The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

We are usually wrong? Then creationists are always wrong. At least we admit when we don't know something.

We are right about no aliens. There is no evidence of aliens and we already provided the reasons why there isn't. First and foremost is God did not create aliens. Evolutionary thinking has admitted that life is rare as we should have found evidence of alien life many years ago. It's the atheist religion that keeps many to claim aliens due to the multitude of planets.
We are usually wrong? Then creationists are always wrong. At least we admit when we don't know something.

We are right about no aliens. There is no evidence of aliens and we already provided the reasons why there isn't. First and foremost is God did not create aliens. Evolutionary thinking has admitted that life is rare as we should have found evidence of alien life many years ago. It's the atheist religion that keeps many to claim aliens due to the multitude of planets.

You just have a reflex reply. When you admitted you didn't read the thread. You are doomed to the same fate as us.
Hopefully not for the the same reason.
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We are usually wrong? Then creationists are always wrong. At least we admit when we don't know something.

We are right about no aliens. There is no evidence of aliens and we already provided the reasons why there isn't. First and foremost is God did not create aliens. Evolutionary thinking has admitted that life is rare as we should have found evidence of alien life many years ago. It's the atheist religion that keeps many to claim aliens due to the multitude of planets.
We should have found alien life many years ago? Why SHOULD WE have? We don't have the technology and haven't looked close or hard enough yet to make that determination.

How do you know God didn't create aliens? You didn't prove anything. That's not proof to say God did not create aliens. How the fuck would you know that? First of all we don't even know if God exists. Maybe your ancient religion said he didn't create aliens, but that's not proof of anything.

I love it that you said that. Because if we find life anywhere else in the universe, that will prove your God is bullshit. Made up by your ancients goat herding relatives.

But that won't stop you guys. You'll just say of course God created other civilizations. The Bible is just for us here on earth. I've already seen other christians make this argument because they too believe there is life elsewhere. Perhaps they missed where God in the bible told them there isn't other life out there. I sure as hell missed it when I read that fiction.

Life is rare. Just look at our solar system The only life we see is on earth. But there may have once been life on 2 other planets. We just don't know yet. So we haven't even fully explored our own solar system let alone all the other billions of stars.

You don't get to use what the scientists say in your arguments. You disagree with them too much to use their findings to back up any argument you have.
We are usually wrong? Then creationists are always wrong. At least we admit when we don't know something.

We are right about no aliens. There is no evidence of aliens and we already provided the reasons why there isn't. First and foremost is God did not create aliens. Evolutionary thinking has admitted that life is rare as we should have found evidence of alien life many years ago. It's the atheist religion that keeps many to claim aliens due to the multitude of planets.

You just have a reflex reply. When you admitted you didn't read the thread. You are doomed to the same fate as us.
Hopefully not for the the same reason.
He is so full of shit huh? He says, "we provided the reasons why there are no aliens" No he didn't. First, God didn't say shit. Some ancient goat herder wrote that god said something. God never said anything to anyone on this planet.

Then he says evolutionary thinking admits life is rare. Rare? That doesn't say life doesn't exist anywhere else. What flawed thinking this religious retard has. Sounds good in his head but is nonsense when I read it.

And scientists never said we should have found life elsewhere by now. They are disappointed they haven't found life somewhere else yet but I don't think they've looked close enough to make a conclusion. What they haven't found is another planet exactly like ours with mammals and birds and atmosphere and water and a moon in the goldilocks zone. But life might be in Europa so just because we haven't seen another star with an earth doesn't mean shit.

Life certainly seems rare. For example when life was on Mars, there was no life on any other planet in our solar system. Marsians believed there was no other life in the universe. Why? Because God told them. Or an ancient marsian goat herder wrote that.
We are usually wrong? Then creationists are always wrong. At least we admit when we don't know something.

We are right about no aliens. There is no evidence of aliens and we already provided the reasons why there isn't. First and foremost is God did not create aliens. Evolutionary thinking has admitted that life is rare as we should have found evidence of alien life many years ago. It's the atheist religion that keeps many to claim aliens due to the multitude of planets.
We should have found alien life many years ago? Why SHOULD WE have? We don't have the technology and haven't looked close or hard enough yet to make that determination.

How do you know God didn't create aliens? You didn't prove anything. That's not proof to say God did not create aliens. How the fuck would you know that? First of all we don't even know if God exists. Maybe your ancient religion said he didn't create aliens, but that's not proof of anything.

I love it that you said that. Because if we find life anywhere else in the universe, that will prove your God is bullshit. Made up by your ancients goat herding relatives.

But that won't stop you guys. You'll just say of course God created other civilizations. The Bible is just for us here on earth. I've already seen other christians make this argument because they too believe there is life elsewhere. Perhaps they missed where God in the bible told them there isn't other life out there. I sure as hell missed it when I read that fiction.

Life is rare. Just look at our solar system The only life we see is on earth. But there may have once been life on 2 other planets. We just don't know yet. So we haven't even fully explored our own solar system let alone all the other billions of stars.

You don't get to use what the scientists say in your arguments. You disagree with them too much to use their findings to back up any argument you have.

RWS is a nut jobber. One cannot discuss rationally these things with a kook. I read a few pages back from the latest post and it's the worst of atheists' beliefs in aliens. Not one argument for we would have found aliens already or use of Drake's equation. The believers have Fermi's paradox, the great filter theory, SETI (no aliens found), Elon Musk, NASA's lack of finding, space probes, fine tuning facts, and more.

To answer your question, we know God didn't create aliens or he would have told us in Genesis. The evidence is in my first paragraph. That is how the f*ck I know.

If you find one microbe in the universe, then it won't destroy Christianity. It could be possible due to panspermia from Earth. However, it would be something to use against Christianity for sure. Yet, we find the opposite is true. Has it destroyed atheism and their belief for aliens. It is a strange, but persistent belief. All of you believe it due to the multitude of planets. Occam's razor and other arguments do not sway you. You just ignore the evidence of God. You just ignore the evidence against evolution.

Again, God didn't create other civilizations. He created what he created in the six days. That is the only supernatural until Noah's Flood, the Tower of Babel, Jesus' birth, and the prophecies to come. That's why you won't find life or evidence of past like on 2 other planets in our solar system. I know because God already told us. All the other billions of stars and planets may as well be a mirage. I doubt we'll make it off this planet. We are not multi-planetary or it has been designed that way by God.
We are usually wrong? Then creationists are always wrong. At least we admit when we don't know something.

We are right about no aliens. There is no evidence of aliens and we already provided the reasons why there isn't. First and foremost is God did not create aliens. Evolutionary thinking has admitted that life is rare as we should have found evidence of alien life many years ago. It's the atheist religion that keeps many to claim aliens due to the multitude of planets.
We should have found alien life many years ago? Why SHOULD WE have? We don't have the technology and haven't looked close or hard enough yet to make that determination.

How do you know God didn't create aliens? You didn't prove anything. That's not proof to say God did not create aliens. How the fuck would you know that? First of all we don't even know if God exists. Maybe your ancient religion said he didn't create aliens, but that's not proof of anything.

I love it that you said that. Because if we find life anywhere else in the universe, that will prove your God is bullshit. Made up by your ancients goat herding relatives.

But that won't stop you guys. You'll just say of course God created other civilizations. The Bible is just for us here on earth. I've already seen other christians make this argument because they too believe there is life elsewhere. Perhaps they missed where God in the bible told them there isn't other life out there. I sure as hell missed it when I read that fiction.

Life is rare. Just look at our solar system The only life we see is on earth. But there may have once been life on 2 other planets. We just don't know yet. So we haven't even fully explored our own solar system let alone all the other billions of stars.

You don't get to use what the scientists say in your arguments. You disagree with them too much to use their findings to back up any argument you have.

There is no evidence of aliens
Yep, and no evidence of any blue whales in my bathtub.
That is a rather silly analysis though. The Fermi Paradox is a very real one and brings into question the reality of other life in the universe OR the ability for that life to spread making the existence of other life meaningless.

"If interstellar travel is possible, even the "slow" kind nearly within the reach of Earth technology, then it would only take from 5 million to 50 million years to colonize the galaxy."

Considering the 13 billion year timeline we are working with, or even the younger estimate of 11 billion years, there is WAY more than enough time for any singular intelligent species to colonize the entire galaxy. This includes our 'bathtub.' That we cannot find even the barest hit of this does lead to question how prevalent life really is in the universe or its implications.

It is similar to the Dragon in my Garage analogy that Carl Sagan came up with though I am not referring to falsifiability but rather its irrelevancy. On that same token, if life exists outside our solar system and intelligence arises from that life then why has it never made its way here? That it has not leads to either the contention that life does not exist or that interstellar travel and colonization is impossible. Either of those realities makes extraterrestrial life meaningless. Other explanations, such as the earth is unique or we are the first to arise are no better than the god of the gaps argument.

Fermi paradox - Wikipedia
The Dragon in My Garage - RationalWiki
We are usually wrong? Then creationists are always wrong. At least we admit when we don't know something.

We are right about no aliens. There is no evidence of aliens and we already provided the reasons why there isn't. First and foremost is God did not create aliens. Evolutionary thinking has admitted that life is rare as we should have found evidence of alien life many years ago. It's the atheist religion that keeps many to claim aliens due to the multitude of planets.
We should have found alien life many years ago? Why SHOULD WE have? We don't have the technology and haven't looked close or hard enough yet to make that determination.

How do you know God didn't create aliens? You didn't prove anything. That's not proof to say God did not create aliens. How the fuck would you know that? First of all we don't even know if God exists. Maybe your ancient religion said he didn't create aliens, but that's not proof of anything.

I love it that you said that. Because if we find life anywhere else in the universe, that will prove your God is bullshit. Made up by your ancients goat herding relatives.

But that won't stop you guys. You'll just say of course God created other civilizations. The Bible is just for us here on earth. I've already seen other christians make this argument because they too believe there is life elsewhere. Perhaps they missed where God in the bible told them there isn't other life out there. I sure as hell missed it when I read that fiction.

Life is rare. Just look at our solar system The only life we see is on earth. But there may have once been life on 2 other planets. We just don't know yet. So we haven't even fully explored our own solar system let alone all the other billions of stars.

You don't get to use what the scientists say in your arguments. You disagree with them too much to use their findings to back up any argument you have.

There is no evidence of aliens
Yep, and no evidence of any blue whales in my bathtub.
That is a rather silly analysis though. The Fermi Paradox is a very real one and brings into question the reality of other life in the universe OR the ability for that life to spread making the existence of other life meaningless.

"If interstellar travel is possible, even the "slow" kind nearly within the reach of Earth technology, then it would only take from 5 million to 50 million years to colonize the galaxy."

Considering the 13 billion year timeline we are working with, or even the younger estimate of 11 billion years, there is WAY more than enough time for any singular intelligent species to colonize the entire galaxy. This includes our 'bathtub.' That we cannot find even the barest hit of this does lead to question how prevalent life really is in the universe or its implications.

It is similar to the Dragon in my Garage analogy that Carl Sagan came up with though I am not referring to falsifiability but rather its irrelevancy. On that same token, if life exists outside our solar system and intelligence arises from that life then why has it never made its way here? That it has not leads to either the contention that life does not exist or that interstellar travel and colonization is impossible. Either of those realities makes extraterrestrial life meaningless. Other explanations, such as the earth is unique or we are the first to arise are no better than the god of the gaps argument.

Fermi paradox - Wikipedia
The Dragon in My Garage - RationalWiki
Life didn't start at the time of the big bang. We haven't had intelligent life on this planet until 100,000 years ago. That's not nearly enough time for life to spread throughout the entire universe, or even throughout the entire galaxy.
We are usually wrong? Then creationists are always wrong. At least we admit when we don't know something.

We are right about no aliens. There is no evidence of aliens and we already provided the reasons why there isn't. First and foremost is God did not create aliens. Evolutionary thinking has admitted that life is rare as we should have found evidence of alien life many years ago. It's the atheist religion that keeps many to claim aliens due to the multitude of planets.
We should have found alien life many years ago? Why SHOULD WE have? We don't have the technology and haven't looked close or hard enough yet to make that determination.

How do you know God didn't create aliens? You didn't prove anything. That's not proof to say God did not create aliens. How the fuck would you know that? First of all we don't even know if God exists. Maybe your ancient religion said he didn't create aliens, but that's not proof of anything.

I love it that you said that. Because if we find life anywhere else in the universe, that will prove your God is bullshit. Made up by your ancients goat herding relatives.

But that won't stop you guys. You'll just say of course God created other civilizations. The Bible is just for us here on earth. I've already seen other christians make this argument because they too believe there is life elsewhere. Perhaps they missed where God in the bible told them there isn't other life out there. I sure as hell missed it when I read that fiction.

Life is rare. Just look at our solar system The only life we see is on earth. But there may have once been life on 2 other planets. We just don't know yet. So we haven't even fully explored our own solar system let alone all the other billions of stars.

You don't get to use what the scientists say in your arguments. You disagree with them too much to use their findings to back up any argument you have.

There is no evidence of aliens
Yep, and no evidence of any blue whales in my bathtub.
That is a rather silly analysis though. The Fermi Paradox is a very real one and brings into question the reality of other life in the universe OR the ability for that life to spread making the existence of other life meaningless.

"If interstellar travel is possible, even the "slow" kind nearly within the reach of Earth technology, then it would only take from 5 million to 50 million years to colonize the galaxy."

Considering the 13 billion year timeline we are working with, or even the younger estimate of 11 billion years, there is WAY more than enough time for any singular intelligent species to colonize the entire galaxy. This includes our 'bathtub.' That we cannot find even the barest hit of this does lead to question how prevalent life really is in the universe or its implications.

It is similar to the Dragon in my Garage analogy that Carl Sagan came up with though I am not referring to falsifiability but rather its irrelevancy. On that same token, if life exists outside our solar system and intelligence arises from that life then why has it never made its way here? That it has not leads to either the contention that life does not exist or that interstellar travel and colonization is impossible. Either of those realities makes extraterrestrial life meaningless. Other explanations, such as the earth is unique or we are the first to arise are no better than the god of the gaps argument.

Fermi paradox - Wikipedia
The Dragon in My Garage - RationalWiki
Life didn't start at the time of the big bang. We haven't had intelligent life on this planet until 100,000 years ago. That's not nearly enough time for life to spread throughout the entire universe, or even throughout the entire galaxy.
Why do you assume that life would start sometime around when life started on this planet?

That is a hell of an assumption. Even under that constraint, 50 million years earlier on the outside is a mere blink for life to have formed somewhere else with way more than enough time to accomplish saturation.
The Fermi Paradox is a very real one
Only if certain premises are accepted as always true. For example, the premise that a significant proportion of life systems will always evolve to produce a species capable of interstellar or intergalactic travel that also then survives and persists for millions or billions of years after acquiring this capability, and which is also interested in using that ability to colonize galaxies, and which successfully does so.

Lots of variables there. Would you assert all of the above with 100% confidence? I wouldn't.

So, if any of the premises of a paradox cannot be considered always to be true, then the paradox vanishes.
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We are usually wrong? Then creationists are always wrong. At least we admit when we don't know something.

We are right about no aliens. There is no evidence of aliens and we already provided the reasons why there isn't. First and foremost is God did not create aliens. Evolutionary thinking has admitted that life is rare as we should have found evidence of alien life many years ago. It's the atheist religion that keeps many to claim aliens due to the multitude of planets.
We should have found alien life many years ago? Why SHOULD WE have? We don't have the technology and haven't looked close or hard enough yet to make that determination.

How do you know God didn't create aliens? You didn't prove anything. That's not proof to say God did not create aliens. How the fuck would you know that? First of all we don't even know if God exists. Maybe your ancient religion said he didn't create aliens, but that's not proof of anything.

I love it that you said that. Because if we find life anywhere else in the universe, that will prove your God is bullshit. Made up by your ancients goat herding relatives.

But that won't stop you guys. You'll just say of course God created other civilizations. The Bible is just for us here on earth. I've already seen other christians make this argument because they too believe there is life elsewhere. Perhaps they missed where God in the bible told them there isn't other life out there. I sure as hell missed it when I read that fiction.

Life is rare. Just look at our solar system The only life we see is on earth. But there may have once been life on 2 other planets. We just don't know yet. So we haven't even fully explored our own solar system let alone all the other billions of stars.

You don't get to use what the scientists say in your arguments. You disagree with them too much to use their findings to back up any argument you have.

There is no evidence of aliens
Yep, and no evidence of any blue whales in my bathtub.
That is a rather silly analysis though. The Fermi Paradox is a very real one and brings into question the reality of other life in the universe OR the ability for that life to spread making the existence of other life meaningless.

"If interstellar travel is possible, even the "slow" kind nearly within the reach of Earth technology, then it would only take from 5 million to 50 million years to colonize the galaxy."

Considering the 13 billion year timeline we are working with, or even the younger estimate of 11 billion years, there is WAY more than enough time for any singular intelligent species to colonize the entire galaxy. This includes our 'bathtub.' That we cannot find even the barest hit of this does lead to question how prevalent life really is in the universe or its implications.

It is similar to the Dragon in my Garage analogy that Carl Sagan came up with though I am not referring to falsifiability but rather its irrelevancy. On that same token, if life exists outside our solar system and intelligence arises from that life then why has it never made its way here? That it has not leads to either the contention that life does not exist or that interstellar travel and colonization is impossible. Either of those realities makes extraterrestrial life meaningless. Other explanations, such as the earth is unique or we are the first to arise are no better than the god of the gaps argument.

Fermi paradox - Wikipedia
The Dragon in My Garage - RationalWiki
Life didn't start at the time of the big bang. We haven't had intelligent life on this planet until 100,000 years ago. That's not nearly enough time for life to spread throughout the entire universe, or even throughout the entire galaxy.
Why do you assume that life would start sometime around when life started on this planet?

That is a hell of an assumption. Even under that constraint, 50 million years earlier on the outside is a mere blink for life to have formed somewhere else with way more than enough time to accomplish saturation.
I don't, but that's a trillion times more reasonable than assuming that life started at the big bang, which is what you did.
We are usually wrong? Then creationists are always wrong. At least we admit when we don't know something.

We are right about no aliens. There is no evidence of aliens and we already provided the reasons why there isn't. First and foremost is God did not create aliens. Evolutionary thinking has admitted that life is rare as we should have found evidence of alien life many years ago. It's the atheist religion that keeps many to claim aliens due to the multitude of planets.
We should have found alien life many years ago? Why SHOULD WE have? We don't have the technology and haven't looked close or hard enough yet to make that determination.

How do you know God didn't create aliens? You didn't prove anything. That's not proof to say God did not create aliens. How the fuck would you know that? First of all we don't even know if God exists. Maybe your ancient religion said he didn't create aliens, but that's not proof of anything.

I love it that you said that. Because if we find life anywhere else in the universe, that will prove your God is bullshit. Made up by your ancients goat herding relatives.

But that won't stop you guys. You'll just say of course God created other civilizations. The Bible is just for us here on earth. I've already seen other christians make this argument because they too believe there is life elsewhere. Perhaps they missed where God in the bible told them there isn't other life out there. I sure as hell missed it when I read that fiction.

Life is rare. Just look at our solar system The only life we see is on earth. But there may have once been life on 2 other planets. We just don't know yet. So we haven't even fully explored our own solar system let alone all the other billions of stars.

You don't get to use what the scientists say in your arguments. You disagree with them too much to use their findings to back up any argument you have.

There is no evidence of aliens
Yep, and no evidence of any blue whales in my bathtub.
That is a rather silly analysis though. The Fermi Paradox is a very real one and brings into question the reality of other life in the universe OR the ability for that life to spread making the existence of other life meaningless.

"If interstellar travel is possible, even the "slow" kind nearly within the reach of Earth technology, then it would only take from 5 million to 50 million years to colonize the galaxy."

Considering the 13 billion year timeline we are working with, or even the younger estimate of 11 billion years, there is WAY more than enough time for any singular intelligent species to colonize the entire galaxy. This includes our 'bathtub.' That we cannot find even the barest hit of this does lead to question how prevalent life really is in the universe or its implications.

It is similar to the Dragon in my Garage analogy that Carl Sagan came up with though I am not referring to falsifiability but rather its irrelevancy. On that same token, if life exists outside our solar system and intelligence arises from that life then why has it never made its way here? That it has not leads to either the contention that life does not exist or that interstellar travel and colonization is impossible. Either of those realities makes extraterrestrial life meaningless. Other explanations, such as the earth is unique or we are the first to arise are no better than the god of the gaps argument.

Fermi paradox - Wikipedia
The Dragon in My Garage - RationalWiki
Furthermore, you have just created another possible paradox with which you must grapple:

If one assumes as true that formation of life is so rare that it only formed once or a small handful of times in our universe, then that person must explain how it formed all all , given its assumed, near zero probability. All of your valid arguments for this extreme rarity will also be arguments for its utter impossibility.

You're going to find that your attempted resolution of this paradox will accidentally turn into a full blown argument for the formation of life being quite frequent in our universe.
Life didn't start at the time of the big bang. We haven't had intelligent life on this planet until 100,000 years ago. That's not nearly enough time for life to spread throughout the entire universe, or even throughout the entire galaxy.

No one has said life started with the big bang. No one has explained how space time started. The big bang hasn't explained how light or any stars, planets, gases, Higgs field, Higgs boson, Planck's constant, etc. was formed. It's really a stupid hypothesis, but that's what atheists and their scientists believe were packed into a quantum particle. They can't even explain waves and particles work in quantum mechanics because quantum mechanics needs space time.

Thus, life hasn't started on Earth or anywhere else according to QM and big bang.
Furthermore, you have just created another possible paradox with which you must grapple:

If one assumes as true that formation of life is so rare that it only formed once or a small handful of times in our universe, then that person must explain how it formed all all , given its assumed, near zero probability. All of your valid arguments for this extreme rarity will also be arguments for its utter impossibility.

You're going to find that your attempted resolution of this paradox will accidentally turn into a full blown argument for the formation of life being quite frequent in our universe.

He said your analysis was silly. That's being kind.

It's not just Fermi, but a lot of scientists think we should have been contacted by aliens if they are of superior intelligence. They would have superior intelligence and likely would have started life on this planet then. However, you have no evidence of that. I don't think one of you has even claimed that. You're still waiting for abiogenesis to happen :laugh:. I would think intelligent aliens starting life here is more realistic than abiogenesis.
No one has explained how space time started
Uh...what? You religious goobers do that literally all day every day. Goddamn son, are you mentally ill?

So, are you agreeing that God created space time on the first day? What I meant was none of you atheist goobers and your goober scientists have explained how space time started along with the light and the rest.

And even more scientists believe evolution is a fact. Sorry moron, you dont get to have it both ways.

Evolution is a theory. If it was a fact, then we can all use it. An example of a guy who wants it both ways is ding. He believes in Catholicism, theistic evolution, and his stupid made up stuff.

No aliens appears to be the fact. Else you'd be beating us over the head with it. No abiogenesis either.
Life didn't start at the time of the big bang. We haven't had intelligent life on this planet until 100,000 years ago. That's not nearly enough time for life to spread throughout the entire universe, or even throughout the entire galaxy.

No one has said life started with the big bang. No one has explained how space time started. The big bang hasn't explained how light or any stars, planets, gases, Higgs field, Higgs boson, Planck's constant, etc. was formed. It's really a stupid hypothesis, but that's what atheists and their scientists believe were packed into a quantum particle. They can't even explain waves and particles work in quantum mechanics because quantum mechanics needs space time.

Thus, life hasn't started on Earth or anywhere else according to QM and big bang.

FA_Q2 said it did:

"If interstellar travel is possible, even the "slow" kind nearly within the reach of Earth technology, then it would only take from 5 million to 50 million years to colonize the galaxy."
Considering the 13 billion year timeline we are working with, or even the younger estimate of 11 billion years, there is WAY more than enough time for any singular intelligent species to colonize the entire galaxy.

The fact that science can't explain something doesn't mean you get to assume magic caused it.
Instead of ding, I should've said Frances Collins and BioLogos. They are theistic evolutionists. Same with William Lane Craig.

Also, I was going by what the head of NASA said about finding evidence of past life on Mars by 2025. I doubt we'll have abiogenesis by then.

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