The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

No the line is, Biden withheld money, becasue they wouldn't prosecute him.
Biden who fronts his son cash for hooker rings
and gives his son accesss to foreiegn governments to steal money, like in Ukraine
wanted to fire this guy, because he's not prosecuting the guy giving his son money
That dog don't hunt. And the media lies.....ALOT and it's always in one direction.7

You have no evidence Shokin was prosecuting Zlochevsky. Whereas there is evidence Great Britain attempted to but had to drop their case against Zlochevsky because Shokin wouldn't cooperate. Whereas there is evidence some people in Shokin's office were convicted of taking bribes. Whereas there is evidence Shokin made no progress in the Zlochevsky investigation during the year he was General Prosecutor. Whereas there is evidence Zlochevsky was finally prosecuted by Shokin's replacement. Whereas there is evidence that prosecuting Zlochevsky had no ill effect on Hunter Biden's job. Y'all are just fucking nuts.
More gaslighting from a Trump toady?

White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s false claims about the size of the crowd at President Donald Trump’s inauguration were “alternative facts,” a top Trump aide said Sunday.

In an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd pressed Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway about why the White House on Saturday had sent Spicer to the briefing podium for the first time to claim that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.”

“You’re saying it’s a falsehood. And they’re giving – Sean Spicer, our press secretary – gave alternative facts,” she said.

So, what democrat said that?
Hey stupid, is the point of this committee what happened at J^ or just to try and dig up anything they can imagine to smear Trump? From your responses, the answer is obvious. And not what is presented to the public.

This is and always has been an illegitimate process with only one goal, to punish a successful president and try to prop up an abject failure.

Anyway, keep trying you idiot to conflate history with your desires. You are pathetic and a proven liar and loser.
You have no evidence Shokin was prosecuting Zlochevsky. Whereas there is evidence Great Britain attempted to but had to drop their case against Zlochevsky because Shokin wouldn't cooperate. Whereas there is evidence some people in Shokin's office were convicted of taking bribes. Whereas there is evidence Shokin made no progress in the Zlochevsky investigation during the year he was General Prosecutor. Whereas there is evidence Zlochevsky was finally prosecuted by Shokin's replacement. Whereas there is evidence that prosecuting Zlochevsky had no ill effect on Hunter Biden's job. Y'all are just fucking nuts.
No we just use logic. The argument you are making is Joe Biden Threatened to stop aid to a country, why? Becasue the wouldn't prosecute the guy paying his son. Sounds very noble, but we know this family is not noble and deals under the table (Biden gave his son money for drugs and hooker rings and set his son up to cash in on his position as VP)
More gaslighting from a Trump toady?

White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s false claims about the size of the crowd at President Donald Trump’s inauguration were “alternative facts,” a top Trump aide said Sunday.

In an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd pressed Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway about why the White House on Saturday had sent Spicer to the briefing podium for the first time to claim that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.”

“You’re saying it’s a falsehood. And they’re giving – Sean Spicer, our press secretary – gave alternative facts,” she said.

So, what democrat said that?
The 1/6 hearings are a joke, they didn't even call the agents that were with Trump in the car, meaning the whole point of this is to embarrass Trump and try and prevent him from running, this is not a serious investigation, but give us more TRump exploits, maybe we can put out a badass action movie. What's the next bombshell, Trump uses a wetsuit in the Potomac River, finds a secret stash of Weapons and frees us from Biden's Tyranny?

Oh and when the Rs take control, we will embarass the fuck out of Biden's clan and the people who supported him and his crackhead son.
No we just use logic. The argument you are making is Joe Biden Threatened to stop aid to a country, why? Becasue the wouldn't prosecute the guy paying his son. Sounds very noble, but we know this family is not noble and deals under the table (Biden gave his son money for drugs and hooker rings and set his son up to cash in on his position as VP)

Lying doesn't help you. Shokin wasn't prosecuting Zlochevsky. Again, he had 2 years to prosecute Zlochevsky and all he managed to accomplish in those 2 years was to sabotage Great Britain's investigation into Zlochevsky.

So when you say Biden "threatened to stop aid to a country," , "becasue the wouldn't prosecute the guy paying his son" -- you're flat out lying.
Well someone was told that someone else said they heard from a friend that Trump likes fire extinguishers.
No, he likes to pretend that he can drive one…

Lying doesn't help you. Shokin wasn't prosecuting Zlochevsky. Again, he had 2 years to prosecute Zlochevsky and all he managed to accomplish in those 2 years was to sabotage Great Britain's investigation into Zlochevsky.

So when you say Biden "threatened to stop aid to a country," , "becasue the wouldn't prosecute the guy paying his son" -- you're flat out lying.
Ok, so why did he threaten to with hold the money?
Ok, so why did he threaten to with hold the money?

Stop this nonsense. He made his point. All you are doing is looking for a Gotcha. There isn't one here. I may not .like Biden at all but on that day, Biden was a Statesman Extortionary.
Stop this nonsense. He made his point. All you are doing is looking for a Gotcha. There isn't one here. I may not .like Biden at all but on that day, Biden was a Statesman Extortionary.
No you make the claim, becasue all you do is read talking points, let's get into details.
No you make the claim, becasue all you do is read talking points, let's get into details.

It's been discussed and talked out to death. The only thing you people have is an edited video. Sorry, you can drop it now. Go on to something else. Your Gotcha's have been used up over here.
It's been discussed and talked out to death. The only thing you people have is an edited video. Sorry, you can drop it now. Go on to something else. Your Gotcha's have been used up over here.
Because you know the truth. The whole cover for corruption was bullshit.
Graft, political payoffs et know the things Zalensky was elected to fix.
OK, so what specific ones did he not do? You guys told us that Shotkin should have investigate Burisma.....but didn't and that's one major reason why.....are you now denying this?

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