The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Like I said. This hasn’t happened before. No president has ever refused every single request and subpoena. Whether you think he has the right is irrelevant. It’s never happened.
No impeachment has ever occurred without evidence of wrongdoing before.

Things change
No impeachment has had a president hold back all direct witnesses and direct evidence from the house or investigators.

No impeachment in our History has been without witnesses, in the Senate trial.

No impeachment has ever been so politically one-sided or conducted so illegally as this one.
Do any of you Democrat’s actually think Bolton will talk about private conversation? Lol and if he did it will be questionable at most because he was FIRED
Do any of you Democrat’s actually think Bolton will talk about private conversation? Lol and if he did it will be questionable at most because he was FIRED
it's not true anyway. it's but another gotcha moment for the NY Times. where they got nothing.
We Gottem Now!, Chapter 41,923.

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no, the funny one for me was this past week, "schitt's was compelling", "but we need more witnesses". dude, that's fking hysterical.
If Bolton leaked this, he must face a courtroom. His conversations with the president are classified due to his position unless the WH approves it to be shared.

No. That’s not how it works.

Who approved his book?

You cannot work in such a sensitive position, leave office and say whatever you want to make a few bucks.

Who approved the release of this so-called material for MSM purposes to impact the impeachment?

Why not? It’s not like he’s divulging state secrets or something. Just telling us Trump did the thing we all know he did.
If he testifies and clearly states that trump was withholding aid for political dirt it's a done deal for me. I still have doubts it will be so clear however. I've been pretty sure he is guilty, but there was never a direct link to trump.

And the senate won't be voting him out.

He said she said.
Drafts of the book outline the potential testimony of the former national security adviser if he were called as a witness in the president’s impeachment trial.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens, according to an unpublished manuscript by the former adviser, John R. Bolton.

NYT: Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Demands for Inquiries, Bolton Book Says

John Bolton Reportedly Recalls Trump Tying Ukraine Aid To Biden Investigation

How can Republicans not vote for witnesses after this? By Maggie Haberman and Michael S. Schmidt. They are two of the Times best and most credible reporters.

Apparently this information was provided to both The Washington Post and The New York Times.
They're deep state same as Bolton.
God you're clueless.:71:

Funny. Bolton is a hardcore Conservative!
LOL... Trump found him to be unhinged or to hardnosed in his judgements, just like the Democrats claimed him to be when Trump appointed him. I guess Trump has to listen to the cratzies sometimes when they say something, but hopefully not to often. The cratzies might have been right this time, and Bolton was to much of an unhinged hardnose when it came to foriegn policy.
If Bolton leaked this, he must face a courtroom. His conversations with the president are classified due to his position unless the WH approves it to be shared.

No. That’s not how it works.

Who approved his book?

You cannot work in such a sensitive position, leave office and say whatever you want to make a few bucks.

Who approved the release of this so-called material for MSM purposes to impact the impeachment?

Why not? It’s not like he’s divulging state secrets or something. Just telling us Trump did the thing we all know he did.
If he testifies and clearly states that trump was withholding aid for political dirt it's a done deal for me. I still have doubts it will be so clear however. I've been pretty sure he is guilty, but there was never a direct link to trump.

And the senate won't be voting him out.

He said she said.
I get it.

I just want the American people to hear from the witnesses so we know what our elected officials are doing.

Call Bolton...but here is how it works.

If he does not provide proof (a memo or something), the trial is over.

1. The senate instantly votes afterwards - Trump walks
2. The next day we open the investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden.

Deal ?
No. That’s not how it works.

Who approved his book?

You cannot work in such a sensitive position, leave office and say whatever you want to make a few bucks.

Who approved the release of this so-called material for MSM purposes to impact the impeachment?

Why not? It’s not like he’s divulging state secrets or something. Just telling us Trump did the thing we all know he did.
If he testifies and clearly states that trump was withholding aid for political dirt it's a done deal for me. I still have doubts it will be so clear however. I've been pretty sure he is guilty, but there was never a direct link to trump.

And the senate won't be voting him out.

He said she said.
I get it.

I just want the American people to hear from the witnesses so we know what our elected officials are doing.

Unless you have a memo or something all you are going to hear is a story.

There is no backup or proof.

However, since you pricks run your lives that way.....there is no way I would give you anything extra to shit your pants over.

No memo...the trial is over.
Like I said. This hasn’t happened before. No president has ever refused every single request and subpoena. Whether you think he has the right is irrelevant. It’s never happened.
No impeachment has ever occurred without evidence of wrongdoing before.

Things change
No impeachment has had a president hold back all direct witnesses and direct evidence from the house or investigators.

No impeachment in our History has been without witnesses, in the Senate trial.

No impeachment has ever been so politically one-sided or conducted so illegally as this one.
What was illegal about it?
BREAKING: Mitt Romney just said he supports calling John Bolton as a witness for Trump’s removal trial: “I can't begin to tell you how John Bolton's testimony would ultimately play on a final decision but it's relevant. And therefore, I'd like to hear it.” Call every Republican Senator and tell them they must have Bolton testify.

I every GOP senator.

But...instead....tell them to kick Romney in his nuts (probably won't hurt since I doubt he has any).

Call Bolton...but here is how it works.

If he does not provide proof (a memo or something), the trial is over.

1. The senate instantly votes afterwards - Trump walks
2. The next day we open the investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden.

Deal ?
Dude. The DoJ can investigate Biden anytime. So can the Senate. You’re not doing anything.

Is first hand witness testimony no longer good enough for you? Now you’re demanding written evidence?
Get caught?
Obama did it the Egypt.. try again .. go ahead say it it’s because biden is a democrat lol
I don't recall Obama getting impeached. Trump is impeached.
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BTW -- Can anyone explain this leftist meme to me that even if Trump is acquitted -- he'll have to live his life "with an asterisk after his name"?????? THis was MEDIA hype a week ago... SO apparently Don Da Lemon KNOWS his asterisks...

But what I want to know is where are all the MILLIONS of asterisks after Bill Clinton's name this past 20 years or so??? :coffee: I don't remember seeing a single one... Odd -- aint it???

Hey, if it's good enough for Roger Maris* - it's good enough for Trump*.

The only thing you've got.

Enjoy your moment of nothinburger happiness.

It's about to require some Malox.

Call Bolton...but here is how it works.

If he does not provide proof (a memo or something), the trial is over.

1. The senate instantly votes afterwards - Trump walks
2. The next day we open the investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden.

Deal ?
Dude. The DoJ can investigate Biden anytime. So can the Senate. You’re not doing anything.

Is first hand witness testimony no longer good enough for you? Now you’re demanding written evidence?

One says yes.

The other says no.

Who wins ?

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