The Big Anti-Cop Lie.

He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

You're now on Ignore for abject dishonesty so don't even bother, Beav.
They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

That's about the only case where the cops are going to detain you is if you're in the vicinity of a crime that just occurred. Now that we've got all the facts, it makes sense. That can happen to anyone because when a murder just occurred, there's a high probability the murderer is still around. This is hardly an example of police persecuting you for no reason at all. Next time lead with the facts.

Bite my crank asshole -- it was NOT "in the vicinity" at all. We had to DRIVE to the scene. Which was I would say a couple of MILES AWAY.

Go fuck yourself with a wire brush, Dickbreath.

Your mangina is bleeding all over the thread. No wonder you have a persecution complex and think the cops have a hard on for you. You can't even discuss the situation rationally. You held back important details and then get bent out of shape when nobody understands your situation. Maybe you should have a hot bath with some of those fancy beads, Nancy.

Maybe you're just a fucking idiot with a sheltered life, Beaver.

Sheltered is the same as law abiding and responsible.

Not the way I use it -- more at this:


I'm law abiding and responsible too, and look where it got me. But at least I don't sit on message boards calling people liars on events I never saw.
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

Yeah...I can kinda daydream about how his incident went. The only part that may be a legit gripe is the cops didnt ID themselves immediately or didnt do it well enough. Thats a pet peeve of mine with a few cops...gotta ID yourself so the person knows you're a cop...particularly undercover guys.

The rest? Sounds like a special police unit trying to catch a killer who just murdered someone. They dont waste time stopping people who look NOTHING like the description or who are to far away to have been the killer.

Like they said "Hey...suspect is a white man with a green shirt...he is probably within a mile of here still. Sooooooo........lets go 10 miles away and fuck with black people wearing yellow clothes!!! Yes!"
They did frisk me, but I had been mugged a few days before and was traveling without a wallet. Oh that pissed 'em off. And I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITHOUT ID?!?" I was thought (but did not voice), "I didn't know we were living in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Asshole".

Their car did have a police radio in it. And of course the handcuffs they put me in. I asked them once we were in the car and driving to parts unknown what exactly was going on here. The younger one with the ID attitude turned around and snapped 'WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE, IS THAT OK WITH YOU?" Whereupon they took me down the street I had just came up on the trolley to a bar where someone had apparently just been shot. Not a place I had ever seen or heard of. They brought out an eyewitness who took one look at me and declared I didn't look at all remotely like the perp he saw. Not even close. They took me halfway up the street to a deserted area before they took the handcuffs off.

While looking around for clues in the car, I saw an insignia on one of the guy's shoulders that read "Philadelphia Highway Pagtrol", an entity that, despite being a native Philadelphian I had never heard of nor had anyone else. But since Al Gore invented the Internet I've found it on Google. It's kind of a secret city police.

So I have to conclude they were cops. They just never identified who they were. I thought they had to. Apparently not. Which begs the question, if two guys in plain clothes jump you and don't identify as cops and you shoot them --- who's at fault?

If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

That seems the way it should work -- and prior to this that's how I thought it did work. But what if I had been packing, two guys jump out of a plain car, I figure they're out to rob me, I pull my gun and pick one off before I'm subdued -- you think the one still standing is going to tell the truth that they never identified themselves?

Beaver might swallow that one but I don't.

They use polygraphs in murder investigations. So...the truth would've come out eventually. Thats a hypothetical what if though.

I researched the "Philadelphia Highway Patrol". They do exist. They're a highly trained exclusive unit at Philly PD that focuses on high risk and violent crime areas.

Sounds like they're trying to keep your hood from falling into total chaos. They should've identified themselves. True. Mistake there. should thank them. They're trying to keep the soulless and evil predators in check around where you live.

Yes it is a hypothetical, but if I followed the thinking of the gun nuts here that's what would have gone down, as I had no indication who or what they were, until the car ride. Even then I wasn't sure, having never heard of the entity and wondering as per your original thought, if they were counterfeit.

And no, I don't think I should "thank" them for that, and again it wasn't "around where I live". We had to drive there.

They should've IDed themselves. Absolutely agree that was a mistake. Its hypothetical. ..but thank God it didnt end bad.

Doesnt matter who's hood. They're trying to clean them all up. Yours. Theirs. The ones you commute through.

They're risking their ensure the fewest number of killers and rapists and thieves live in Philly as possible. For should thank your life is a little safer as a result and so is your family's.

If that's the way they work, I doubt that very much. Can't even follow a simple description? If anything with innocent people being harassed like this it's prolly more dangerous out there. You don't make a safer neighborhood (or city) by hassling people.
That's about the only case where the cops are going to detain you is if you're in the vicinity of a crime that just occurred. Now that we've got all the facts, it makes sense. That can happen to anyone because when a murder just occurred, there's a high probability the murderer is still around. This is hardly an example of police persecuting you for no reason at all. Next time lead with the facts.

Bite my crank asshole -- it was NOT "in the vicinity" at all. We had to DRIVE to the scene. Which was I would say a couple of MILES AWAY.

Go fuck yourself with a wire brush, Dickbreath.

Your mangina is bleeding all over the thread. No wonder you have a persecution complex and think the cops have a hard on for you. You can't even discuss the situation rationally. You held back important details and then get bent out of shape when nobody understands your situation. Maybe you should have a hot bath with some of those fancy beads, Nancy.

Maybe you're just a fucking idiot with a sheltered life, Beaver.

Sheltered is the same as law abiding and responsible.

Not the way I use it -- more at this:


I'm law abiding and responsible too, and look where it got me. But at least I don't sit on message boards calling people liars on events I never saw.

Where did it get you? Do you have a rap sheet? You obviously werent killed.

You got tangled uo briefly in a murder investigation. They found you were obviously not the killer and you left.

Murderers dont wear a t shirt saying "Yup...just murdered somebody".
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

Yeah...I can kinda daydream about how his incident went. The only part that may be a legit gripe is the cops didnt ID themselves immediately or didnt do it well enough. Thats a pet peeve of mine with a few cops...gotta ID yourself so the person knows you're a cop...particularly undercover guys.

The rest? Sounds like a special police unit trying to catch a killer who just murdered someone. They dont waste time stopping people who look NOTHING like the description or who are to far away to have been the killer.

And that's exactly what these guys did. Which leads one to wonder, how far away did the actual shooter, who fit the actual description, get away while they were farting around with me?
If all thats true...then they would be. Day 1 at police academy you are told to ID yourself...and cops have been that and the person cleared due to not identifying themselves. Its very rare but has happened.

"Philadelphia Highway Patrol"??? Highway Patrols in every state I know of are state would've been Pennsylvania HP.

That seems the way it should work -- and prior to this that's how I thought it did work. But what if I had been packing, two guys jump out of a plain car, I figure they're out to rob me, I pull my gun and pick one off before I'm subdued -- you think the one still standing is going to tell the truth that they never identified themselves?

Beaver might swallow that one but I don't.

They use polygraphs in murder investigations. So...the truth would've come out eventually. Thats a hypothetical what if though.

I researched the "Philadelphia Highway Patrol". They do exist. They're a highly trained exclusive unit at Philly PD that focuses on high risk and violent crime areas.

Sounds like they're trying to keep your hood from falling into total chaos. They should've identified themselves. True. Mistake there. should thank them. They're trying to keep the soulless and evil predators in check around where you live.

Yes it is a hypothetical, but if I followed the thinking of the gun nuts here that's what would have gone down, as I had no indication who or what they were, until the car ride. Even then I wasn't sure, having never heard of the entity and wondering as per your original thought, if they were counterfeit.

And no, I don't think I should "thank" them for that, and again it wasn't "around where I live". We had to drive there.

They should've IDed themselves. Absolutely agree that was a mistake. Its hypothetical. ..but thank God it didnt end bad.

Doesnt matter who's hood. They're trying to clean them all up. Yours. Theirs. The ones you commute through.

They're risking their ensure the fewest number of killers and rapists and thieves live in Philly as possible. For should thank your life is a little safer as a result and so is your family's.

If that's the way they work, I doubt that very much. Can't even follow a simple description? If anything with innocent people being harassed like this it's prolly more dangerous out there. You don't make a safer neighborhood (or city) by hassling people.

You and many others need to get one thing clarified.

"Investigating" is NOT "harrassment".

Pro baseball players dont bat 1.000. Neither do cops. Its impossible to find THE bad guy on the first interview or stop every day for every crime committed. Its inevitable that innocent people will occasionally be stopped or questioned.

Unless you have a better way of fighting crime?
Bite my crank asshole -- it was NOT "in the vicinity" at all. We had to DRIVE to the scene. Which was I would say a couple of MILES AWAY.

Go fuck yourself with a wire brush, Dickbreath.

Your mangina is bleeding all over the thread. No wonder you have a persecution complex and think the cops have a hard on for you. You can't even discuss the situation rationally. You held back important details and then get bent out of shape when nobody understands your situation. Maybe you should have a hot bath with some of those fancy beads, Nancy.

Maybe you're just a fucking idiot with a sheltered life, Beaver.

Sheltered is the same as law abiding and responsible.

Not the way I use it -- more at this:


I'm law abiding and responsible too, and look where it got me. But at least I don't sit on message boards calling people liars on events I never saw.

Where did it get you? Do you have a rap sheet? You obviously werent killed.

You got tangled uo briefly in a murder investigation. They found you were obviously not the killer and you left.

Murderers dont wear a t shirt saying "Yup...just murdered somebody".

Clearly though, if he had exercised his Second Amendment rights, he would have been shot for doing so.
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

Yeah...I can kinda daydream about how his incident went. The only part that may be a legit gripe is the cops didnt ID themselves immediately or didnt do it well enough. Thats a pet peeve of mine with a few cops...gotta ID yourself so the person knows you're a cop...particularly undercover guys.

The rest? Sounds like a special police unit trying to catch a killer who just murdered someone. They dont waste time stopping people who look NOTHING like the description or who are to far away to have been the killer.

And that's exactly what these guys did. Which leads one to wonder, how far away did the actual shooter, who fit the actual description, get away while they were farting around with me?

What was the description vs how you looked? Im curious how far off it was.
Bite my crank asshole -- it was NOT "in the vicinity" at all. We had to DRIVE to the scene. Which was I would say a couple of MILES AWAY.

Go fuck yourself with a wire brush, Dickbreath.

Your mangina is bleeding all over the thread. No wonder you have a persecution complex and think the cops have a hard on for you. You can't even discuss the situation rationally. You held back important details and then get bent out of shape when nobody understands your situation. Maybe you should have a hot bath with some of those fancy beads, Nancy.

Maybe you're just a fucking idiot with a sheltered life, Beaver.

Sheltered is the same as law abiding and responsible.

Not the way I use it -- more at this:


I'm law abiding and responsible too, and look where it got me. But at least I don't sit on message boards calling people liars on events I never saw.

Where did it get you? Do you have a rap sheet? You obviously werent killed.

You got tangled uo briefly in a murder investigation. They found you were obviously not the killer and you left.

Murderers dont wear a t shirt saying "Yup...just murdered somebody".

If it was "obvious" to them they wouldn't have jumped me two miles away from the scene as the only moving body around even though not in the least resembling the witness' description.
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

Yeah...I can kinda daydream about how his incident went. The only part that may be a legit gripe is the cops didnt ID themselves immediately or didnt do it well enough. Thats a pet peeve of mine with a few cops...gotta ID yourself so the person knows you're a cop...particularly undercover guys.

The rest? Sounds like a special police unit trying to catch a killer who just murdered someone. They dont waste time stopping people who look NOTHING like the description or who are to far away to have been the killer.

And that's exactly what these guys did. Which leads one to wonder, how far away did the actual shooter, who fit the actual description, get away while they were farting around with me?

Yes, the cops had it in for you. They hated you so much on a personal level that they were willing to jeopardize a time critical investigation. They don't just hate black people, they hate you in particular.
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

Yeah...I can kinda daydream about how his incident went. The only part that may be a legit gripe is the cops didnt ID themselves immediately or didnt do it well enough. Thats a pet peeve of mine with a few cops...gotta ID yourself so the person knows you're a cop...particularly undercover guys.

The rest? Sounds like a special police unit trying to catch a killer who just murdered someone. They dont waste time stopping people who look NOTHING like the description or who are to far away to have been the killer.

And that's exactly what these guys did. Which leads one to wonder, how far away did the actual shooter, who fit the actual description, get away while they were farting around with me?

What was the description vs how you looked? Im curious how far off it was.

What I heard the witness say was, "oh, no nothing like that -- this guy was much shorter and fatter, had a Southern accent".
-- none of which describe me.
Your mangina is bleeding all over the thread. No wonder you have a persecution complex and think the cops have a hard on for you. You can't even discuss the situation rationally. You held back important details and then get bent out of shape when nobody understands your situation. Maybe you should have a hot bath with some of those fancy beads, Nancy.

Maybe you're just a fucking idiot with a sheltered life, Beaver.

Sheltered is the same as law abiding and responsible.

Not the way I use it -- more at this:


I'm law abiding and responsible too, and look where it got me. But at least I don't sit on message boards calling people liars on events I never saw.

Where did it get you? Do you have a rap sheet? You obviously werent killed.

You got tangled uo briefly in a murder investigation. They found you were obviously not the killer and you left.

Murderers dont wear a t shirt saying "Yup...just murdered somebody".

Clearly though, if he had exercised his Second Amendment rights, he would have been shot for doing so.

Cops not identifying themselves and looking no different than street thugs are likely to get shot. With more concealed carriers on the streets, they better clean up their act.
Your mangina is bleeding all over the thread. No wonder you have a persecution complex and think the cops have a hard on for you. You can't even discuss the situation rationally. You held back important details and then get bent out of shape when nobody understands your situation. Maybe you should have a hot bath with some of those fancy beads, Nancy.

Maybe you're just a fucking idiot with a sheltered life, Beaver.

Sheltered is the same as law abiding and responsible.

Not the way I use it -- more at this:


I'm law abiding and responsible too, and look where it got me. But at least I don't sit on message boards calling people liars on events I never saw.

Where did it get you? Do you have a rap sheet? You obviously werent killed.

You got tangled uo briefly in a murder investigation. They found you were obviously not the killer and you left.

Murderers dont wear a t shirt saying "Yup...just murdered somebody".

Clearly though, if he had exercised his Second Amendment rights, he would have been shot for doing so.

That, and if I had managed to take one down and survive, the remaining cop would have been the only witness to describe how they never IDed themselves. My word against his. Which I'm sure would go well -- I'd end up with Beaver Pollyanna on the jury.
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

Yeah...I can kinda daydream about how his incident went. The only part that may be a legit gripe is the cops didnt ID themselves immediately or didnt do it well enough. Thats a pet peeve of mine with a few cops...gotta ID yourself so the person knows you're a cop...particularly undercover guys.

The rest? Sounds like a special police unit trying to catch a killer who just murdered someone. They dont waste time stopping people who look NOTHING like the description or who are to far away to have been the killer.

And that's exactly what these guys did. Which leads one to wonder, how far away did the actual shooter, who fit the actual description, get away while they were farting around with me?

Yes, the cops had it in for you. They hated you so much on a personal level that they were willing to jeopardize a time critical investigation. They don't just hate black people, they hate you in particular.

Actually, they do not like people who assert their rights as citizens, or anyone who appears more manly than they are. Probably because they are hopelessly insecure due to their poor upbringing, or physical... um... limitations.
It's not racism on the part of cops that results in dead blacks. It's racism and anti-cop sentiment being whipped up by the press, and acted upon by black criminals who resent any restrictions on their criminal lifestyles:

" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

"The NYPD fatally shot eight individuals last year, six of them black, all posing a risk to the police, compared with scores of blacks killed by black civilians."

“What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted participants in a New York anti-cop protest. Two public defenders from the Bronx participated in a rap video extolling cop killings. Few people in positions of authority objected to this dangerous hatred. The desire to show allegiance with allegedly oppressed blacks was too great. The thrill of righteousness was palpable among the media as it lovingly chronicled every protest and on the part of politicians and thought leaders who expressed solidarity with the cause. At another march across New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a group of people tried to throw trash cans onto the heads of officers on the level below them; police attempts to arrest the assailants were fought off by other marchers.
"The elite’s desperation to participate in what they hopefully viewed as their own modern-day civil rights crusade was patent in the sanctification of Michael Brown, the would-be cop killer. He was turned into a civil rights martyr. His violence toward Wilson, and the convenience store owner he had strong-armed, was wiped from the record. Protesters across the country chanted “hands up, don’t shoot” at anti-cop rallies, allegedly Brown’s final words before Wilson shot him. Never mind that the source of that alleged final utterance, Brown’s companion Dorian Johnson, was a proven liar."

" The elites were playing with fire. It’s profoundly irresponsible to stoke hatred of the police, especially when the fuel used for doing so is a set of is naïve not to recognize that criminal members of the black underclass despise the police because law enforcement interferes with their way of life. The elites are oblivious both to the extent of lawlessness in the black inner city and to its effect on attitudes toward the cops."

The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal by Heather Mac Donald City Journal December 22 2014
if they are 42 percent of those that kill cops whose the other half and some? why isn't the other majority of cop killers kill as much as blacks are being apparently?

There was no 42% figure in the data cited, AT ALL. In fact, the data set cited had NO DATA AT ALL regarding race of offender. The author COMPLETELY MADE UP the figure, likely assuming that everyone reading such fascist nonsense would completely trust the authority of the author, even though such trust is always misplaced.
are you saying that stats are made up on the spot? i heard that in a song. sounds like the truth too.
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

Yeah...I can kinda daydream about how his incident went. The only part that may be a legit gripe is the cops didnt ID themselves immediately or didnt do it well enough. Thats a pet peeve of mine with a few cops...gotta ID yourself so the person knows you're a cop...particularly undercover guys.

The rest? Sounds like a special police unit trying to catch a killer who just murdered someone. They dont waste time stopping people who look NOTHING like the description or who are to far away to have been the killer.

And that's exactly what these guys did. Which leads one to wonder, how far away did the actual shooter, who fit the actual description, get away while they were farting around with me?

Yes, the cops had it in for you. They hated you so much on a personal level that they were willing to jeopardize a time critical investigation. They don't just hate black people, they hate you in particular.

Actually, they do not like people who assert their rights as citizens, or anyone who appears more manly than they are. Probably because they are hopelessly insecure due to their poor upbringing, or physical... um... limitations.

Which nicely segues back to my point about police outside this country being much less harassive. It's not so much a cop problem -- it's a masculinity problem.
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

Yeah...I can kinda daydream about how his incident went. The only part that may be a legit gripe is the cops didnt ID themselves immediately or didnt do it well enough. Thats a pet peeve of mine with a few cops...gotta ID yourself so the person knows you're a cop...particularly undercover guys.

The rest? Sounds like a special police unit trying to catch a killer who just murdered someone. They dont waste time stopping people who look NOTHING like the description or who are to far away to have been the killer.

And that's exactly what these guys did. Which leads one to wonder, how far away did the actual shooter, who fit the actual description, get away while they were farting around with me?

Yes, the cops had it in for you. They hated you so much on a personal level that they were willing to jeopardize a time critical investigation. They don't just hate black people, they hate you in particular.

Actually, they do not like people who assert their rights as citizens, or anyone who appears more manly than they are. Probably because they are hopelessly insecure due to their poor upbringing, or physical... um... limitations.

Some of them do have that attitude, I agree. They don't like that they're not the only ones carrying guns on the streets. I think they should have to wear body cams too.
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

Yeah...I can kinda daydream about how his incident went. The only part that may be a legit gripe is the cops didnt ID themselves immediately or didnt do it well enough. Thats a pet peeve of mine with a few cops...gotta ID yourself so the person knows you're a cop...particularly undercover guys.

The rest? Sounds like a special police unit trying to catch a killer who just murdered someone. They dont waste time stopping people who look NOTHING like the description or who are to far away to have been the killer.

And that's exactly what these guys did. Which leads one to wonder, how far away did the actual shooter, who fit the actual description, get away while they were farting around with me?

What was the description vs how you looked? Im curious how far off it was.

What I heard the witness say was, "oh, no nothing like that -- this guy was much shorter and fatter, had a Southern accent".
-- none of which describe me. there a chance that you were similar. .but when he saw you...realized you oobviously werent him?

I did dozens of "ride by" identification stops in Atlanta. Happens daily.

Victims would say 6'1 200 pound white guy wearing jeans. We'd find a 6'0 215 white guy with jeans. Victim would say "oh no...this guy was way shorter and heavier".

I believe you when you say you didnt fit the description. But I can tell you from vast experience. ...a victim is traumatized and their mind plays tricks under stress.

Ive seen the description of suspects change drastically in height and weight...even race a couple the witness/victim overcomes the sympathetic nervous system adrenaline dump and their mind clarifies.

Id bet my dogs life on it that you were in fact similar to the original description and that the witness changed a bit. Especially considering far more cops than those few were out scooping up anyone even CLOSE to similar.

I will say...I believe you didnt match and I believe the "shorter and fatter" part. But I can say with almost certainty that you were similar to the original description or they wouldnt have wasted time on you.
He says that he didn't know about the homicide investigation until later events after claiming in post 64 that one of the cops told him they were investigating a homicide. Perhaps he should have rehearsed this better to iron out all the inconsistencies.

Yeah...I can kinda daydream about how his incident went. The only part that may be a legit gripe is the cops didnt ID themselves immediately or didnt do it well enough. Thats a pet peeve of mine with a few cops...gotta ID yourself so the person knows you're a cop...particularly undercover guys.

The rest? Sounds like a special police unit trying to catch a killer who just murdered someone. They dont waste time stopping people who look NOTHING like the description or who are to far away to have been the killer.

And that's exactly what these guys did. Which leads one to wonder, how far away did the actual shooter, who fit the actual description, get away while they were farting around with me?

Yes, the cops had it in for you. They hated you so much on a personal level that they were willing to jeopardize a time critical investigation. They don't just hate black people, they hate you in particular.

Actually, they do not like people who assert their rights as citizens, or anyone who appears more manly than they are. Probably because they are hopelessly insecure due to their poor upbringing, or physical... um... limitations.

Which nicely segues back to my point about police outside this country being much less harassive. It's not so much a cop problem -- it's a masculinity problem.

One might even say it's a problem with their culture.

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