The Big Fucking Lie That Everyone Is Repeating This Week

Actually, JC, I have you on ingore most of the time because you never really add anything to a conversation.

Tigered59 or Triggered59
Trump blocked some travel from China and then declared “Mission Accomplished”

What else was there for him to do?

While Trump was announcing the Virus was beaten, cases would not rise and quickly go down to zero and comparing the virus to the flu, he should have been using the time to get tests out there, urge isolation and gathering respirators

So should have the Dims. And they didn't say shit.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

how? explain how you get there. what is it they wish to take away from you?

And we only call people nazis who are for taking away our freedoms. so why do you wish to take away freedoms? what is it that bothers you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much?

You should educate yourself at what the nazis actually did. hint, concentration camps. Like what we're in now.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

how? explain how you get there. what is it they wish to take away from you?

And we only call people nazis who are for taking away our freedoms. so why do you wish to take away freedoms? what is it that bothers you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much?

You should educate yourself at what the nazis actually did. hint, concentration camps. Like what we're in now.

Neo Nazi groups are accepted under the Republican tent.

Concentration camps allowed Jews to live at home and go out to shop for food & essentials?

Camps like Trump has to lock up the children he stole from immigrants?

I really encourage you & the other assfuckian Trumpettes to go out in public & mingle in lasrge groups,. Please do it. Prove how the concern for this virus is the hoax Trump said it was.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

how? explain how you get there. what is it they wish to take away from you?

And we only call people nazis who are for taking away our freedoms. so why do you wish to take away freedoms? what is it that bothers you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much?

You should educate yourself at what the nazis actually did. hint, concentration camps. Like what we're in now.

Neo Nazi groups are accepted under the Republican tent.

Concentration camps allowed Jews to live at home and go out to shop for food & essentials?

Camps like Trump has to lock up the children he stole from immigrants?

I really encourage you & the other assfuckian Trumpettes to go out in public & mingle in lasrge groups,. Please do it. Prove how the concern for this virus is the hoax Trump said it was.

they are? where?, show us the link that shows gop'rs accepting them. Illegals are criminals. see you don't even know what a criminal is. you should look at immigration laws. ah, you won't you can't read.

Yep nazi's kept jews in concentration camps, it's what demofks are doing today. look at all the states under lockdown. hahahahahahha can't make it up. you still didn't state what freedom a gop'r is asking you to give up. you can't that's the answer.

Ask an actual nurse who is at home because of lack of work. McCormick Place in Chicago is empty, been empty, a 20 million dollar conversion into a hospital and it's empty, been empty never took one patient.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

No, here in the US, fools like you throw around the word "Nazi" as an all-purpose insult for anyone who disagrees with you, and when you're called on it you produce laughably inept attempts to justify it.

Spare me any more attempts to rationalize and deflect. You just make me sad for the devolution of humanity.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

No, here in the US, fools like you throw around the word "Nazi" as an all-purpose insult for anyone who disagrees with you, and when you're called on it you produce laughably inept attempts to justify it.

Spare me any more attempts to rationalize and deflect. You just make me sad for the devolution of humanity.

Thank you. I'd prefer that as an option rather than like.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

Sorry....but the only motherfuckers acting like Nazis right now are Democrap governors.
Last edited:
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

No, here in the US, fools like you throw around the word "Nazi" as an all-purpose insult for anyone who disagrees with you, and when you're called on it you produce laughably inept attempts to justify it.

Spare me any more attempts to rationalize and deflect. You just make me sad for the devolution of humanity.

Spare me any more attempts to lie & deflect., You keep pretending that neo nazis are not right wing.

And really, a pandemic is here & you think a stay at home order is being a Nazi?

Go out & hang out in crowds, lick a few handrails.. please so maybe you can quit your whining & STFU.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

No, here in the US, fools like you throw around the word "Nazi" as an all-purpose insult for anyone who disagrees with you, and when you're called on it you produce laughably inept attempts to justify it.

Spare me any more attempts to rationalize and deflect. You just make me sad for the devolution of humanity.

Spare me any more attempts to lie & deflect., You keep pretending that neo nazis are not right wing.

And really, a pandemic is here & you think a stay at home order is being a Nazi?

Go out & hang out in crowds, lick a few handrails.. please so maybe you can quit your whining & STFU.

neo nazi's were socialists leftists. who does that align with here? hahahahahahahahahahaha
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

No, here in the US, fools like you throw around the word "Nazi" as an all-purpose insult for anyone who disagrees with you, and when you're called on it you produce laughably inept attempts to justify it.

Spare me any more attempts to rationalize and deflect. You just make me sad for the devolution of humanity.

Spare me any more attempts to lie & deflect., You keep pretending that neo nazis are not right wing.

And really, a pandemic is here & you think a stay at home order is being a Nazi?

Go out & hang out in crowds, lick a few handrails.. please so maybe you can quit your whining & STFU.

Spare ME any more attempts to justify your sloganeering. You lost the debate the moment you broke Godwin's Law . . . if not the moment that you started talking in public at all.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

No, here in the US, fools like you throw around the word "Nazi" as an all-purpose insult for anyone who disagrees with you, and when you're called on it you produce laughably inept attempts to justify it.

Spare me any more attempts to rationalize and deflect. You just make me sad for the devolution of humanity.

Spare me any more attempts to lie & deflect., You keep pretending that neo nazis are not right wing.

And really, a pandemic is here & you think a stay at home order is being a Nazi?

Go out & hang out in crowds, lick a few handrails.. please so maybe you can quit your whining & STFU.

Spare ME any more attempts to justify your sloganeering. You lost the debate the moment you broke Godwin's Law . . . if not the moment that you started talking in public at all.

Funny chit. I did not bring up the subject of Nazis. One of your twin genius Trumpettes did.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

No, here in the US, fools like you throw around the word "Nazi" as an all-purpose insult for anyone who disagrees with you, and when you're called on it you produce laughably inept attempts to justify it.

Spare me any more attempts to rationalize and deflect. You just make me sad for the devolution of humanity.

Spare me any more attempts to lie & deflect., You keep pretending that neo nazis are not right wing.

And really, a pandemic is here & you think a stay at home order is being a Nazi?

Go out & hang out in crowds, lick a few handrails.. please so maybe you can quit your whining & STFU.

neo nazi's were socialists leftists. who does that align with here? hahahahahahahahahahaha

They align with Republicans. Trump loves the neo-nazis. They do worship Trump's homelasnd of the 30'ds.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Yet another dumb ass Trumpette repeating the lies of Trump.

After the SOTU whrn Trump vowed to do everything, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. Testing is a disaster, PPE supplies are a disaster. Both should have been ramped up. The administration actions are a hige cluster fuck of people running in circles & not knowing what others were doing.

another nazi lover anti american punk repeating nazi fascists lies about trump.

Nazis in the US are Republicans, dumbasss.

Dumbasses in the US are the people who think "Nazi" means "People who I don't like."

Take a bow, Real Dumbass.

Here in the US, neo nazis are Republicans.

Only stupidass Trumpettes call people they don't like Nazis. All Trump needs is to grow that little moustache under his nose.

No, here in the US, fools like you throw around the word "Nazi" as an all-purpose insult for anyone who disagrees with you, and when you're called on it you produce laughably inept attempts to justify it.

Spare me any more attempts to rationalize and deflect. You just make me sad for the devolution of humanity.

Spare me any more attempts to lie & deflect., You keep pretending that neo nazis are not right wing.

And really, a pandemic is here & you think a stay at home order is being a Nazi?

Go out & hang out in crowds, lick a few handrails.. please so maybe you can quit your whining & STFU.

neo nazi's were socialists leftists. who does that align with here? hahahahahahahahahahaha

They align with Republicans. Trump loves the neo-nazis. They do worship Trump's homelasnd of the 30'ds.

yet you can't prove that point.

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