"The Boss Wants The Server Deleted, What Are We Going To Do"

Appeals to the supreme court priceless

Not how it works. The supremes only get involved if it can be shown a mistake during the initial trial, or in the appeal.

And that doesn’t result in dismissal, only an order of sentencing or retrial.

Here’s the bad news. Jack Smith doesn’t make those kinds of mistakes. That is why Trump was tried in Florida first. He got his venue. His timeline. His lawyers. His early discovery. His judge.

There is no out for agent orange.
So once again, when left real no argument to make, the MAGA MAGGOTS devolve into HRC whataboutery.

Did HRC hide in her bathroom?

NO she did not.

Did the Rapist and Traitor fight, in court the search of his Shit-A-Lago Home.

Yes he did.

Did the Rapist and Traitor hide boxes of Classified Documents in a bathroom in Shit-A-Lago.

Yes He Did.

Did the Rapist and Traitor order a server to swiped to prevent the F.B.I. from discovering classified material on said server.

Yes He Did.

Did the Rapist and Traitor, admit an audio tape that he could have declassified the material and admit that he had not.

Yes He Did.

Did the Rapist and Traitor, admit o the so audio that he no power whatsoever to declassify the documents hidden at Shit-A-Lago.

Yes He Did.

Does the Rapist and Traitor now face, with the addition the THREE (03) charges regarding the illegal handling of Classified Material now face Thirty-Four (34) counts of mishandling Classified Material AND Obstruction of Justice.


Did the Fucking Rapist and Traitor try and fail at covering up what he did as regards the wiping of the server in question.









TDS sufferers are funny.
Trump now faces two new obstruction-of-justice charges related to the alleged attempt to erase the security camera video. In addition, the new indictment adds a felony count under the Espionage Act stemming from his alleged possession of the war plan. He now faces 32 counts of willfully retaining national defense information under the Espionage Act and eight counts related to alleged efforts to obstruct the investigation.

The new indictment alleges that on June 27, 2022, De Oliveira met with a Trump Organization employee in an audio closet at Mar-a-Lago and asked that person — unnamed in the indictment — to delete the security camera video sought by prosecutors in a grand jury subpoena days earlier.

“De Oliveira told [the employee] ‘the boss’ wanted the server deleted,” the new indictment alleges. The employee “responded that he would not know how to do that, and that he did not believe he would have the rights to do that,” the indictment adds.

Prosecutors claim that when the employee said a supervisor would need to be involved, De Oliveira repeated that “the boss” wanted the server deleted and De Oliveira then asked: “What are we going to do?”

Arrogance and incompetence. The hallmarks of the Dunning-Kruger Rebellion.

They should have called hilary....she not only deleted everything she had, she used an advanced program to scrub those servers....for information that was already under subpoena......and then she had her staff smash their cell phones and lap tops with hammers....

Trump's guys could have learned a lot from her......
When did she do that? And I’m looking for an exact date here. It matters when.
You’ll love this…

No other nation on earth comes anywhere close to these numbers in the 21st century. The US is indisputably the most murderous and depraved government on this planet.
Is that like when Crooked Hillary told her IT guy to purge the data from her illegal home servers?

When did HRC do this.

Who was the person she asked, not "IT Guy" his fucking name and the company for and when did work for that company and for how long?

Who reported HRC did this

HRC did not have an "IT Guy" even you know that.

Lame as shit HRC Whataboutery strikes again.
They should have called hilary....she not only deleted everything she had, she used an advanced program to scrub those servers....for information that was already under subpoena......and then she had her staff smash their cell phones and lap tops with hammers....

Trump's guys could have learned a lot from her......
I sure hope Trump's lawyers actually have a better defense than "TWO TIERED SYSTEM OF JUSTICE and WHAT ABOUT HILLARY AND JOE?"
If not the dudes going away for the rest of his natural life.:eek:
I sure hope Trump's lawyers actually have a better defense than "TWO TIERED SYSTEM OF JUSTICE and WHAT ABOUT HILLARY AND JOE?"
If not the dudes going away for the rest of his natural life.:eek:
I hope you’re right because with any luck, O, Joe, Hillary and many others will join dumb Don.

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