The BIGGEST MISTAKE.. "We have to do something"!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
It's also called , " unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences) are outcomes that are not the ones intended by a purposeful action."
Classic example is EMTALA. Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act ..
Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA.
According to the Institute of Medicine, between 1993 and 2003, emergency room visits in the U.S. grew by 26%, while in the same period, the number of emergency departments declined by 425.
Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what started out as a "good intention" snowballed to hospitals sometimes markup 6,000% claims to Medicare!
As this hospital's CEO attests:
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

And now we have a President and Congress that THINKS they have to do BIG things! Make monumental legislation!
TAKE care of the little things... LIKE no longer paying out of tax payers pockets for these items:

In a recent example of egregious government waste, the U.S. has doled out more than a billion dollars in disability benefits to tens of thousands of people who were not supposed to get it. One recipient got $90,000—nearly twice the median annual income in the U.S.—without being detected by the Social Security Administration (SSA),

A fraud-infested government program that gives low-income populations free cell phones should expand in Hispanic communities because it will help bolster employment rates, according to a powerful Latino rights group working to save the program as Congress considers killing it. The controversial cell phone giveaway, known as Lifeline Assistance, has grown immensely under President Obama

Wasteful Spending | Judicial Watch

Good intentions turn wasteful spending and so WHY are we continuing to elect people that want to was OUR MONEY???
More examples of "Good intentions"

reality TV show in India. The Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program spends $200 million a year to help U.S. agricultural trade associations and cooperatives advertise their products in foreign markets. In 2011, it funded a reality TV show in India that advertised U.S. cotton.
Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years. It has never broken even on these services.
Using military exercises to boost biofuels. The U.S. Navy bought 450,000 gallons of biofuels for $12 million—or almost $27 per gallon—to conduct exercises to showcase the fuel and bring it closer toward commercialization. It is the largest biofuel purchase ever made by the government.
Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.
“RoboSquirrel.” $325,000 was spent on a robotic squirrel named “RoboSquirrel.” This National Science Foundation grant was used to create a realistic-looking robotic squirrel for the purpose of studying how a rattlesnake would react to it.

Cupcakes. In Washington, D.C., and elsewhere across the country, cupcake shops are trending. The 10 cupcake shop owners who received $2 million in Small Business Administration loan guarantees, however, can only boast so much of their entrepreneurial ingenuity, since taxpayers are backing them up.

Food stamps for alcohol and junk food. Though they were intended to ensure hungry children received healthy meals, taxpayer-funded food stamps were instead spent on fast food at Taco Bell and Burger King; on non-nutritious foods such as candy, ice cream, and soft drinks; and on some 2,000 deceased persons in New York and Massachusetts. Food stamp recipients spent $2 billion on sugary drinks alone. Improper SNAP payments accounted for $2.5 billion in waste, including to one exotic dancer who was making $85,000 per year.
Beer brewing in New Hampshire. Despite Smuttynose brewery’s financial success and popularity, it is still getting a $750,970 Community Development Block Grant to build a new brewery and restaurant facilities.
A covered bridge to nowhere. What list of government waste would be complete without a notorious “bridge to nowhere”? In this case, it’s $520,000 to fix the Stevenson Road Covered Bridge in Green County, Ohio, which was last used in 2003.

All of the above are "good intentions"..."Verrrry interesting, but..'stupid', ".
Arte Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The only time the two political parties actually cooperate is when they are going something stupid in the face of a catastrophe.

Good posting.
More examples of "Good intentions"

reality TV show in India. The Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program spends $200 million a year to help U.S. agricultural trade associations and cooperatives advertise their products in foreign markets. In 2011, it funded a reality TV show in India that advertised U.S. cotton.
Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years. It has never broken even on these services.
Using military exercises to boost biofuels. The U.S. Navy bought 450,000 gallons of biofuels for $12 million—or almost $27 per gallon—to conduct exercises to showcase the fuel and bring it closer toward commercialization. It is the largest biofuel purchase ever made by the government.
Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.
“RoboSquirrel.” $325,000 was spent on a robotic squirrel named “RoboSquirrel.” This National Science Foundation grant was used to create a realistic-looking robotic squirrel for the purpose of studying how a rattlesnake would react to it.

Cupcakes. In Washington, D.C., and elsewhere across the country, cupcake shops are trending. The 10 cupcake shop owners who received $2 million in Small Business Administration loan guarantees, however, can only boast so much of their entrepreneurial ingenuity, since taxpayers are backing them up.

Food stamps for alcohol and junk food. Though they were intended to ensure hungry children received healthy meals, taxpayer-funded food stamps were instead spent on fast food at Taco Bell and Burger King; on non-nutritious foods such as candy, ice cream, and soft drinks; and on some 2,000 deceased persons in New York and Massachusetts. Food stamp recipients spent $2 billion on sugary drinks alone. Improper SNAP payments accounted for $2.5 billion in waste, including to one exotic dancer who was making $85,000 per year.
Beer brewing in New Hampshire. Despite Smuttynose brewery’s financial success and popularity, it is still getting a $750,970 Community Development Block Grant to build a new brewery and restaurant facilities.
A covered bridge to nowhere. What list of government waste would be complete without a notorious “bridge to nowhere”? In this case, it’s $520,000 to fix the Stevenson Road Covered Bridge in Green County, Ohio, which was last used in 2003.

All of the above are "good intentions"..."Verrrry interesting, but..'stupid', ".
Arte Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why don't you think pig poop should be studied?
It's also called , " unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences) are outcomes that are not the ones intended by a purposeful action."
Classic example is EMTALA. Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act ..
Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA.
According to the Institute of Medicine, between 1993 and 2003, emergency room visits in the U.S. grew by 26%, while in the same period, the number of emergency departments declined by 425.
Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what started out as a "good intention" snowballed to hospitals sometimes markup 6,000% claims to Medicare!
As this hospital's CEO attests:
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

And now we have a President and Congress that THINKS they have to do BIG things! Make monumental legislation!
TAKE care of the little things... LIKE no longer paying out of tax payers pockets for these items:

In a recent example of egregious government waste, the U.S. has doled out more than a billion dollars in disability benefits to tens of thousands of people who were not supposed to get it. One recipient got $90,000—nearly twice the median annual income in the U.S.—without being detected by the Social Security Administration (SSA),

A fraud-infested government program that gives low-income populations free cell phones should expand in Hispanic communities because it will help bolster employment rates, according to a powerful Latino rights group working to save the program as Congress considers killing it. The controversial cell phone giveaway, known as Lifeline Assistance, has grown immensely under President Obama

Wasteful Spending | Judicial Watch

Good intentions turn wasteful spending and so WHY are we continuing to elect people that want to was OUR MONEY???

So you have a heart attack or fall into a diabetic coma and are rushed to the nearest ER. But your wallet has fallen out of your pocket and you have no identification or means of proving that you can pay since you are out cold and there is no one with you who knows who you are. So must the ER just leave you to die?
Another example of "good intentions"..


Consequences.. From Obamacare's showcase hospital..

CLEVELAND, Sept 18 (Reuters) - The world-renowned Cleveland Clinic said on Wednesday it would cut jobs and slash five to six percent of its $6 billion annual budget to prepare for President Barack Obama's health reforms.

The clinic, did not say how many of its 44,000 employees would be laid off. But a spokeswoman
said that $330 million would be cut from its annual budget.

The clinic is Cleveland's largest employer and the second largest in Ohio after Wal-Mart. It is the largest provider in Ohio of Medicaid health coverage for the poor, the program that will expand to cover uninsured Americans under Obamacare.
'World-Renowned' Cleveland Clinic Announces Job Cuts Because Of Obamacare

BUT HOW MANY UNINSURED because there never were 46 million!
Because politicians don't care about the waste, they just want to buy votes with our money. Just consider it public campaign finance.
The only time the two political parties actually cooperate is when they are going something stupid in the face of a catastrophe.

Good posting.

My father is fond of saying, "When democrooks and republicans get into bed, the tax payer gets fucked".

It's the truth, and that's why I oppose "compromise". One side is always wrong, and it's almost always the democrooks. This guarantees the legislation will never be better than %50 effective.
More examples of "Good intentions"

reality TV show in India. The Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program spends $200 million a year to help U.S. agricultural trade associations and cooperatives advertise their products in foreign markets. In 2011, it funded a reality TV show in India that advertised U.S. cotton.
Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years. It has never broken even on these services.
Using military exercises to boost biofuels. The U.S. Navy bought 450,000 gallons of biofuels for $12 million—or almost $27 per gallon—to conduct exercises to showcase the fuel and bring it closer toward commercialization. It is the largest biofuel purchase ever made by the government.
Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.
“RoboSquirrel.” $325,000 was spent on a robotic squirrel named “RoboSquirrel.” This National Science Foundation grant was used to create a realistic-looking robotic squirrel for the purpose of studying how a rattlesnake would react to it.

Cupcakes. In Washington, D.C., and elsewhere across the country, cupcake shops are trending. The 10 cupcake shop owners who received $2 million in Small Business Administration loan guarantees, however, can only boast so much of their entrepreneurial ingenuity, since taxpayers are backing them up.

Food stamps for alcohol and junk food. Though they were intended to ensure hungry children received healthy meals, taxpayer-funded food stamps were instead spent on fast food at Taco Bell and Burger King; on non-nutritious foods such as candy, ice cream, and soft drinks; and on some 2,000 deceased persons in New York and Massachusetts. Food stamp recipients spent $2 billion on sugary drinks alone. Improper SNAP payments accounted for $2.5 billion in waste, including to one exotic dancer who was making $85,000 per year.
Beer brewing in New Hampshire. Despite Smuttynose brewery’s financial success and popularity, it is still getting a $750,970 Community Development Block Grant to build a new brewery and restaurant facilities.
A covered bridge to nowhere. What list of government waste would be complete without a notorious “bridge to nowhere”? In this case, it’s $520,000 to fix the Stevenson Road Covered Bridge in Green County, Ohio, which was last used in 2003.

All of the above are "good intentions"..."Verrrry interesting, but..'stupid', ".
Arte Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why don't you think pig poop should be studied?

you have to be sh...ting me!!!!
More examples of "Good intentions"

reality TV show in India. The Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program spends $200 million a year to help U.S. agricultural trade associations and cooperatives advertise their products in foreign markets. In 2011, it funded a reality TV show in India that advertised U.S. cotton.
Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years. It has never broken even on these services.
Using military exercises to boost biofuels. The U.S. Navy bought 450,000 gallons of biofuels for $12 million—or almost $27 per gallon—to conduct exercises to showcase the fuel and bring it closer toward commercialization. It is the largest biofuel purchase ever made by the government.
Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.
“RoboSquirrel.” $325,000 was spent on a robotic squirrel named “RoboSquirrel.” This National Science Foundation grant was used to create a realistic-looking robotic squirrel for the purpose of studying how a rattlesnake would react to it.

Cupcakes. In Washington, D.C., and elsewhere across the country, cupcake shops are trending. The 10 cupcake shop owners who received $2 million in Small Business Administration loan guarantees, however, can only boast so much of their entrepreneurial ingenuity, since taxpayers are backing them up.

Food stamps for alcohol and junk food. Though they were intended to ensure hungry children received healthy meals, taxpayer-funded food stamps were instead spent on fast food at Taco Bell and Burger King; on non-nutritious foods such as candy, ice cream, and soft drinks; and on some 2,000 deceased persons in New York and Massachusetts. Food stamp recipients spent $2 billion on sugary drinks alone. Improper SNAP payments accounted for $2.5 billion in waste, including to one exotic dancer who was making $85,000 per year.
Beer brewing in New Hampshire. Despite Smuttynose brewery’s financial success and popularity, it is still getting a $750,970 Community Development Block Grant to build a new brewery and restaurant facilities.
A covered bridge to nowhere. What list of government waste would be complete without a notorious “bridge to nowhere”? In this case, it’s $520,000 to fix the Stevenson Road Covered Bridge in Green County, Ohio, which was last used in 2003.

All of the above are "good intentions"..."Verrrry interesting, but..'stupid', ".
Arte Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why don't you think pig poop should be studied?

you have to be sh...ting me!!!!

I think anyone living downwind from a swine farm would beg to differ
More examples of "Good intentions"

reality TV show in India. The Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program spends $200 million a year to help U.S. agricultural trade associations and cooperatives advertise their products in foreign markets. In 2011, it funded a reality TV show in India that advertised U.S. cotton.
Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years. It has never broken even on these services.
Using military exercises to boost biofuels. The U.S. Navy bought 450,000 gallons of biofuels for $12 million—or almost $27 per gallon—to conduct exercises to showcase the fuel and bring it closer toward commercialization. It is the largest biofuel purchase ever made by the government.
Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.
“RoboSquirrel.” $325,000 was spent on a robotic squirrel named “RoboSquirrel.” This National Science Foundation grant was used to create a realistic-looking robotic squirrel for the purpose of studying how a rattlesnake would react to it.

Cupcakes. In Washington, D.C., and elsewhere across the country, cupcake shops are trending. The 10 cupcake shop owners who received $2 million in Small Business Administration loan guarantees, however, can only boast so much of their entrepreneurial ingenuity, since taxpayers are backing them up.

Food stamps for alcohol and junk food. Though they were intended to ensure hungry children received healthy meals, taxpayer-funded food stamps were instead spent on fast food at Taco Bell and Burger King; on non-nutritious foods such as candy, ice cream, and soft drinks; and on some 2,000 deceased persons in New York and Massachusetts. Food stamp recipients spent $2 billion on sugary drinks alone. Improper SNAP payments accounted for $2.5 billion in waste, including to one exotic dancer who was making $85,000 per year.
Beer brewing in New Hampshire. Despite Smuttynose brewery’s financial success and popularity, it is still getting a $750,970 Community Development Block Grant to build a new brewery and restaurant facilities.
A covered bridge to nowhere. What list of government waste would be complete without a notorious “bridge to nowhere”? In this case, it’s $520,000 to fix the Stevenson Road Covered Bridge in Green County, Ohio, which was last used in 2003.

All of the above are "good intentions"..."Verrrry interesting, but..'stupid', ".
Arte Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These lists from those insisting the Government wastes their money are always interesting. They never actually bother to read the studies or results. Just make an opinion based on a one sentence title
It's also called , " unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences) are outcomes that are not the ones intended by a purposeful action."
Classic example is EMTALA. Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act ..
Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA.
According to the Institute of Medicine, between 1993 and 2003, emergency room visits in the U.S. grew by 26%, while in the same period, the number of emergency departments declined by 425.
Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what started out as a "good intention" snowballed to hospitals sometimes markup 6,000% claims to Medicare!
As this hospital's CEO attests:
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

And now we have a President and Congress that THINKS they have to do BIG things! Make monumental legislation!
TAKE care of the little things... LIKE no longer paying out of tax payers pockets for these items:

In a recent example of egregious government waste, the U.S. has doled out more than a billion dollars in disability benefits to tens of thousands of people who were not supposed to get it. One recipient got $90,000—nearly twice the median annual income in the U.S.—without being detected by the Social Security Administration (SSA),

A fraud-infested government program that gives low-income populations free cell phones should expand in Hispanic communities because it will help bolster employment rates, according to a powerful Latino rights group working to save the program as Congress considers killing it. The controversial cell phone giveaway, known as Lifeline Assistance, has grown immensely under President Obama

Wasteful Spending | Judicial Watch

Good intentions turn wasteful spending and so WHY are we continuing to elect people that want to was OUR MONEY???

So you have a heart attack or fall into a diabetic coma and are rushed to the nearest ER. But your wallet has fallen out of your pocket and you have no identification or means of proving that you can pay since you are out cold and there is no one with you who knows who you are. So must the ER just leave you to die?

WOW!!! ONE off situation! NOT normally happening to make a WHOLE society pay for just one guy who lost his billfold!
HOW stupid people like you are !

Your example is that! ONE situation! NOT billions of dollars wasted by a totally irrelevant situation!
A) there are ONLY 4 million people that need and want insurance!
B) Hospitals overbill people that PAY sometimes 6,000% that WE AS payers are paying for!
C) TAX lawyers that cause $850 billion a year in physicians duplicating test which aGAIN idiots like you have NO idea
of what I'm describing but tax lawyers! Why are you so defensive of lawyers???
The 10% tax on them would PAY a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million that want and need insurance!
Hospitals would means test as they do now and if services can't be paid then they file un-padded claims..
THUS people/payers that pay as the CEO said..""How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers."

But idiots like you don't comprehend that do you!!
Something did, and still, needs to be done Bout our healthcare. Unlike the party liners though, I'm waiting for a good "something", not just an anything "something".
It's also called , " unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences) are outcomes that are not the ones intended by a purposeful action."
Classic example is EMTALA. Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act ..
Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA.
According to the Institute of Medicine, between 1993 and 2003, emergency room visits in the U.S. grew by 26%, while in the same period, the number of emergency departments declined by 425.
Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what started out as a "good intention" snowballed to hospitals sometimes markup 6,000% claims to Medicare!
As this hospital's CEO attests:
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

And now we have a President and Congress that THINKS they have to do BIG things! Make monumental legislation!
TAKE care of the little things... LIKE no longer paying out of tax payers pockets for these items:

In a recent example of egregious government waste, the U.S. has doled out more than a billion dollars in disability benefits to tens of thousands of people who were not supposed to get it. One recipient got $90,000—nearly twice the median annual income in the U.S.—without being detected by the Social Security Administration (SSA),

A fraud-infested government program that gives low-income populations free cell phones should expand in Hispanic communities because it will help bolster employment rates, according to a powerful Latino rights group working to save the program as Congress considers killing it. The controversial cell phone giveaway, known as Lifeline Assistance, has grown immensely under President Obama

Wasteful Spending | Judicial Watch

Good intentions turn wasteful spending and so WHY are we continuing to elect people that want to was OUR MONEY???

So you have a heart attack or fall into a diabetic coma and are rushed to the nearest ER. But your wallet has fallen out of your pocket and you have no identification or means of proving that you can pay since you are out cold and there is no one with you who knows who you are. So must the ER just leave you to die?

WOW!!! ONE off situation! NOT normally happening to make a WHOLE society pay for just one guy who lost his billfold!
HOW stupid people like you are !

Your example is that! ONE situation! NOT billions of dollars wasted by a totally irrelevant situation!
A) there are ONLY 4 million people that need and want insurance!
B) Hospitals overbill people that PAY sometimes 6,000% that WE AS payers are paying for!
C) TAX lawyers that cause $850 billion a year in physicians duplicating test which aGAIN idiots like you have NO idea
of what I'm describing but tax lawyers! Why are you so defensive of lawyers???
The 10% tax on them would PAY a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million that want and need insurance!
Hospitals would means test as they do now and if services can't be paid then they file un-padded claims..
THUS people/payers that pay as the CEO said..""How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers."

But idiots like you don't comprehend that do you!!

How ironic given that you chose to use an anecdote in the first place.

But no surprise that you would deflect from the what if scenario. Healthcare is about sick people. 4 million of them according to you. If they don't have the means to pay must they just be left to die? Is that the kind of American "value" that you would be proud to be a part of?
So you have a heart attack or fall into a diabetic coma and are rushed to the nearest ER. But your wallet has fallen out of your pocket and you have no identification or means of proving that you can pay since you are out cold and there is no one with you who knows who you are. So must the ER just leave you to die?

WOW!!! ONE off situation! NOT normally happening to make a WHOLE society pay for just one guy who lost his billfold!
HOW stupid people like you are !

Your example is that! ONE situation! NOT billions of dollars wasted by a totally irrelevant situation!
A) there are ONLY 4 million people that need and want insurance!
B) Hospitals overbill people that PAY sometimes 6,000% that WE AS payers are paying for!
C) TAX lawyers that cause $850 billion a year in physicians duplicating test which aGAIN idiots like you have NO idea
of what I'm describing but tax lawyers! Why are you so defensive of lawyers???
The 10% tax on them would PAY a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million that want and need insurance!
Hospitals would means test as they do now and if services can't be paid then they file un-padded claims..
THUS people/payers that pay as the CEO said..""How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers."

But idiots like you don't comprehend that do you!!

How ironic given that you chose to use an anecdote in the first place.

But no surprise that you would deflect from the what if scenario. Healthcare is about sick people. 4 million of them according to you. If they don't have the means to pay must they just be left to die? Is that the kind of American "value" that you would be proud to be a part of?

It moves beyond having insurance to having affordable insurance that actually covers the sick

Having to pay one quarter of your salary for a high threshold policy is not a solution.
More examples of "Good intentions"

reality TV show in India. The Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program spends $200 million a year to help U.S. agricultural trade associations and cooperatives advertise their products in foreign markets. In 2011, it funded a reality TV show in India that advertised U.S. cotton.
Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years. It has never broken even on these services.
Using military exercises to boost biofuels. The U.S. Navy bought 450,000 gallons of biofuels for $12 million—or almost $27 per gallon—to conduct exercises to showcase the fuel and bring it closer toward commercialization. It is the largest biofuel purchase ever made by the government.
Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.
“RoboSquirrel.” $325,000 was spent on a robotic squirrel named “RoboSquirrel.” This National Science Foundation grant was used to create a realistic-looking robotic squirrel for the purpose of studying how a rattlesnake would react to it.

Cupcakes. In Washington, D.C., and elsewhere across the country, cupcake shops are trending. The 10 cupcake shop owners who received $2 million in Small Business Administration loan guarantees, however, can only boast so much of their entrepreneurial ingenuity, since taxpayers are backing them up.

Food stamps for alcohol and junk food. Though they were intended to ensure hungry children received healthy meals, taxpayer-funded food stamps were instead spent on fast food at Taco Bell and Burger King; on non-nutritious foods such as candy, ice cream, and soft drinks; and on some 2,000 deceased persons in New York and Massachusetts. Food stamp recipients spent $2 billion on sugary drinks alone. Improper SNAP payments accounted for $2.5 billion in waste, including to one exotic dancer who was making $85,000 per year.
Beer brewing in New Hampshire. Despite Smuttynose brewery’s financial success and popularity, it is still getting a $750,970 Community Development Block Grant to build a new brewery and restaurant facilities.
A covered bridge to nowhere. What list of government waste would be complete without a notorious “bridge to nowhere”? In this case, it’s $520,000 to fix the Stevenson Road Covered Bridge in Green County, Ohio, which was last used in 2003.

All of the above are "good intentions"..."Verrrry interesting, but..'stupid', ".
Arte Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These lists from those insisting the Government wastes their money are always interesting. They never actually bother to read the studies or results. Just make an opinion based on a one sentence title

JUST as you did when YOU believed Obama when he said there were 46 million Uninsured! RIGHT???

YOU and others favoring Obamacare never looked though at what made up that number!
18 million people that don't want or NEED health insurance were fraudulently counted!
14 million people that simply need to register with MEDICAID and they are counted WRONGLY!
Finally you didn't seem to consider 10 million illegal aliens were counted by Obama as part of the "uninsured'!
THAT as you correctly point out is more to the story and yet YOU still believe there are 46 million even after subtracting the above
42 million that don't want, don't know and aren't legal ! Leaves 4 million but you and obama used that bogus number to pass ACA!
More examples of "Good intentions"

reality TV show in India. The Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program spends $200 million a year to help U.S. agricultural trade associations and cooperatives advertise their products in foreign markets. In 2011, it funded a reality TV show in India that advertised U.S. cotton.
Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years. It has never broken even on these services.
Using military exercises to boost biofuels. The U.S. Navy bought 450,000 gallons of biofuels for $12 million—or almost $27 per gallon—to conduct exercises to showcase the fuel and bring it closer toward commercialization. It is the largest biofuel purchase ever made by the government.
Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.
“RoboSquirrel.” $325,000 was spent on a robotic squirrel named “RoboSquirrel.” This National Science Foundation grant was used to create a realistic-looking robotic squirrel for the purpose of studying how a rattlesnake would react to it.

Cupcakes. In Washington, D.C., and elsewhere across the country, cupcake shops are trending. The 10 cupcake shop owners who received $2 million in Small Business Administration loan guarantees, however, can only boast so much of their entrepreneurial ingenuity, since taxpayers are backing them up.

Food stamps for alcohol and junk food. Though they were intended to ensure hungry children received healthy meals, taxpayer-funded food stamps were instead spent on fast food at Taco Bell and Burger King; on non-nutritious foods such as candy, ice cream, and soft drinks; and on some 2,000 deceased persons in New York and Massachusetts. Food stamp recipients spent $2 billion on sugary drinks alone. Improper SNAP payments accounted for $2.5 billion in waste, including to one exotic dancer who was making $85,000 per year.
Beer brewing in New Hampshire. Despite Smuttynose brewery’s financial success and popularity, it is still getting a $750,970 Community Development Block Grant to build a new brewery and restaurant facilities.
A covered bridge to nowhere. What list of government waste would be complete without a notorious “bridge to nowhere”? In this case, it’s $520,000 to fix the Stevenson Road Covered Bridge in Green County, Ohio, which was last used in 2003.

All of the above are "good intentions"..."Verrrry interesting, but..'stupid', ".
Arte Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These lists from those insisting the Government wastes their money are always interesting. They never actually bother to read the studies or results. Just make an opinion based on a one sentence title

JUST as you did when YOU believed Obama when he said there were 46 million Uninsured! RIGHT???

YOU and others favoring Obamacare never looked though at what made up that number!
18 million people that don't want or NEED health insurance were fraudulently counted!
14 million people that simply need to register with MEDICAID and they are counted WRONGLY!
Finally you didn't seem to consider 10 million illegal aliens were counted by Obama as part of the "uninsured'!
THAT as you correctly point out is more to the story and yet YOU still believe there are 46 million even after subtracting the above
42 million that don't want, don't know and aren't legal ! Leaves 4 million but you and obama used that bogus number to pass ACA!

Which from your list to you think is a waste of Government spending?

Advertising US textiles in India? Making small business loans? Preserving an historic bridge?
WOW!!! ONE off situation! NOT normally happening to make a WHOLE society pay for just one guy who lost his billfold!
HOW stupid people like you are !

Your example is that! ONE situation! NOT billions of dollars wasted by a totally irrelevant situation!
A) there are ONLY 4 million people that need and want insurance!
B) Hospitals overbill people that PAY sometimes 6,000% that WE AS payers are paying for!
C) TAX lawyers that cause $850 billion a year in physicians duplicating test which aGAIN idiots like you have NO idea
of what I'm describing but tax lawyers! Why are you so defensive of lawyers???
The 10% tax on them would PAY a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million that want and need insurance!
Hospitals would means test as they do now and if services can't be paid then they file un-padded claims..
THUS people/payers that pay as the CEO said..""How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers."

But idiots like you don't comprehend that do you!!

How ironic given that you chose to use an anecdote in the first place.

But no surprise that you would deflect from the what if scenario. Healthcare is about sick people. 4 million of them according to you. If they don't have the means to pay must they just be left to die? Is that the kind of American "value" that you would be proud to be a part of?

It moves beyond having insurance to having affordable insurance that actually covers the sick

Having to pay one quarter of your salary for a high threshold policy is not a solution.

Another ironic aspect is that these same people probably wouldn't qualify for a mortgage that amounted to one quarter of their salary.

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