The blacks couldn't spell - Tell me again about those racist Republicans

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Didn't this guy ever hear of Nathaniel Greene?

State Sen. Robert Ford, D-Charleston, who lost his gubernatorial bid Tuesday, said race could have played a role. The Democratic primary electorate is majority black, as is Greene, but not Rawl. "Vic Rawl had money, but he didn't have enough. He wasn't able to identify himself with black voters," Ford said. "No white folks have an 'e' on the end of Green. The blacks after they left the plantation couldn't spell, and they threw an 'e' on the end."

The Post and Courier - Update: Clyburn calls for probe in Senate race - Charleston SC -
Let me ax you a question. Obama has around a 57% negative rating now but 91% of blacks give him a positive rating. Why is that? :rolleyes:
let me ax you a question. Obama has around a 57% negative rating now but 91% of blacks give him a positive rating. Why is that? :rolleyes:

geeeee........i dunno........mebbe.......jest mebbe......because 98% of us pipple voted fer him in dah ferst place !!!!

Dunno if that is racist cause we'all know only whiteys are racist.
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I think its hysterical that he won. Was he the first name on the check list? Or was he so improbable to win that everyone voted for him, and won by default?
Imagine a southern republican saying such a thing!

What cracks me up is the lengths these blame everyone else democrats are going to to pin it on the republicans!
Fuckin' idiots wanna blame everything on the right, including their own incompetence.
The whole thing is very amusing.

Part of it may be an anti-incumbent mentality, part might be that Blacks wanted to vote for another Black and they recognized the 'Black' spelling of Green (Greene), part of it might be that his name was at the top of the list.

I think it makes you wonder at Democracy in general. Is the public really informed enough to be voting? They don't seem to know what they're even voting for.
The whole thing is very amusing.

Part of it may be an anti-incumbent mentality, part might be that Blacks wanted to vote for another Black and they recognized the 'Black' spelling of Green (Greene), part of it might be that his name was at the top of the list.

I think it makes you wonder at Democracy in general. Is the public really informed enough to be voting? They don't seem to know what they're even voting for.

I've seen it spelled both ways both black and white.
The whole thing is very amusing.

Part of it may be an anti-incumbent mentality, part might be that Blacks wanted to vote for another Black and they recognized the 'Black' spelling of Green (Greene), part of it might be that his name was at the top of the list.

I think it makes you wonder at Democracy in general. Is the public really informed enough to be voting? They don't seem to know what they're even voting for.

I've seen it spelled both ways both black and white.

So it's not really a Black spelling then?
The whole thing is very amusing.

Part of it may be an anti-incumbent mentality, part might be that Blacks wanted to vote for another Black and they recognized the 'Black' spelling of Green (Greene), part of it might be that his name was at the top of the list.

I think it makes you wonder at Democracy in general. Is the public really informed enough to be voting? They don't seem to know what they're even voting for.

I've seen it spelled both ways both black and white.

So it's not really a Black spelling then?

No, not at all.
The guy is a total ignoramus. Let's start with "race might have been a factor." Yeah, so might a dozen other things.
As for the spelling, whenever you see a standard name and one spelled with e at the end, this is what is going on: in England the illegitimate branch of the family attached an e to the end of the name.
I dont know how a black man got the name Greene. Maybe a friend or someone who manumitted his ancestors.
Oh my, that's pretty funny.

In the South there are a lot of racist democrats and this guy from South Carolina is a prime example.

No wonder he lost his election bid.
Oh my, that's pretty funny.

In the South there are a lot of racist democrats and this guy from South Carolina is a prime example.

No wonder he lost his election bid.

If you are an obvious racist in a predominantly black electorate, it doesn't take long to figure out
I think it's pretty funny that he won and now the Democrats want to take the victory away from him. Yet, I'll wager if he won the election against a Republican come November, the Democrats would be the first yelling that he won and we should honor that political victory. Typical Democrat behavior.
I've seen it spelled both ways both black and white.

So it's not really a Black spelling then?

No, not at all.
The guy is a total ignoramus. Let's start with "race might have been a factor." Yeah, so might a dozen other things.
As for the spelling, whenever you see a standard name and one spelled with e at the end, this is what is going on: in England the illegitimate branch of the family attached an e to the end of the name.
I dont know how a black man got the name Greene. Maybe a friend or someone who manumitted his ancestors.

See below.
Didn't this guy ever hear of Nathaniel Greene?

State Sen. Robert Ford, D-Charleston, who lost his gubernatorial bid Tuesday, said race could have played a role. The Democratic primary electorate is majority black, as is Greene, but not Rawl. "Vic Rawl had money, but he didn't have enough. He wasn't able to identify himself with black voters," Ford said. "No white folks have an 'e' on the end of Green. The blacks after they left the plantation couldn't spell, and they threw an 'e' on the end."

The Post and Courier - Update: Clyburn calls for probe in Senate race - Charleston SC -

Idiotic remark.
Let me ax you a question. Obama has around a 57% negative rating now but 91% of blacks give him a positive rating. Why is that? :rolleyes:

Obviously it's because they are smarter then Conservative Confederate Republican Teabags.
Most of them don't speak proper English so why would anyone expect they could spell very well?
If this doesn't show that Democrats don't pay attention to what their candidates think, stand-for or positions they hold, then what does. Heck did any voter even do his/her homework on this guy!

This is what we call an ASS-KICKING. Maybe they were voting for Greene, rather they were voting against Rawls. I know nothing about Rawlings, but he must suck since he lost to a convicted pervert, unemployed man, who spent $0 and didn't campaign. This victory might say more about Rawls! LOL, CLASSIC
Greene beat Rawls by a 3-2 margin

Ya think! A felony charge for sexual misconduct shouldn't have been that hard to find.
learned he faces a felony obscenity charge and was drummed out of the Army.

“Some of this happens to be us not being vigilant, as I’ve been imploring people to be about the political process,” Clyburn said. “Maybe I should have been imploring people to be very vigilant about this primary.”

Of course, that is what it has to be! Republicans are responsible. I am surprised you didn't do what Pat "Who Sucks Cock" Quinn did and BLAME BUSH! Interesting they blame the Republicans for their own incompetency and the incompetency of the Democratic voters in SC.
Speaking on the Bill Press radio show, Clyburn also said that Greene might have been planted into the race, according to The Hill.

Clyburn, D-S.C. "I don't know if he was a Republican plant; he was someone's plant."

I say fuck you Fowler, Greene who fair and square and you should support the Democratic process! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Democratic Party Chairwoman Carol Fowler called on Greene to withdraw Wednesday, but he said he would not. If he remains in the race, he makes incumbent Republican Sen. Jim DeMint's already promising re-election prospects a near certainty.

NICE! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Greene, an unemployed 32-year-old who lives with his parents in Manning,

Classic! :rofl:
was hardly visible on the campaign trail, even ignoring a stump rally in his hometown.
Still, he trounced Rawl, a former judge and state lawmaker who serves on Charleston County Council.

This is classic stuff, you can't make it up :rofl:
Greene spent no money campaigning and did not have a website,

Conclusion: Democrats in SC are uneducated fools!
but improbably captured 59 percent of the vote and won all but four counties.

Rawl MUST really suck!
Rawl campaigned across the state, raised about $250,000, sent out about 260,000 e-mails and was left scratching his head Tuesday night as results came in.

The day after the election, Rawl canceled a fundraising event he had set for today for his expected November campaign and kicked himself for not investigating his opponent's background. "I feel kind of silly that we didn't check all of that, but then again, why would we?" he said. "I never met him, never saw a sign, never saw a bumper sticker."

LOL, it just keeps getting better and better!
Greene was arrested in November and accused of showing obscene photos to Camille McCoy, a University of South Carolina freshman from Summerville who was 18 at the time.

McCoy, who is now 19, said Greene managed to get by security in her dorm and enter a common computer room there. According to court documents and McCoy, Greene sat next to her and showed her a screen of graphic pornographic images.

"He said, 'Let's go to your room right now,' " she said. "I just ran out of there."

McCoy called her parents, who reported the incident to campus police. Greene was charged with disseminating, procuring or promoting obscenity.

She later saw Greene at a bond hearing and said they learned earlier this year he was entering an intervention program for first-time offenders.

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