The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Drafts of the book outline the potential testimony of the former national security adviser if he were called as a witness in the president’s impeachment trial.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens, according to an unpublished manuscript by the former adviser, John R. Bolton.

Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Demands for Inquiries, Bolton Book Says

John Bolton Reportedly Recalls Trump Tying Ukraine Aid To Biden Investigation

How can Republicans not vote for witnesses after this? Apparently this information was provided to both The Washington Post and The New York Times.
Oh yeah, a possible alledged discruntled official telling the truth ?? Sure he is... Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle.

Without physical facts to present, then it is just all bullcrap. He won't be called anyways, because he has been compromised as a fact toting witness due to the conflicts of interest being heavily involved.

Why should we read anything a WWII deferment guy has as his pic?
Omg a
Drafts of the book outline the potential testimony of the former national security adviser if he were called as a witness in the president’s impeachment trial.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens, according to an unpublished manuscript by the former adviser, John R. Bolton.

Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Demands for Inquiries, Bolton Book Says

John Bolton Reportedly Recalls Trump Tying Ukraine Aid To Biden Investigation

How can Republicans not vote for witnesses after this? Apparently this information was provided to both The Washington Post and The New York Times.
Oh yeah, a possible alledged discruntled official telling the truth ?? Sure he is... Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle.

Without physical facts to present, then it is just all bullcrap. He won't be called anyways, because he has been compromised as a fact toting witness due to the conflicts of interest being heavily involved.

Wow, a 5 deferment trump fan who even brags about the biggest deferment guy ever.
Good ol john Wayne our WWII deferment king

No real draft.

No links.

No evidence.

No bombshell.

Go home and cry to your mother.
You should know orange con cult

Translation: you got nothing.
Seen any mafia movies lately?
Dude. The DoJ can investigate Biden anytime. So can the Senate. You’re not doing anything.

Is first hand witness testimony no longer good enough for you? Now you’re demanding written evidence?
You've/liberals cried wolf way too many times to be taken seriously on any issue, in fact the entire reason for using bolton is because he isn't a left wing liberal and that automatically makes him more credible and legitimate even to you.
Well, yeah. Cries wolf is a stretch. So far the case against Trump is going almost exactly like the whistleblower claimed. The real crying wolf is 30 years of conservatives whining about imagined corruption. They took the practice and applied it to Biden.
Omg a
Oh yeah, a possible alledged discruntled official telling the truth ?? Sure he is... Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle.

Without physical facts to present, then it is just all bullcrap. He won't be called anyways, because he has been compromised as a fact toting witness due to the conflicts of interest being heavily involved.

Wow, a 5 deferment trump fan who even brags about the biggest deferment guy ever.
Good ol john Wayne our WWII deferment king

No real draft.

No links.

No evidence.

No bombshell.

Go home and cry to your mother.
You should know orange con cult

Translation: you got nothing.
Seen any mafia movies lately?
Has the con paid his Nazi venues or his contractors (sue me) lately.?
Terrific guy.
I feel I can peek into teens dressing rooms now with our glorious pres
Like I said. This hasn’t happened before. No president has ever refused every single request and subpoena. Whether you think he has the right is irrelevant. It’s never happened.
No impeachment has ever occurred without evidence of wrongdoing before.

Things change
No impeachment has had a president hold back all direct witnesses and direct evidence from the house or investigators.

No impeachment in our History has been without witnesses, in the Senate trial.

No impeachment has ever been so politically one-sided or conducted so illegally as this one.
What was illegal about it?

Pay attention to the trial.

I have. There’s nothing illegal.
Well, this certainly puts Moscow Mitch and has merry band of NaziCons in a quandary.
No it doesn't.

Schiff claimed for 2 1/2 years to have direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, only to admit he lied.

Schiff attempted to present his own authored fictional account of the transcript as evidence.

Schiff promised direct witnesses nd instead presented no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses.

Dr. Hill and Ambassador Yovanovich testified that 'everyone' was concerned about Ukraine corruption and from the very start 'Eliminating Ukraine corruption ws 'FOREIGN POLICY'. this contradicts whatever Bolton has to say.

Bolton is an angry, bitter, fired, self-important ex-admin employee seeking to get revenge for being sacked while looking to make a buck. Such credibility qualifications make snowflakes happy, though.

Well, yeah. Cries wolf is a stretch.
I think "being kind" better describes it

So far the case against Trump is going almost exactly like the whistleblower claimed.

there is no whistleblower

The real crying wolf is 30 years of conservatives whining about imagined corruption. They took the practice and applied it to Biden.
wolf wolf wolf
That’s the problem with having no credibility. No one seriously believes Trump.
The only places where Trump lacks credibility is among the maive morons who believe the lying liars of the MSM. *zzzzzzzz*

I’m going to remind you that the first thing Trump said about aid to Ukraine is that he didn’t delay it at all. I bet you believed him.
I'm going to remind you that you hate Trump because your world tells you to in subliminal ways which you likely didn't know about. So if he were a scientist and cured cancer, you'd prefer chemo that kills people.

He’s not a scientist. He hasn’t cured cancer. He can barely speak at a 5th grade level.

He lies. A lot. Has his whole life. He has no credibility.
Col hack sez: "He has no credibility."​

You live in such a tall ivory tower, sir or madam. Sorry you missed his hero's welcome over the weekend. You may not have the patience of living through the first two minutes of cheering from human beings who adore this courageous man:

:thup: Go, President Trump!!!!!!! :thup:

/----/ Rep. Matt Gaetz @RepMattGaetz
No human being is ever in a more hyperbolic state than when they’re pitching a book deal. John Bolton isn’t negotiating testimony, he’s negotiating the size of his advance.
Well, yeah. Cries wolf is a stretch.
I think "being kind" better describes it

So far the case against Trump is going almost exactly like the whistleblower claimed.

there is no whistleblower

The real crying wolf is 30 years of conservatives whining about imagined corruption. They took the practice and applied it to Biden.
wolf wolf wolf
No whistleblower? Better tell the ICIG.

Here I thought y’all were going to lock Clinton up. Whatever happened to that?
Bolton certainly has put the pressure on Moscow Mitch to allow witnesses...and that's not good for Trump
Not his job to conduct further investigations.

In this country, trials have witnesses that testify.
No one is stopping witnesses from the Schiff Sham inquiry.

Trump is demanding no witnesses testify before Congress.
Witnesses were heard in the house that's all you get it's not up to the jury to do the work for the prosecutors
Bolton certainly has put the pressure on Moscow Mitch to allow witnesses...and that's not good for Trump
Not his job to conduct further investigations.

In this country, trials have witnesses that testify.
No one is stopping witnesses from the Schiff Sham inquiry.

Trump is demanding no witnesses testify before Congress.
Witnesses were heard in the house that's all you get it's not up to the jury to do the work for the prosecutors

A trial without witnesses. Some might see that as a fake trial.
I cant wait till the mueller report hits ....drumphf finished

Wait ......Derp


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