The Brutal Task Facing Dems & The Only Path To Non-Extinction

So in effect, you are saying the Democrats did not go far enough left and that the Republicans won because they out lefted the left.

That's what the GOP is hoping the dems will believe anyway. Makes their work easier in 2018 & 2020...
The GOP would be wise to not push things as far as the left did, but in the opposite direction. The GOP got lucky with Obergefell and Obama's boys in girls' bathrooms school mandate. It was the vote-harvest for them of the century. But they shouldn't get giddy or drunk with power like the left did. They should remember that the middle voters are a fickle bunch. And, like ding said, 2018....tick tick tick tick tick....
I don't have to heed shit. I wrote-in Rand Paul for President b/c I don't believe either deserved to sit at the Resolute Desk. You can pretend gay marriage was a major factor in the Rust Belt all you wish, but it doesn't change the fact Trump's message about jobs was the deciding factor. It also didn't hurt that Hillary was an uncommonly poor choice for the Democratic Party.

So you voted for Trump then? Since from your writings I can presume that between the two candidates who actually had a shot at winning, you would've voted for Hillary in a pinch. Did you check out Johnson's numbers? State by state they equaled exactly what Hillary would've needed to beat Trump.

So all you Rand Paul & Johnson voters take a deep bow. You are the reason Trump will be president in two months.
I don't have to heed shit. I wrote-in Rand Paul for President b/c I don't believe either deserved to sit at the Resolute Desk. You can pretend gay marriage was a major factor in the Rust Belt all you wish, but it doesn't change the fact Trump's message about jobs was the deciding factor. It also didn't hurt that Hillary was an uncommonly poor choice for the Democratic Party.

So you voted for Trump then? Since from your writings I can presume that between the two candidates who actually had a shot at winning, you would've voted for Hillary in a pinch. Did you check out Johnson's numbers? State by state they equaled exactly what Hillary would've needed to beat Trump.

So all you Rand Paul & Johnson voters take a deep bow. You are the reason Trump will be president in two months.

Hillary being a shitty candidate and Trump's message in the Rust Belt is why he will be President in two months. You voted for Hillary. lol
Hillary being a shitty candidate and Trump's message in the Rust Belt is why he will be President in two months. You voted for Hillary. lol

Yes, and his message in the Rust Belt was, distilled for the simple folk daily ...."fuck democrats!". To which they heartily agreed. You claim sophisticated ideals for that agreement. I claim very simple and visceral ones. You prescribe throwing caution to the wind on my recommendations in the OP. I prescribe ripping off the blinders and facing stark reality.

We'll see what the dems decide to do. Should be interesting to see if they're able to pull their collective ostrich heads out of the sand in time for 2018....Because by then...well... GOP Executive...GOP Senate...GOP House...GOP governorships... GOP state assemblies... And the

Executive controls the FCC...the uber brainwashing central..didn't Obama know it. Tru-TV and stations like it will no longer be promoting sex to kids like on the show "Adam Ruins Everything"..the gay guy who is trying to unravel norms...and women's orgasm ads/ men's penis cream ads on prime time during children-type shows like "Impractical Jokers"... Trump's advisors will be quick to tell him to sieze the reins of the FCC and put a stopper in the bleed-out of moral values on the right via one of the main pulpits in the world: media brainwashing.. Poor GLAAD...and they almost had sex-pitched-to-kids nailed down on prime time! Will have to start from square 1 again on that one.

You know with Trump accused of raping that 13 year old, he's going to have to double-down on clamping down on the kiddie-porn aspects of the media to right that perception of himself.. You know that, right? :popcorn:
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As expected, Limbaugh is crowing that this was a truly "historic mandate" election, and if GOP legislators buy into that insanity, the Democrats might not work as hard as they think.

Loopy partisans always claim a "mandate", but claiming a mandate after losing in the popular vote requires a level of blindness that is difficult to imagine.
Hillary would have won the Rust Belt if it wasn't for Adam Ruins Everything. :lol:
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^^ I agreed with the statement, not the laughing emoticon..

As expected, Limbaugh is crowing that this was a truly "historic mandate" election, and if GOP legislators buy into that insanity, the Democrats might not work as hard as they think.

Loopy partisans always claim a "mandate", but claiming a mandate after losing in the popular vote requires a level of blindness that is difficult to imagine.
I warned the GOP in the OP not to assume anything else in the next election cycle. But they can assume that if they take an opposing stance to the cult of LGBT openly, it will be a 2016 repeat. California voted down gay marriage twice (last time 2008) & the Target boycott was one of the largest in retail history (2016).

Do the extrapolation and the math.
Hillary would have won the Rust Belt if it wasn't for Adam Ruins Everything. :lol:
In a manner of speaking, yes, that's right on target. You the chain store that's being boycotted by the largest organized boycott in retail history in the US.
As expected, Limbaugh is crowing that this was a truly "historic mandate" election, and if GOP legislators buy into that insanity, the Democrats might not work as hard as they think.

Loopy partisans always claim a "mandate", but claiming a mandate after losing in the popular vote requires a level of blindness that is difficult to imagine.
There is no such thing as a national "popular vote"....
Why the Dems lost.

Those who showed up for Obama didn’t show up for Hillary. According to ABC news, she lost WI, MI, and PA by a total of 170,000 votes.
That is the election right there.

Now, why those 170,000+ didn’t show up. Tell me that. Do you honestly believe that the 170,000 who would have voted Hillary and either stayed home or voted for Trump said to themselves, “I’m tired of gays” or “I’m tired of women” or “I’m tired of minorities”? I don’t think so.

As I said last week; Hillary didn’t lose; Trump beat her.

As people like me were giving her the thumbs up when she came out for the college plan, taxing the rich, and improving the ACA, Trump remembered (or those around him did) that elections are no longer about who has the better idea. They are about who runs the best campaign. Trump made promises that are never going to be implemented and John in Kalamazoo and Jenny in Beaver Falls believed him. That is nothing new but in the past, politicians, at least, maintained an aura of truth to their rhetoric. Trump recognized that there is little difference between a promise you make that you intend to implement but know that you won’t due to Congress or politics AND a promise you make that you have no intention of getting passed. He spun the stories and got the votes. End of story.

I’d love to talk to Jenny and John and ask them how Mr. Trump would bring back a job to either of their communities. The answer I’d get would “probably” be “Hillary is a criminal.”

Still, I underestimated him twice. I’m not optimistic but it’s been 2 losses in a row for me in underestimating him. Lets see what happens.

I see on my screen a popup from my e-mail. the DNC just sent me a fund raising e-mail. Let me look at it for a while and get a good chuckle.

Peace out.
As expected, Limbaugh is crowing that this was a truly "historic mandate" election, and if GOP legislators buy into that insanity, the Democrats might not work as hard as they think.

Loopy partisans always claim a "mandate", but claiming a mandate after losing in the popular vote requires a level of blindness that is difficult to imagine.
There is no such thing as a national "popular vote"....
That is the term used for the people who voted for the candidates. You can call it whatever you want, but it's known as "popular vote". That's the term.

I'm curious: Does this mean you feel Trump has a historical mandate, as Rush claims?
As expected, Limbaugh is crowing that this was a truly "historic mandate" election, and if GOP legislators buy into that insanity, the Democrats might not work as hard as they think.

Loopy partisans always claim a "mandate", but claiming a mandate after losing in the popular vote requires a level of blindness that is difficult to imagine.
There is no such thing as a national "popular vote"....
That is the term used for the people who voted for the candidates. You can call it whatever you want, but it's known as "popular vote". That's the term.

I'm curious: Does this mean you feel Trump has a historical mandate, as Rush claims?
It is referred to that way for the same reason gun control assholes talk about "assault weapons".

It is propaganda used to try to delegitimize the electoral college.
As expected, Limbaugh is crowing that this was a truly "historic mandate" election, and if GOP legislators buy into that insanity, the Democrats might not work as hard as they think.

Loopy partisans always claim a "mandate", but claiming a mandate after losing in the popular vote requires a level of blindness that is difficult to imagine.
There is no such thing as a national "popular vote"....
That is the term used for the people who voted for the candidates. You can call it whatever you want, but it's known as "popular vote". That's the term.

I'm curious: Does this mean you feel Trump has a historical mandate, as Rush claims?
It is referred to that way for the same reason gun control assholes talk about "assault weapons".

It is propaganda used to try to delegitimize the electoral college.
Okay then, what term would you apply to the number of people who vote? We can go with whatever you like.

And you do feel Trump has a mandate?
Why the Dems lost.

Those who showed up for Obama didn’t show up for Hillary. According to ABC news, she lost WI, MI, and PA by a total of 170,000 votes.
That is the election right there.

Yes but what you're forgetting is the need to offset that 170,000 votes in the first place. There's the thing the dems need to discuss. Because even if Hillary had managed to pull off a slim victory, with the advancements the LGBT cult albatross had planned for the next four years to hang around the neck of the dem party logo, 2018 would have been even more brutal for them...and 2020 moreso still.

There's a reason middle voters are defecting to the right. And it's an exodus that isn't going to be fixed easily. The visceral issues and the escalating bizarreness of the left is like spraying skunk spray on common sense middle voters left and right.
REPORT: Hillary Clinton Physically Attacked Staff, Had To Be "Briefly Restrained" After Loss...

^^ See! Hillary did know after all why she lost:

But Mook is married — to the campaign. Don’t expect to see much of him or hear much about him, at least as long as the candidate is doing well. If not, we may see the worst of Hillaryland coming back. Of course, it won’t earn Clinton any points with the LGBT community if she trashes or cans the first openly gay man to run a major presidential campaign. Meet The Gay Man Who Is Going To Be Running Hillary’s Presidential Campaign / Queerty

Hidden message ^^ "even if Hillary senses Mook is sabotaging her campaign, she'd better not fire him, or WE will sabotage her campaign.."

She ran on the LGBT cult agenda. It was a gamble she should've been smart enough not to make. But then again, what choice did she have?
Yes, on that one issue, summed up in shorthand as the NAFTA issue.

Remember, Trump and Bernie effectively AGREED on that issue.

But nobody in any significant numbers has strong feelings around gay marriage being forced on their state without their permission or men using women's & girls' showers and restrooms? Those are just mild and peripheral topics, right? Nobody's viscera is disturbed or even comes to tremor from those agendas...yes?
Why the Dems lost.

Those who showed up for Obama didn’t show up for Hillary. According to ABC news, she lost WI, MI, and PA by a total of 170,000 votes.
That is the election right there.

Yes but what you're forgetting is the need to offset that 170,000 votes in the first place. There's the thing the dems need to discuss. Because even if Hillary had managed to pull off a slim victory, with the advancements the LGBT cult albatross had planned for the next four years to hang around the neck of the dem party logo, 2018 would have been even more brutal for them...and 2020 moreso still.

There's a reason middle voters are defecting to the right. And it's an exodus that isn't going to be fixed easily. The visceral issues and the escalating bizarreness of the left is like spraying skunk spray on common sense middle voters left and right.


Trump is pro gay marriage. What the DNC needs to do is not go around looking for a fight on every front. The whole thing about baking cakes for gay weddings, using a bathroom that makes you feel more like your inner man/woman, how gender identity works on a case-by-case basis. At the federal level, the Democrats need to simply ignore the issue. I said at the time Obama pushed the “stupid button” by getting involved.

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