The Bravery in WWII, Cowardice After...

"Why is it that people like you, when shown the truth, refuse to accept it? What is it about you that makes you incapable of thinking and understanding?"

That was the question asked by a conservative member of one of our Liberals.

Actually...I don't believe that "thinking and understanding" is the problem....or at least, not the entire problem.

Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Many of liberals' peculiarities are understandable when one realizes that they are a mob, a herd, and going counter to the direction of the herd could be dangerous to one's feeling of well-being.

In short....many Liberals are afraid. They have seen what is in store for those who break away.

A cautionary tale follows.

1. Except among the ignorant, the uneducated, the historically and culturally brain-dead, there is no disputing a) that the Roosevelt administration was infiltrated and directed by communists paid by Stalin, b) Senator McCarthy was absolutely correct in his assertions, and no innocents were injured by his efforts...none, and c) either due to war-weariness, i.e., it was easier to pretend that there were no enemies than to actually fight 'em, or because revealing treachery would actually indict many of their own parties, both Democrats and Republicans worked to still the anti-communist voices.

2. First there was Representative Martin Dies, the House Democrat from Texas, who, in 1938, founded the House Committee on Un-American Activities, often called the Dies Committee.
"Before Joe McCarthy there was Martin Dies. Virtually everything that would later be said about Joe McCarthy was said first of Martin Dies, that he was conducting 'witch hunts,' smearing innocent victims, using the Communist issue to advance his own malign agenda, spreading hysteria about a nonexistent was the same routine from start to finish."
M. Stanton Evans, "Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies," p. 49.

a. Should any doubt Evans, note that two years before McCarthy's Wheeling, West Virginia speech in 1950, both Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley had spilled the beans in front of HUAC....and both had been talking to the FBI from 1945.
[ Elizabeth Bentley deposition, 30 November 1945, FBI file 65-14603 ]

3.As the victor, shouldn't this culture have had the confidence to call out the evil, the treacherous? Shouldn't we have been proud of our values, and made it clear that that was what served us and got us through the darkest times? Unfortunately, we were magnanimous, and offered our hand to our erstwhile enemies, and the 'friends' who stabbed us in the back, i.e., the Soviets.

a. Not to be mentioned were blood purge, invasion, show trial assassination, atomic espionage, subversion, deception, treason, Gulags, 'reeducation camp,' genocide,....

4. In fact, the effort extended so far that the mention of the iniquities resulted in more vituperation than the iniquities themselves! The anti-communists received more abuse than the communists!!

a. Whittaker Chambers was attacked by the Liberals more than the spy, Alger Hiss, he had exposed. "I had been warned repeatedly that the brunt of official wrath was directed, not against Alger Hiss as a danger, but against me for venturing to testify to the danger."
Chambers, "Witness," p. 707. Truman dismissed the case against Hiss as a "red herring."

b. FDR himself tried to shut down Rep. Martin Dies investigation into Communist conspiracy.
"Martin Dies Story," Dies, p. 77-83.

c. As President, Eisenhower tried to shut down McCarthy's investigations.
"American Betrayal," West, p. 63.

d. Under President Reagan there was more outrage over his phrase 'evil empire' than there was over the evil of the empire itself.

5. Robert E. Stripling, the Chief Investigator for the Un-American Activities Committee, wrote:
"I want to tell in detail the price that men must pay for the dubious privilege of being reviled in print and on the air" for their labors in "what amounts to a necessary sewer project" of Communist investigations. He goes on to outline "the scope of the Communist conspiracy against the government and people of the United States" although "to do so is to invite the charge of Fascist, Red-baiter, witch-hunter, smear-artist. To fail to do so is to capitulate to a resourceful enemy who can endure any counter-attack except exposure."
Stripling, "Red Plot," p. 23,13.

So, who can blame the lily-livered, spineless, weak-kneed, gutless, pusillanimous Caspar Milquetoasts???

"....shown the truth, refuse to accept it..."

Clucking Chicken - YouTube

A good post PC but Gustave was the second to bring up mass psychology, the first "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was published in 1841 and was written by the Scottish journalist (back when they actually did real journalism) Charles Mackay, which exposed mass psychosis for the first time.

Excellent scholarship! predates Le Bon.
But Le Bon is more pertinent here, in politics, and Mackay more in economics, or investment and crowd theory.
According to Amazon, his examples deal more with scams and deceptions....True?
"...but to refuse to believe that nobody was victimized is just naive."

You've been sold a bill of goods, and bought it like it was on sale.

This is very simple: to validate your statement....find any innocent individual who was not a communist supporter or party member, ruined or jailed or punished or incriminated by Senator McCarthy.

I believe you are fair-minded enough to reconsider your view if and when you are unable to find such an innocent.

No, my dear, that's what you have done. I already provided you with a few above. So, clearly, you feel that they deserved what they got, and that every single one of them was part of a force of Soviet shadow agents. Mr. Radosh's assessment appears perfectly fitting IMHO. The sooner you accept that innocent casualties occur in war the sooner you can have a mature discussion about the McCarthy era. didn't give any.

Did you not understand this:
This is very simple: to validate your statement....find any innocent individual who was not a communist supporter or party member, ruined or jailed or punished or incriminated by Senator McCarthy.

This is the problem when folks, you, post about subjects about which you know almost nothing.

"In fact, most of what people ordinarily mean when they talk about the "red scare" — the House Un-American Activities Committee; anti-Communist probes into Hollywood, labor unions, and America's schools and universities; the Rosenberg trial; blacklisting in the media and schoolteachers fired for disloyalty — had nothing to do with McCarthy and he had nothing to do with them (although when asked, he generally approved of them, as most other Americans did). McCarthy's own committee in the Senate, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which he chaired for less than two years, had a specific duty to investigate communism in the federal government and among government employees."
Joseph McCarthy
Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator
Joseph McCarthy

Since you are unable to find any such names, as were in question.....are you about to change your view of the American hero, Joseph McCarthy?

Or...would you care to try again?

The individuals named were part of the collateral damage of a fight generated by Joseph McCarthy and those in support of his agenda. I thought that point was clear enough, but if not, let it be clear now. Joseph McCarthy's aims and concerns were warranted, just as Mr Rodash's critique of West's work acknowledges with perfect clarity. You appear unwilling to accept the innocent casualties that result from any war or political fight.

I like you PC, and we even share a principle or two, but you do not respond well to criticism. Mr Rodash's critique, as well as his attempts to discuss them with Ms. West directly, indicate that she does not either. I am not denying the seriousness of the Soviet threat during and after WWII. Nor am I denying that any source she has provided is misquoted or incorrect. What I am questioning, albeit channeled somewhat through Mr. Rodash and to which I admit freely, are some of her assertions. Why would you get so defensive over such a thing?

McCarthy On Steroids | FrontPage Magazine
No, my dear, that's what you have done. I already provided you with a few above. So, clearly, you feel that they deserved what they got, and that every single one of them was part of a force of Soviet shadow agents. Mr. Radosh's assessment appears perfectly fitting IMHO. The sooner you accept that innocent casualties occur in war the sooner you can have a mature discussion about the McCarthy era. didn't give any.

Did you not understand this:
This is very simple: to validate your statement....find any innocent individual who was not a communist supporter or party member, ruined or jailed or punished or incriminated by Senator McCarthy.

This is the problem when folks, you, post about subjects about which you know almost nothing.

"In fact, most of what people ordinarily mean when they talk about the "red scare" — the House Un-American Activities Committee; anti-Communist probes into Hollywood, labor unions, and America's schools and universities; the Rosenberg trial; blacklisting in the media and schoolteachers fired for disloyalty — had nothing to do with McCarthy and he had nothing to do with them (although when asked, he generally approved of them, as most other Americans did). McCarthy's own committee in the Senate, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which he chaired for less than two years, had a specific duty to investigate communism in the federal government and among government employees."
Joseph McCarthy
Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator
Joseph McCarthy

Since you are unable to find any such names, as were in question.....are you about to change your view of the American hero, Joseph McCarthy?

Or...would you care to try again?

The individuals named were part of the collateral damage of a fight generated by Joseph McCarthy and those in support of his agenda. I thought that point was clear enough, but if not, let it be clear now. Joseph McCarthy's aims and concerns were warranted, just as Mr Rodash's critique of West's work acknowledges with perfect clarity. You appear unwilling to accept the innocent casualties that result from any war or political fight.

I like you PC, and we even share a principle or two, but you do not respond well to criticism. Mr Rodash's critique, as well as his attempts to discuss them with Ms. West directly, indicate that she does not either. I am not denying the seriousness of the Soviet threat during and after WWII. Nor am I denying that any source she has provided is misquoted or incorrect. What I am questioning, albeit channeled somewhat through Mr. Rodash and to which I admit freely, are some of her assertions. Why would you get so defensive over such a thing?

McCarthy On Steroids | FrontPage Magazine

"The individuals named were part of the collateral damage of a fight generated by Joseph McCarthy and those in support of his agenda."

No they weren't.

Take Jules Dassin.

"Both directors established themselves in the cinema on the strength of early, distinguished theatrical work in New York; both rapidly mastered the generic codes and conventions of semi-documentary film noir; both were radical left-wingers, forced to quit the United States after becoming entangled with Joseph McCarthy's House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC); and both, resettling in Europe, almost immediately fell victim to the perilous intoxications of "self-expression".
Jules Dassin: Maker of gritty thrillers forced into exile by the Hollywood blacklist - Obituaries - News - The Independent

You appear clueless.
What do you think "radical left-wing" means?

Dassin was a supporter of Stalin, of purges, of the philosophy that slaughtered over 100 million human being.

When anti-communism took its toll in Hollywood, the blacklisting took the “deadly” form of not having ones name in the credits, or living in Paris, or not being able to sell a teleplay for as much as three years. This for folks who had no problem with Ukrainian farmers and their children eating their shoes.

How about an example of the 'suffering' that these individuals had to go through:

From “blacklist survivor” Norma Barzman about her ‘exile’ in Paris:
“We had dinner with Picasso every Tuesday night when we were at our country house in Provence. It was hard, but it was the time of my life.” (Dennis Hamilton, “Keeper of the Flame: A Blacklist Survivor,” Los Angeles Times, October 3, 2000)

The horror, the horror!
“Ten Hollywood scribblers who subscribed to an ideology responsible for murder by the millions refused to admit their membership in the Communist Party to a House Committee. All they had to do was ‘fess up. But they felt they had the right not to tell the truth, so they were briefly jailed for contempt.” (Ann Coulter, “Treason,” p.77)

BTW, when the ‘Ten’ claimed a First Amendment right not to answer the House’s questions, the Supreme Court refused to even hear the case. (THE SUPREME COURT: The Hollywood Ten - TIME)

Next thing, you'll believe Nidal Hasan is a political prisoner.

Now, as far as "...but you do not respond well to criticism."

You mean unwarranted criticism.

I sure don't.

You folks who have swallowed the Left's propaganda...e.g., "Fifty years of liberal propaganda people to thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11." (Coulter)-
- are offended when those of us who know the truth, present it.

I'm supposed to stick out my lower lip, bow my head, and say....'you must be right...'

But, you're not.

And I'll continue to let you know when you're not.

Aside from that, we're still buds.
"Why is it that people like you, when shown the truth, refuse to accept it? What is it about you that makes you incapable of thinking and understanding?"

That was the question asked by a conservative member of one of our Liberals.

Actually...I don't believe that "thinking and understanding" is the problem....or at least, not the entire problem.

Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Many of liberals' peculiarities are understandable when one realizes that they are a mob, a herd, and going counter to the direction of the herd could be dangerous to one's feeling of well-being.

In short....many Liberals are afraid. They have seen what is in store for those who break away.

A cautionary tale follows.

1. Except among the ignorant, the uneducated, the historically and culturally brain-dead, there is no disputing a) that the Roosevelt administration was infiltrated and directed by communists paid by Stalin, b) Senator McCarthy was absolutely correct in his assertions, and no innocents were injured by his efforts...none, and c) either due to war-weariness, i.e., it was easier to pretend that there were no enemies than to actually fight 'em, or because revealing treachery would actually indict many of their own parties, both Democrats and Republicans worked to still the anti-communist voices.

2. First there was Representative Martin Dies, the House Democrat from Texas, who, in 1938, founded the House Committee on Un-American Activities, often called the Dies Committee.
"Before Joe McCarthy there was Martin Dies. Virtually everything that would later be said about Joe McCarthy was said first of Martin Dies, that he was conducting 'witch hunts,' smearing innocent victims, using the Communist issue to advance his own malign agenda, spreading hysteria about a nonexistent was the same routine from start to finish."
M. Stanton Evans, "Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies," p. 49.

a. Should any doubt Evans, note that two years before McCarthy's Wheeling, West Virginia speech in 1950, both Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley had spilled the beans in front of HUAC....and both had been talking to the FBI from 1945.
[ Elizabeth Bentley deposition, 30 November 1945, FBI file 65-14603 ]

3.As the victor, shouldn't this culture have had the confidence to call out the evil, the treacherous? Shouldn't we have been proud of our values, and made it clear that that was what served us and got us through the darkest times? Unfortunately, we were magnanimous, and offered our hand to our erstwhile enemies, and the 'friends' who stabbed us in the back, i.e., the Soviets.

a. Not to be mentioned were blood purge, invasion, show trial assassination, atomic espionage, subversion, deception, treason, Gulags, 'reeducation camp,' genocide,....

4. In fact, the effort extended so far that the mention of the iniquities resulted in more vituperation than the iniquities themselves! The anti-communists received more abuse than the communists!!

a. Whittaker Chambers was attacked by the Liberals more than the spy, Alger Hiss, he had exposed. "I had been warned repeatedly that the brunt of official wrath was directed, not against Alger Hiss as a danger, but against me for venturing to testify to the danger."
Chambers, "Witness," p. 707. Truman dismissed the case against Hiss as a "red herring."

b. FDR himself tried to shut down Rep. Martin Dies investigation into Communist conspiracy.
"Martin Dies Story," Dies, p. 77-83.

c. As President, Eisenhower tried to shut down McCarthy's investigations.
"American Betrayal," West, p. 63.

d. Under President Reagan there was more outrage over his phrase 'evil empire' than there was over the evil of the empire itself.

5. Robert E. Stripling, the Chief Investigator for the Un-American Activities Committee, wrote:
"I want to tell in detail the price that men must pay for the dubious privilege of being reviled in print and on the air" for their labors in "what amounts to a necessary sewer project" of Communist investigations. He goes on to outline "the scope of the Communist conspiracy against the government and people of the United States" although "to do so is to invite the charge of Fascist, Red-baiter, witch-hunter, smear-artist. To fail to do so is to capitulate to a resourceful enemy who can endure any counter-attack except exposure."
Stripling, "Red Plot," p. 23,13.

So, who can blame the lily-livered, spineless, weak-kneed, gutless, pusillanimous Caspar Milquetoasts???

"....shown the truth, refuse to accept it..."

Clucking Chicken - YouTube

A good post PC but Gustave was the second to bring up mass psychology, the first "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was published in 1841 and was written by the Scottish journalist (back when they actually did real journalism) Charles Mackay, which exposed mass psychosis for the first time.

Excellent scholarship! predates Le Bon.
But Le Bon is more pertinent here, in politics, and Mackay more in economics, or investment and crowd theory.
According to Amazon, his examples deal more with scams and deceptions....True?

It's been 35 years since I read it and the thing that sticks most in my mind is the tulip craze in Holland. He showed how the craze built upon itself until vast sums were being paid for tulip bulbs until finally, someone asked why? When that question was asked the whole thing collapsed. Kind of like what we saw with the beanie baby craze etc.

Not so much a scam but how people will prey on those taken up in the craze. He basically showed how the "greater fool" theory applies to the real world and gave examples of it in action.
If Obama looking get Imunity for Bush isn't an eye opener and a giant awakening for the American people well then it's over.
Obama DOJ Asks Court to Grant Immunity to George W. Bush For Iraq War | Global Research
In court papers filed today (PDF), the United States Department of Justice requested that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz be granted procedural immunity in a case alleging that they planned and waged the Iraq War in violation of international law.
Hard to believe the USSR had spies, and in America. Are we supposed to believe that nations do not spy on one another? Spying is probably as old as war if not older. Yep, the USSR had spies in America and probably Britain and probably in every nation of note. And did America not have spies in the USSR, and Britain and every nation of note? And the practice if spying still continues. And with the spying go the stories, the tales and the Bond movies.
The bottom line is the Allies won the war, the USSR is gone, and America and Britain are still here. Someone did things right and someone did things wrong.
It would be interesting to see the real dossiers and stories on McCarthy by the CIA and other American spy organizations, in any case I doubt if McCarthy screwed up any real covers.
McCarthy's greatest contribution and biggest claim to fame was his killing all those coconuts on New Guinea.
To review the point of the OP....there were brave men who put their careers and lives on the line for America....and they include

Martin Dies

Whittaker Chambers

Robert Stripling

and...yes, Joseph McCarthy

There were this space for future developments.
To review the point of the OP....there were brave men who put their careers and lives on the line for America....and they include

Martin Dies

Whittaker Chambers

Robert Stripling

and...yes, Joseph McCarthy

There were this space for future developments.

Yep, your heroes especially McCarthy are already replacing our old heroes. McCarthy will go down in the history books along side of Washington, Jefferson, FDR, and Audie Murphy. When I think of the palm trees McCarthy shot down as tail gunner Joe it still brings a tear to me eye.
But McCarthy's real greatness lies not in shooting palm trees, but in his bravery for exposing the US Army. When his former aide didn't get a cushy job did McCarthy hang back, finger in nose, absolutely not, he accused the army of having communist leanings. What an American.
To review the point of the OP....there were brave men who put their careers and lives on the line for America....and they include

Martin Dies

Whittaker Chambers

Robert Stripling

and...yes, Joseph McCarthy

There were this space for future developments.

Yep, your heroes especially McCarthy are already replacing our old heroes. McCarthy will go down in the history books along side of Washington, Jefferson, FDR, and Audie Murphy. When I think of the palm trees McCarthy shot down as tail gunner Joe it still brings a tear to me eye.
But McCarthy's real greatness lies not in shooting palm trees, but in his bravery for exposing the US Army. When his former aide didn't get a cushy job did McCarthy hang back, finger in nose, absolutely not, he accused the army of having communist leanings. What an American.

"... he accused the army of having communist leanings. What an American."

I'm beginning to believe you are not only brain-washed, and uneducated...but an idiot as well.

You're certainly lazy enough to be a 'reliable Democrat voter' I'm certain you haven't any research behind your post.

Here's some:

1. McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists, he was simply demanding of the liberal establishment: Why were they sheltering traitors? It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making when he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy in a key position at the IMF…

For decades, people who should not have been allowed anywhere a government job were strolling into sensitive positions with the US government. For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.
Coulter, "Treason"

2. Even after the scandal of the Rosenberg cell emerging from the Army, the Army was still employing security risks. Beginning in early 1953, of a whole year, Army intelligence issued urgent warnings about Captain Irving Peress, reports stating that Peress was an active member of the Communist Party, that he was “very disloyal and untrustworthy.”
Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarty: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 248

He was thought to be organizing a Communist cell on the Army base. His company commander wanted him dismissed on grounds of national security.
David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense, p. 366-367

Instead the Army promoted him to Major! McCarty exposed the Army’s stupidity in dealing with Peress. The result? Honorable discharge. And McCarty was attacked by Vermont Republican Senator Flanders, stating the Peress was merely “a pink dentist in New Jersey.”

Somehow, folks like you blame Senator McCarty for your ignorance.
That's the real pathos.

Sad to represent far too many 'real Americans' today: ignorant, easily led, lazy, content to accept the propaganda.
To review the point of the OP....there were brave men who put their careers and lives on the line for America....and they include

Martin Dies

Whittaker Chambers

Robert Stripling

and...yes, Joseph McCarthy

There were this space for future developments.

Yep, your heroes especially McCarthy are already replacing our old heroes. McCarthy will go down in the history books along side of Washington, Jefferson, FDR, and Audie Murphy. When I think of the palm trees McCarthy shot down as tail gunner Joe it still brings a tear to me eye.
But McCarthy's real greatness lies not in shooting palm trees, but in his bravery for exposing the US Army. When his former aide didn't get a cushy job did McCarthy hang back, finger in nose, absolutely not, he accused the army of having communist leanings. What an American.

"... he accused the army of having communist leanings. What an American."

I'm beginning to believe you are not only brain-washed, and uneducated...but an idiot as well.

You're certainly lazy enough to be a 'reliable Democrat voter' I'm certain you haven't any research behind your post.

Here's some:

1. McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists, he was simply demanding of the liberal establishment: Why were they sheltering traitors? It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making when he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy in a key position at the IMF…

For decades, people who should not have been allowed anywhere a government job were strolling into sensitive positions with the US government. For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.
Coulter, "Treason"

2. Even after the scandal of the Rosenberg cell emerging from the Army, the Army was still employing security risks. Beginning in early 1953, of a whole year, Army intelligence issued urgent warnings about Captain Irving Peress, reports stating that Peress was an active member of the Communist Party, that he was “very disloyal and untrustworthy.”
Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarty: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 248

He was thought to be organizing a Communist cell on the Army base. His company commander wanted him dismissed on grounds of national security.
David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense, p. 366-367

Instead the Army promoted him to Major! McCarty exposed the Army’s stupidity in dealing with Peress. The result? Honorable discharge. And McCarty was attacked by Vermont Republican Senator Flanders, stating the Peress was merely “a pink dentist in New Jersey.”

Somehow, folks like you blame Senator McCarty for your ignorance.
That's the real pathos.

Sad to represent far too many 'real Americans' today: ignorant, easily led, lazy, content to accept the propaganda.

Sad to represent far too many 'real Americans' today: ignorant, easily led, lazy, content to accept the propaganda.

That is an understatement. Far too many Americans are ignorant and far too many refuse to accept the truth, when it is presented to them. McCarthy is a perfect example. It is clear that he was a real American patriot. Clear that those he exposed were REALLY communist spies. And yet, even today, we still have millions of Americans believing he was a lying evil man. How can this be?

I suspect this inability to accept the truth is yet another harmful consequence of liberalism/leftism. For it to survive, it needs people incapable of understanding and reasoning. As such, the people have been brainwashed and dumbed down in the government schools, by the media, by Hollywood, etc. They have been told the lies so often, they have accepted them. Apparently nothing will move them out of ignorance.
Yep, your heroes especially McCarthy are already replacing our old heroes. McCarthy will go down in the history books along side of Washington, Jefferson, FDR, and Audie Murphy. When I think of the palm trees McCarthy shot down as tail gunner Joe it still brings a tear to me eye.
But McCarthy's real greatness lies not in shooting palm trees, but in his bravery for exposing the US Army. When his former aide didn't get a cushy job did McCarthy hang back, finger in nose, absolutely not, he accused the army of having communist leanings. What an American.

"... he accused the army of having communist leanings. What an American."

I'm beginning to believe you are not only brain-washed, and uneducated...but an idiot as well.

You're certainly lazy enough to be a 'reliable Democrat voter' I'm certain you haven't any research behind your post.

Here's some:

1. McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists, he was simply demanding of the liberal establishment: Why were they sheltering traitors? It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making when he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy in a key position at the IMF…

For decades, people who should not have been allowed anywhere a government job were strolling into sensitive positions with the US government. For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.
Coulter, "Treason"

2. Even after the scandal of the Rosenberg cell emerging from the Army, the Army was still employing security risks. Beginning in early 1953, of a whole year, Army intelligence issued urgent warnings about Captain Irving Peress, reports stating that Peress was an active member of the Communist Party, that he was “very disloyal and untrustworthy.”
Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarty: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 248

He was thought to be organizing a Communist cell on the Army base. His company commander wanted him dismissed on grounds of national security.
David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense, p. 366-367

Instead the Army promoted him to Major! McCarty exposed the Army’s stupidity in dealing with Peress. The result? Honorable discharge. And McCarty was attacked by Vermont Republican Senator Flanders, stating the Peress was merely “a pink dentist in New Jersey.”

Somehow, folks like you blame Senator McCarty for your ignorance.
That's the real pathos.

Sad to represent far too many 'real Americans' today: ignorant, easily led, lazy, content to accept the propaganda.

Sad to represent far too many 'real Americans' today: ignorant, easily led, lazy, content to accept the propaganda.

That is an understatement. Far too many Americans are ignorant and far too many refuse to accept the truth, when it is presented to them. McCarthy is a perfect example. It is clear that he was a real American patriot. Clear that those he exposed were REALLY communist spies. And yet, even today, we still have millions of Americans believing he was a lying evil man. How can this be?

I suspect this inability to accept the truth is yet another harmful consequence of liberalism/leftism. For it to survive, it needs people incapable of understanding and reasoning. As such, the people have been brainwashed and dumbed down in the government schools, by the media, by Hollywood, etc. They have been told the lies so often, they have accepted them. Apparently nothing will move them out of ignorance.

McCarthy did one thing, he used the fear of the American people to help them lose some good judgement. Fear has long been a staple of politics, much more powerful than reason, and is still used effectively today. Read the titles of these posts and see how many posters are using the fear thing. Death panels indeed.
McCarthy frightened an entire nation, a nation that was already frightened and needed not more fear, but reason. It was the Elm Street scenario, the Relocation centers all over again. To the everlasting credit of the Senate, and the army-trial, some of the fear stopped. The nation took stock and realized what they were doing. If McCarthy was a hero it was in the exposing of what he was doing and giving a name to the use of fear, McCarthyism.
"... he accused the army of having communist leanings. What an American."

I'm beginning to believe you are not only brain-washed, and uneducated...but an idiot as well.

You're certainly lazy enough to be a 'reliable Democrat voter' I'm certain you haven't any research behind your post.

Here's some:

1. McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists, he was simply demanding of the liberal establishment: Why were they sheltering traitors? It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making when he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy in a key position at the IMF…

For decades, people who should not have been allowed anywhere a government job were strolling into sensitive positions with the US government. For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.
Coulter, "Treason"

2. Even after the scandal of the Rosenberg cell emerging from the Army, the Army was still employing security risks. Beginning in early 1953, of a whole year, Army intelligence issued urgent warnings about Captain Irving Peress, reports stating that Peress was an active member of the Communist Party, that he was “very disloyal and untrustworthy.”
Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarty: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 248

He was thought to be organizing a Communist cell on the Army base. His company commander wanted him dismissed on grounds of national security.
David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense, p. 366-367

Instead the Army promoted him to Major! McCarty exposed the Army’s stupidity in dealing with Peress. The result? Honorable discharge. And McCarty was attacked by Vermont Republican Senator Flanders, stating the Peress was merely “a pink dentist in New Jersey.”

Somehow, folks like you blame Senator McCarty for your ignorance.
That's the real pathos.

Sad to represent far too many 'real Americans' today: ignorant, easily led, lazy, content to accept the propaganda.

Sad to represent far too many 'real Americans' today: ignorant, easily led, lazy, content to accept the propaganda.

That is an understatement. Far too many Americans are ignorant and far too many refuse to accept the truth, when it is presented to them. McCarthy is a perfect example. It is clear that he was a real American patriot. Clear that those he exposed were REALLY communist spies. And yet, even today, we still have millions of Americans believing he was a lying evil man. How can this be?

I suspect this inability to accept the truth is yet another harmful consequence of liberalism/leftism. For it to survive, it needs people incapable of understanding and reasoning. As such, the people have been brainwashed and dumbed down in the government schools, by the media, by Hollywood, etc. They have been told the lies so often, they have accepted them. Apparently nothing will move them out of ignorance.

McCarthy did one thing, he used the fear of the American people to help them lose some good judgement. Fear has long been a staple of politics, much more powerful than reason, and is still used effectively today. Read the titles of these posts and see how many posters are using the fear thing. Death panels indeed.
McCarthy frightened an entire nation, a nation that was already frightened and needed not more fear, but reason. It was the Elm Street scenario, the Relocation centers all over again. To the everlasting credit of the Senate, and the army-trial, some of the fear stopped. The nation took stock and realized what they were doing. If McCarthy was a hero it was in the exposing of what he was doing and giving a name to the use of fear, McCarthyism.

The Left invented the term McCarthyism and did so to smear McCarthy and hid the true nature of their treason...and you bought their propaganda hook, line, and sinker.

It is ironic and hypocritical how lefties cry crocodile tears for the commie traitors JM exposed, but have no concern for the fraudulent and slanderous treatment the left posited on JM.

Fear you say...but was he right? If one informs you of a perilous situation, do you resort to attacking him because he told you of the danger, or do you recognize the danger and do something about it?

TIP: You need to be able to think rationally and logically to answer the question.
"... he accused the army of having communist leanings. What an American."

I'm beginning to believe you are not only brain-washed, and uneducated...but an idiot as well.

You're certainly lazy enough to be a 'reliable Democrat voter' I'm certain you haven't any research behind your post.

Here's some:

1. McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists, he was simply demanding of the liberal establishment: Why were they sheltering traitors? It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making when he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy in a key position at the IMF…

For decades, people who should not have been allowed anywhere a government job were strolling into sensitive positions with the US government. For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.
Coulter, "Treason"

2. Even after the scandal of the Rosenberg cell emerging from the Army, the Army was still employing security risks. Beginning in early 1953, of a whole year, Army intelligence issued urgent warnings about Captain Irving Peress, reports stating that Peress was an active member of the Communist Party, that he was “very disloyal and untrustworthy.”
Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarty: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 248

He was thought to be organizing a Communist cell on the Army base. His company commander wanted him dismissed on grounds of national security.
David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense, p. 366-367

Instead the Army promoted him to Major! McCarty exposed the Army’s stupidity in dealing with Peress. The result? Honorable discharge. And McCarty was attacked by Vermont Republican Senator Flanders, stating the Peress was merely “a pink dentist in New Jersey.”

Somehow, folks like you blame Senator McCarty for your ignorance.
That's the real pathos.

Sad to represent far too many 'real Americans' today: ignorant, easily led, lazy, content to accept the propaganda.

Sad to represent far too many 'real Americans' today: ignorant, easily led, lazy, content to accept the propaganda.

That is an understatement. Far too many Americans are ignorant and far too many refuse to accept the truth, when it is presented to them. McCarthy is a perfect example. It is clear that he was a real American patriot. Clear that those he exposed were REALLY communist spies. And yet, even today, we still have millions of Americans believing he was a lying evil man. How can this be?

I suspect this inability to accept the truth is yet another harmful consequence of liberalism/leftism. For it to survive, it needs people incapable of understanding and reasoning. As such, the people have been brainwashed and dumbed down in the government schools, by the media, by Hollywood, etc. They have been told the lies so often, they have accepted them. Apparently nothing will move them out of ignorance.

McCarthy did one thing, he used the fear of the American people to help them lose some good judgement. Fear has long been a staple of politics, much more powerful than reason, and is still used effectively today. Read the titles of these posts and see how many posters are using the fear thing. Death panels indeed.
McCarthy frightened an entire nation, a nation that was already frightened and needed not more fear, but reason. It was the Elm Street scenario, the Relocation centers all over again. To the everlasting credit of the Senate, and the army-trial, some of the fear stopped. The nation took stock and realized what they were doing. If McCarthy was a hero it was in the exposing of what he was doing and giving a name to the use of fear, McCarthyism.

"... he used the fear of the American people to help them lose some good judgement."

I'll make an OP explaining how the press/propaganda produced folks like you.... that time, lots of Americans caught on....and McCarthy was more popular than the pro-Soviets.

"During the 1950s, the Gallup Organization responded to new issues and personalities as they related to the ongoing superpower struggle. Joseph McCarthy entered the public opinion polls for the first time, and won initial approval. Fifty percent agreed with McCarthy in a March 1950 survey that there were communists working in the State Department.

Note 45 A June 1950 poll found 45 percent expressed unqualified approval of McCarthy saying "he is anxious to rid us of communists and he is right"; 16 percent expressed qualified approval with remarks such as "there must be some foundation for his charges, but they are greatly exaggerated"; 31 percent disbelieved McCarthy saying he is "a rabble-rouser seeking personal glory who is trying to get reelected"; 8 percent were unsure what to make of McCarthy. "
Cold War International History Conference: Paper by John White

"McCarthy frightened an entire nation,..."

Au contraire.....these guys enlightened the nation:
... the former communists who spilled the beans: Whittaker Chambers, Elizabeth Bentley, Arthur Koestler, Jan Valtin (Richard Krebs), Victor Krvchenko,...

Bet you haven't read any of 'em.
Ignorance is pretty much the mark of the reliable Democrat voter, huh?
And....reggie, they want to keep it that way.
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Sad to represent far too many 'real Americans' today: ignorant, easily led, lazy, content to accept the propaganda.

That is an understatement. Far too many Americans are ignorant and far too many refuse to accept the truth, when it is presented to them. McCarthy is a perfect example. It is clear that he was a real American patriot. Clear that those he exposed were REALLY communist spies. And yet, even today, we still have millions of Americans believing he was a lying evil man. How can this be?

I suspect this inability to accept the truth is yet another harmful consequence of liberalism/leftism. For it to survive, it needs people incapable of understanding and reasoning. As such, the people have been brainwashed and dumbed down in the government schools, by the media, by Hollywood, etc. They have been told the lies so often, they have accepted them. Apparently nothing will move them out of ignorance.

McCarthy did one thing, he used the fear of the American people to help them lose some good judgement. Fear has long been a staple of politics, much more powerful than reason, and is still used effectively today. Read the titles of these posts and see how many posters are using the fear thing. Death panels indeed.
McCarthy frightened an entire nation, a nation that was already frightened and needed not more fear, but reason. It was the Elm Street scenario, the Relocation centers all over again. To the everlasting credit of the Senate, and the army-trial, some of the fear stopped. The nation took stock and realized what they were doing. If McCarthy was a hero it was in the exposing of what he was doing and giving a name to the use of fear, McCarthyism.

"... he used the fear of the American people to help them lose some good judgement."

I'll make an OP explaining how the press/propaganda produced folks like you.... that time, lots of Americans caught on....and McCarthy was more popular than the pro-Soviets.

"During the 1950s, the Gallup Organization responded to new issues and personalities as they related to the ongoing superpower struggle. Joseph McCarthy entered the public opinion polls for the first time, and won initial approval. Fifty percent agreed with McCarthy in a March 1950 survey that there were communists working in the State Department.

Note 45 A June 1950 poll found 45 percent expressed unqualified approval of McCarthy saying "he is anxious to rid us of communists and he is right"; 16 percent expressed qualified approval with remarks such as "there must be some foundation for his charges, but they are greatly exaggerated"; 31 percent disbelieved McCarthy saying he is "a rabble-rouser seeking personal glory who is trying to get reelected"; 8 percent were unsure what to make of McCarthy. "
Cold War International History Conference: Paper by John White

"McCarthy frightened an entire nation,..."

Au contraire.....these guys enlightened the nation:
... the former communists who spilled the beans: Whittaker Chambers, Elizabeth Bentley, Arthur Koestler, Jan Valtin (Richard Krebs), Victor Krvchenko,...

Bet you haven't read any of 'em.
Ignorance is pretty much the mark of the reliable Democrat voter, huh?
And....reggie, they want to keep it that way.

Those public opinion figures from the 1950's may be a little dated now. McCarthy quickly became even more of a joke after the Senate censured him, and today McCarthyism is a word for exploiting a nation's fears.
Do I believe the USSR had spies in America, of course, I also believe America had spies in the USSR. Nations have spies. Do I believe Russia has spies in America today, again of course, and maybe we have spies in Russia? Maybe our spies are a little better at what they do.
McCarthy did one thing, he used the fear of the American people to help them lose some good judgement. Fear has long been a staple of politics, much more powerful than reason, and is still used effectively today. Read the titles of these posts and see how many posters are using the fear thing. Death panels indeed.
McCarthy frightened an entire nation, a nation that was already frightened and needed not more fear, but reason. It was the Elm Street scenario, the Relocation centers all over again. To the everlasting credit of the Senate, and the army-trial, some of the fear stopped. The nation took stock and realized what they were doing. If McCarthy was a hero it was in the exposing of what he was doing and giving a name to the use of fear, McCarthyism.

"... he used the fear of the American people to help them lose some good judgement."

I'll make an OP explaining how the press/propaganda produced folks like you.... that time, lots of Americans caught on....and McCarthy was more popular than the pro-Soviets.

"During the 1950s, the Gallup Organization responded to new issues and personalities as they related to the ongoing superpower struggle. Joseph McCarthy entered the public opinion polls for the first time, and won initial approval. Fifty percent agreed with McCarthy in a March 1950 survey that there were communists working in the State Department.

Note 45 A June 1950 poll found 45 percent expressed unqualified approval of McCarthy saying "he is anxious to rid us of communists and he is right"; 16 percent expressed qualified approval with remarks such as "there must be some foundation for his charges, but they are greatly exaggerated"; 31 percent disbelieved McCarthy saying he is "a rabble-rouser seeking personal glory who is trying to get reelected"; 8 percent were unsure what to make of McCarthy. "
Cold War International History Conference: Paper by John White

"McCarthy frightened an entire nation,..."

Au contraire.....these guys enlightened the nation:
... the former communists who spilled the beans: Whittaker Chambers, Elizabeth Bentley, Arthur Koestler, Jan Valtin (Richard Krebs), Victor Krvchenko,...

Bet you haven't read any of 'em.
Ignorance is pretty much the mark of the reliable Democrat voter, huh?
And....reggie, they want to keep it that way.

Those public opinion figures from the 1950's may be a little dated now. McCarthy quickly became even more of a joke after the Senate censured him, and today McCarthyism is a word for exploiting a nation's fears.
Do I believe the USSR had spies in America, of course, I also believe America had spies in the USSR. Nations have spies. Do I believe Russia has spies in America today, again of course, and maybe we have spies in Russia? Maybe our spies are a little better at what they do.

Tell me....what would our purpose have been in having spies in the USSR?
To steal back the atomic bomb secrets?

And....since any anti-Soviet news was censored....why would we need spies?

The spying was the least of it.

Planting the seeds of postmodernism, of moral equivalence was the worst part, because it resulted in thoughts like "Do I believe the USSR had spies in America, of course, I also believe America had spies in the USSR. Nations have spies.."

That's why folks like you were incensed when President Reagan correctly labeled the 'evil empire.'

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