The bush balanced budget plan


Active Member
Dec 7, 2010
The bush balanced budget plan

I am a grumpy old man, to keep my blood flowing, I often listen to Sean
Hannity. Sean always mentions Obamas promise to cut the deficit in half.
That always gets my blood boiling.
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?
On the day of the second presidential debate, media whore Tom Brokaw
said Obama will have to answer for his trillion dollar deficits.

Lets see what caused these deficits.
Like Clinton sez, it's only math.

February 4, 2008.

In my 2009 Budget, I have set clear priorities that will help us meet our
Nation’s most pressing needs while addressing the long-term challenges
ahead. With pro-growth policies and spending discipline, we will balance
the budget in 2012, keep the tax burden low, and provide for our national
security. And that will help make our country safer and more prosperous.

February 4, 2008


Bush Balanced
Budget Baseline
2009 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...2,700 .......2,105 .....-595
Outlays....3,107 .......3,518 .....+411
Deficit .....-407 ......-1,413

2010 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...2,931 .......2,163 .....-768
Outlays....3,091 .......3,456 .....+365
Deficit .....-160 ......-1,293

2011 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...3,076 .......2,304 .....-772
Outlays....3,171 .......3,603 .....+432
Deficit ......-95 ......-1.300

2012 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...3,270 .......2,450 .....-820
Outlays....3,222 .......3,540 .....+318
Deficit ......+48 .......1,090

Deficit .-1,413 .-1.293 .-1.300 .-1,090 =-5.096
Receipts ..-595 ...-768 ...-772 ...-820 =-2.955
Outlays ...+411 ,.,+365 ...+432 ...+318 =+1.526

As can be seen the collapse of the bush supply side scam resulted in
revenues coming in almost three trillion dollars less
than the bush balanced budget projections.

Spending came in about one and one half trillion above the bush balanced
budget projections.

Blame the black guy for spending three trillion dollars that he never got.
For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.

Much of the spending increase was the result of the Bush recession that
lost almost nine million jobs.
The recession caused large increases in Medicaid, Social Security
retirements, food stamps, and Unemployment compensation.

National Defense:

2008 ---616,073
2012 ---676.687 ___+60.614


2008 ---247,739
2012 ---364.755 ___+117.016


2008 ---390,758
2012 ---499.284 ___+108.526

Unemployment compensation:

2008 ---45,340
2012 --107.080 ___+61.740

Food and nutrition assistance:

2008 ---60,673
2012 --114.975 ___+54.302

Social Security:

2008 --617,027
2012 --781.172 ___+164.145

Total ------------+566.225

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-----Bluecoller, the grumpy old kraut-----:mad:
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The bush balanced budget plan

I am a grumpy old man, to keep my blood flowing, I often listen to Sean
Hannity. Sean always mentions Obamas promise to cut the deficit in half.
That always gets my blood boiling.
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?
On the day of the second presidential debate, media whore Tom Brokaw
said Obama will have to answer for his trillion dollar deficits.

Lets see what caused these deficits.
This should probably be somewhere near the top....

Lol. The Clinton economy was in the black because the Republicans held the purse strings. The economy starting tanking under democratic control of those purse strings during the Bush admin. The President doesn't spend the money slick, Congress doles out the cash.
Lol. The Clinton economy was in the black because the Republicans held the purse strings. The economy starting tanking under democratic control of those purse strings during the Bush admin. The President doesn't spend the money slick, Congress doles out the cash.

It has been awhile since I have seen anyone balance stupidity and hatred in one package like you do.

You got it going on dude. Who you gonna shoot today? Yourself maybe?? We should be so fuking lucky.
Lol. The Clinton economy was in the black because the Republicans held the purse strings. The economy starting tanking under democratic control of those purse strings during the Bush admin. The President doesn't spend the money slick, Congress doles out the cash.

It has been awhile since I have seen anyone balance stupidity and hatred in one package like you do.

You got it going on dude. Who you gonna shoot today? Yourself maybe?? We should be so fuking lucky.

So are you saying what I posted is untrue, or are you just showing us you're just one more kool aid slurping dumbass on a board full of kool aid slurpping dumbasses?
Dems are the biggest fucking loser crybabies, da Booooooooosh

Reagan had a lying scumbag Democrat Congress and he proposed eliminating the destructive Board of Education
Obama: ‘We Got Back Every Dime’ of Bailout; CBO: Bailout Will Lose $24 Billion


“We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system, but we also passed a historic law to end taxpayer-funded Wall Street bailouts for good,” Obama said in Miami Thursday.

The Congressional Budget Office--based on figures from Obama’s own Office of Management and Budget---gives a different assessment.
Lol. The Clinton economy was in the black because the Republicans held the purse strings. The economy starting tanking under democratic control of those purse strings during the Bush admin. The President doesn't spend the money slick, Congress doles out the cash.

The GOP Congress in the 90's couldn't bust the budget because of PAYGO and because Clinton wasn't going to let them have the kind of budget busting tax cuts that they really wanted. As soon as Bush was elected, he let PAYGO expire and started tax cutting and borrowing and spending like a lunatic.
Lol. The Clinton economy was in the black because the Republicans held the purse strings. The economy starting tanking under democratic control of those purse strings during the Bush admin. The President doesn't spend the money slick, Congress doles out the cash.

It has been awhile since I have seen anyone balance stupidity and hatred in one package like you do.

You got it going on dude. Who you gonna shoot today? Yourself maybe?? We should be so fuking lucky.

So are you saying what I posted is untrue, or are you just showing us you're just one more kool aid slurping dumbass on a board full of kool aid slurpping dumbasses?

Why don't you tell us how the Democratic Congress tanked the economy in 2007,

in terms that remotely resemble legitimate cause and effect. And make sure you show us how Bush, who was still president, was powerless to prevent the Congress from CAUSING THE RECESSION.
It has been awhile since I have seen anyone balance stupidity and hatred in one package like you do.

You got it going on dude. Who you gonna shoot today? Yourself maybe?? We should be so fuking lucky.

So are you saying what I posted is untrue, or are you just showing us you're just one more kool aid slurping dumbass on a board full of kool aid slurpping dumbasses?

Why don't you tell us how the Democratic Congress tanked the economy in 2007,

in terms that remotely resemble legitimate cause and effect. And make sure you show us how Bush, who was still president, was powerless to prevent the Congress from CAUSING THE RECESSION.

NO what I am saying is what I already said. However I will make an addition.

You are so fuking partisan and full of hate (as are most rethugs) that you can't accept responsibility or place blame on anything that a rethug does.

You want to claim that the surplus Clinton left Bush (which of course you will claim there was never a surplus, no matter how many economists say there was) was the result of the Rethugs in Congress. Cool. I am sure they played their part.

But you will claim Bush did nothing wrong in his 8 long years and I wouldn't be surprised if you next claim that Bush left Obama a thriving, vibrant economy. With virtually no debt.

Or if you do acknowledge that the economy was in a mess at the end of Bush, you will claim it was all the Dems in Congress's fault.

Right or wrong on the above statements?

It's like when something good happens under a Dem Presidency, it was the rethugs in the congress.

When something bad happens under a Rehtug president, it becomes the fault of the Dems in Congress.

Do you Rethgus ever take responsibility for your own actions? Or do you blame anyone and everyone else for your fukups?
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?
St Ronnie's 1980 campaign was waged against the approaching $1 trillion in debt. Who can forget his description of a trillion dollars during his campaign, "A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only 4 inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills 67 miles high." Reagan assaulted the "free-spending" Carter administration throughout his campaign in 1980. Carter ran up less than $300,000 in debt over 4 years, Reagan tripled that in his first term.
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?
St Ronnie's 1980 campaign was waged against the approaching $1 trillion in debt. Who can forget his description of a trillion dollars during his campaign, "A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only 4 inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills 67 miles high." Reagan assaulted the "free-spending" Carter administration throughout his campaign in 1980. Carter ran up less than $300,000 in debt over 4 years, Reagan tripled that in his first term.

I remember watching Reagan campaigning claiming he would cut taxes, balance the budget and increase military spending.

I knew he was lying and couldn't do all three. The math didn't add up.

Now who does that sound like today?

Hey, it worked for Reagan.
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?

Yes. In fact:

'In February 1981 Reagan presented the Economic Tax Recovery Act to Congress, calling for massive personal and corporate tax cuts, reductions in government spending, and a balanced budget.'

The 1982 Recession . Reagan . WGBH American Experience | PBS

Tipp O'Neill and the Libtards in Congress said F that, they had free gubmint stuff they wants to hand out to the homies. Now you know how that went down.

No charge for your edumajacation.
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?

Yes. In fact:

'In February 1981 Reagan presented the Economic Tax Recovery Act to Congress, calling for massive personal and corporate tax cuts, reductions in government spending, and a balanced budget.'

The 1982 Recession . Reagan . WGBH American Experience | PBS

Tipp O'Neill and the Libtards in Congress said F that, they had free gubmint stuff they wants to hand out to the homies. Now you know how that went down.

No charge for your edumajacation.

That's the myth. The truth is much different.
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?
St Ronnie's 1980 campaign was waged against the approaching $1 trillion in debt. Who can forget his description of a trillion dollars during his campaign, "A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only 4 inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills 67 miles high." Reagan assaulted the "free-spending" Carter administration throughout his campaign in 1980. Carter ran up less than $300,000 in debt over 4 years, Reagan tripled that in his first term.

I remember watching Reagan campaigning claiming he would cut taxes, balance the budget and increase military spending.

I knew he was lying and couldn't do all three. The math didn't add up.

Now who does that sound like today?

Hey, it worked for Reagan.

Telling people you can cut their taxes and balance the budget is like telling people you have a miracle diet plan that lets them eat anything they want and still lose weight.

People by the millions have fallen for both scams over and over again.
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?

Yes. In fact:

'In February 1981 Reagan presented the Economic Tax Recovery Act to Congress, calling for massive personal and corporate tax cuts, reductions in government spending, and a balanced budget.'

The 1982 Recession . Reagan . WGBH American Experience | PBS

Tipp O'Neill and the Libtards in Congress said F that, they had free gubmint stuff they wants to hand out to the homies. Now you know how that went down.

No charge for your edumajacation.

This will keep me laughing all morning. Snipper using the dreaded, hated Public Broadcasting System aka PBS, to try and "prove" a point.

Funny funny shit right there.
So are you saying what I posted is untrue, or are you just showing us you're just one more kool aid slurping dumbass on a board full of kool aid slurpping dumbasses?

Why don't you tell us how the Democratic Congress tanked the economy in 2007,

in terms that remotely resemble legitimate cause and effect. And make sure you show us how Bush, who was still president, was powerless to prevent the Congress from CAUSING THE RECESSION.

NO what I am saying is what I already said. However I will make an addition.

You are so fuking partisan and full of hate (as are most rethugs) that you can't accept responsibility or place blame on anything that a rethug does.

You want to claim that the surplus Clinton left Bush (which of course you will claim there was never a surplus, no matter how many economists say there was) was the result of the Rethugs in Congress. Cool. I am sure they played their part.

But you will claim Bush did nothing wrong in his 8 long years and I wouldn't be surprised if you next claim that Bush left Obama a thriving, vibrant economy. With virtually no debt.

Or if you do acknowledge that the economy was in a mess at the end of Bush, you will claim it was all the Dems in Congress's fault.

Right or wrong on the above statements?

It's like when something good happens under a Dem Presidency, it was the rethugs in the congress.

When something bad happens under a Rehtug president, it becomes the fault of the Dems in Congress.

Do you Rethgus ever take responsibility for your own actions? Or do you blame anyone and everyone else for your fukups?

You replied to the wrong post.
The bush balanced budget plan

I am a grumpy old man, to keep my blood flowing, I often listen to Sean
Hannity. Sean always mentions Obamas promise to cut the deficit in half.
That always gets my blood boiling.
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?
On the day of the second presidential debate, media whore Tom Brokaw
said Obama will have to answer for his trillion dollar deficits.

Lets see what caused these deficits.
Like Clinton sez, it's only math.

February 4, 2008.

In my 2009 Budget, I have set clear priorities that will help us meet our
Nation’s most pressing needs while addressing the long-term challenges
ahead. With pro-growth policies and spending discipline, we will balance
the budget in 2012, keep the tax burden low, and provide for our national
security. And that will help make our country safer and more prosperous.

February 4, 2008


Bush Balanced
Budget Baseline
2009 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...2,700 .......2,105 .....-595
Outlays....3,107 .......3,518 .....+411
Deficit .....-407 ......-1,413

2010 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...2,931 .......2,163 .....-768
Outlays....3,091 .......3,456 .....+365
Deficit .....-160 ......-1,293

2011 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...3,076 .......2,304 .....-772
Outlays....3,171 .......3,603 .....+432
Deficit ......-95 ......-1.300

2012 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...3,270 .......2,450 .....-820
Outlays....3,222 .......3,540 .....+318
Deficit ......+48 .......1,090

Deficit .-1,413 .-1.293 .-1.300 .-1,090 =-5.096
Receipts ..-595 ...-768 ...-772 ...-820 =-2.955
Outlays ...+411 ,.,+365 ...+432 ...+318 =+1.526

As can be seen the collapse of the bush supply side scam resulted in
revenues coming in almost three trillion dollars less
than the bush balanced budget projections.

Spending came in about one and one half trillion above the bush balanced
budget projections.

Blame the black guy for spending three trillion dollars that he never got.
For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.

Much of the spending increase was the result of the Bush recession that
lost almost nine million jobs.
The recession caused large increases in Medicaid, Social Security
retirements, food stamps, and Unemployment compensation.

National Defense:

2008 ---616,073
2012 ---676.687 ___+60.614


2008 ---247,739
2012 ---364.755 ___+117.016


2008 ---390,758
2012 ---499.284 ___+108.526

Unemployment compensation:

2008 ---45,340
2012 --107.080 ___+61.740

Food and nutrition assistance:

2008 ---60,673
2012 --114.975 ___+54.302

Social Security:

2008 --617,027
2012 --781.172 ___+164.145

Total ------------+566.225

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-----Bluecoller, the grumpy old kraut-----:mad:
Another idiot libtard blaming bush. Bush wasn't potus in 2009, it is all obamaturds.
Here's the most important budget/tax question about Bush that I have never heard a satisfactory answer to, and rarely even get an attempt at:

In 2003, Bush cut taxes AGAIN. Why?

1. We were already in 2 wars; they weren't unforeseen future events at that time. We KNEW we had to pay for them.

2.. The Republicans had a big expensive Medicare expansion plan in the works; it was not some surprise that was lurking unseen in the future. We KNEW we had to pay for it.

3. The economy was not in recession in 2003. We were in no way in dire need of tax relief.

Why did Bush cut taxes AGAIN in 2003?
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?
St Ronnie's 1980 campaign was waged against the approaching $1 trillion in debt. Who can forget his description of a trillion dollars during his campaign, "A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only 4 inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills 67 miles high." Reagan assaulted the "free-spending" Carter administration throughout his campaign in 1980. Carter ran up less than $300,000 in debt over 4 years, Reagan tripled that in his first term.

Carter also created more jobs in one term than Bush did in two.

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