The Big Lie, that Brandon is Democracy


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

We now learn from the Left that the upcoming Presidential election is not about electing a President, it is about voting for the democrat party to save democracy. But viewing clips like the one above, what would voters really be saving? Would they be saving democracy or a party that refused to hold debates for Biden to retain the nomination of his own party, something he was probably incapable of doing because of his cognitive decline. They are the true haters of democracy, especially considering Kamala was the first rejected by voters for the Presidential bid that elected Biden in the first place. Now the one voters rejected is poised to take over the country. Why? Cuz she a black woman. Democracy can go jump off a building

And we are expected to believe that a President Trump who was impeached twice and could not even get his own party to agree to vote to build a border wall is going to go along with him on taking over the country and destroy democracy?

Leftists are such insane liars.

Democrats love democracy so much they refused to allow RFK to be in the Presidential debate cuz he will destroy democracy as well.
The Big Lie that the Media told us was that Sleepy Joe was sharp as a tack and has no cognitive difficulties. Any allegation that he does was just disinformation probably from Putin.

The Great Debate put the lie to this.

Now, will the libs continue to accept the lies of the Media? Or are they going to wise up.
The Big Lie that the Media told us was that Sleepy Joe was sharp as a tack and has no cognitive difficulties. Any allegation that he does was just disinformation probably from Putin.
The Great Debate put the lie to this.
Now, will the libs continue to accept the lies of the Media? Or are they going to wise up.
The MSM proved to be partisan by NOT insisting that Biden do real press conferences like every other president had done.

I hope Trump doesn't do pressers either, he should just send his press secretary out to talk to the press like Biden, and to "circle back" when they get a tough question.

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