The Blue State Flushing Sound Today: AllianceBernstein Leaves NYC for Nashville with Over 1,000 Jobs

The South steals our jobs, China steals our jobs, Mexico steals our jobs, it's mostly because of Jews on Wall Street.

There we go pushing for War against Iran, which is of no concern for anybody but Israel the Himey.
Don't they typically bypass the South now-a-days?

Because New York works much better for more, and China works as good for less.
The South steals our jobs, China steals our jobs, Mexico steals our jobs, it's mostly because of Jews on Wall Street.

There we go pushing for War against Iran, which is of no concern for anybody but Israel the Himey.

You've lost these jobs all on your own.
Vote in tax and spend liberals and reap what you sow.
Is NYC a shithole?
It was before Guilliani and will be again. That's kinda the point.

Why does our president love that shithole more than other shitholes?

Our president came from a shithole.

New York's the best, we just need to unload all our Negs, bum Dregs, Puto Ricanos, and Zionist Himey's down on the Southern states too.

LOL....why would they go somewhere that doesnt pay to be a welfare slug?
The South steals our jobs, China steals our jobs, Mexico steals our jobs, it's mostly because of Jews on Wall Street.

There we go pushing for War against Iran, which is of no concern for anybody but Israel the Himey.

You've lost these jobs all on your own.
Vote in tax and spend liberals and reap what you sow.

1.) The South is lazy, and incompetent in comparison to New York.

2.) Then the North should cut off your higher rates of welfare both as states, and as individuals, and other federal stimulis we help pay for more down South which help prop up your economy, like the higher number of Military bases per capita, the NASA programs, the higher number of Military pensions per capita, the Tennessee River Valley Authority, and all Federal Prisons per capita.
Is NYC a shithole?
It was before Guilliani and will be again. That's kinda the point.

Why does our president love that shithole more than other shitholes?

Our president came from a shithole.

New York's the best, we just need to unload all our Negs, bum Dregs, Puto Ricanos, and Zionist Himey's down on the Southern states too.

LOL....why would they go somewhere that doesnt pay to be a welfare slug?

Lots of Blacks have gone back down South, it's totally proven.

Which is great, you're the barbaric simpletons who bought these f*ckers here, go have them I don't want this trash here.
The South steals our jobs, China steals our jobs, Mexico steals our jobs, it's mostly because of Jews on Wall Street.

There we go pushing for War against Iran, which is of no concern for anybody but Israel the Himey.

You've lost these jobs all on your own.
Vote in tax and spend liberals and reap what you sow.

1.) The South is lazy, and incompetent in comparison to New York.

2.) Then the North should cut off your higher rates of welfare both state, and indiividuals, and other federal stimulis we help pay for more down South which help prop up your economy, like the higher number of Military bases per capita, the NASA programs, the higher number of Military pensions per capita, the Tennessee River Valley Authority, and all Federal Prisons per capita.

LOL.....I just witnessed a slew of NY bankers lose their ass to Texas Bankers in real time.

Calipornia has more military bases than any state in the US.
Calipornia also has the worst problem with the homeless in the country.
As far as more military pensions?
Thanks for highlighting the fact that more patriots come from the South.
Is NYC a shithole?
It was before Guilliani and will be again. That's kinda the point.

Why does our president love that shithole more than other shitholes?

Our president came from a shithole.

New York's the best, we just need to unload all our Negs, bum Dregs, Puto Ricanos, and Zionist Himey's down on the Southern states too.

LOL....why would they go somewhere that doesnt pay to be a welfare slug?

Lots of Blacks have gone back down South, it's totally proven.

Which is great, you're the barbaric simpletons who bought these f*ckers here, go have them I don't want this trash here.

Ya wanna know why they come here?
This is from repeated personal encounters.
The South steals our jobs, China steals our jobs, Mexico steals our jobs, it's mostly because of Jews on Wall Street.

There we go pushing for War against Iran, which is of no concern for anybody but Israel the Himey.

You've lost these jobs all on your own.
Vote in tax and spend liberals and reap what you sow.

1.) The South is lazy, and incompetent in comparison to New York.

2.) Then the North should cut off your higher rates of welfare both state, and indiividuals, and other federal stimulis we help pay for more down South which help prop up your economy, like the higher number of Military bases per capita, the NASA programs, the higher number of Military pensions per capita, the Tennessee River Valley Authority, and all Federal Prisons per capita.

LOL.....I just witnessed a slew of NY bankers lose their ass to Texas Bankers in real time.

Calipornia has more military bases than any state in the US.
Calipornia also has the worst problem with the homeless in the country.
As far as more military pensions?
Thanks for highlighting the fact that more patriots come from the South.

My grandparents lived in Florida, and everything was slow, and retarded down there.
Medical staff would take weeks to call you back, when they here call you back in minutes.
They would goof up addresses way more, goof up stats, goof up everything.
Food service was poor, and slow.
No matter where we went it was slow, and retarded.

You're not more Patriotic down South.

Half you fly the Confederate flag first.

Your ideal of Patriotism is getting Americans killed in wars for Israel, or getting Americans killed because they;'re hungry, or have a disease that can't be fixed due to lack of care.

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