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The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

One thing
Claim endless witnesses are out there, although none discovered when ball was in your court, and thus endless impeachment seeking the never ending mystery “witnesses”
Well the witnesses were discovered but wouldn't testify without court orders that would have taken months. But it's clear that the gop senate isn't gonna do anything even if Trump shoots someone on 5th ave.

Four Gop senators may want some show of witnesses to try and claim they had open minds to an already foregone vote.

And it doesn't matter to the polling. The only actual effect may be if this stretches out into the SOTU speech and Trump loses it on TV and goes into a rage for all to see
all legal, they chose not to wait, it's on them, no one else.
Incorrect. Guess what would happen if you ignored a subpoena?
It would take 6 mos minimum for a subpoena to work its way throught the courts. And that assumes the gop Sup Ct would say Trump cannot keep Bolton's testimony a secret because of Exec Privilege.

The dems didn't have a way to force testimony. all taht's just more TRumpanzee LIES. It's like "the dems leaked boltons' book." ummm, no it was not the dems. LOL

But again, any testimony isn't going to change the result. It may though Trump into a orange-red mushrooming rage on TV, which would be way cool. LOL
I guess trying to start an Impeachment right before The President's Inauguration back in 2016 just isn't enough time for The Democrats to try to manufacture a fraudulent case based on manufactured evidence.

Thank God we have courts to stop Law Breakers and Tyrants from abusing our rights.

Tough Shit, if they didn't want to go to Court.

These Assholes tried for 4 years and spent $100s of Millions of Dollars trying to take out The President.

They'll burn in Hell for it, and they'll lose the election too.

Sucks to be you.
gibberish ,, did you just say the whistle blower? Like he’s legit lol that’s funny.

But think about all the people who you refuse to believe. Like there is a vast RIGHT wing conspiracy from the deep state RINO's to take Trump down. So you blow off anyone who comes forward. The whistleblower, sondlund, that woman, and everyone else who testified that what Trump did was wrong and made them very uncomfortable.

If you won't listen to these people that Trump is corrupt, you won't listen to anyone.

WASHINGTON ― The bombshell revelation that former national security adviser John Bolton has written a book essentially confirming the Democrats’ case against President Donald Trump went curiously unaddressed by the president’s lawyers on Monday in the Senate impeachment trial.

Bolton’s book alleges that Trump tied the release of congressionally approved Ukraine aid to the Ukrainians’ announcing investigations of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Trump Lawyers Ignore John Bolton Bombshell In Senate Trial | HuffPost

This is the shit we couldn't prove in the Mueller report. Now we have proof he is a criminal and Republicans are defending him? I hope they pay this November for their loyalty.
Trump has full authority to investigate corruption overseas
He wasn't investigating corruption. He was trying to make up fake news on his political opponent.

Bolton confirms it. How many more need to confirm it? You are like OJ supporters. No proof will convince you.

Now you guys admit even if he did it, nothing wrong with doing it? Bullshit. It's an abuse of his power and he's not putting the country first he's putting himself first. He's corrupt and a liar. Got to go.

If you watch videos of Biden even from a couple years ago, He is Deteriorating Mentally and he needs to drop out.

The only reason he is running is to protect his son.

What a bullshit artist you are. The only reason Trump brought up his son is because Joe's running.

You did this to Hillary. Said she was deteriorating. But the truth is Trump is.

Trump's on some drugs

View attachment 303056

Dementia drugs.

Wow tds
He will show that there was reason for concern over corruption. Hell, the Heinz kid distanced himself and his employer
from what Biden Jr. was doing and emailed the State Dept of his concerns, wry.

Where do you get your information?

For the Readers, see:

What Hunter Biden did on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma

Hunter Biden says taking a job at a Ukrainian energy company was "poor judgment"

It was brought into evidence by Bondi yesterday, actually, showed the documents, wry.
Bondi failed to show any rational basis that could be consider a basis for an investigation.

If Hunter exercised bad judgement, so be it. But bad judgement isn’t a crime.
According to you, colfax. I will take that for what it's worth.

I watched Bondi. She provided the case for why Biden needed to be investigated. However, as we know, law enforcement is not allowed to ignore exculpatory evidence when making that decision. Bondi ignored mountains of exculpatory evidence. Her case was weak.
So we get to see the Transcript from witness 18, now? Neato! That and The Whistle Blower too? Awesome!
Omg you have evidence of bribery!?
solicitation, with a quid pro quo for personal gain.... government corruption, corrupt use of govt power or position..... still looking for the Statute number,

but found those other two in my search! :D
There is nothing "for personal gain"
He’s trying to steal the election.
Hahah omg any evidence?
Omg where is it!?
solicitation, with a quid pro quo for personal gain.... government corruption, corrupt use of govt power or position..... still looking for the Statute number,

but found those other two in my search! :D
There is nothing "for personal gain"
He’s trying to steal the election.
Hahah omg any evidence?
Omg where is it!?

None so blind.
Every time Democrats say they need witnesses in Senate .. I say they failed miserably in the House of TDS Democrat morons..

They failed because Trump obstructed. The Senate doesn’t even want to try. Why wouldn’t they want to even try?

Nope, Democrats failed to make the case so now it's TDS crybaby time again and again and again and again and again etc.etc etc.... :itsok:

Now the Senate is failing to hold a fair trial.

The Democrat House Managers failed and they lied to you... enjoy..
What was his son doing? You mean his daddy got him a good paying job? Happens all the time. Look at every Republican Senator's son's. Look at GW Bush. You think he purchased the Texas Rangers baseball team with his own money that he earned? How about Trump? Without Trump's daddy Don is just a real estate guy in lower manhattan.

Yes, what Trump did was against the law. Please tell me you don't think it's ok for the president to strongarm another country into making up fake news against his opponent. Funny how much you guys bashed Bill for lying about one BJ because he was under oath but you embrace a pathalogical liar.
Can you cite in US Code what law was broken?
Or will you continue to lie, and spout off propaganda and falsehoods?
When you face your Creator, will you be able to tell Him that you are a man of truth?
Or will you hang your head in shame as a condemned and unrepentant man?
18 US Code 201
18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
(B) being a public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official, otherwise than as provided by law for the proper discharge of official duty, directly or indirectly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally for or because of any official act performed or to be performed by such official or person;
Omg you have evidence of bribery!?
solicitation, with a quid pro quo for personal gain.... government corruption, corrupt use of govt power or position..... still looking for the Statute number,

but found those other two in my search! :D
There is nothing "for personal gain"
Honestly, I don't see how anyone could say that President Trump did this for anything other than personal reasons.

(especially the FACT that Velensky HAD to make a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT in to Burisma/Bidens investigation) Come ON!!!!!!

It's spelled out clear as day, with every action he has taken..

From all of his administration to simple listeners to the phone call, to diplomats and Ambassadors like Sondland who beloved president Trump, Giuliani and Trump himself knew Trump was doing this for his own political gain and NOT for fighting corruption in the Ukraine....

that's why they took the responsibility of disbursing the military aid away from the Pentegon and away form the civil servants who usually handles it at the OMB away from them and put it in to the hands of Politicos, hired by Trump.

and that's why the President never notified congress, PER LAW that he was holding these congressionally passed aid funds back....

(when with all other countries where he had corruption problems and other problems and he held their aid back, HE DID NOTIFY CONGRESS)

And when he took the power of the Ukrainian Ambassadorship as running the show and away from the Actual Ukrain Ambassador and gove the responsibility to his million dollar donor, Ambassador Sondland, the ambassador of the EU.

Or when he deified the law and failed to pass the urgent whistle blower complaint to congress, ACCORDING TO the LAW.....

and when he had Giuliani his campaign operative, running the show with the Ukraine govt with the two accused felons, Igor fruman and Lev Parnas and Firtash a felon awaiting extradition who paid Shokin for his new testimony, to do the job of fighting corruption in the Ukraine....

And NOT following the law on how to investigate corruption and other crimes in the Ukraine according to our law enforcement TREATY THAT WE HAVE signed AND RATIFIED with them....

Article 2 provides for the establishment of Central
Authorities and defines Central Authorities for purposes of the
Treaty. For the United States, the Central Authority shall be
the Attorney General or a person designated by the Attorney
General. For Ukraine, the Central Authority shall be the
Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Prosecutor General.
The article provides that the Central Authorities shall
communicate directly with one another for the purposes of the

Text - Treaty Document 106-16 - Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

BY LAW, President Trump was suppose to follow the treaty, and the parameters of the treaty, which involves our Attorney General, and the Ukraine's prosecutor general, working together....

NOT A Rudy Giuliani, who is OUTSIDE of the LAW, an Outlaw.

And then you have the President not answering to any document subpoenas or Witnesses being told by the president, not to even show up to congress... without ever even ASSERTING executive privilege in a legal manner.... so to hide or coverup, what he did...


I mean, there are a lot of things going on here, and I haven't listed a quarter of them.... but with just the key things I've listed, it ALL POINTS in one direction.... and that is consciousness of GUILT.

Anyone, and I mean anyone, can see this....surely they can see this....?

Would you be so blind and forgiving, if it were Obama that did this....? Seriously?
Last edited:
Every time Democrats say they need witnesses in Senate .. I say they failed miserably in the House of TDS Democrat morons..

They failed because Trump obstructed. The Senate doesn’t even want to try. Why wouldn’t they want to even try?

Nope, Democrats failed to make the case so now it's TDS crybaby time again and again and again and again and again etc.etc etc.... :itsok:

Now the Senate is failing to hold a fair trial.

The Democrat House Managers failed and they lied to you... enjoy..

The House managers tried but were obstructed.
The Senate hasn’t tried, therefore they are failing the American people and violating their oath.
how anyone could say that President Trump did this for anything other than personal reasons


President Trump tried to find out what happened to the last Ukrainian foreign aid package, and whether Hunter Biden and others received KICKBACKS from it. There is no personal benefit. The benefit would be to the American taxpayer. But there the Dems were halting any investigation because Dems KNOW THE BIDENS DID STEAL and CHEER IT and HATE ANYONE INVESTIGATING IT
Can you cite in US Code what law was broken?
Or will you continue to lie, and spout off propaganda and falsehoods?
When you face your Creator, will you be able to tell Him that you are a man of truth?
Or will you hang your head in shame as a condemned and unrepentant man?
18 US Code 201
18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
(B) being a public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official, otherwise than as provided by law for the proper discharge of official duty, directly or indirectly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally for or because of any official act performed or to be performed by such official or person;
Omg you have evidence of bribery!?
solicitation, with a quid pro quo for personal gain.... government corruption, corrupt use of govt power or position..... still looking for the Statute number,

but found those other two in my search! :D
There is nothing "for personal gain"
Honestly, I don't see how anyone could say that President Trump did this for anything other than personal reasons.

It's spelled out clear as day, with every action he has taken..

From all of his administration to simple listeners to the phone call, to diplomats and Ambassadors like Sondland who beloved president Trump, Giuliani and Trump himself knew Trump was doing this for his own political gain and NOT for fighting corruption in the Ukraine....

that's why they took the responsibility of disbursing the military aid away from the Pentegon and away form the civil servants who usually handles it at the OMB away from them and put it in to the hands of Politicos, hired by Trump.

and that's why the President never notified congress, PER LAW that he was holding these congressionally passed aid funds back....

(when with all other countries where he had corruption problems and other problems and he held their aid back, HE DID NOTIFY CONGRESS)

And when he took the power of the Ukrainian Ambassadorship as running the show and away from the Actual Ukrain Ambassador and gove the responsibility to his million dollar donor, Ambassador Sondland, the ambassador of the EU.

Or when he deified the law and failed to pass the urgent whistle blower complaint to congress, ACCORDING TO the LAW.....

and when he had Giuliani his campaign operative, running the show with the Ukraine govt with the two accused felons, Igor fruman and Lev Parnas and Firtash a felon awaiting extradition who paid Shokin for his new testimony, to do the job of fighting corruption in the Ukraine....

And NOT following the law on how to investigate corruption and other crimes in the Ukraine according to our law enforcement TREATY THAT WE HAVE signed AND RATIFIED with them....

Article 2 provides for the establishment of Central
Authorities and defines Central Authorities for purposes of the
Treaty. For the United States, the Central Authority shall be
the Attorney General or a person designated by the Attorney
General. For Ukraine, the Central Authority shall be the
Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Prosecutor General.
The article provides that the Central Authorities shall
communicate directly with one another for the purposes of the

BY LAW, President Trump was suppose to follow the treaty, and the parameters of the treaty, which involves our Attorney General, and the Ukraine's prosecutor general, working together....

NOT A Rudy Giuliani, who is OUTSIDE of the LAW, and Outlaw.

And then you have the President not answering to any document subpoenas or Witnesses being told by the president, not to even show up to congress... without ever even ASSERTING executive privilege in a legal manner.... so to hide or coverup, what he did...


I mean, there are a lot of things going on here, and I haven't listed a quarter of them.... but with just the key things I've listed, it ALL POINTS in one direction.... and that is consciousness of GUILT.

Anyone, and I mean anyone, can see this....surely they can see this....?

Would you be so blind and forgiving, if it were Obama that did this....? Seriously?
Lol omg! Haha joe Biden can’t even cross the street he’s so old and falling apart, you really think he is a threat to trump? Really?
how anyone could say that President Trump did this for anything other than personal reasons


President Trump tried to find out what happened to the last Ukrainian foreign aid package, and whether Hunter Biden and others received KICKBACKS from it. There is no personal benefit. The benefit would be to the American taxpayer. But there the Dems were halting any investigation because Dems KNOW THE BIDENS DID STEAL and CHEER IT and HATE ANYONE INVESTIGATING IT
This is exactly why we need Trump’s tax returns to see how much taxpayer money he’s getting in kickbacks.

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