The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Donald J. Trump


I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens. In fact, he never complained about this at the time of his very public termination. If John Bolton said this, it was only to sell a book. With that being said, the...


9:18 PM - Jan 26, 2020
That’s the problem with having no credibility. No one seriously believes Trump.
The only places where Trump lacks credibility is among the maive morons who believe the lying liars of the MSM. *zzzzzzzz*

I’m going to remind you that the first thing Trump said about aid to Ukraine is that he didn’t delay it at all. I bet you believed him.
I'm going to remind you that you hate Trump because your world tells you to in subliminal ways which you likely didn't know about. So if he were a scientist and cured cancer, you'd prefer chemo that kills people.

He’s not a scientist. He hasn’t cured cancer. He can barely speak at a 5th grade level.

He lies. A lot. Has his whole life. He has no credibility.
Apparently this information was provided to both The Washington Post and The New York Times.
They're deep state same as Bolton.
God you're clueless.:71:

Don't see where Lakhota actually said that.. Maybe it got edited.. Because it would be wrong.. The Huffpo article relies on the NYT for the actual content of those drafts...

AND -- if the NYT HAS the drafts, whytfuck are they NOT QUOTING BOLTON?????

It smells.. And the denial from Bolton's people that ANY copies are anywhere but at the WH and NSC for review kinda undermines the claim...

At BEST -- it's another case of 3rd party hearsay with a lot of DRAMATIC Adam Schiffless made up parody tossed into the middle...

Quote the DAMN draft IF you have it...
FlaCalTenn sez: " The Huffpo article relies on the NYT for the actual content of those drafts."
So that's how Ariana Huffington became a member of the Leftist Lying Liars club!!! PLZ! 'Scuse me while I leave the room to laugh...THX

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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
THX <giggle>
Clearly they didn’t get any witnesses they wanted. They wanted witnesses that failed to show up at Trump’s orders.
You can pretend you have the right to ignore Executive Privilege, as recognized by the Supreme Court and the Constitution,
but that doesn't mean Adam Schiff now over rules long and legally established law.

Amazing you don't think Hunter Biden or Eric Chariamella should be made witnesses but you don't mind trampling over
Executive Privilege.
Clearly they didn’t get any witnesses they wanted. They wanted witnesses that failed to show up at Trump’s orders.
You can pretend you have the right to ignore Executive Privilege, as recognized by the Supreme Court and the Constitution,
but that doesn't mean Adam Schiff now over rules long and legally established law.

Amazing you don't think Hunter Biden or Eric Chariamella should be made witnesses but you don't mind trampling over
Executive Privilege.
Show me where executive privilege is in the constitution?

Trump hasn’t even claimed executive privilege.
Clearly they didn’t get any witnesses they wanted. They wanted witnesses that failed to show up at Trump’s orders.
You can pretend you have the right to ignore Executive Privilege, as recognized by the Supreme Court and the Constitution,
but that doesn't mean Adam Schiff now over rules long and legally established law.

Amazing you don't think Hunter Biden or Eric Chariamella should be made witnesses but you don't mind trampling over
Executive Privilege.
Show me where executive privilege is in the constitution?

Trump hasn’t even claimed executive privilege.
A SCOTUS ruling.
I believe Ken Starr just went over it.
Well so did Biden for the same thing.. But the diff is Biden BRAGGED about shaking down the Ukraine to the whole CFR meeting and Utube universe and STILL ---- he's not guilty of a crime is he???

He MIGHT BE -- because THAT crime involved his son's favored position with the same foreign company that he was trying to save from investigation.. And THERE --- there are definite crime statues for "currying favor with foreign govts"... Ironic huh???

Same thing but ONE ACTUALLY IS A CRIME and the other probably is not....

The ENTIRE European Union wanted the prosecutor removed as Ukraine was looking to enter the EU.
Lol fake news John Kerry started

No... because the citizens of Ukraine WANTED to join the EU and the only thing stopping it was the President who was a Putin puppet and the prosecutor that was also corrupted by Russian oligarchs.
Ohhh ok! It wasn’t because shokin raided bursmia office in 2016 lol
Uh yes at the behest of a Russian oligarch asking him to do so by the name of Oleg Deripaska, who owns a competing natural gas company and wanted to have all of the business in Europe and Russia...

Link please. I spent some time looking up Oleg Deripaska, and found nothing about him owning a competitor to Burisma, or anything else linking him to the Burisma or Shokin issues. Rather, everything about Deripaska is that he was a source that Bruce Ohr and Chris Steele sought to get info about Manifort, with whom Deripaska had prior business relationships. Where are you getting this narrative about Deripaska linking to Burisma? If that were the case, why wouldn't the House Managers have mentioned it during their 21 hour presentation to the Senate last week? They made every other effort to reiterate (without corroboration of any kind) that everyone wanted Shokin fired.

The Hill: How the Obama White House engaged Ukraine to give Russia collusion narrative an early boost (Deripaska info is about half way down)

Wikipedia: Oleg Deripaska - Wikipedia (nothing about Burisma or Shokin)
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Clearly they didn’t get any witnesses they wanted. They wanted witnesses that failed to show up at Trump’s orders.
You can pretend you have the right to ignore Executive Privilege, as recognized by the Supreme Court and the Constitution,
but that doesn't mean Adam Schiff now over rules long and legally established law.

Amazing you don't think Hunter Biden or Eric Chariamella should be made witnesses but you don't mind trampling over
Executive Privilege.
Show me where executive privilege is in the constitution?

Trump hasn’t even claimed executive privilege.
A SCOTUS ruling.

Is not the constitution.

Donald J. Trump


I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens. In fact, he never complained about this at the time of his very public termination. If John Bolton said this, it was only to sell a book. With that being said, the...


9:18 PM - Jan 26, 2020
That’s the problem with having no credibility. No one seriously believes Trump.
The only places where Trump lacks credibility is among the maive morons who believe the lying liars of the MSM. *zzzzzzzz*

I’m going to remind you that the first thing Trump said about aid to Ukraine is that he didn’t delay it at all. I bet you believed him.
I'm going to remind you that you hate Trump because your world tells you to in subliminal ways which you likely didn't know about. So if he were a scientist and cured cancer, you'd prefer chemo that kills people.

He’s not a scientist. He hasn’t cured cancer. He can barely speak at a 5th grade level.

He lies. A lot. Has his whole life. He has no credibility.
Col hack sez: "He has no credibility."​

You live in such a tall ivory tower, sir or madam. Sorry you missed his hero's welcome over the weekend. You may not have the patience of living through the first two minutes of cheering from human beings who adore this courageous man:

:thup: Go, President Trump!!!!!!! :thup:
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Show me where executive privilege is in the constitution?

Trump hasn’t even claimed executive privilege.
Ask the Supreme Court justices who interpreted Executive Privilege from the Constitution, just as they did the right to an abortion.

And Trump did claim it in order to keep Schiff and Nadler from grilling members of his administration in their kangaroo court.
No need. I know what I’m talking about. You’re moving the goal posts. Remember, Trump refused every request for documents and testimony.

Answer one question for me so I know if you’re being honest or not. It’s a simple yes or no question. Here it is:
Did Obama refuse all requests and testimony in Fast and Furious?
We hired trump to keep democrats out of foreign relations,, if you don’t like it move out .

Trump is using foreign relations to help Trump. That’s wrong.
So your saying questioning corrupt biden is absolutely unacceptable lol to funny.. you democrats don’t even see how deranged you are

Show the corruption. Trump could have had this investigated for years by now. He hasn't. That tells you all you need to know it's just a BS excuse.
They are not going to investigate biden,, biden is probably connected somehow to every fed investigator, and like I said your already trying to disbarr Barr, I’m sure biden corruption is deep and he’s almost unable to walk, just retire old man
Biden has never been corrupt, Trump on the other hand has been corrupt his whole life....

There's not much choice, in who you're going to believe? :dunno:

It's not likely a Leopard can change their spots...
We hired trump to keep democrats out of foreign relations,, if you don’t like it move out .

Trump is using foreign relations to help Trump. That’s wrong.
So your saying questioning corrupt biden is absolutely unacceptable lol to funny.. you democrats don’t even see how deranged you are

Show the corruption. Trump could have had this investigated for years by now. He hasn't. That tells you all you need to know it's just a BS excuse.
They are not going to investigate biden,, biden is probably connected somehow to every fed investigator, and like I said your already trying to disbarr Barr, I’m sure biden corruption is deep and he’s almost unable to walk, just retire old man
Biden has never been corrupt, Trump on the other hand has been corrupt his whole life....

There's not much choice, in who you're going to believe? :dunno:

It's not likely a Leopard can change their spots...
Cool story, I think the people have decided biden is guilty
Biden has never been corrupt, Trump on the other hand has been corrupt his whole life....

There's not much choice, in who you're going to believe? :dunno:

It's not likely a Leopard can change their spots...
Stunningly stupid and mistaken. Just a fuckin' mind blowing bit of idiocy.
Like I said. This hasn’t happened before. No president has ever refused every single request and subpoena. Whether you think he has the right is irrelevant. It’s never happened.
No impeachment has ever occurred without evidence of wrongdoing before.

Things change
No impeachment has had a president hold back all direct witnesses and direct evidence from the house or investigators.

No impeachment in our History has been without witnesses, in the Senate trial.
No impeachment has had a president hold back all direct witnesses and direct evidence from the house or investigators.

No impeachment in our History has been without witnesses, in the Senate trial.
No impeachment ever grilled people in the House without benefit of legal representation either.
You want to talk about setting precedents?
No impeachment has had a president hold back all direct witnesses and direct evidence from the house or investigators.

No impeachment in our History has been without witnesses, in the Senate trial.
No impeachment ever grilled people in the House without benefit of legal representation either.
You want to talk about setting precedents?

What "legal representation" did the House deny Trump*?

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