"The Boss Wants The Server Deleted, What Are We Going To Do"

Funny, DOJ admitted they didn't find that document in the Mar-A-Lago search.

initially.... howeverrrrrrrrrrrrr ........... they wouldn't have included that there charge in the superseding indictment if they didn't have it now - plus it would have had to be confirmed by meadow's ghost writers whether that was the doc that donny flashed around in front of them.

Do you have the jury's verdict?

all in due time, all in due time. please though - by all means, twist yerself into another pretzel trying to defend the indefensible!

Trump now faces two new obstruction-of-justice charges related to the alleged attempt to erase the security camera video. In addition, the new indictment adds a felony count under the Espionage Act stemming from his alleged possession of the war plan. He now faces 32 counts of willfully retaining national defense information under the Espionage Act and eight counts related to alleged efforts to obstruct the investigation.

The new indictment alleges that on June 27, 2022, De Oliveira met with a Trump Organization employee in an audio closet at Mar-a-Lago and asked that person — unnamed in the indictment — to delete the security camera video sought by prosecutors in a grand jury subpoena days earlier.

“De Oliveira told [the employee] ‘the boss’ wanted the server deleted,” the new indictment alleges. The employee “responded that he would not know how to do that, and that he did not believe he would have the rights to do that,” the indictment adds.

Prosecutors claim that when the employee said a supervisor would need to be involved, De Oliveira repeated that “the boss” wanted the server deleted and De Oliveira then asked: “What are we going to do?”

Arrogance and incompetence. The hallmarks of the Dunning-Kruger Rebellion.
Appeals to the supreme court priceless
Yeah, they're charging him for something all other presidents have always done. It's ridiculous.

Yeah, I am a far left, liberal, progressive, but looks like I am going to have to vote for Trump to protest the way they have been trying to abuse him.
Please don't play the idiot. You know exactly what this means and it's never looked worse for trump. Even you know deliberate and absolute obstruction of justice when you see it, cupcake

Its not "obstruction of justice to do anything when clearly the charges are illegal.
You have to have a valid charge and follow the law before you can complain about anyone else not cooperating.
Jack Smith has done everything illegally.
Clearly he is the one who should be prosecuted.
The law is very clear.
There is no way Trump could possibly have been in violation of any classified doc law.
Its not "obstruction of justice to do anything when clearly the charges are illegal.

all the mounting evidence says otherwise.

You have to have a valid charge and follow the law before you can complain about anyone else not cooperating.

they have.

Jack Smith has done everything illegally.

how is that, exactly?

Clearly he is the one who should be prosecuted.

why is that, exactly?

The law is very clear.

ya it is.

There is no way Trump could possibly have been in violation of any classified doc law.

do tell. :popcorn:
the law is what is gonna nail him.

The law not only clearly says presidents can do what ever they want with all classified docs, but it is the presidents who write the law, and ensured they all specifically exempt all presidents.
And when president, Trump could give copies of everything to anyone he wanted, including himself or Melania if he wanted to.
There is no law to say otherwise.
all the mounting evidence says otherwise.

they have.

how is that, exactly?

why is that, exactly?

ya it is.

do tell. :popcorn:

The only laws that exist for classified docs are presidential executive orders, which exempt all presidents, and anyone a president gives classified docs to, including himself.

The only people who have possession of classified docs illegally, are Jack Smith, the FBI, the DOJ, and the judge who signed the warrant for the raid.
The law not only clearly says presidents can do what ever they want with all classified docs,

false. there are specific protocols that need to be followed.

Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978​

Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978

but it is the presidents who write the law,

ummmm .... no.
laws are written by congress - the legislative branch.

and ensured they all specifically exempt all presidents.
And when president, Trump could give copies of everything to anyone he wanted, including himself or Melania if he wanted to.
There is no law to say otherwise.

see above link.
The only laws that exist for classified docs are presidential executive orders, which exempt all presidents, and anyone a president gives classified docs to, including himself.

The only people who have possession of classified docs illegally, are Jack Smith, the FBI, the DOJ, and the judge who signed the warrant for the raid.
Biden is also illegally in possession of documents.
initially.... howeverrrrrrrrrrrrr ........... they wouldn't have included that there charge in the superseding indictment if they didn't have it now - plus it would have had to be confirmed by meadow's ghost writers whether that was the doc that donny flashed around in front of them.
Sweetie, copies are available on request at the National Archives.
false. there are specific protocols that need to be followed.

Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978​

Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978

ummmm .... no.
laws are written by congress - the legislative branch.

see above link.
According to YOUR link, they aren't Presidential Records until the President says they are or, says they are not. The President has total authority and may even restrict access to Presidential records even after leaving office.
If a POTUS just thinks about classifying a document it will be classified because if asked to release it, he would say 'no, that's classified.' From then on the archives would consider it classified unless the POTUS decides to declassify it.
Have you gotten in touch with Trump's lawyers and told them that if they tell really stupid lies about Clinton, Trump will be acquitted?

You need to do so, pronto. They desperately need your keen legal insight.
Duopoly thinking…Trump’s guilty as Hell, but Hillary’s clean.

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