The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

And what caused the first phenomenon?
How do you know there was a "first"? Correct answer: You don't.

The universe expands. It expanded yesterday, It expanded the day before yesterday ... and so on ... . But once it had a most little size, perhaps even a zero size. So what happened - why started the universe to expand?

And even if there was,

Even if there was? ... Do you mean "If there was an uncaused cause"?

it would not lend a shred of support to the truth of any silly religious dogma.

You think to believe in atheism is not as silly as to believe in god? ... No idea why the belief atheism should be more intelligent. Because atheists follow the teaching a-atheists are idiots?
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Of course, I'm not giving any thought to religious beliefs. Just the idea of a supreme creator, or ID.... Obviously a supreme creator doesn't care about us, but it's still possible that it exists, in the form of us being a simulation. An ID is more possible to me. Where that intelligence came from, is unknown to me, but definitely not something to worship. ID would likely be a simulation as well.

I think quantum theory has a lot for us to consider spiritually. We are all connected, down to our basic particles.

Not really. All particles of a body could be replaced with other particles (an electron with another electron for example) and nothing would change. An individuum would stay to be the same individuum.Indeed we are continusly replacing our matter. Evers 20 days we have new red blood cells for example. And after 20 years we replaced so many cells, that we have practically a compltete new body.

We all came from one source, the big bang, and every particle could have been entangled at that point. There could be something out there that we don't understand yet, but it definitely isn't a god to worship and kill for.
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What I really want you religious people to explain to me, is where Santa stops to pee and poop. He can stop time, but still, for him it's a long amount of time. And he's eating all the milk and cookies. He's gotta take a shit somewhere! Where does Santa go to the bathroom on Christmas Eve?
Can you imagine a kid waking up to see Santa taking a shit in the bathroom?

But we never hear about that... Why?
What I really want you religious people to explain to me, is where Santa stops to pee and poop. He can stop time, but still, for him it's a long amount of time. And he's eating all the milk and cookies. He's gotta take a shit somewhere! Where does Santa go to the bathroom on Christmas Eve?

Can you imagine a kid waking up to see Santa taking a shit in the bathroom?

But we never hear about that... Why?

Do you speak with me? Do you expect an answer, Ebenezer?

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To calculate with numbers is an application of mathematics - but it is not mathematics on its own. You underestimate mathematics drastically. Hyper-infinite sets are for example not constructable, but they are terminologicably determinable. Whether such sets exist (or not) is not only doubtful - it is even unprovable. You are only able to use such sets on reason of inspiration. Nevertheless this is mathematics.

Is not to underestimate anything but making my base foundation in reality. A guy who had a condition used to see colors instead of numbers, and he was capable to beat a computer while making calculations. In his mind was amounts and combinations of colors, and later he "translated" into numbers to give a result "you can understand". Get it?

The mathematics method we use is just one method available according to our limitation of perception of the universe. We invented mathematics to understand the universe.

A universal tool ... and a meta-universal tool too - in case of the ideas around a multiverse for example. But mathematics is for example music too - or is music mathematics? And mathematics has not any material background - it's a spiritual tool for the spiritual human mind.

Multiverses? Please, don't include fantasies in this discussion, lets limit our dialogue to science and not science fiction.

Music is not mathematics, but you can use mathematics to find the different measures of vibrations.

About "spiritual mathematics"... come on, don't reach the borders of the absurd.

Mathematics is divided in two parts, Practical Mathematics and Abstract Mathematics.

Practical mathematics is used to measure in empirical way numerical quantities on the different phenomena we observe. This is the only valid mathematics in science. You use a machine to count bills in the bank, that is practical mathematics.

Abstract mathematics is when you can imagine a phenomenon and you invent quantities which will involve the imaginary phenomenon. A typical example of abstract mathematics is the imaginary black hole. Abstract mathematics is good for entertainment, but is not valid for science.

Sure you can use mathematics to try to find out, how to nail a nail into a nail - but that's also only an application of mathematics and not mathematics on its own.

for understanding the real world, that is the only valid use for mathematics.

What many physicists doubt about. But tell me: What causes a phenomenon? Other phenomenons? And what caused the first phenomenon? The physicist Anton Zeilinger for example had an idea, which I interpret here now as an "Looks like in the beginning was pure information. Looks like in the beginning was 'the word'. Everything came from it".

The bible says, in the beginning was "the word", it doesn't say "in the beginning was the number".

Your case is invalid.
The universe expands. It expanded yesterday, It expanded the day before yesterday ... and so on ... . But once it had a most little size, perhaps even a zero size. So what happened - why started the universe to expand?
I dont know. And neither do you. But, even if we did know, that would not mean there was a "first cause".

You think to believe in atheism is not as silly as to believe in god?
A silly question. Do you , specifically, mean gnostic atheism, wherein someone claims to know with absolute certainty that there are no gods (please use the plural form for accuracy, thanks)...? Yes, that would be silly.

Strangely, you have just admitted that believing in gods is silly. Did you mean to do that?
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To calculate with numbers is an application of mathematics - but it is not mathematics on its own. You underestimate mathematics drastically. Hyper-infinite sets are for example not constructable, but they are terminologicably determinable. Whether such sets exist (or not) is not only doubtful - it is even unprovable. You are only able to use such sets on reason of inspiration. Nevertheless this is mathematics.

Is not to underestimate anything but making my base foundation in reality. A guy who had a condition used to see colors instead of numbers, and he was capable to beat a computer while making calculations. In his mind was amounts and combinations of colors, and later he "translated" into numbers to give a result "you can understand". Get it?

The mathematics method we use is just one method available according to our limitation of perception of the universe. We invented mathematics to understand the universe.

A universal tool ... and a meta-universal tool too - in case of the ideas around a multiverse for example. But mathematics is for example music too - or is music mathematics? And mathematics has not any material background - it's a spiritual tool for the spiritual human mind.

Multiverses? Please, don't include fantasies in this discussion, lets limit our dialogue to science and not science fiction.

Music is not mathematics, but you can use mathematics to find the different measures of vibrations.

About "spiritual mathematics"... come on, don't reach the borders of the absurd.

Mathematics is divided in two parts, Practical Mathematics and Abstract Mathematics.

Practical mathematics is used to measure in empirical way numerical quantities on the different phenomena we observe. This is the only valid mathematics in science. You use a machine to count bills in the bank, that is practical mathematics.

Abstract mathematics is when you can imagine a phenomenon and you invent quantities which will involve the imaginary phenomenon. A typical example of abstract mathematics is the imaginary black hole. Abstract mathematics is good for entertainment, but is not valid for science.

Sure you can use mathematics to try to find out, how to nail a nail into a nail - but that's also only an application of mathematics and not mathematics on its own.

for understanding the real world, that is the only valid use for mathematics.

What many physicists doubt about. But tell me: What causes a phenomenon? Other phenomenons? And what caused the first phenomenon? The physicist Anton Zeilinger for example had an idea, which I interpret here now as an "Looks like in the beginning was pure information. Looks like in the beginning was 'the word'. Everything came from it".

The bible says, in the beginning was "the word", it doesn't say "in the beginning was the number".

Your case is invalid.

Merry Christmas.
The universe expands. It expanded yesterday, It expanded the day before yesterday ... and so on ... . But once it had a most little size, perhaps even a zero size. So what happened - why started the universe to expand?
I dont know. And neither do you. But, even if we did know, that would not mean there was a "first cause".

First cause = uncaused. So what is the cause?

You think to believe in atheism is not as silly as to believe in god?
A silly question.

A simple question and not a silly question. You seem to be as impertinent as the US-congress and the government of the USA are impertinent.

Do you , specifically, mean gnostic atheism, wherein someone claims to know with absolute certainty that there are no gods (please use the plural form for accuracy, thanks)...? Yes, that would be silly.

Strangely, you have just admitted that believing in gods is silly. Did you mean to do that?

Bye bye.
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First cause = uncaused. So what is the cause?
I don't even know that there is a first cause. What is the cause of unicorns being white instead of pink? Same question, same answer.

And if i assume there was a first cause, the answer would still be "I don't know". And anyone who answers otherwise is lying.

If you are going to breach such serious topics and demand answers to your contrived questions, you shouldn't be such a thin skinned sissy. You are not always going to get an answer that affirms your preconceptions. Just be happy that you get an HONEST answer, which is what you will get from me.
First cause = uncaused. So what is the cause?
I don't even know that there is a first cause. What is the cause of unicorns being white instead of pink? Same question, same answer.

And if i assume there was a first cause, the answer would still be "I don't know". And anyone who answers otherwise is lying.

If you are going to breach such serious topics and demand answers to your contrived questions, you shouldn't be such a thin skinned sissy. You are not always going to get an answer that affirms your preconceptions. Just be happy that you get an HONEST answer, which is what you will get from me.

Bye bye

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First cause = uncaused. So what is the cause?
I don't even know that there is a first cause. What is the cause of unicorns being white instead of pink? Same question, same answer.

And if i assume there was a first cause, the answer would still be "I don't know". And anyone who answers otherwise is lying.

If you are going to breach such serious topics and demand answers to your contrived questions, you shouldn't be such a thin skinned sissy. You are not always going to get an answer that affirms your preconceptions. Just be happy that you get an HONEST answer, which is what you will get from me.

Bye bye
See ya. Hopefully, for the sake of your delicate sensibilities, you will get the answers you hope to hear. May I suggest that you stop paying for expensive internet, and just buy a cheap mirror?
First cause = uncaused. So what is the cause?
I don't even know that there is a first cause. What is the cause of unicorns being white instead of pink? Same question, same answer.

And if i assume there was a first cause, the answer would still be "I don't know". And anyone who answers otherwise is lying.

If you are going to breach such serious topics and demand answers to your contrived questions, you shouldn't be such a thin skinned sissy. You are not always going to get an answer that affirms your preconceptions. Just be happy that you get an HONEST answer, which is what you will get from me.

Bye bye
See ya. Hopefully, for the sake of your delicate sensibilities, you will get the answers you hope to hear.

I don't expect essential answers from US-Americans.

May I suggest that you stop paying for expensive internet, and just buy a cheap mirror?

It makes meanwhile just simple much to much work to correct the growing nonsense, which you say.
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I don't expect essential answers from US-Americans
Yet here you are, on the US Message Board.

How strange.

You cant correct a word. You threw a little fit, because you painted yourself into a corner with a question that undermines your own position. And you know it. Thus this little fit.

Did you mean, "gnostic atheists", I.e., those who claim to know with certainty that there are no gods? Thats a yes/no question. Do you have the words "yes" and "no" in the German language? If so, try one of them out right here.
I don't expect essential answers from US-Americans
Yet here you are, on the US Message Board.

How strange.

You cant correct a word. You threw a little fit, because you painted yourself into a corner with a question that undermines your own position. And you know it. Thus this little fit.

Did you mean, "gnostic atheists", I.e., those who claim to know with certainty that there are no gods? Thats a yes/no question. Do you have the words "yes" and "no" in the German language? If so, try one of them out right here.

no comment

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What I really want you religious people to explain to me, is where Santa stops to pee and poop. He can stop time, but still, for him it's a long amount of time. And he's eating all the milk and cookies. He's gotta take a shit somewhere! Where does Santa go to the bathroom on Christmas Eve?

Can you imagine a kid waking up to see Santa taking a shit in the bathroom?

But we never hear about that... Why?

Do you speak with me? Do you expect an answer, Ebenezer?

Lol, yes I doodoo
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Considering our universe holds all the ingredients for creating life as we know it, I'm pretty certain some planets experienced a birth of life similar to ours.

Hopefully intelligent life on other planets is not as feral and hateful as human life here at home.

What I really want you religious people to explain to me, is where Santa stops to pee and poop. He can stop time, but still, for him it's a long amount of time. And he's eating all the milk and cookies. He's gotta take a shit somewhere! Where does Santa go to the bathroom on Christmas Eve?

Can you imagine a kid waking up to see Santa taking a shit in the bathroom?

But we never hear about that... Why?

Do you speak with me? Do you expect an answer, Ebenezer?

Lol, yes I doodoo

Try to find a curriculum vitae from Santa Claus (alias Miklas, Miklavž, Mikławš, Miklós, Mikołaj, Mikula, Nikola, Mikuláš, Mikulas, Mykola Mikola, Mykolaj, Mikalojus, Néckel, Niccolò, Nicholas, Niclo, Nicol, Nicola, Nicolò, Nicolà, Clà, Clau, Nicolae, Nicolaas, Nicolas, Nicolás, Nicolau, Nicolaus, Nicoli, Niculin, Nicolussi, Niklaas, Niklas, Niclas, Nicklas, Niklaus, Nikola, Nikolai, Nicolai, Nikolei, Nikolaj, Nikolaos, Nikólaos, Nikos, Nikolas, Nikolina, Nikoll, Nikollë, Nikolla, Nikolos, Nikolow, Niels, Níoclas, Claas, Claus, Clau, Col, Colin, Kiko, Koko, Klaas, Klas, Kai, Klaus, Kolja, Kolya, Kolyo, Nicho, Nikos, Nis, Nisse, Niggo, Nigi, Nici, Nicci, Nicky, Nicki, Nikki, Niki, Nikky, Nico, Nicu, Niko, Nick, Niggi, Niggl, Niggel, Niggels, Nigu, Nik, Nikita, Nike, Nils, Niels, Nini, Nino).

Santa Claus was born in Patra in 270-286 AD. So you can see it was a long birth. And he died on 6th of december (which is at Christmas in the orthodox world) about 4 times in 326, 345, 351 and 365 - so it's not really sure, how often he redied later and how often he was reborn every year and why he is always young ... ah sorry: always old ... or young? .. or old? ... Whatever. And it looks like he pees and poops like everyone else. And Tomte - Tomte is one of his names too - has every time of the world to do so in every bathroom all over the globe. You said on your own he is able to stop time - and between two Plank-seconds can happen a lot of things, because there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

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