The Big Lie

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
How did the Dems react in 2000 when GWB was given presidency through the Supreme Court? Did they storm the Capitol? Threaten to kidnap legislatures? Hang the VP?
Who cares? The election was stolen and the lie you keep repeating simply is not believed.
LOL. Poor snowflake trumptards. Cannot accept a loss. :itsok:
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.

The next major vote will be in 2022. We'll see how the people react to the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.
Oh I can predict. If Rump wins - the election was fair and square. If he loses, it was rigged! Netanyahu is doing the same thing in Israel. These right-wingers are so predictable.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

It's no theory that good men died in Benghazi despite everyone else pulling out and repeated warnings to Hillary, which she ignored, then thwarted any efforts to rescue them.


And it's no theory that Hillary broke numerous federal laws improperly storing, then destroying while lying about 35,000 government emails detailing her precise dealings with foreign entities! No less that James Comey said so.

Trumptards keep whining the election was stolen and yet...Republicans won more seats in the House than was predicted. They could have easily won both the Georgia Senate seat and had a majority in the Senate but Rump fked it up.

I wonder if these trumptards take all of that into their calculations when they cry about the stolen election. Of course not. If they did, they wouldn't be trumptards now, would they?
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.

Just to clarify, so you think the government should force left wing media to give equal time to Republicans? That's what you're saying?

The Fairness Doctrine never did that either. Broadcast networks had to give time for opposing opinions but not equal time. Possible when there were three networks, not today.

Fair enough, Republicans don't need equal time on left wing networks, just the ability to respond would do it.

So that's what you want, Sealy?
Yes. I would love Republicans to come on MSNBC at the end of a show and explain why Rachel Maddow is full of shit and I wish Randi Rhodes was allowed to go on for 4 hours right after Rush. She was just as popular as he was on the radio. In head to head markets, she beat Rush. But putting that liberal bullshit was not what the 6 corporations wanted. Instead they put a guy just like rush on after rush. Then another guy just like rush on after him. Brainwashing.

Yes, I would love one radio station that has Rush and Randi on it. Give her the shittiest hours of the day I'm sure but still I'm sure out of 24 hours she could get better ratings than whatever they have on at that shitty hour. But they'd rather not have her on and you know it.

There is no need for liberal talk radio. I find it hard to believe that her ratings were ever good.
They were. I loved Air America. Sad that it went out of business. The point is, whatever channel Rush was on, they have 24 hours to fill. It's obvious that there is a slow 4 hours during the night or day where a liberal talk show would get better ratings than whatever they have on now. Us liberals have no show to listen to. Trust me, there is a market out there.

But like Air America, whatever channel Rush was on, is a conservative radio channel. No question about it. It's not fair and balanced. Same with every show on Fox. You could say the same thing about MSNBC. It's got a liberal slant.

I would love a new channel that has liberal and conservative shows throughout the day. Whoever is number 1 gets the 8pm time slot.

Talk Radio flourished because it was a counter point to the conventional wisdom pushed by the MSM.

Liberals already get their voices "heard" in MSM, and pop culture.

THey have no need for a counter point.

It flourished because the hate filled rhetoric is like opium to some people. It's addictive qualities have made it's way to Main Stream Neo-GOP land.

It is not our people that are rioting and burning and looting and killing in the streets, for 4 and a half years and counting now.

Seems your side might be the hate side.

Still trying to conflate the recent race riots over police conduct with the Trumpyberra foul on his final "Hail Mary" pass. "Pence for the Win!".

Haven't race riots been happening at least as long as we've had peaceful transfers of power?

No, conflating the looting, rioting, fires and violence you supported with January 6 which we condemned the ones who went into the capital and those things didn't even happen.

You're a fascist and a racist. And looting and setting fires has nothing to do with race

Phony fucking Trumpters, reminds me of Jake!

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
How did the Dems react in 2000 when GWB was given presidency through the Supreme Court? Did they storm the Capitol? Threaten to kidnap legislatures? Hang the VP?
Who cares? The election was stolen and the lie you keep repeating simply is not believed.
LOL. Poor snowflake trumptards. Cannot accept a loss. :itsok:
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.

The next major vote will be in 2022. We'll see how the people react to the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.
Oh I can predict. If Rump wins - the election was fair and square. If he loses, it was rigged! Netanyahu is doing the same thing in Israel. These right-wingers are so predictable.
And the Left wingers are murderers and criminals. And very predictable from the violence and intimidation and people lying to to citizens 24/7.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
How did the Dems react in 2000 when GWB was given presidency through the Supreme Court? Did they storm the Capitol? Threaten to kidnap legislatures? Hang the VP?
Who cares? The election was stolen and the lie you keep repeating simply is not believed.
LOL. Poor snowflake trumptards. Cannot accept a loss. :itsok:
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.

The next major vote will be in 2022. We'll see how the people react to the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.
Oh I can predict. If Rump wins - the election was fair and square. If he loses, it was rigged! Netanyahu is doing the same thing in Israel. These right-wingers are so predictable.
And the Left wingers are murderers and criminals. And very predictable from the violence and intimidation and people lying to to citizens 24/7.
And Biden is still in the White House and your orange douche-bag is still in Florida whining like a little baby that he is. And I predict that will not change. Wanna bet, trumptard?
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
How did the Dems react in 2000 when GWB was given presidency through the Supreme Court? Did they storm the Capitol? Threaten to kidnap legislatures? Hang the VP?
Who cares? The election was stolen and the lie you keep repeating simply is not believed.
LOL. Poor snowflake trumptards. Cannot accept a loss. :itsok:
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.

The next major vote will be in 2022. We'll see how the people react to the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.
Oh I can predict. If Rump wins - the election was fair and square. If he loses, it was rigged! Netanyahu is doing the same thing in Israel. These right-wingers are so predictable.
And the Left wingers are murderers and criminals. And very predictable from the violence and intimidation and people lying to to citizens 24/7.
And Biden is still in the White House and your orange douche-bag is still in Florida whining like a little baby that he is. And I predict that will not change. Wanna bet, trumptard?
Why repeat that, dumbass?
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.
the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.


The power to overturn democratic elections not based on laws adjudicated in courts of law is neither a check nor a balance.

There was no democratic election. But nice try.
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.
the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.


The power to overturn democratic elections not based on laws adjudicated in courts of law is neither a check nor a balance.
So if fraud is proven you prefer an illegitimate president? Traitor.
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.
the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.


The power to overturn democratic elections not based on laws adjudicated in courts of law is neither a check nor a balance.
So if fraud is proven you prefer an illegitimate president? Traitor.
Fraud was not proven and phony partisan audits will not change that.
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.
the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.


The power to overturn democratic elections not based on laws adjudicated in courts of law is neither a check nor a balance.
So if fraud is proven you prefer an illegitimate president? Traitor.
Fraud was not proven and phony partisan audits will not change that.

Try again.
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.
the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.


The power to overturn democratic elections not based on laws adjudicated in courts of law is neither a check nor a balance.
So if fraud is proven you prefer an illegitimate president? Traitor.
Fraud was not proven and phony partisan audits will not change that.

Try again.
Let me guess. You have the evidence!

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
How did the Dems react in 2000 when GWB was given presidency through the Supreme Court? Did they storm the Capitol? Threaten to kidnap legislatures? Hang the VP?
Who cares? The election was stolen and the lie you keep repeating simply is not believed.
LOL. Poor snowflake trumptards. Cannot accept a loss. :itsok:
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.

The next major vote will be in 2022. We'll see how the people react to the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.
Oh I can predict. If Rump wins - the election was fair and square. If he loses, it was rigged! Netanyahu is doing the same thing in Israel. These right-wingers are so predictable.
And the Left wingers are murderers and criminals. And very predictable from the violence and intimidation and people lying to to citizens 24/7.
And Biden is still in the White House and your orange douche-bag is still in Florida whining like a little baby that he is. And I predict that will not change. Wanna bet, trumptard?
Why repeat that, dumbass?
Because moron, it does not seem to have sunk in. So, one more time: Biden is still in the White House and your orange douche-bag is still in Florida whining like a little baby that he is!!!!! :laughing0301::laugh::itsok:
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
How did the Dems react in 2000 when GWB was given presidency through the Supreme Court? Did they storm the Capitol? Threaten to kidnap legislatures? Hang the VP?
Who cares? The election was stolen and the lie you keep repeating simply is not believed.
LOL. Poor snowflake trumptards. Cannot accept a loss. :itsok:
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.

The next major vote will be in 2022. We'll see how the people react to the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.
Oh I can predict. If Rump wins - the election was fair and square. If he loses, it was rigged! Netanyahu is doing the same thing in Israel. These right-wingers are so predictable.
And the Left wingers are murderers and criminals. And very predictable from the violence and intimidation and people lying to to citizens 24/7.
And Biden is still in the White House and your orange douche-bag is still in Florida whining like a little baby that he is. And I predict that will not change. Wanna bet, trumptard?
Why repeat that, dumbass?
Because moron, it does not seem to have sunk in. So, one more time: Biden is still in the White House and your orange douche-bag is still in Florida whining like a little baby that he is!!!!! :laughing0301::laugh::itsok:
You win troll. Anything else?
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.

Just to clarify, so you think the government should force left wing media to give equal time to Republicans? That's what you're saying?

The Fairness Doctrine never did that either. Broadcast networks had to give time for opposing opinions but not equal time. Possible when there were three networks, not today.
Problem is the " Fairness" Doctrine also gae the Left absolute monopoly on the media.
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This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.

Just to clarify, so you think the government should force left wing media to give equal time to Republicans? That's what you're saying?

The Fairness Doctrine never did that either. Broadcast networks had to give time for opposing opinions but not equal time. Possible when there were three networks, not today.

Fair enough, Republicans don't need equal time on left wing networks, just the ability to respond would do it.

So that's what you want, Sealy?
Yes. I would love Republicans to come on MSNBC at the end of a show and explain why Rachel Maddow is full of shit and I wish Randi Rhodes was allowed to go on for 4 hours right after Rush. She was just as popular as he was on the radio. In head to head markets, she beat Rush. But putting that liberal bullshit was not what the 6 corporations wanted. Instead they put a guy just like rush on after rush. Then another guy just like rush on after him. Brainwashing.

Yes, I would love one radio station that has Rush and Randi on it. Give her the shittiest hours of the day I'm sure but still I'm sure out of 24 hours she could get better ratings than whatever they have on at that shitty hour. But they'd rather not have her on and you know it.

There is no need for liberal talk radio. I find it hard to believe that her ratings were ever good.
They were. I loved Air America. Sad that it went out of business. The point is, whatever channel Rush was on, they have 24 hours to fill. It's obvious that there is a slow 4 hours during the night or day where a liberal talk show would get better ratings than whatever they have on now. Us liberals have no show to listen to. Trust me, there is a market out there.

But like Air America, whatever channel Rush was on, is a conservative radio channel. No question about it. It's not fair and balanced. Same with every show on Fox. You could say the same thing about MSNBC. It's got a liberal slant.

I would love a new channel that has liberal and conservative shows throughout the day. Whoever is number 1 gets the 8pm time slot.

Talk Radio flourished because it was a counter point to the conventional wisdom pushed by the MSM.

Liberals already get their voices "heard" in MSM, and pop culture.

THey have no need for a counter point.

It flourished because the hate filled rhetoric is like opium to some people. It's addictive qualities have made it's way to Main Stream Neo-GOP land.

It is not our people that are rioting and burning and looting and killing in the streets, for 4 and a half years and counting now.

Seems your side might be the hate side.

Still trying to conflate the recent race riots over police conduct with the Trumpyberra foul on his final "Hail Mary" pass. "Pence for the Win!".

Haven't race riots been happening at least as long as we've had peaceful transfers of power?

Conflate? Hell no. The lefty riots are far worse, both in intensity and in duration.

Far, far worse.

You are the haters, not US.
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