The Birfer State Law Tracking Thread

This would be good enough, according to the guy who would be responsible for enforcing the AZ birfer bill.

:lol: Good call on the thread.

I want to do Missouri. It's just a great example of how birfer politics operates.

In 2009, some Republicans in their legislature introduced HRJ 34, a proposed state constitutional amendment, and what they called "the voters' bill of rights". Here's the relevant part:

The right to have only qualified candidates placed on the ballot. The secretary of state shall determine that each person is qualified for the office he or she seeks, according to the law, before placing his or her name on the ballot. For candidates who are required by the Constitution of the United States to be natural born citizens, the secretary of state shall request an official copy of the candidate’s birth certificate. Other certifications, such as a certificate of live birth, shall not be accepted. Should any candidate fail to provide an official birth certificate within thirty days of the request by the secretary of state, his or her name shall not be placed on the ballot. The secretary of state shall verify the qualifications of any elected officeholder who was previously placed on a Missouri ballot. Should any elected officeholder fail to provide the required documentation or birth certificate within thirty days of the request by the secretary of state, the secretary of state shall turn the matter over to the attorney general who shall within twenty days file suit to obtain the required documentation.

Missouri Legislature Wants To Vet Obama BC: HJR 34 | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

After the jump, if you click on the link to the bill's text, you see it's been withdrawn. Why? Because the authors of the bill realized that Missouri ONLY issues COLBs. That bill would have excluded any Missourian from being on their own state's ballot for President! There's not enough bandwidth for the number of lol's I want to post because of that.

So there's a new bill that's been introduced.
Missouri House of Representatives

HTML text:

The relevant sentences are bolded. What's different? This one, which has yet to be heard, makes no distinction about an "official birth cerfiticate" and a COLB, like the debacle above. All that's listed is "proof of identity and proof of United States citizenship for each candidate", which means Obama's COLB and, say, driver's license would be good enough.

Birfers, the gifts that keep on giving.

Missouri used to issue a noterized negative of the birth certificate like pictured below. It looks just like mine. Now they issue COLB like other states do.

Below is what Hawaii issued for a birth certificate before they switched to COLB like most other states. COLB is all you can get from most states now days.

This would be good enough, according to the guy who would be responsible for enforcing the AZ birfer bill.


I listen to the video, and all I have to say is he misspoke and should review the new law before making anymore comments. Kind of reminds me of the sheriff in Arizona who misspoke about longhner and the cause of the shooting.
The Arizona Secretary of State says that the Hawaii COLB would meet the standards of the proposed Arizona birfer bill. video: Obama birth certificate faces Arizona scrutiny in 2012
This is a little confusing. Here is what I understand to be the full text of the law change. I don't see anything about penis shape or baptismal certificates in it. Unless there is something written elsewhere, the SoS is correct.

What a laughable waste of time. The birfers are going to be very upset.
The Arizona Secretary of State says that the Hawaii COLB would meet the standards of the proposed Arizona birfer bill. video: Obama birth certificate faces Arizona scrutiny in 2012
This is a little confusing. Here is what I understand to be the full text of the law change. I don't see anything about penis shape or baptismal certificates in it. Unless there is something written elsewhere, the SoS is correct.

What a laughable waste of time. The birfers are going to be very upset.

Look at the date on the lower left side. Its dated 4/8/10, that is not this years legislation.

The Arizona Secretary of State says that the Hawaii COLB would meet the standards of the proposed Arizona birfer bill. video: Obama birth certificate faces Arizona scrutiny in 2012
This is a little confusing. Here is what I understand to be the full text of the law change. I don't see anything about penis shape or baptismal certificates in it. Unless there is something written elsewhere, the SoS is correct.

What a laughable waste of time. The birfers are going to be very upset.

Look at the date on the lower left side. Its dated 4/8/10, that is not this years legislation.

That could be it but I understood they just resubmitted the same bill again this year. Do you have a link to the law signed the other day?
This is a little confusing. Here is what I understand to be the full text of the law change. I don't see anything about penis shape or baptismal certificates in it. Unless there is something written elsewhere, the SoS is correct.

What a laughable waste of time. The birfers are going to be very upset.

Look at the date on the lower left side. Its dated 4/8/10, that is not this years legislation.

That could be it but I understood they just resubmitted the same bill again this year. Do you have a link to the law signed the other day?

Format Document

Ah...then perhaps the SoS is incorrect or else he knows it will never stand up in court.

The Arizona House passed a bill last year but never got out of the Senate.

Two bills died in the Senate committee this year as well, but in AZ, you can re-introduce a bill with a "strike-everything amendment," which allows a bill to bypass the committee process. In a strike-everything amendment, they take one bill, remove all the provisions of the bill then stick in a totally separate set of provisions. The birfer bill that got through the House was originally, I believe, an education bill.
Below is what Hawaii issued for a birth certificate before they switched to COLB like most other states. COLB is all you can get from most states now days.

As of March 15, 2011 hawaii still issued the long form BC

Is that the one parents receive at birth? Or is that an official copy you can request at any time? Is it still possible for any Hawaii citizen to get an official notarized copy of their long form Birth Certificate?

Just wondering, because my brothers long form birth certificate burned in his house fire.
Below is what Hawaii issued for a birth certificate before they switched to COLB like most other states. COLB is all you can get from most states now days.

As of March 15, 2011 hawaii still issued the long form BC

Is that the one parents receive at birth? Or is that an official copy you can request at any time? Is it still possible for any Hawaii citizen to get an official notarized copy of their long form Birth Certificate?

Just wondering, because my brothers long form birth certificate burned in his house fire.

Notice the date of birth and the date at the bottom of the document.
As of March 15, 2011 hawaii still issued the long form BC

Is that the one parents receive at birth? Or is that an official copy you can request at any time? Is it still possible for any Hawaii citizen to get an official notarized copy of their long form Birth Certificate?

Just wondering, because my brothers long form birth certificate burned in his house fire.

Notice the date of birth and the date at the bottom of the document.

I guess state just Xeroxes a copy of the birth document onto their official bond paper & notarizes it?

If this is the case then Obama could have put this to rest already. He is having a lot of fun with this political football or has something to hide. The news paper birth announcements confirm he was born in Hawaii so I believe he was born there. There may be a problem with his fathers status at the time of his birth. It looks like the birthers & the states have hit a wall as far as making Obama prove presidential eligibility beyond the official certificate of live birth.

The fact that Obama lived in Kenya for the formative years of his life would have more sway over his loyalties than his fathers status at birth.
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Is that the one parents receive at birth? Or is that an official copy you can request at any time? Is it still possible for any Hawaii citizen to get an official notarized copy of their long form Birth Certificate?

Just wondering, because my brothers long form birth certificate burned in his house fire.

Notice the date of birth and the date at the bottom of the document.

I guess state just Xeroxes a copy of the birth document onto their official bond paper & notarizes it?

If this is the case then Obama could have put this to rest already. He is having a lot of fun with this political football or has something to hide. The news paper birth announcements confirm he was born in Hawaii so I believe he was born there. There may be a problem with his fathers status at the time of his birth. It looks like the birthers & the states have hit a wall as far as making Obama prove presidential eligibility beyond the official certificate of live birth.

The fact that Obama lived in Kenya for the formative years of his life would have more sway over his loyalties than his fathers status at birth.

obama's gran mother could have reported the birth to the newspaper, and obama still could have been born aboard. The ad just says obama was born doesn't give a specific place of birth.
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