The biggest threat to the world, Democrats, they are the only ones to use a nuke

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Now these mass killers want to arm Iran with Nukes

These fuck heads have to be stopped.
Somewhat simplified title, but Democrats tend to paint themselves into a corner on defense policy, which leaves them with fewer options when their wishful plans go awry.
Lmao , so how does it feel to be a democrap?

Responsible for 250,000 dead japs?

50 million dead plus children through abortions

Damn enjoy infinite in hell, you democrats are so fucked :)

Nuclear Research ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

$300 million from our Congress for THAT ?
A Democrat may have used it, but we dodged a bullet when the Republicans didn't nominate McArthur for president. He would have started a nuclear WW III.
Now these mass killers want to arm Iran with Nukes

These fuck heads have to be stopped.

So you think that the entire United States was part of the Democratic Party in World War 2?

Are you stupid- or just a troll?
A Democrat may have used it, but we dodged a bullet when the Republicans didn't nominate McArthur for president. He would have started a nuclear WW III.

So you argument boils down to the OP's argument, democrats did republicans didn't.
I didn't kill anyone.

There were two nuclear bombs that were dropped during war time- both my country. I was not alive at the time- but I am not trying to hide your ignorance of history.

My country- the United States- dropped two atomic bombs in WW2- it was not the Democrats or the Republicans- it was our country.

You want to blame all Americans for that? Fine with me.

We have a lot of blame to go around then
Blame the Germans for Auschwitz and the Blitz.
Blame the British for the Opium Wars.
Blame the Chinese for the Cultural Revolution.
Blame the Russians for all of Stalin's abuses.
Blame the Spanish for destruction of indigenious peoples and cultures
Blame the Japanese for the Rape of Nanking.

I don't know what your ignorant claims are supposed to mean- other than you like to demonstrate your buffoonery.
It was a consensus of both Congress AND the President when the first nukes were dropped on Japan.

No................this agreement with Iran isn't going to give them nukes to use. What it is going to do is get Iran to let us inspect their facilities, making them reduce the number of centrifuges that they have from over 15,000 to just over 5,000, and until those requirements are met, the economic sanctions won't be dropped. If they meet them, then they can start trading with the rest of the world again.

Lots of people have to quit listening to the fear mongering going around on the right. This is not a deal to give Iran nukes, it's a deal to get them to never have nukes.

And..............what's wrong with letting them generate power and heal people with nuclear technology? Weapons grade nuclear material is much more pure than that used for medicine or power generation, which is why it's a major part of the deal that they have to reduce their number of centrifuges.

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