The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Drafts of the book outline the potential testimony of the former national security adviser if he were called as a witness in the president’s impeachment trial.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens, according to an unpublished manuscript by the former adviser, John R. Bolton.

NYT: Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Demands for Inquiries, Bolton Book Says

John Bolton Reportedly Recalls Trump Tying Ukraine Aid To Biden Investigation

How can Republicans not vote for witnesses after this? By Maggie Haberman and Michael S. Schmidt. They are two of the Times best and most credible reporters.
Actually, it's not even that:

The Fake News Times report is based on descriptions of the book by anonymous sources, not an actual copy of the manuscript. Has Bolton confirmed that accuracy of the Fake News Times Claim?

Also Maggie is known to be sloppy:

Sept. 7, 2017:
The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman reported Democrat leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi called President Trump about an immigration issue. Trump actually made the call to Pelosi.


Jan. 9, 2019
The New York Times issues a correction to a report that falsely stated former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort asked for campaign polling to be given to a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, who has ties to Russia President Putin. Instead, the Times now claims, Manafort actually asked his associate Rick Gates to give polling data to Ukrainian oligarchs –not Deripaska.

While working at Politico, one of the New York Times reporters, Ken Vogel, got caught sending drafts of stories to democratic officials. Another co-author, Maggie Haberman, was considered a “friendly” by Clinton campaign officials who turned to her when she worked at Politico.

We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed. We can do the most shaping by going to Maggie,” wrote Clinton officials in emails.

May 29, 2019
The Wall Street Journal reports the Navy used a “tarp” to cover the name of the U.S.S. John S. McCain so that President Trump wouldn’t see it on his recent visit to Yokosuka, Japan. (The late Sen. John McCain frequently attacked Trump and cast a deciding vote contrary to McCain’s campaign promise to repeal Obamacare. Trump also attacked McCain and derided McCain’s performance as a soldier in Vietnam where McCain was held as a Prisoner of War.)

After the tarp news is reported, reporters quote McCain’s daughter attacking Trump as if he had given the orders to cover the name.

It is further reported that the U.S.S. John McCain was kept out of Trump’s view, and that sailors wearing hats with the ship’s name on it were turned away and/or given the day off so that Trump would not see the McCain name.

However, shortly after these news reports, key parts of the storyline began to fall apart.

The one grain of truth appeared to be that, in advance of Trump’s trip, a military official sent an email directing that the U.S.S. McCain be kept from Trump’s view. However, importantly, that direction was not followed. Further, Trump and White House aides indicated Trump played no role and was unaware of the direction.

Significantly, military officials stated that it was untrue that a tarp was placed over the ship’s name to block it from Trump’s view. They say it was the other way around: a tarp on the ship for maintenance was removed for Trump’s visit.

Further, U.S. officials said a paint barge in front of the U.S.S. John S. McCain was ordered to be moved for Trump’s visit and was gone by the time he arrived.

The tarpaulin was used as part of hull preservation work on the McCain and was removed on Saturday, two days before Trump delivered a Memorial Day address at U.S. Naval Base Yokosuka, where the McCain was stationed. All ships remained in normal configuration during [the President’s visit.

Cmdr. Nate Christensen, spokesman for U.S. Pacific Fleet, to NBC News
Though the main components of the Wall Street Journal story appeared to have been debunked, the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman oddly tweeted out a statement that the Times had confirmed the Wall Street Journal’s “excellent scoop.”

So you see, she's sloppy and quite partisan.
Drafts of the book outline the potential testimony of the former national security adviser if he were called as a witness in the president’s impeachment trial.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens, according to an unpublished manuscript by the former adviser, John R. Bolton.

NYT: Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Demands for Inquiries, Bolton Book Says

John Bolton Reportedly Recalls Trump Tying Ukraine Aid To Biden Investigation

How can Republicans not vote for witnesses after this? By Maggie Haberman and Michael S. Schmidt. They are two of the Times best and most credible reporters.
Michael S. Schmidt is no prize either:

Dec. 4, 2017:
The New York Times’ Michael S. Schmidt and Sharon LaFraniere and other outlets reported that Trump Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland supposedly contradicted herself or lied about another official’s contacts with Russians. The story was heavily, repeatedly amended. CNN, MSNBC, CBS News, New York Daily News and Daily Beast picked up the story about McFarland’s “lies.”

Feb. 14, 2017:
The New York Times’ Michael S. Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo reported about supposed contacts between Trump campaign staff and “senior Russian intelligence officials.” Comey later testified “In the main, [the article] was not true.”
Drafts of the book outline the potential testimony of the former national security adviser if he were called as a witness in the president’s impeachment trial.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens, according to an unpublished manuscript by the former adviser, John R. Bolton.

NYT: Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Demands for Inquiries, Bolton Book Says

John Bolton Reportedly Recalls Trump Tying Ukraine Aid To Biden Investigation

How can Republicans not vote for witnesses after this? By Maggie Haberman and Michael S. Schmidt. They are two of the Times best and most credible reporters.

To bad that the house didn't call Bolton. Sounds like he would have testified.

Ain't gonna happen now.
We hired trump to keep democrats out of foreign relations,, if you don’t like it move out .

Trump is using foreign relations to help Trump. That’s wrong.
So your saying questioning corrupt biden is absolutely unacceptable lol to funny.. you democrats don’t even see how deranged you are

Show the corruption. Trump could have had this investigated for years by now. He hasn't. That tells you all you need to know it's just a BS excuse.
They are not going to investigate biden,, biden is probably connected somehow to every fed investigator, and like I said your already trying to disbarr Barr, I’m sure biden corruption is deep and he’s almost unable to walk, just retire old man
Biden has never been corrupt, Trump on the other hand has been corrupt his whole life....

There's not much choice, in who you're going to believe? :dunno:

It's not likely a Leopard can change their spots...
Dream on, dear lady.

Biden visits Ukraine. Millions are transferred to Biden's son (also present) through a laundry mechanism of 5 locations before he gets the $3 million check.

Biden visits China. Hunter receives a billion in his bank account.

These are facts, not fiction, ma'am.

When the truth is told about the Trump Presidency it will read like the ultimate shitshow. An incompetent, slow-witted and corrupt chief executive who needed 24 hour observation. That is the Trump presidency.

No one whose brain is not located in their ass, know Trump shook down the Ukraine for political gain. The question is and and has always been, Do you put Trump above the Constitution?

Trumpers Do.

That's only if you believe Bolton.
Trump is using foreign relations to help Trump. That’s wrong.
So your saying questioning corrupt biden is absolutely unacceptable lol to funny.. you democrats don’t even see how deranged you are

Show the corruption. Trump could have had this investigated for years by now. He hasn't. That tells you all you need to know it's just a BS excuse.
They are not going to investigate biden,, biden is probably connected somehow to every fed investigator, and like I said your already trying to disbarr Barr, I’m sure biden corruption is deep and he’s almost unable to walk, just retire old man
Biden has never been corrupt, Trump on the other hand has been corrupt his whole life....

There's not much choice, in who you're going to believe? :dunno:

It's not likely a Leopard can change their spots...
Dream on, dear lady.

Biden visits Ukraine. Millions are transferred to Biden's son (also present) through a laundry mechanism of 5 locations before he gets the $3 million check.

Biden visits China. Hunter receives a billion in his bank account.

These are facts, not fiction, ma'am.

Incorrect. Fiction.
Apparently this information was provided to both The Washington Post and The New York Times.
They're deep state same as Bolton.
God you're clueless.:71:

Don't see where Lakhota actually said that.. Maybe it got edited.. Because it would be wrong.. The Huffpo article relies on the NYT for the actual content of those drafts...

AND -- if the NYT HAS the drafts, whytfuck are they NOT QUOTING BOLTON?????

It smells.. And the denial from Bolton's people that ANY copies are anywhere but at the WH and NSC for review kinda undermines the claim...

At BEST -- it's another case of 3rd party hearsay with a lot of DRAMATIC Adam Schiffless made up parody tossed into the middle...

Quote the DAMN draft IF you have it...

Don't get your panties in a wad. You can be sure the Times has the stuff.

Can you post the link ?

Didn't think so.
Apparently this information was provided to both The Washington Post and The New York Times.
They're deep state same as Bolton.
God you're clueless.:71:

Don't see where Lakhota actually said that.. Maybe it got edited.. Because it would be wrong.. The Huffpo article relies on the NYT for the actual content of those drafts...

AND -- if the NYT HAS the drafts, whytfuck are they NOT QUOTING BOLTON?????

It smells.. And the denial from Bolton's people that ANY copies are anywhere but at the WH and NSC for review kinda undermines the claim...

At BEST -- it's another case of 3rd party hearsay with a lot of DRAMATIC Adam Schiffless made up parody tossed into the middle...

Quote the DAMN draft IF you have it...

Good point.

Still does not matter.

Bolton won't be testifying anyway.

The house missed their chance.
Apparently the draft was leaked by someone in the Trump White House. Trump’s own aides have such disdain for the guy that they will not miss any opportunity to show what life is like under Trump and just how dangerous the deranged POTUS is.

Bolton must testify!

Link please.

Bolton won't be testifying.

Drafts of the book outline obtained by The New York Times describe Trump telling Bolton in August that he wanted to continue freezing nearly $400 million in congressionally approved military assistance to Ukraine until officials there agreed to help investigate his political rival.

So you want us to believe that the NYT has HAD ACTUAL drafts of his book since August and has SAT on them??? I'm seriously doubting this...

And a memoir from a fucking NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR is treated as classified information until it gets publication clearances from NSC... It was just not lying around in Chuck Schumer's waiting room was it????

That's from the Huffpo site... No one at my place subscribes to the NYTimes anymore, so we can't read the article without financially rewarding that fake news source....

All you are getting in return is speculation that "they have it". Even though they can't prove it.

They need the news cycle to put enough pressure on people to change the game.

Not happening.

There have been to many bombshells with no explosives inside of them.

This will be another dud.
Apparently the draft was leaked by someone in the Trump White House. Trump’s own aides have such disdain for the guy that they will not miss any opportunity to show what life is like under Trump and just how dangerous the deranged POTUS is.

Bolton must testify!

Link please.

Bolton won't be testifying.


Maybe. Maybe not. We will know in the next few days.

Romney is blinking.
Nobody in US history has obstructed Congress like President Trump.

Even Richard Nixon turned over documents and allowed witnesses.

Let that sink in.
They are NOT QUOTING BOLTON.. You know moron with those "quotey" thingies.... IF they've seen the draft(s) first hand -- they WOULD be quoting him...

It's another whistleblower heard it 3rd hand kinda deal... Bar talk... LOTS of fucking bar talk in D.C.
Are you saying that if it's true you would actually care?

I actually would. But maybe not as an impeachable offense.. There is NO DOUBT that Ukraine interfered in our 2016 elections.. There's TWO convicted Ukrainian officials and a trial to prove that.. They passed dirt on Trump to curry favor with the DNC and therefore the Obama Admin.. Origins of the "russian sources" for the POShit dossier seem to be in Ukraine.. And Ukraine was apparently successful in bribing a BUNCH of DNC superstars (not just Biden) for influence for their (at the time) PRO RUSSIAN president of the Ukraine..

So I'm ALL FOR exploring all of that.. It's a legitimate request... Especially the election interference part.. I WANT someone to look into ALL FOREIGN election interference....

Don't YOU ???

You just don't want people to look where dirty Podesta, Manafort, Kerry, Clinton, Biden hands were when they were squeezing Ukraine for aid.....
I'm for catching all dirty politicians. I don't really like any of them. It sure sounds impeachable to me.

There is not a single foreign aid deal that is NOT quid pro quo... Nor should there be.. Delaying aid to get compliance is not a Trump invention... We SHOULD expect some assurances of cooperation in return.. ESPECIALLY from dictatorships and other corrupt places..
It's blatant corruption. Holding aid for political dirt? Abuse of power.

Unless Bolton can produce a memo or e-mail. It's a he said, she said.

And Bolton won't be testifying anyway.
Apparently the draft was leaked by someone in the Trump White House. Trump’s own aides have such disdain for the guy that they will not miss any opportunity to show what life is like under Trump and just how dangerous the deranged POTUS is.

Bolton must testify!

Link please.

Bolton won't be testifying.


Maybe. Maybe not. We will know in the next few days.

Romney is blinking.

Romney can blink all he wants.

He's a loser.
"The reports about John Bolton's book strengthen the case for witnesses and have prompted a number of conversations among my colleagues," - Sassy Susan Collins
not at all, it's all made up shit. it's coming out.

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