The BLM Movement Is Resulting In An Increase In Blacks Being Murdered.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
Each year cops usually kill less than 250 blacks per year by gunshot. Cops kill approximately twice as many whites(500) per year by gunshot. Gunfire is not the only way cops kill, ref. George Floyd, but I think it's a safe assumption that gunfire captures the vice majority of deaths by cop.

Since Blacks make up only 13% of the population, the rate cops kill blacks is higher than the rate cops kill whites. Some say this is evidence of systemic racism. Having a debate on systemic racism is not the purpose of this thread.

The purpose of this thread is to show that BLM activism has resulted in an overall increase in crime rates and an increase in the number of blacks being murdered. This is due to what has become known as the Ferguson effect.

The deaths of Michael Brown in 2014 and of George Floyd in 2020 gave activist such as BLM to demonize police. Per the Ferguson Effect, police have backed off of proactive policing in high crime areas resulting in much higher violent crime rates. Compared to 2014, there were 2000 addition murders of blacks in both 2015 and 2016. 4000 more black deaths over two years.

Since the killing of George Floyd, police have continued to be demonized by BLM and other anti-police activists. There as been a spike in violent crime rates resulting in many more blacks being murdered. Since the number of blacks killed by cops each year is in the hundreds and the number of blacks murdered each year is in the thousands, the increase in violent crimes is resulting in many more blacks dying than those killed by cops each year.

So do black lives really matter to BLM? You be the judge!
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Blacks killing blacks is nothing new and no big deal to me.

The major danger that makes BLM so dangerous is the defunding of the Police and them wanting jails emptied.

If they ever get their way with that, you literally turn the world upside down.

Yet politicians, elites, big businesses, the media, celebrities all support that. Unbelievable.
Yet politicians, elites, big businesses, the media, celebrities all support that.
It will remain that way until those same undesirables start to invade the elitist's ivory towers. Of course, the moneyed elite will have private security that will either be given a pass or sacrificed for the protection of those who hired them.
It's also hilarious that all these celebrities, rich twats and elites that want open borders don't leave the gates open to their gated mansions in Beverly Hills or have an open guestlist for their Bafta's and Oscar's awards nights so that anyone can come in and mingle with them.

Also, if BLM get their way and the jails are emptied - will that include Mr Chauvin? or will they move the goalposts and pick and chose what criminals get released so essentially they can hand pick what martyrs and political prisoners of theirs get that honour.
Yet politicians, elites, big businesses, the media, celebrities all support that.
It will remain that way until those same undesirables start to invade the elitist's ivory towers. Of course, the moneyed elite will have private security that will either be given a pass or sacrificed for the protection of those who hired them.
It's also hilarious that all these celebrities, rich twats and elites that want open borders don't leave the gates open to their gated mansions in Beverly Hills or have an open guestlist for their Bafta's and Oscar's awards nights so that anyone can come in and mingle with them.

Also, if BLM get their way and the jails are emptied - will that include Mr Chauvin? or will they move the goalposts and pick and chose what criminals get released so essentially they can hand pick what martyrs and political prisoners of theirs get that honour.
We are talking toxic race baiting scammers. BLM. Yes, THEM. They don't give a rats ass about blacks lives, anymore than if we renamed the Mafia the "Honest dignified gentleman's association". Good lord, people actually think the BLM really is a "thing". Amazing.
Yet politicians, elites, big businesses, the media, celebrities all support that.
It will remain that way until those same undesirables start to invade the elitist's ivory towers. Of course, the moneyed elite will have private security that will either be given a pass or sacrificed for the protection of those who hired them.
It's also hilarious that all these celebrities, rich twats and elites that want open borders don't leave the gates open to their gated mansions in Beverly Hills or have an open guestlist for their Bafta's and Oscar's awards nights so that anyone can come in and mingle with them.

Also, if BLM get their way and the jails are emptied - will that include Mr Chauvin? or will they move the goalposts and pick and chose what criminals get released so essentially they can hand pick what martyrs and political prisoners of theirs get that honour.
We are talking toxic race baiting scammers. BLM. Yes, THEM. They don't give a rats ass about blacks lives, anymore than if we renamed the Mafia the "Honest dignified gentleman's association". Good lord, people actually think the BLM really is a "thing". Amazing.
BLM don't care about black lives. They care about power and money. That's a fact.
What has BLM accomplished? Besides demonizing cops and whites and make each founding members a cool 205k quid a year? For a bunch of communists fighting capitalism, that's a decent haul. Burn down cities and drive up the high black on black homicide rate. Blacks lose yet again. Patrice Calours BLM founder got a 1.5 million buck crib out of this hustle. THAT is what BLM has done.
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