The Black NRA


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2010
Gun grabbers will sink to the lowest of lows. liberals sure know how to insult a black mans intelligence. some interesting perspectives here

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Liberals think blacks are just children that were not raised right
Gun grabbers will sink to the lowest of lows. liberals sure know how to insult a black mans intelligence. some interesting perspectives here

Here's a real interesting perspective..

Mulford Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill prohibiting the public carrying of loaded firearms. Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, the bill garnered national attention after the Black Panthers marched on the California Capitol to protest the bill.[1][2] The bill was signed by Republican California Governor Ronald Reagan and became California penal code 12031 and 171(c).


Conservative hero..Ronnie Reagan..couldn't have those folks packing..

Gun grabbers will sink to the lowest of lows. liberals sure know how to insult a black mans intelligence. some interesting perspectives here

Here's a real interesting perspective..

Mulford Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill prohibiting the public carrying of loaded firearms. Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, the bill garnered national attention after the Black Panthers marched on the California Capitol to protest the bill.[1][2] The bill was signed by Republican California Governor Ronald Reagan and became California penal code 12031 and 171(c).


Conservative hero..Ronnie Reagan..couldn't have those folks packing..


nothing Feinstein isn't trying to do now, or Obama. het on their case or you, as usual, are nothing more than a partisan hypocrite
Gun grabbers will sink to the lowest of lows. liberals sure know how to insult a black mans intelligence. some interesting perspectives here

Here's a real interesting perspective..

Mulford Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill prohibiting the public carrying of loaded firearms. Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, the bill garnered national attention after the Black Panthers marched on the California Capitol to protest the bill.[1][2] The bill was signed by Republican California Governor Ronald Reagan and became California penal code 12031 and 171(c).


Conservative hero..Ronnie Reagan..couldn't have those folks packing..


Not everything Ronnie did was the conservative thing to do you know.

Unlike you partisan hacks, we don't defend every single thing our politicians do, especially when they stray from conservative ideals.
Congressional Black Caucus...Black Entertainment Television...United Negro College Fund...National Association for the Advancement of Colored People...

I guess there's a place for the Negro Rifle Association.

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