The brain hardwired to believe in God.

The bible teaches a concept of there being " A Spirit in man"; in my view that spirit is consciousness , and through that we can be conscious of a God. Or conscious of whatever we are conscious of.

I kind of wonder if it is possible, that if Man as an animal, evolved into what he is today..... then maybe developing a soul, or spirit was part of that evolution. I'm thinking that because one of the main reasons for evolution is that organisms try to live better, more efficiently... or live longer. Taken to its ultimate, an organism would try to live forever if it could, of course this body in its physical state could never do it. Perhaps developing that spirit was the ultimate form of evolution... and It would mean that God would have been perhaps in control of that evolution.
Maybe Adam and Eve did not represent the first to look like us but maybe they represent that first moment.

It makes me think of when the catepillar turns into a butterfly. Before that change takes place, it probably has no idea of what is coming later and the concept or perception of itself or anything else flying would be impossible.

I think evolution is a part of our destiny.
"..."When we think of religious and spiritual beliefs and practices, we see a tremendous similarity across practices and across traditions."

The frontal lobe, the area right behind our foreheads, helps us focus our attention in prayer and meditation.

The parietal lobe, located near the backs of our skulls, is the seat of our sensory information. Newberg says it's involved in that feeling of becoming part of something greater than oneself.

The limbic system, nestled deep in the center, regulates our emotions and is responsible for feelings of awe and joy.

Newberg calls religion the great equalizer and points out that similar areas of the brain are affected during prayer and meditation. Newberg suggests that these brain scans may provide proof that our brains are built to believe in God. He says there may be universal features of the human mind that actually make it easier for us to believe in a higher power..."

Are humans hard-wired for faith? -
So why don't I see anything to believe in?
Because you never looked for it.
Look where though? I've been looking in the wrong places?
No. You haven't been looking at all.
So where should I be looking?
Try looking inside yourself.
Then why don't I believe that I see any proof of a god?

the god question is irrelevant there is no hardwire you are lacking, curious though how you reconcile your existence ...
Ya, but the op says that I'm hardwired for god. So what happened. Too much weed? :biggrin:

The article says that not everyone is hardwired the same.
So god purposely didn't hardwire me properly?

I think we are what we are , and we are what we were supposed to be.
So god purposely doesn't want me to believe in it?
the god question is irrelevant there is no hardwire you are lacking, curious though how you reconcile your existence ...
Ya, but the op says that I'm hardwired for god. So what happened. Too much weed? :biggrin:

The article says that not everyone is hardwired the same.
So god purposely didn't hardwire me properly?

I think we are what we are , and we are what we were supposed to be.
So god purposely doesn't want me to believe in it?

In my personal view, God does want some to believe in him now, and most later; who those are now, I just don't know. But I think world belief, he has designed for later in human life on earth. But this is just my view of it; I think humans will be better off believing in God as a whole earth of believers. That has not happened, so in my view, because it has not, then that is God's will.
Because you never looked for it.
Look where though? I've been looking in the wrong places?
No. You haven't been looking at all.
So where should I be looking?
Try looking inside yourself.
Where should I cut first?
There's no need to cut at all.

"...The position of the question, then, is like this. We want to know whether the universe simply happens to be what it is for no reason or whether there is a power behind it that makes it what it is. Since that power, if it exists, would be not one of the observed facts but a reality which makes them, no mere observation of the facts can find it. There is only one case in which we can know whether there is anything more, namely our own case. And in that one case we find there is. Or put it the other way round. If there was a controlling power outside the universe, it could not show itself to us as one of the facts inside the universe—no more than the architect of a house could actually be a wall or staircase or fireplace in that house. The only way in which we could expect it to show itself would be inside ourselves as an influence or a command trying to get us to behave in a certain way. And that is just what we do find inside ourselves. Surely this ought to arouse our suspicions?" C.S. Lewis
In Rev. 21:1 is a hard wire for sure, I think this new earth will have us all as being new creations.

Interesting that there will be no more " Sea." Wonder if that means no water will be in God's kingdom??
Look where though? I've been looking in the wrong places?
No. You haven't been looking at all.
So where should I be looking?
Try looking inside yourself.
Where should I cut first?
There's no need to cut at all.

"...The position of the question, then, is like this. We want to know whether the universe simply happens to be what it is for no reason or whether there is a power behind it that makes it what it is. Since that power, if it exists, would be not one of the observed facts but a reality which makes them, no mere observation of the facts can find it. There is only one case in which we can know whether there is anything more, namely our own case. And in that one case we find there is. Or put it the other way round. If there was a controlling power outside the universe, it could not show itself to us as one of the facts inside the universe—no more than the architect of a house could actually be a wall or staircase or fireplace in that house. The only way in which we could expect it to show itself would be inside ourselves as an influence or a command trying to get us to behave in a certain way. And that is just what we do find inside ourselves. Surely this ought to arouse our suspicions?" C.S. Lewis
This shit is almost as convoluted as your stuff, is this where you get your ideas from?
No. You haven't been looking at all.
So where should I be looking?
Try looking inside yourself.
Where should I cut first?
There's no need to cut at all.

"...The position of the question, then, is like this. We want to know whether the universe simply happens to be what it is for no reason or whether there is a power behind it that makes it what it is. Since that power, if it exists, would be not one of the observed facts but a reality which makes them, no mere observation of the facts can find it. There is only one case in which we can know whether there is anything more, namely our own case. And in that one case we find there is. Or put it the other way round. If there was a controlling power outside the universe, it could not show itself to us as one of the facts inside the universe—no more than the architect of a house could actually be a wall or staircase or fireplace in that house. The only way in which we could expect it to show itself would be inside ourselves as an influence or a command trying to get us to behave in a certain way. And that is just what we do find inside ourselves. Surely this ought to arouse our suspicions?" C.S. Lewis
This shit is almost as convoluted as your stuff, is this where you get your ideas from?
No matter how hard you try, you can't escape the moral law inside you.
Before I existed, I simply did not. Now I do, a day of my death is coming. Its the cycle of life as we know it, and I know its things about this I do not know. If I cannot exist 5,000 years ago, I see no reason I cannot exist again 5,000 years from now; and God eludes to that happening to us.
It makes me think of when the catepillar turns into a butterfly. Before that change takes place, it probably has no idea of what is coming later and the concept or perception of itself or anything else flying would be impossible.

how would they not know what they were turning into ... their physiology is changing to conform to their preordained command. metamorphosis is a microcosm to understanding not only evolution but the metaphysical nature of life's beginning and its physical relationship.
I was just browsing recently and came across this interesting article I had never seen;

Why we are born to believe in God: It's wired into the brain, says psychologist | Daily Mail Online

I found it quite stimulating , it caused some thoughts. Did I believe in God, before I started believing in him? Was the perception of him just already there? The author made some interesting suggestions that seemed to match my personal experience in my life. I was aware of the other ways of influence of actually how one can " Learn about God", from parents, educational venues, peers and just naturally growing on in your life experiences with learning. But actually being born with belief patterns already there, I had not given much thought to it before.

The thought does cross a few biblical concepts, such as " Predestination" , and our destiny is a subject the bible certainly mentions. Its like " Presuppose", or to believe or suppose " In Advance." Interesting, almost like presuming before any evidence is involved. Its always better to go after evidence first, but between the ages of lets say 5 to 10 years old, who actually does that? I mean were just children, we don't know how to collect evidence just that well yet; and the evidence is not so clear on the topic to all any way.

We can then say the first humans who perceived there may be a God, that perception may have just already been " In them." And it just started coming out.

Being " Born that way", covers more than belief in God , there are many things we can accept that we were most likely born with. Its been proven some are born gay , or some with more emotional content in one area of their make up than another. Some seem born with much more talent in areas, or just something seems to have already been there.

I tell you, learning is just interesting.

Potentially it's like why women want to have kids and why men want war. There's something inside of us that doesn't quite make much sense.

Perhaps believing in God or gods was designed as a social function to make it easier for us to get along, by putting some kind of irrational fear into our brains.
I was just browsing recently and came across this interesting article I had never seen;

Why we are born to believe in God: It's wired into the brain, says psychologist | Daily Mail Online

I found it quite stimulating , it caused some thoughts. Did I believe in God, before I started believing in him? Was the perception of him just already there? The author made some interesting suggestions that seemed to match my personal experience in my life. I was aware of the other ways of influence of actually how one can " Learn about God", from parents, educational venues, peers and just naturally growing on in your life experiences with learning. But actually being born with belief patterns already there, I had not given much thought to it before.

The thought does cross a few biblical concepts, such as " Predestination" , and our destiny is a subject the bible certainly mentions. Its like " Presuppose", or to believe or suppose " In Advance." Interesting, almost like presuming before any evidence is involved. Its always better to go after evidence first, but between the ages of lets say 5 to 10 years old, who actually does that? I mean were just children, we don't know how to collect evidence just that well yet; and the evidence is not so clear on the topic to all any way.

We can then say the first humans who perceived there may be a God, that perception may have just already been " In them." And it just started coming out.

Being " Born that way", covers more than belief in God , there are many things we can accept that we were most likely born with. Its been proven some are born gay , or some with more emotional content in one area of their make up than another. Some seem born with much more talent in areas, or just something seems to have already been there.

I tell you, learning is just interesting.

Potentially it's like why women want to have kids and why men want war. There's something inside of us that doesn't quite make much sense.

Perhaps believing in God or gods was designed as a social function to make it easier for us to get along, by putting some kind of irrational fear into our brains.

Which is why its not hard for me to believe we have preconceived notions in life.
I was just browsing recently and came across this interesting article I had never seen;

Why we are born to believe in God: It's wired into the brain, says psychologist | Daily Mail Online

I found it quite stimulating , it caused some thoughts. Did I believe in God, before I started believing in him? Was the perception of him just already there? The author made some interesting suggestions that seemed to match my personal experience in my life. I was aware of the other ways of influence of actually how one can " Learn about God", from parents, educational venues, peers and just naturally growing on in your life experiences with learning. But actually being born with belief patterns already there, I had not given much thought to it before.

The thought does cross a few biblical concepts, such as " Predestination" , and our destiny is a subject the bible certainly mentions. Its like " Presuppose", or to believe or suppose " In Advance." Interesting, almost like presuming before any evidence is involved. Its always better to go after evidence first, but between the ages of lets say 5 to 10 years old, who actually does that? I mean were just children, we don't know how to collect evidence just that well yet; and the evidence is not so clear on the topic to all any way.

We can then say the first humans who perceived there may be a God, that perception may have just already been " In them." And it just started coming out.

Being " Born that way", covers more than belief in God , there are many things we can accept that we were most likely born with. Its been proven some are born gay , or some with more emotional content in one area of their make up than another. Some seem born with much more talent in areas, or just something seems to have already been there.

I tell you, learning is just interesting.

Potentially it's like why women want to have kids and why men want war. There's something inside of us that doesn't quite make much sense.

Perhaps believing in God or gods was designed as a social function to make it easier for us to get along, by putting some kind of irrational fear into our brains.

Which is why its not hard for me to believe we have preconceived notions in life.

Yes, the biggest problem is getting beyond these and figuring out the reality.
I was just browsing recently and came across this interesting article I had never seen;

Why we are born to believe in God: It's wired into the brain, says psychologist | Daily Mail Online

I found it quite stimulating , it caused some thoughts. Did I believe in God, before I started believing in him? Was the perception of him just already there? The author made some interesting suggestions that seemed to match my personal experience in my life. I was aware of the other ways of influence of actually how one can " Learn about God", from parents, educational venues, peers and just naturally growing on in your life experiences with learning. But actually being born with belief patterns already there, I had not given much thought to it before.

The thought does cross a few biblical concepts, such as " Predestination" , and our destiny is a subject the bible certainly mentions. Its like " Presuppose", or to believe or suppose " In Advance." Interesting, almost like presuming before any evidence is involved. Its always better to go after evidence first, but between the ages of lets say 5 to 10 years old, who actually does that? I mean were just children, we don't know how to collect evidence just that well yet; and the evidence is not so clear on the topic to all any way.

We can then say the first humans who perceived there may be a God, that perception may have just already been " In them." And it just started coming out.

Being " Born that way", covers more than belief in God , there are many things we can accept that we were most likely born with. Its been proven some are born gay , or some with more emotional content in one area of their make up than another. Some seem born with much more talent in areas, or just something seems to have already been there.

I tell you, learning is just interesting.

Potentially it's like why women want to have kids and why men want war. There's something inside of us that doesn't quite make much sense.

Perhaps believing in God or gods was designed as a social function to make it easier for us to get along, by putting some kind of irrational fear into our brains.
You think that makes sense, do you? From a natural selection point of view can you explain how an irrational fear aids in functional advantage.

Because I can show you - scientifically no less - how the behaviors taught by religion provide a functional advantage.
But religious people are irrational, right frigidweirdo?

What else would you call people who believe that they will receive eternal life from God by eating a lifeless piece of bread made by human hands, which happens to be the exact practice that scripture openly teaches results in death?


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