contacts are highly unlikely unless you're doing something wrong or are in the wrong place. If you think that the cops just have a hard on for you, then you might want to get help with that.

NO, what you said was wankitudinous speculation callig me a liar on an event you were not there to see. So fuck you.
I was once pulled over 3 x in one day by 3 different agencies....staters, tribal, and city, lol.

The third time, my ex was excessively pissed and the cop had the intelligence to get in his car and drive.

I think they were looking for a car like mine, that's the only thing it could have been. But when they do that, why don't they just TELL you? Instead of making up some bogus shit like " looked like you parked too close to the edge of the parking lot there"....EXCUSE ME???

They wanna see how nervous you are or arent. Plus...they're waiting on backup. What if you WERE the car they're looking for...and you know you just did some serious crime....they want to let you think they dont know as long as possible to buy time. They wont say "Hey looking for a white guy in a red Honda who.just shot him??" Thats asking for immediate escalation.

Maybe once they realize you arent him they could explain it. But....they're looking for someone. Time is critical. I understand why they dont take a lot of time explaining because then it leads to questions "oh is it safe here? What happened? Where? My kids are ear there? Etc etc"
No, but when I lived abroad and found all that shit disappeared -- even while I was an "undocumented worker" --- it did occur to me what the actual root of the problem was. You're welcome.

I've lived in this country and never had a cop pull a gun on me. I've also never been arrested or committed an offense worthy of arrest. I wonder if there might be a connection here....


Methinks there is!

Stop breaking the law and acting like a criminal and the cops will stop pulling guns on you.

I've never been arrested or committed such an offense either. That would be actual law enforcement, and not what I was talking about.

But I have been jumped by guys who pulled guns on me who turned out to be cops (they never identifiied, I had to figure that out on my own) for the "crime" of walking home. Or if you like the crime of BTOPA -- Being the Only Person Around. That's all it takes.

Good thing I don't follow the advice of the gun nuts on this forum -- had I been packing to "protect" myself while these plainclothes rubes jumped out of a plain white Oldsmobile, I suspect at least one of us would have been dead. If not more.

Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

We don't know what his story was. He held back important details until I started poking holes through his story. Probably some creative improv there.
Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

That's about the only case where the cops are going to detain you is if you're in the vicinity of a crime that just occurred. Now that we've got all the facts, it makes sense. That can happen to anyone because when a murder just occurred, there's a high probability the murderer is still around. This is hardly an example of police persecuting you for no reason at all. Next time lead with the facts.

Bite my crank asshole -- it was NOT "in the vicinity" at all. We had to DRIVE to the scene. Which was I would say a couple of MILES AWAY.

Go fuck yourself with a wire brush, Dickbreath.

Your mangina is bleeding all over the thread. No wonder you have a persecution complex and think the cops have a hard on for you. You can't even discuss the situation rationally. You held back important details and then get bent out of shape when nobody understands your situation. Maybe you should have a hot bath with some of those fancy beads, Nancy.

Maybe you're just a fucking idiot with a sheltered life, Beaver.

Sheltered is the same as law abiding and responsible.
Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

That's about the only case where the cops are going to detain you is if you're in the vicinity of a crime that just occurred. Now that we've got all the facts, it makes sense. That can happen to anyone because when a murder just occurred, there's a high probability the murderer is still around. This is hardly an example of police persecuting you for no reason at all. Next time lead with the facts.

Bite my crank asshole -- it was NOT "in the vicinity" at all. We had to DRIVE to the scene. Which was I would say a couple of MILES AWAY.

Go fuck yourself with a wire brush, Dickbreath.

Your mangina is bleeding all over the thread. No wonder you have a persecution complex and think the cops have a hard on for you. You can't even discuss the situation rationally. You held back important details and then get bent out of shape when nobody understands your situation. Maybe you should have a hot bath with some of those fancy beads, Nancy.

Maybe you're just a fucking idiot with a sheltered life, Beaver.

Yes, I sheltered myself from criminal activity and have never been bothered by the cops.

Funny how that works.
I've lived in this country and never had a cop pull a gun on me. I've also never been arrested or committed an offense worthy of arrest. I wonder if there might be a connection here....


Methinks there is!

Stop breaking the law and acting like a criminal and the cops will stop pulling guns on you.

I've never been arrested or committed such an offense either. That would be actual law enforcement, and not what I was talking about.

But I have been jumped by guys who pulled guns on me who turned out to be cops (they never identifiied, I had to figure that out on my own) for the "crime" of walking home. Or if you like the crime of BTOPA -- Being the Only Person Around. That's all it takes.

Good thing I don't follow the advice of the gun nuts on this forum -- had I been packing to "protect" myself while these plainclothes rubes jumped out of a plain white Oldsmobile, I suspect at least one of us would have been dead. If not more.

Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

We don't know what his story was. He held back important details until I started poking holes through his story. Probably some creative improv there.

Yeah some of it made no sense.
No, but when I lived abroad and found all that shit disappeared -- even while I was an "undocumented worker" --- it did occur to me what the actual root of the problem was. You're welcome.

I've lived in this country and never had a cop pull a gun on me. I've also never been arrested or committed an offense worthy of arrest. I wonder if there might be a connection here....


Methinks there is!

Stop breaking the law and acting like a criminal and the cops will stop pulling guns on you.

I've never been arrested or committed such an offense either. That would be actual law enforcement, and not what I was talking about.

But I have been jumped by guys who pulled guns on me who turned out to be cops (they never identifiied, I had to figure that out on my own) for the "crime" of walking home. Or if you like the crime of BTOPA -- Being the Only Person Around. That's all it takes.

Good thing I don't follow the advice of the gun nuts on this forum -- had I been packing to "protect" myself while these plainclothes rubes jumped out of a plain white Oldsmobile, I suspect at least one of us would have been dead. If not more.

Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

That seems the way it should work -- and prior to this that's how I thought it did work. But what if I had been packing, two guys jump out of a plain car, I figure they're out to rob me, I pull my gun and pick one off before I'm subdued -- you think the one still standing is going to tell the truth that they never identified themselves?

Beaver might swallow that one but I don't.
I've never been arrested or committed such an offense either. That would be actual law enforcement, and not what I was talking about.

But I have been jumped by guys who pulled guns on me who turned out to be cops (they never identifiied, I had to figure that out on my own) for the "crime" of walking home. Or if you like the crime of BTOPA -- Being the Only Person Around. That's all it takes.

Good thing I don't follow the advice of the gun nuts on this forum -- had I been packing to "protect" myself while these plainclothes rubes jumped out of a plain white Oldsmobile, I suspect at least one of us would have been dead. If not more.

Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

We don't know what his story was. He held back important details until I started poking holes through his story. Probably some creative improv there.

Yeah some of it made no sense.

I held back nothing. Beaver-boy can't fucking read.
Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

We don't know what his story was. He held back important details until I started poking holes through his story. Probably some creative improv there.

Yeah some of it made no sense.

I held back nothing. Beaver-boy can't fucking read.
Yeah, you did. And you can't hide it now. Your original post said nothing about police investigating a homicide. That was worked in later.
I've lived in this country and never had a cop pull a gun on me. I've also never been arrested or committed an offense worthy of arrest. I wonder if there might be a connection here....


Methinks there is!

Stop breaking the law and acting like a criminal and the cops will stop pulling guns on you.

I've never been arrested or committed such an offense either. That would be actual law enforcement, and not what I was talking about.

But I have been jumped by guys who pulled guns on me who turned out to be cops (they never identifiied, I had to figure that out on my own) for the "crime" of walking home. Or if you like the crime of BTOPA -- Being the Only Person Around. That's all it takes.

Good thing I don't follow the advice of the gun nuts on this forum -- had I been packing to "protect" myself while these plainclothes rubes jumped out of a plain white Oldsmobile, I suspect at least one of us would have been dead. If not more.

Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

That's about the only case where the cops are going to detain you is if you're in the vicinity of a crime that just occurred. Now that we've got all the facts, it makes sense. That can happen to anyone because when a murder just occurred, there's a high probability the murderer is still around. This is hardly an example of police persecuting you for no reason at all. Next time lead with the facts.

But the facts don't really lend credence to his silly commentary about how cops are bad in the US!

I'm pretty sure Philadelphia is in the U.S. Birthplace of it in fact.
They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

We don't know what his story was. He held back important details until I started poking holes through his story. Probably some creative improv there.

Yeah some of it made no sense.

I held back nothing. Beaver-boy can't fucking read.
Yeah, you did. And you can't hide it now. Your original post said nothing about police investigating a homicide. That was worked in later.

A poor workman blames his tools -- so you blame me for your own illiteracy. I KNEW nothing about a homicide until the later events. I told the story in real time, i.e. from the perspective of the law-abiding citizen to which said harassment is actually happening.

That you're too much of a dolt to follow it ain't my problem, Beav.
I've lived in this country and never had a cop pull a gun on me. I've also never been arrested or committed an offense worthy of arrest. I wonder if there might be a connection here....


Methinks there is!

Stop breaking the law and acting like a criminal and the cops will stop pulling guns on you.

I've never been arrested or committed such an offense either. That would be actual law enforcement, and not what I was talking about.

But I have been jumped by guys who pulled guns on me who turned out to be cops (they never identifiied, I had to figure that out on my own) for the "crime" of walking home. Or if you like the crime of BTOPA -- Being the Only Person Around. That's all it takes.

Good thing I don't follow the advice of the gun nuts on this forum -- had I been packing to "protect" myself while these plainclothes rubes jumped out of a plain white Oldsmobile, I suspect at least one of us would have been dead. If not more.

Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

That seems the way it should work -- and prior to this that's how I thought it did work. But what if I had been packing, two guys jump out of a plain car, I figure they're out to rob me, I pull my gun and pick one off before I'm subdued -- you think the one still standing is going to tell the truth that they never identified themselves?

Beaver might swallow that one but I don't.

They use polygraphs in murder investigations. So...the truth would've come out eventually. Thats a hypothetical what if though.

I researched the "Philadelphia Highway Patrol". They do exist. They're a highly trained exclusive unit at Philly PD that focuses on high risk and violent crime areas.

Sounds like they're trying to keep your hood from falling into total chaos. They should've identified themselves. True. Mistake there. should thank them. They're trying to keep the soulless and evil predators in check around where you live.
If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

We don't know what his story was. He held back important details until I started poking holes through his story. Probably some creative improv there.

Yeah some of it made no sense.

I held back nothing. Beaver-boy can't fucking read.
Yeah, you did. And you can't hide it now. Your original post said nothing about police investigating a homicide. That was worked in later.

A poor workman blames his tools -- so you blame me for your own illiteracy. I KNEW nothing about a homicide until the later events. I told the story in real time. That youre too much of a dolt to follow it ain't my problem, Beav.

So in hindsight. ...your only gripe is they didnt ID themselves? Thats legitimate. They are supposed to and that was a mistake.

Otherwise. ...they're risking their lives to remove a killer from your neighborhood. You should've thanked them.
We don't know what his story was. He held back important details until I started poking holes through his story. Probably some creative improv there.

Yeah some of it made no sense.

I held back nothing. Beaver-boy can't fucking read.
Yeah, you did. And you can't hide it now. Your original post said nothing about police investigating a homicide. That was worked in later.

A poor workman blames his tools -- so you blame me for your own illiteracy. I KNEW nothing about a homicide until the later events. I told the story in real time. That youre too much of a dolt to follow it ain't my problem, Beav.

So in hindsight. ...your only gripe is they didnt ID themselves? Thats legitimate. They are supposed to and that was a mistake.

Otherwise. ...they're risking their lives to remove a killer from your neighborhood. You should've thanked them.

It wasn't my neighborhood. We had to commute to it.

They also simply picked up whoever was visible -- quite a distance away (me) and completely ignored the description the witness had. I looked nothing at all like his description.
I've never been arrested or committed such an offense either. That would be actual law enforcement, and not what I was talking about.

But I have been jumped by guys who pulled guns on me who turned out to be cops (they never identifiied, I had to figure that out on my own) for the "crime" of walking home. Or if you like the crime of BTOPA -- Being the Only Person Around. That's all it takes.

Good thing I don't follow the advice of the gun nuts on this forum -- had I been packing to "protect" myself while these plainclothes rubes jumped out of a plain white Oldsmobile, I suspect at least one of us would have been dead. If not more.

Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

That seems the way it should work -- and prior to this that's how I thought it did work. But what if I had been packing, two guys jump out of a plain car, I figure they're out to rob me, I pull my gun and pick one off before I'm subdued -- you think the one still standing is going to tell the truth that they never identified themselves?

Beaver might swallow that one but I don't.

They use polygraphs in murder investigations. So...the truth would've come out eventually. Thats a hypothetical what if though.

I researched the "Philadelphia Highway Patrol". They do exist. They're a highly trained exclusive unit at Philly PD that focuses on high risk and violent crime areas.

Sounds like they're trying to keep your hood from falling into total chaos. They should've identified themselves. True. Mistake there. should thank them. They're trying to keep the soulless and evil predators in check around where you live.

Yes it is a hypothetical, but if I followed the thinking of the gun nuts here that's what would have gone down, as I had no indication who or what they were, until the car ride. Even then I wasn't sure, having never heard of the entity and wondering as per your original thought, if they were counterfeit.

And no, I don't think I should "thank" them for that, and again it wasn't "around where I live". We had to drive there.
Yeah some of it made no sense.

I held back nothing. Beaver-boy can't fucking read.
Yeah, you did. And you can't hide it now. Your original post said nothing about police investigating a homicide. That was worked in later.

A poor workman blames his tools -- so you blame me for your own illiteracy. I KNEW nothing about a homicide until the later events. I told the story in real time. That youre too much of a dolt to follow it ain't my problem, Beav.

So in hindsight. ...your only gripe is they didnt ID themselves? Thats legitimate. They are supposed to and that was a mistake.

Otherwise. ...they're risking their lives to remove a killer from your neighborhood. You should've thanked them.

It wasn't my neighborhood. We had to commute to it.

They also simply picked up whoever was visible -- quite a distance away (me) and completely ignored the description the witness had. I looked nothing at all like his description.

Who evers hood it was...they're trying to clean it up.

May I ask...what description was given...and how drastically do you stray from it?
Theres a solid chance that those guys...werent cops. Badges and ID cards get stolen and counterfeitied often. Its a fairly common occurrence for crooks to steal or counterfeit a few badges...then go rob people or get revenge on an enemy and pose as cops.

So...if they jumped you for no reason...didnt arrest you....those were possibly people impersonating officers looking to rob someone.

They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

That seems the way it should work -- and prior to this that's how I thought it did work. But what if I had been packing, two guys jump out of a plain car, I figure they're out to rob me, I pull my gun and pick one off before I'm subdued -- you think the one still standing is going to tell the truth that they never identified themselves?

Beaver might swallow that one but I don't.

They use polygraphs in murder investigations. So...the truth would've come out eventually. Thats a hypothetical what if though.

I researched the "Philadelphia Highway Patrol". They do exist. They're a highly trained exclusive unit at Philly PD that focuses on high risk and violent crime areas.

Sounds like they're trying to keep your hood from falling into total chaos. They should've identified themselves. True. Mistake there. should thank them. They're trying to keep the soulless and evil predators in check around where you live.

Yes it is a hypothetical, but if I followed the thinking of the gun nuts here that's what would have gone down, as I had no indication who or what they were, until the car ride. Even then I wasn't sure, having never heard of the entity and wondering as per your original thought, if they were counterfeit.

And no, I don't think I should "thank" them for that, and again it wasn't "around where I live". We had to drive there.

They should've IDed themselves. Absolutely agree that was a mistake. Its hypothetical. ..but thank God it didnt end bad.

Doesnt matter who's hood. They're trying to clean them all up. Yours. Theirs. The ones you commute through.

They're risking their ensure the fewest number of killers and rapists and thieves live in Philly as possible. For should thank your life is a little safer as a result and so is your family's.
If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

We don't know what his story was. He held back important details until I started poking holes through his story. Probably some creative improv there.

Yeah some of it made no sense.

I held back nothing. Beaver-boy can't fucking read.
Yeah, you did. And you can't hide it now. Your original post said nothing about police investigating a homicide. That was worked in later.

A poor workman blames his tools -- so you blame me for your own illiteracy. I KNEW nothing about a homicide until the later events. I told the story in real time, i.e. from the perspective of the law-abiding citizen to which said harassment is actually happening.

That you're too much of a dolt to follow it ain't my problem, Beav.

Yet you still knew all the important facts and excluded them from your original claim. Then you get upset when people don't understand what the situation was.

And in post 64 you said that one of the cops frisking you said they were investigating a homicide. So I believe I caught you in your first lie. But keep talking because I'm very good at this. I should have been a police detective.
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

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