The Braille Dragon


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Do you appreciate stories about the 'culture of politics'?

What does Melania Trump think about the applications of gender politics to the capitalism-subjective administration of her husband-President (Donald Trump)?

Have we become blind to profiteerism, and if so, do we require/seek an 'American Braille'?


Karch Kiraly was excited to repeat the successes of the US men's national volleyball team at the 1984 Summer Olympics, now that the 1988 Summer Olympics were about to begin. His squad was well-trained, focused, and honed to achieve, and the world anticipated that the favorites (the real heavyweights) would prove too much for any close rival such as Japan, Brazil, and the Soviet Union. Kiraly's potential second gold medal would seal forever the domination of American athletes at the Olympic games over the athletes of their rival nation (the only real socioeconomic threat to the 'American Empire') --- the Soviet Union (or USSR). Kiraly was staring at destiny.

His team had to surmount the formidable challenges posed by multiple teams with upset/conquest on their minds, and Kiraly made sure the team chemistry of the US team remained one of self-composure and controlled rage to handle the tricky 'artistry' of well-oiled, stealthy, and relentless rival squads (especially the USSR). The victory over the Soviet Union in a gold-medal game would stamp on the international stage the impression that non-violent competitive sports could substitute for the geo-political maladies of profiteerism catalyzed multinational conflict. America was, after all capitalist, while the USSR was, obviously, socialist. Only rising American politician Hillary Clinton was a cheerleader for the Soviet team. She also favored the United Kingdom (as a liberal critic of American capitalism).

When Kiraly's team captured their second gold medal, everyone was in jubilation! It was an odd but meaningful glory for the international sports community and the US representation at the Olympics since the tragedy of Munich. People marvelled at how teamwork and coordinated skill in non-violent competitive scenarios (i.e., professional sports) could exorcise humanity's demonic instincts to relentlessly seek out the Machiavellian vanity of war and conquest. Kiraly was written about in the New Yorker in an editorial which suggested that American citizens should seriously consider 'knighting' the athletic 'American celebrity' in honor of the American contributions to geo-social humanism issues (e.g., democracy, media, chauvinism in sports, etc.)! The future American movie actress Daisy Ridley (star of a George Lucas Star Wars sequel) would become a devoted 'democracy advocate' of the international relations/diplomacy dialogue regarding the Olympic games (USA-USSR, Munich, etc.).




Isn't it interesting how we liken social prestige (or 'celebrity') with community responsibilities/values (or philanthropy)?

There must be a connection between leadership and culture, or at least, that's what our best intentions tell us...

So do our 'best intentions' offer us an optimistic view of why we elected a capitalism-baron as U.S. President (Donald Trump)?


James Franco, the popular American movie actor, was happy with his performance as the New Goblin in the comic book adapted super-hero film Spider-Man 3. He started reading comic books and became fascinated by everyday heroism exhibited by bike-cops, firemen, schoolteachers, etc. Franco considered how comic book superheroes such as Spider-Man and Captain Marvel symbolized some of the cultural ideals in America regarding teamwork and civics exemplified in everyday civil servants such as policemen and wanted to make a film about bike-cops like 21 Jump Street or ChiPs.

Franco's movie agent advised the actor to seek a more daring or radical role than that of a simple dutiful American bike-cop or fireman, but Franco was determined to make a culturally-symbolic film. Franco had a meeting with his friend and actor Channing Tatum who recently portrayed a bike-cop in a film. Tatum told Franco that portraying an American civil servant requires a bit of sociological research, so Franco decided to meet with President Donald Trump and ask him about the experience of going from a capitalism merchant to a capitalism diplomat. After learning a little about the spiritual challenges of 'cultural leadership,' Franco decided to make a film about the process of film-making in America called Zeroville.

Franco's film received good reviews but also generated a great deal of 'street-controversy,' and one day, a fanatic disguised as a bike-cop on Halloween rode by Franco who was walking down a street in sunny California and assassinated him with a silencer-pistol. The assassin then sent a note to the LA Times which read, "Why do celebrities make films about celebrities?" The incident would come to be known as the 'Movie Tragedy,' and President Trump delivered a message to the press: "Mr. Franco has shown us that standing up and delivering messages about American culture can sometimes be dangerous, which is why he is a true civil servant and hero!" The First Lady Melania Trump decided to become a public spokesperson for the IPMBA (International Police Bike Mountain Association).




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