The Birfer State Law Tracking Thread

false if he was elected through fraud any law sgned by him would not be protected by the constaitution. His election would be unconstitutional through fraud and fraud makes any contract invalid.

Research "Officer Doctrine", the SCOTUS would likely apply it.

Second, a simple question, does a bill passed by Congress have to be signed by the the President to take effect?


The Corporate Officer Doctrine would not apply sorry.
An official must satisfy detailed statutory and constitutional requirements before he can claim lawful authority to exercise governmental functions.


Second, a simple question, does a bill passed by Congress have to be signed by the the President to take effect?
Yes and no

The President - the bill is sent to the President for review.

1.A bill becomes law if signed by the President or if not signed within 10 days and Congress is in session.
2.If Congress adjourns before the 10 days and the President has not signed the bill then it does not become law ("Pocket Veto.")
3.If the President vetoes the bill it is sent back to Congress with a note listing his/her reasons. The chamber that originated the legislation can attempt to override the veto by a vote of two-thirds of those present. If the veto of the bill is overridden in both chambers then it becomes law.
Project Vote Smart - GOVERNMENT 101: How a Bill Becomes Law

It's not the "Corporate" Officer Doctrine, you should have read a little farther: "The de facto officer doctrine prevents such uncertainty by precluding challenges to official actions on the ground of defective title in the acting official."

So no, the President is not required to sign bills passed by Congress. Thank you.

Research "Officer Doctrine", the SCOTUS would likely apply it.

Second, a simple question, does a bill passed by Congress have to be signed by the the President to take effect?


The Corporate Officer Doctrine would not apply sorry.
An official must satisfy detailed statutory and constitutional requirements before he can claim lawful authority to exercise governmental functions.


Second, a simple question, does a bill passed by Congress have to be signed by the the President to take effect?
Yes and no

The President - the bill is sent to the President for review.

1.A bill becomes law if signed by the President or if not signed within 10 days and Congress is in session.
2.If Congress adjourns before the 10 days and the President has not signed the bill then it does not become law ("Pocket Veto.")
3.If the President vetoes the bill it is sent back to Congress with a note listing his/her reasons. The chamber that originated the legislation can attempt to override the veto by a vote of two-thirds of those present. If the veto of the bill is overridden in both chambers then it becomes law.
Project Vote Smart - GOVERNMENT 101: How a Bill Becomes Law

It's not the "Corporate" Officer Doctrine, you should have read a little farther: "The de facto officer doctrine prevents such uncertainty by precluding challenges to official actions on the ground of defective title in the acting official."

So no, the President is not required to sign bills passed by Congress. Thank you.


It's not the "Corporate" Officer Doctrine, you should have read a little farther: "The de facto officer doctrine prevents such uncertainty by precluding challenges to official actions on the ground of defective title in the acting official."

You should have read the first sentence which was this


An official must satisfy detailed statutory and constitutional requirements before he can claim lawful authority to exercise governmental functions.


So no, the President is not required to sign bills passed by Congress. Thank you.

2.If Congress adjourns before the 10 days and the President has not signed the bill then it does not become law ("Pocket Veto.")
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The argument is hawaii doesn't issue the long form anymore it's a lie they
No, they don't. Quite a few states don't either. And soon enough it will all be done electronically.

Hawaii is lying to you. Do you know anyone or have a family membner who was born in Hawaii? I do
:lol: IMO, you're either a liar or easily lied real difference. If long forms were so common they'd be everywhere and not just posted as second hand evidence on sites like WorldNutDaily.
No, they don't. Quite a few states don't either. And soon enough it will all be done electronically.

Hawaii is lying to you. Do you know anyone or have a family membner who was born in Hawaii? I do
:lol: IMO, you're either a liar or easily lied real difference. If long forms were so common they'd be everywhere and not just posted as second hand evidence on sites like WorldNutDaily.

I have a grand son who was born in the year 2008 at Tripler Army Medical Center the long form I showed is the long form Hawaii uses. They lied to you.
Hawaii is lying to you. Do you know anyone or have a family membner who was born in Hawaii? I do
:lol: IMO, you're either a liar or easily lied real difference. If long forms were so common they'd be everywhere and not just posted as second hand evidence on sites like WorldNutDaily.

I have a grand son who was born in the year 2008 at Tripler Army Medical Center the long form I showed is the long form Hawaii uses. They lied to you.

Army base.
:lol: IMO, you're either a liar or easily lied real difference. If long forms were so common they'd be everywhere and not just posted as second hand evidence on sites like WorldNutDaily.

I have a grand son who was born in the year 2008 at Tripler Army Medical Center the long form I showed is the long form Hawaii uses. They lied to you.

Army base.

Hawaii Birth certificate
Hawai‘i State Department of Health

In Hawaii, access to vital records is restricted by statute (HRS §338-18).

What does the right care about "laws"?

Law was created in 2010 when obama BC became an issue. Just because the govenror was a rino doesn't mean a thing to an idiot like you.


I'll start with an easy one

Hawaii Gov Linda Lingle Does Away with Freedom of Information, Signs Law Denying Access to Obama's Birth Records.
Hawaii Gov Linda Lingle Does Away with Freedom of Information, Signs Law Denying Access to Obama's Birth Records. | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
Law was created in 2010 when obama BC became an issue. Just because the govenror was a rino doesn't mean a thing to an idiot like you.


I'll start with an easy one

Hawaii Gov Linda Lingle Does Away with Freedom of Information, Signs Law Denying Access to Obama's Birth Records.
Hawaii Gov Linda Lingle Does Away with Freedom of Information, Signs Law Denying Access to Obama's Birth Records. | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

You should read your article:

Republican Gov. Linda Lingle signed into law Wednesday a bill allowing state government agencies not to respond to follow-up requests for information if they determine that the subsequent request is duplicative or substantially similar to a previous request.


It's not a NEW law. They are simply saying, "Ignore the dumb asses who won't stop bothering us". Consider carefully whether you "identify".

I'll start with an easy one

Hawaii Gov Linda Lingle Does Away with Freedom of Information, Signs Law Denying Access to Obama's Birth Records.
Hawaii Gov Linda Lingle Does Away with Freedom of Information, Signs Law Denying Access to Obama's Birth Records. | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

You should read your article:

Republican Gov. Linda Lingle signed into law Wednesday a bill allowing state government agencies not to respond to follow-up requests for information if they determine that the subsequent request is duplicative or substantially similar to a previous request.


It's not a NEW law. They are simply saying, "Ignore the dumb asses who won't stop bothering us". Consider carefully whether you "identify".

When yo ignore something aren't you closing off access to it?
I'll start with an easy one

Hawaii Gov Linda Lingle Does Away with Freedom of Information, Signs Law Denying Access to Obama's Birth Records.
Hawaii Gov Linda Lingle Does Away with Freedom of Information, Signs Law Denying Access to Obama's Birth Records. | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

You should read your article:

Republican Gov. Linda Lingle signed into law Wednesday a bill allowing state government agencies not to respond to follow-up requests for information if they determine that the subsequent request is duplicative or substantially similar to a previous request.


It's not a NEW law. They are simply saying, "Ignore the dumb asses who won't stop bothering us". Consider carefully whether you "identify".

When yo ignore something aren't you closing off access to it?

The point is that access is already closed. The bill simply allows officials to ignore repetitive requests for information, at least according to the article you posted.

So, no, they aren't closing off access, they are keeping the agencies from having to respond to repeated requests after they have been denied.
You should read your article:

Republican Gov. Linda Lingle signed into law Wednesday a bill allowing state government agencies not to respond to follow-up requests for information if they determine that the subsequent request is duplicative or substantially similar to a previous request.


It's not a NEW law. They are simply saying, "Ignore the dumb asses who won't stop bothering us". Consider carefully whether you "identify".

When yo ignore something aren't you closing off access to it?

The point is that access is already closed. The bill simply allows officials to ignore repetitive requests for information, at least according to the article you posted.

So, no, they aren't closing off access, they are keeping the agencies from having to respond to repeated requests after they have been denied.

Do you have proof there were repeated calls from one single person or group, or was one call from millions of people enough?
When yo ignore something aren't you closing off access to it?

The point is that access is already closed. The bill simply allows officials to ignore repetitive requests for information, at least according to the article you posted.

So, no, they aren't closing off access, they are keeping the agencies from having to respond to repeated requests after they have been denied.

Do you have proof there were repeated calls from one single person or group, or was one call from millions of people enough?

I am merely explaining what is said in the article that YOU POSTED. If you are now going to start arguing with your own links, I'm not sure there's any reason to respond to you or bother reading your posts.
The point is that access is already closed. The bill simply allows officials to ignore repetitive requests for information, at least according to the article you posted.

So, no, they aren't closing off access, they are keeping the agencies from having to respond to repeated requests after they have been denied.

Do you have proof there were repeated calls from one single person or group, or was one call from millions of people enough?

I am merely explaining what is said in the article that YOU POSTED. If you are now going to start arguing with your own links, I'm not sure there's any reason to respond to you or bother reading your posts.

HO so you don't have proof of repeated calls form one person or one group?
Brewer vetoed the birther bill.

True to my word:

I salute Governor Brewer for doing the right thing and vetoing a bill that was blatantly unconstitutional and reflected on her state in a negative light.

I didn't think she would do that. I stand corrected.

Kudos, Gov. Brewer.

Gov. Brewer Vetoes Birther Bill, Guns on Campus

News day for the libs the breath a sigh of relief obama doesn't have to show a document he doesn't have in Arizona.
Brewer vetoed the birther bill.

True to my word:

I salute Governor Brewer for doing the right thing and vetoing a bill that was blatantly unconstitutional and reflected on her state in a negative light.

I didn't think she would do that. I stand corrected.

Kudos, Gov. Brewer.

Gov. Brewer Vetoes Birther Bill, Guns on Campus

News day for the libs the breath a sigh of relief obama doesn't have to show a document he doesn't have in Arizona.

He wouldn't have had to show it anyways. This law was clearly unconstitutional and would have been overturned in a heartbeat.

Brewer just saved her state the embarassment of having a Federal Judge tell the house and senate that they are a bunch of fucking morons.
Brewer vetoed the birther bill.

True to my word:

I salute Governor Brewer for doing the right thing and vetoing a bill that was blatantly unconstitutional and reflected on her state in a negative light.

I didn't think she would do that. I stand corrected.

Kudos, Gov. Brewer.

Gov. Brewer Vetoes Birther Bill, Guns on Campus

News day for the libs the breath a sigh of relief obama doesn't have to show a document he doesn't have in Arizona.

The Obama Administration has been putting a lot of pressure on Arizona. I guess they finally got the upper hand. This proves to me that Obama will run in 2012. I had originally thought it would be Hillary, but it's Obama all the way now.
The House voted 40-16-4 and the Senate voted 20-9-1. Voting was along party lines with a few Republican abstentions. The veto can be over-riden with a two-thirds majority. That means the law can still be enacted if the birfers can again get 40 votes in the Senate and 20 in the House. However, the scuttlebutt is that the Republican moderates were against the bill and would not have voted for it if Brewer would have allowed it to pass. This gives them cover in the primaries. If the birfers try to over-ride the veto, the moderates will vote against the over-ride and kill the bill.

Kudos to governor Brewer.
Here is what governor Brewer had to say.

As for her decision to veto this bill, Gov. Brewer said in part: "I never imagined being presented with a bill that could require candidates for President of the greatest and most powerful nation on earth to submit their 'early baptismal or circumcision certificates'… this is a bridge too far. This measure creates significant new problems while failing to do anything constructive for Arizona."

Gov. Brewer Vetoes Birther Bill, Guns on Campus


The sane wing of the Republican party came to the obvious realization that if a certificate of circumcision is good enough, so is a COLB.

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