The Big Lie

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
All of that did not happen.
The death of our democracy, will likely suck for everyone. And I want to put the blame where it belongs.

So dramatic. You’re just upset that you guy lost.

Cry for me some more. I enjoy it. :laugh:

We can all see that you are afraid to address the points raised.

You are quite comfortable with derailing the thread into personal insults.

Almost like it is a tactic you use when you know that you cannot actually refute the points raised.

Go raise your points with the proper authorities. They already told you that you lost.

There’s nothing that can be said or done that will convince you that your guy lost.

So I say enjoy the next four years and keep those MAGA tears flowing for me. :itsok:

So why are you in the thread then?

Rhetorical question.

To derail the thread into pointless partisan smears to prevent or bury any real discussion of the flaws of the election.

You are here to troll, because you know that the election was flawed and you WANT flawed elections, because you know that in a honest debate of ideas, that you would lose badly.
sure its flawed, but its the least flawed in history:

My point(s) were about the control of the means of information and the intimidation factor of having violent lefty mobs rioting in the streets.

Your link did not address that.
most of the mobs werent leftys:

Utter bullshit. THat the rioters are not card carrying member of antia or blm, does not mean that they are not politically motivated thugs.

Even the ones that are mostly just greedy thugs using it as an excuse for their inherent barbarism? Still yours.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.

Just to clarify, so you think the government should force left wing media to give equal time to Republicans? That's what you're saying?

The Fairness Doctrine never did that either. Broadcast networks had to give time for opposing opinions but not equal time. Possible when there were three networks, not today.

Fair enough, Republicans don't need equal time on left wing networks, just the ability to respond would do it.

So that's what you want, Sealy?
Yes. I would love Republicans to come on MSNBC at the end of a show and explain why Rachel Maddow is full of shit and I wish Randi Rhodes was allowed to go on for 4 hours right after Rush. She was just as popular as he was on the radio. In head to head markets, she beat Rush. But putting that liberal bullshit was not what the 6 corporations wanted. Instead they put a guy just like rush on after rush. Then another guy just like rush on after him. Brainwashing.

Yes, I would love one radio station that has Rush and Randi on it. Give her the shittiest hours of the day I'm sure but still I'm sure out of 24 hours she could get better ratings than whatever they have on at that shitty hour. But they'd rather not have her on and you know it.

There is no need for liberal talk radio. I find it hard to believe that her ratings were ever good.
They were. I loved Air America. Sad that it went out of business. The point is, whatever channel Rush was on, they have 24 hours to fill. It's obvious that there is a slow 4 hours during the night or day where a liberal talk show would get better ratings than whatever they have on now. Us liberals have no show to listen to. Trust me, there is a market out there.

But like Air America, whatever channel Rush was on, is a conservative radio channel. No question about it. It's not fair and balanced. Same with every show on Fox. You could say the same thing about MSNBC. It's got a liberal slant.

I would love a new channel that has liberal and conservative shows throughout the day. Whoever is number 1 gets the 8pm time slot.

Talk Radio flourished because it was a counter point to the conventional wisdom pushed by the MSM.

Liberals already get their voices "heard" in MSM, and pop culture.

THey have no need for a counter point.
Fuck that. I should have some political talk to listen to just like you do. There is a market for it but you're ok with the corporations controlling/censoring it because you're ok with censoring talk you don't like. I get it.

You're being lied to just like everyone else.

I didn't cancel her. I would be fine with you having such a show to listen to. I just don't see how it could survive as normal talk radio.

Maybe as satellite radio.

My point is that I don't see why there would be such a market and the failure of lib talk radio seems to support my view on it.
All you have to know is you always lose the popular vote so as far as the number of Democrats compared to Republicans, we win every time. There are more of us than there are of you.

But not a lot of us listen to liberal AM talk radio. Not like cons listened to Rush. And if you liked Rush that station gave you another guy just like rush right after rush, and another guy just like him right after him. If they were smart business people they would put Randi on.

Several of you have even admitted you listened to Randi Rhodes. You liked her. Not for the same reasons I liked her, but you liked her. Same way I don't like Rush the same way you guys do but I listened and liked Rush. He was the best con talker you had.

The radio station would rather lose money and keep brainwashing republicans. It's worth the loss of money they could be making by putting Thom Hartmann or Randi Rhodes on. They don't want fair and balanced. And yet you continue to believe the media is liberal.

Yea, only enough to piss you off. They pretend to be liberal to rile up the base. YOU

YOu seem to be actively ignoring my point about how the mainstream media gives you lefties all the media you need, while for the right leaning consumers, it is does not.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
All of that did not happen.
Oh it did happen. That is why this thread is not in Conspiracy theories.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
All of that did not happen.
Oh it did happen. That is why this thread is not in Conspiracy theories.
Its on it's way....
Another insignificant load from Brietbart, what school of journalism teaches biased propaganda for the introductory paragraph?
you the fucking American hater disses Briertbart all the while having your head up the MSN CIA controlled media,oh let me guess,the CIA does not control the msm media right?:cuckoo: knowing what a dumbass you are i knowyou dont believe any of that on the CIA.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
fake raiders fan candyass is a shill from langley so of course he wants it in conspiracy theories. :abgg2q.jpg: The mods here suppress truth same as twitter facebook and youtube so he will get his wish soon i have no doubt.

You lost. Deal with it.

asaratis and Correll are having a hard time dealing with reality.

When fraud is proven you will have that problem, not them. You will also be a traitor for backing an illegitimate administration.
Any day now. :itsok:
Less than a month.
Prepare to be disappointed in a month. :itsok:
Given the fact that it's a Trumpster "audit" company, I'm guessing it will "conclude" that Trump got 90% of the vote :laugh:
NAY - 100% :lol:
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
All of that did not happen.
Oh it did happen. That is why this thread is not in Conspiracy theories.
Its on it's way....
The death of our democracy, will likely suck for everyone. And I want to put the blame where it belongs.

So dramatic. You’re just upset that you guy lost.

Cry for me some more. I enjoy it. :laugh:

We can all see that you are afraid to address the points raised.

You are quite comfortable with derailing the thread into personal insults.

Almost like it is a tactic you use when you know that you cannot actually refute the points raised.
It’s not possible to debunk MrPillow conspiracy theories you idiot.
Trump stole millions of votes and unicorns & Bigfoot are REAL - Prove me wrong! :lol:
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?
Neither of those were conspiracy theories.
Neither was Russian interference, Ukrainian strong Arm attempt or the attempt to halt the EC vote count by Congress.
PA.s Senate wrote Pence and asked not to certify their electors. That is not strong arming. Pence ignored them. FACT.
Kim Ward, the Senate Majority Leader signed the letter b/c she stated her house would be bombed if she didn't sign the letter.

We are in dangerous times until 70% of Republicans reject Dotard’s Bigly LIE
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
All of that did not happen.
Oh it did happen. That is why this thread is not in Conspiracy theories.
Its on it's way....
Its a conspiracy got nothing. You've never had know it.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.

Just to clarify, so you think the government should force left wing media to give equal time to Republicans? That's what you're saying?

The Fairness Doctrine never did that either. Broadcast networks had to give time for opposing opinions but not equal time. Possible when there were three networks, not today.

Fair enough, Republicans don't need equal time on left wing networks, just the ability to respond would do it.

So that's what you want, Sealy?
Yes. I would love Republicans to come on MSNBC at the end of a show and explain why Rachel Maddow is full of shit and I wish Randi Rhodes was allowed to go on for 4 hours right after Rush. She was just as popular as he was on the radio. In head to head markets, she beat Rush. But putting that liberal bullshit was not what the 6 corporations wanted. Instead they put a guy just like rush on after rush. Then another guy just like rush on after him. Brainwashing.

Yes, I would love one radio station that has Rush and Randi on it. Give her the shittiest hours of the day I'm sure but still I'm sure out of 24 hours she could get better ratings than whatever they have on at that shitty hour. But they'd rather not have her on and you know it.

There is no need for liberal talk radio. I find it hard to believe that her ratings were ever good.
They were. I loved Air America. Sad that it went out of business. The point is, whatever channel Rush was on, they have 24 hours to fill. It's obvious that there is a slow 4 hours during the night or day where a liberal talk show would get better ratings than whatever they have on now. Us liberals have no show to listen to. Trust me, there is a market out there.

But like Air America, whatever channel Rush was on, is a conservative radio channel. No question about it. It's not fair and balanced. Same with every show on Fox. You could say the same thing about MSNBC. It's got a liberal slant.

I would love a new channel that has liberal and conservative shows throughout the day. Whoever is number 1 gets the 8pm time slot.

Air America was funny as shit. I listened to it regularly. Especially Randy Rhodes. That was one mental chick
Rush was funny too.

Yes, Rush had a great sense of humor. And no one could goad leftists like him, it was classic
He’s dead - Thanks God!
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
Like you're doing now.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.

Just to clarify, so you think the government should force left wing media to give equal time to Republicans? That's what you're saying?

The Fairness Doctrine never did that either. Broadcast networks had to give time for opposing opinions but not equal time. Possible when there were three networks, not today.

Fair enough, Republicans don't need equal time on left wing networks, just the ability to respond would do it.

So that's what you want, Sealy?
Yes. I would love Republicans to come on MSNBC at the end of a show and explain why Rachel Maddow is full of shit and I wish Randi Rhodes was allowed to go on for 4 hours right after Rush. She was just as popular as he was on the radio. In head to head markets, she beat Rush. But putting that liberal bullshit was not what the 6 corporations wanted. Instead they put a guy just like rush on after rush. Then another guy just like rush on after him. Brainwashing.

Yes, I would love one radio station that has Rush and Randi on it. Give her the shittiest hours of the day I'm sure but still I'm sure out of 24 hours she could get better ratings than whatever they have on at that shitty hour. But they'd rather not have her on and you know it.

There is no need for liberal talk radio. I find it hard to believe that her ratings were ever good.
They were. I loved Air America. Sad that it went out of business. The point is, whatever channel Rush was on, they have 24 hours to fill. It's obvious that there is a slow 4 hours during the night or day where a liberal talk show would get better ratings than whatever they have on now. Us liberals have no show to listen to. Trust me, there is a market out there.

But like Air America, whatever channel Rush was on, is a conservative radio channel. No question about it. It's not fair and balanced. Same with every show on Fox. You could say the same thing about MSNBC. It's got a liberal slant.

I would love a new channel that has liberal and conservative shows throughout the day. Whoever is number 1 gets the 8pm time slot.

Talk Radio flourished because it was a counter point to the conventional wisdom pushed by the MSM.

Liberals already get their voices "heard" in MSM, and pop culture.

THey have no need for a counter point.
Fuck that. I should have some political talk to listen to just like you do. There is a market for it but you're ok with the corporations controlling/censoring it because you're ok with censoring talk you don't like. I get it.

You're being lied to just like everyone else.

I didn't cancel her. I would be fine with you having such a show to listen to. I just don't see how it could survive as normal talk radio.

Maybe as satellite radio.

My point is that I don't see why there would be such a market and the failure of lib talk radio seems to support my view on it.
All you have to know is you always lose the popular vote so as far as the number of Democrats compared to Republicans, we win every time. There are more of us than there are of you.

But not a lot of us listen to liberal AM talk radio. Not like cons listened to Rush. And if you liked Rush that station gave you another guy just like rush right after rush, and another guy just like him right after him. If they were smart business people they would put Randi on.

Several of you have even admitted you listened to Randi Rhodes. You liked her. Not for the same reasons I liked her, but you liked her. Same way I don't like Rush the same way you guys do but I listened and liked Rush. He was the best con talker you had.

The radio station would rather lose money and keep brainwashing republicans. It's worth the loss of money they could be making by putting Thom Hartmann or Randi Rhodes on. They don't want fair and balanced. And yet you continue to believe the media is liberal.

Yea, only enough to piss you off. They pretend to be liberal to rile up the base. YOU

YOu seem to be actively ignoring my point about how the mainstream media gives you lefties all the media you need, while for the right leaning consumers, it is does not.
Gatewaypundit not enough for ya?
So when can we expect arrests?
So when can we expect court judgments?
So when can we expect votes to be rewarded to other candidates?


That is what makes this yet another conspiracy thread. Move this garbage to the basement.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
How did the Dems react in 2000 when GWB was given presidency through the Supreme Court? Did they storm the Capitol? Threaten to kidnap legislatures? Hang the VP?
Who cares? The election was stolen and the lie you keep repeating simply is not believed.
LOL. Poor snowflake trumptards. Cannot accept a loss. :itsok:
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.

The next major vote will be in 2022. We'll see how the people react to the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.
Oh I can predict. If Rump wins - the election was fair and square. If he loses, it was rigged! Netanyahu is doing the same thing in Israel. These right-wingers are so predictable.
And the Left wingers are murderers and criminals. And very predictable from the violence and intimidation and people lying to to citizens 24/7.
And Biden is still in the White House and your orange douche-bag is still in Florida whining like a little baby that he is. And I predict that will not change. Wanna bet, trumptard?
Why repeat that, dumbass?
Because moron, it does not seem to have sunk in. So, one more time: Biden is still in the White House and your orange douche-bag is still in Florida whining like a little baby that he is!!!!! :laughing0301::laugh::itsok:

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
How did the Dems react in 2000 when GWB was given presidency through the Supreme Court? Did they storm the Capitol? Threaten to kidnap legislatures? Hang the VP?
Who cares? The election was stolen and the lie you keep repeating simply is not believed.
LOL. Poor snowflake trumptards. Cannot accept a loss. :itsok:
Correct. It will not be accepted. There will be more audits. Deal with it dumbass.

The next major vote will be in 2022. We'll see how the people react to the Neo-GOP Fascist tactics.
Oh I can predict. If Rump wins - the election was fair and square. If he loses, it was rigged! Netanyahu is doing the same thing in Israel. These right-wingers are so predictable.
And the Left wingers are murderers and criminals. And very predictable from the violence and intimidation and people lying to to citizens 24/7.
And Biden is still in the White House and your orange douche-bag is still in Florida whining like a little baby that he is. And I predict that will not change. Wanna bet, trumptard?
Why repeat that, dumbass?
Because moron, it does not seem to have sunk in. So, one more time: Biden is still in the White House and your orange douche-bag is still in Florida whining like a little baby that he is!!!!! :laughing0301::laugh::itsok:
You win troll. Anything else?
I already know I won, sweetheart but thanks. Knew that I would win when you couldn't answer my questions! LOL

Next time, think before starting a thread. Will help you look less of a fool. :itsok: Good luck!

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