The Calamity of 2016 - When the Federal Government Turned Against Us

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
As I drove into work this morning, I was listening to talk radio, per usual. It seems that in their pursuit to brainwash the masses, MSNBC actually interviewed convicted felon, Michael Avonatti … from prison … so they could get him to say mean things about Trump. I thought, “Wow…this really crosses the line”.

Then came another report about how MSNBC televised a segment with Andrew McCabe, disgraced former FBI bigwig. Again, it was so they could have a guest on tv saying bad things about Trump. CNN has been paying McCabe to do this ever since he resigned his position at the FBI in shame.

Then I started thinking. Now, wait a minute. My mind is telling me that there is more to this McCabe fella. Hmmm… After a bit, it came to me. This is the cad that helped acquire FISA warrants based upon perjured statements made by FBI agents to spy on Trump’s campaign back in 2016.

I considered farther. Hmmmm… Our FBI spied on Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. McCabe, a paid guest of CNN and MSBC, knew about this and most likely ordered it. Jim Comey was the Director of the FBI at the time. Obama was president. Obama’s administration knew about this (and probably ordered it) in collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign and her Russian connections.

This sure sounds ….. Uhhhhh….. It all sounds kind of bad, and illegal, in retrospect. You have the mechanisms of the federal government, which belongs to all of us, despite partisanship, and conscript it to generate dirt on a political candidate so that you can …. What? Make sure Putin is not involved? Please!!!!

The purpose is clearly to sway the outcome of the election. Or at least, to try to sway the outcome. The fact is, it fortunately did not work in 2016 because Trump won. What happened in 2020 is an entirely different subject for another time.

So, a partisan takes the powers of the government from The People and utilizes them for political purposes. This is what happened in 2016. There is ample evidence of this. It is no longer debatable. Obama, the FBI, Hillary, the NSA, and others are all guilty of sedition, conspiracy to commit the same, abuse of power, election interference, perjury, etc…

So, what happened to these scum bags? NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

As I listened to the radio this morning, hearing the name McCabe brought this all back to me. These dirty motherfuckers illegally conspired to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. They misused government assets which do not belong to them. Then they invoked Saul Alinsky and accused Trump of doing the same thing! Dirty, rotten bastards!

Now, of course, this did not just dawn on me this morning as I drove to work. This has stuck in my craw for years now, as it has with many of you. But is seems that people have just sleep walked forward. They have become jaded and have turned away from all the dirty bullshit in politics because they are sick of it. People have lives to lead, children to raise, bills to pay, etc…

Frankly, it makes my fucking head explode knowing that Andy McCabe, who was right in the middle of this conspiracy to defraud the electorate and abuse of power, is a paid fucking pundit in the media. Worse, he is used to establish some sort of credibility of opinion based upon his former job at the FBI (which he had to leave in disgrace over all of this nasty business).

Should this surprise me when CNN also has paid content guests in the forms of John Brennan, James Clapper, John Dean, and Pete “the meat” Strzok? THEY ARE ALL LIARS, CHEATS, AND CROOKS! WHY THE FUCK IS ANYBODY LISTENING TO THEM ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN HOW TO FUCK THE U.S. CONSTITUTION?!?!

Certainly, if I were in a position of power in the federal government and I wanted to abuse my power and use it to achieve my own ends, then I would study these ratty, fuck-stain fiends. But since I am not a piece of shit criminal, I desire no part of these creeps.

This is the biggest scandal our republic has ever seen. It makes Watergate look like getting caught playing with yourself vs. the extreme gang-rape of Uncle Sam that occurred by the left in 2016.

Plus, we all knew that Obama and Hillary are evil ***** that would gladly sell out America. But there is a difference. It is a difference that makes Obama far more dangerous than that dried up old skag, Hillary. While she does it for personal power and enrichment; Obama does it for the same reasons AND for IDEOLOGICAL reasons. Obama’s “Fundamental Change” bullshit is easily translated to “Destroy and conquer”. But I digress.

All of the sub-part, leftist human garbage we used to tolerate, with a nod to the First Amendment and Protestant love for our brother human beings, have now metastasized and are in positions of power in our government. What happed in 2016 is the culmination of this, and it was not unexpected. We need to get a grip on these purveyors of mediocrity and nihilism and put them back on the lower rungs of the ladder of society where they belong. Der untermensche has no place in positions of power. None!

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