The biggest lie perpetrated is;


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The rhetoric is healthcare will be government run and owned, but no one can explain how it’s government run and own. How is the banking and auto industry government run and owned? It is “regulated” just like meat and meat packing companies and slaughter houses are privately owned and run.

If you have private HC, the government will help you keep that plan and will not let private HC screw you like they are doing now. That is “regulating” not owning and running.
Government regulated Private Healthcare will have 30 million more clients and make more money with subsidies and tax credits the people will have that and will make it possible for them to afford private HC. But many will still not be able to afford private HC and government will provide an exchange they can chose from. Private healthcare will still run and own their business and make profits to pay their CEOs but regulated by the government so they will not be able to screw over you. Medicare advantage plans are not government run, owned or regulated. Government pays them $800 to provide healthcare for seniors and they only pay 20% and 80% is paid by Medicare. (Government)

How the hell can anyone with half a brain not understand this? :evil:
It will create millions of jobs and workers will pay millions in taxes that will go to the government and back to you. Healthcare along with job creation goes together.
No one loses with government healthcare. The people, Private Healthcare and the government all win.

"I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him."
Note to the OP:

When the government mandates what is and is not covered by health care, forces everyone to pay for it whether or not they want it, and sets prices, it is in control.

Next question?
Medicare/Medicaid aren't 100% gubmint owned and run?

Mmmmmmmmkay. :rolleyes:

Does the government provide the HC for medicade and medicare patients, Dude?

Or does the government just pay their bills, exactly as private insurance companies do?
Medicare/Medicaid aren't 100% gubmint owned and run?

Mmmmmmmmkay. :rolleyes:

Does the government provide the HC for medicade and medicare patients, Dude?

Or does the government just pay their bills, exactly as private insurance companies do?
Whose billing rules and price scales do doctors participating in Medicare/Medicaid get to use, theirs or da gubmint's?

Who gets to decide whether or not the medical care is approved for the patient, Medicare/Medicaid or the doctor?

How many of those Medicare/Medicaid patients get denied payment and/or put on an auditing time clock when they're under hospitalization, exactly as private insurance?

Who is in control and who is the controlled?
Medicare/Medicaid aren't 100% gubmint owned and run?

Mmmmmmmmkay. :rolleyes:

Does the government provide the HC for medicade and medicare patients, Dude?

Or does the government just pay their bills, exactly as private insurance companies do?

so it is ok to open an insurance company underwritten by the tax payers to compete on the open market against private companies and they get to set the coverage terms to thier advantage....
Do you honestly think the American people are stupid? We understand completely that you are trying to take over health care. Sure you might not get everything you want not, but you are creating more problems so you can take over more of the industry.

Now please dont say that isnt your goal. We have you guys in your own words telling us exactly what you want.
That 'lie' (debateable) is right up their with Republicans are happy with the status quo.
[ame=]YouTube - Republicans Heckle Disabled Woman in Wheelchair[/ame]
BTW, Oregon now has "Healthy Kids". It is a program which funds people who work and have insurance available to them.

The state will insure your family for much, much less. At first they made out like it was a subsidy program, where the state was actually paying a large portion of the premiums. But as it turns out, that isn't what the state does at all..what the state does is enroll you in OHP.

In other words, they're edging out the private insurance companies, providing a huge incentive to working class people to sign up for government insurance.


The rhetoric is healthcare will be government run and owned, but no one can explain how it’s government run and own. How is the banking and auto industry government run and owned? It is “regulated” just like meat and meat packing companies and slaughter houses are privately owned and run.

If you have private HC, the government will help you keep that plan and will not let private HC screw you like they are doing now. That is “regulating” not owning and running.
Government regulated Private Healthcare will have 30 million more clients and make more money with subsidies and tax credits the people will have that and will make it possible for them to afford private HC. But many will still not be able to afford private HC and government will provide an exchange they can chose from. Private healthcare will still run and own their business and make profits to pay their CEOs but regulated by the government so they will not be able to screw over you. Medicare advantage plans are not government run, owned or regulated. Government pays them $800 to provide healthcare for seniors and they only pay 20% and 80% is paid by Medicare. (Government)

How the hell can anyone with half a brain not understand this? :evil:
It will create millions of jobs and workers will pay millions in taxes that will go to the government and back to you. Healthcare along with job creation goes together.
No one loses with government healthcare. The people, Private Healthcare and the government all win.

"I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him."

What it really is:
When the government merely controls private businesses without actually taking ownership the proper definition is "fascist."
Do you honestly think the American people are stupid?

Yes, politicians do believe that the American people are stupid. Otherwise there would be far fewer congressmen reelected in every election.

BTW - the biggest lie is that government "assistance" will improve the situation.

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