The Cambrian Explosion, and Religion


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
My pal Stevie wanted to see the debunking of Darwin's theory of evolution.....

But this is the same Stevie who doesn't feel able to judge the debate:

".... in the court of public opinion, a place where laymen who have no idea of what the science means somehow are qualified to judge the science."

See if you're 'qualified' to understand the following; I made it as simple as I could:

1. Although the adherents deny it, Darwinism is, to many of its proponents, a religion. They accept it on the basis of faith....or, convince themselves that they aren't "qualified" to make a judgment.

So fervent are they, that, for some, lying about facts that run counter is hardly beyond them. Of course, simply ignoring facts is often a method found in almost all doctrines.

a. The WSJ refers to one article that was peer-reviewed...yet still not accepted:
"Critics of ID have long argued that the theory was unscientific because it had not been put forward in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Now that it has, they argue that it shouldn't have been because it's unscientific. They banish certain ideas from certain venues as if by holy writ, and brand heretics too. In any case, the heretic here is Mr. Meyer, a fellow at Seattle's Discovery Institute, not Mr. Sternberg, who isn't himself an advocate of Intelligent Design.

[The basis for disagreement with Darwin's theory: "...relying on only the Darwinian mechanism, there was not enough time for the necessary genetic "information" to be generated.]

Darwinism, by contrast, is an essential ingredient in secularism, that aggressive, quasi-religious faith without a deity. The Sternberg case seems, in many ways, an instance of one religion persecuting a rival, demanding loyalty from anyone who enters one of its churches -- like the National Museum of Natural History.” The Branding of a Heretic -

b. An echo of what David Berlinski writes in "The Devil's Delusion,"...
'So, it seems that in our time, much of science is involved in an attack on traditional religious thought, and rational men and women must place their faith, and devotion, in this system of belief. (Darwinism)
And, like any militant church, science places a familiar demand before all others:
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”'

2. There is no doubt that Darwin's theory is elegant, but if one wishes to move beyond philosophy, into empirical science, i.e., ideas backed up by actual physical evidence, Darwinism falls short.

Here is the source of the problem: 'Before about 580 million years ago, most organisms were simple, composed of individual cells occasionally organized into colonies.... The Cambrian explosion, or Cambrian radiation, was the relatively rapid appearance, around542 million years ago, of most major animal phyla, as demonstrated in the fossil record."
Cambrian explosion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
]Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

3. Darwin posited evolution based on a gradual series of small changes, many of which would result in doom for the organism, but some which would make same better equipped to survive, and be passed on. Enough such changes, and we would have a new species. But early on, contemporary paleontologists and geologists found contrary fossil evidence: the Cambrian explosion revealed "geologically abrupt appearance of a menagerie of animals as various as any found int the gaudiest science fiction."
Meyers, "Darwin's Doubt," p. 31.

a. "During this explosion of fauna, representatives of about twenty of the roughly twenty-six total phyla present in the known fossil record made their first appearance on earth." Ibid.

Sudden: the very opposite of gradual....
Is there anyone not "qualified" to understand the difference???

4. This is a mystery as far as Darwinism is concerned, and not just because of the number of phyla that suddenly arise....but rather because of the number of unique animal forms and structures and modes of organization that unanticipatedly make an appearance!

a. Brachiopoda, Eldontia, Annelida, Ctenophora, Hyolitha, Echinodermata, Arthropoda, etc.

5. Now, just for a moment, if one can resist the knee-jerk secular reaction, how would an open-minded individual explain said surprise occurrence? And what would be its effect on a theory based on Darwinian gradualism?
Let's assume one is "qualified" to hypothesize.

So....let's review.
1. Stevie claimed Darwin was "...supported by a vast body of evidence." The opposite is true.

a. Rather than evidence of gradual change with evidence of failed organisms and whole new body organizations suddenly appear!

2. Charles Darwin admitted the opposite of his theory is true. He was puzzled...and states so in "On The Origin of Species."

3. Evidence from geological strata debunks Darwin's premise: gradual changes that lead to speciation does not occur.

4. No one has observed one species changing into another, not in nature, nor in the laboratory.

5. In fact....the abrupt appearance in the Cambrian...known as 'the age of the trilobite,' suggests a very...very..... different explanation.

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That's it? This was your big argument against Darwin? The same talking points, half truths and misconceptions that have been debunked time and again all over the place? :lol:

I'd go through the time and energy to pick them apart piece by piece, but why bother? I'd tell you to go to your local college and buy a copy of whatever book is currently being used in their Evolutionary Theory class, but that's likely out of your league, so I'll just direct you to An Index to Creationist Claims and List of creationist arguments - EvoWiki and The Panda's Thumb and RationalWiki and even Wikipedia, but you won't read them anyways.
There's no such thing as "Darwinism". It's called Evolutionary Theory and has progressed a long way beyond Darwin's early musings. The sudden changes and relative lack of intermediate examples are easily explained by Punctuated Equilibrium. Evolutionary changes are only seen in a relatively small number of individuals, making finding all the examples nearly impossible, until such time as accumulated changes convey a marked increase in viability. Then a population explosion would occur and we find the evidence for a new species in the fossil record.
That's it? This was your big argument against Darwin? The same talking points, half truths and misconceptions that have been debunked time and again all over the place? :lol:

I'd go through the time and energy to pick them apart piece by piece, but why bother? I'd tell you to go to your local college and buy a copy of whatever book is currently being used in their Evolutionary Theory class, but that's likely out of your league, so I'll just direct you to An Index to Creationist Claims and List of creationist arguments - EvoWiki and The Panda's Thumb and RationalWiki and even Wikipedia, but you won't read them anyways.

1. Every single bit of the OP is true.
That must be what you mean by "talking points, half truths and misconceptions"....your attempt to save face.

a. must not be qualified to understand the difference between gradual and sudden, huh?

2. "I'd go through the time and energy to pick them apart piece by piece, but why bother?"
You might if there was any way for you to do so....
The proof of the OP is that you can't.

a. Hey....just admit that you accept Darwin on faith....just like any other religion.
That would be the honest response.

3. But, you're not honest.
Kinda nailed you early in the OP, with this:
"So fervent are they, that, for some, lying about facts that run counter is hardly beyond them."

[ame=]BaZing! - YouTube[/ame]
That's it? This was your big argument against Darwin? The same talking points, half truths and misconceptions that have been debunked time and again all over the place? :lol:

I'd go through the time and energy to pick them apart piece by piece, but why bother? I'd tell you to go to your local college and buy a copy of whatever book is currently being used in their Evolutionary Theory class, but that's likely out of your league, so I'll just direct you to An Index to Creationist Claims and List of creationist arguments - EvoWiki and The Panda's Thumb and RationalWiki and even Wikipedia, but you won't read them anyways.

1. Every single bit of the OP is true.
That must be what you mean by "talking points, half truths and misconceptions"....your attempt to save face.

a. must not be qualified to understand the difference between gradual and sudden, huh?

The OP is untrue on the face of it because you're arguing with a strawman called "Darwinism", which doesn't exist.

You haven't proven that there was anything sudden about the Cambrian explosion. The changes could easily have been gradual, while the suddeness is only the result of the population explosion that occurred once those changes achieved enough of a critical mass to confer increased survivability over earlier forms.
There's no such thing as "Darwinism". It's called Evolutionary Theory and has progressed a long way beyond Darwin's early musings. The sudden changes and relative lack of intermediate examples are easily explained by Punctuated Equilibrium. Evolutionary changes are only seen in a relatively small number of individuals, making finding all the examples nearly impossible, until such time as accumulated changes convey a marked increase in viability. Then a population explosion would occur and we find the evidence for a new species in the fossil record.

Actually, you prove the OP.

You see, as Darwin admitted....his theory not only couldn't be proven, but fossil evidence was exactly in the opposite direction.

So....the the admission became "It must be the exact opposite of his theory: Punctuated Equilibrium."

[ame=]Yea... that's the ticket! - YouTube[/ame]

Unfortunately, you're faced with the same problem,...

"And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
]Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

....and you are left with nothing but excuses as to why there is no proof:

"Evolutionary changes are only seen in a relatively small number of individuals, making finding all the examples nearly impossible,..."

Stevie is a dunce.....but you might like to consider this: Darwinism and Marxism are based on a totally material view of the world, i.e., there is nothing more.
The two ideas developed at about the same time and for the same reason.

Neither idea works. Seems to be lots of evidence that both are incorrect.
There's no such thing as "Darwinism". It's called Evolutionary Theory and has progressed a long way beyond Darwin's early musings. The sudden changes and relative lack of intermediate examples are easily explained by Punctuated Equilibrium. Evolutionary changes are only seen in a relatively small number of individuals, making finding all the examples nearly impossible, until such time as accumulated changes convey a marked increase in viability. Then a population explosion would occur and we find the evidence for a new species in the fossil record.

Actually, you prove the OP.

You see, as Darwin admitted....his theory not only couldn't be proven, but fossil evidence was exactly in the opposite direction.

So....the the admission became "It must be the exact opposite of his theory: Punctuated Equilibrium."

Punctuated Equilibrium isn't the exact opposite of what Darwin said. It's a refinement of his theory based on more evidence, i.e. science.

[ame=]BAZINGA (all of them before the ballpit) - YouTube[/ame]
My pal Stevie wanted to see the debunking of Darwin's theory of evolution.....

1. Unfortunately for you, you haven't debunked anything.

2. It hasn't gone unnoticed that you have cut and pasted into this thread the same phony, edited, oarsed and out of context "quotes" you have dumped into four other threads.

3. How desperate... and really pathetic.
Darwin deniers. CSC - Denying Darwin: David Berlinski and Critics

"Mr. Berlinski states that "before the Cambrian era . . . very little is inscribed in the fossil record." Yet the oldest known fossils are of bacteria and stromatolites (containing blue-green algae), both of which are with us today, and are still among the simplest forms of life known. The Cambrian explosion occurred much later, after simple life (and even simple multicellular life) had already appeared. This is one of the many points in the fossil record that support evolution." - quote

[Mr. Berlinski further asserts that evolution is random. It is not quite that simple. Evolution is accomplished by random mutations of DNA. However, the process of natural selection is not random at all. Any physician treating a relapsed cancer patient knows full well that the cancer . . . will be resistant to the original drugs used as therapy (and this resistance may be due to the overexpression of a single protein). This is not random in any sense. Similarly, any physician treating a patient infected with the new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria can tell you that there is nothing random about the selection of these bacteria: they grow where their predecessors could not.
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There's no such thing as "Darwinism". It's called Evolutionary Theory and has progressed a long way beyond Darwin's early musings. The sudden changes and relative lack of intermediate examples are easily explained by Punctuated Equilibrium. Evolutionary changes are only seen in a relatively small number of individuals, making finding all the examples nearly impossible, until such time as accumulated changes convey a marked increase in viability. Then a population explosion would occur and we find the evidence for a new species in the fossil record.

Actually, you prove the OP.

You see, as Darwin admitted....his theory not only couldn't be proven, but fossil evidence was exactly in the opposite direction.

So....the the admission became "It must be the exact opposite of his theory: Punctuated Equilibrium."

[ame=]Yea... that's the ticket! - YouTube[/ame]

Unfortunately, you're faced with the same problem,...

"And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
]Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

....and you are left with nothing but excuses as to why there is no proof:

"Evolutionary changes are only seen in a relatively small number of individuals, making finding all the examples nearly impossible,..."

Stevie is a dunce.....but you might like to consider this: Darwinism and Marxism are based on a totally material view of the world, i.e., there is nothing more.
The two ideas developed at about the same time and for the same reason.

Neither idea works. Seems to be lots of evidence that both are incorrect.

Not surprisingly, every one of the "quotes" dumped into this thread by the princess appears on virtually every creationist website, exactly as cut and pasted by the princess. And, not surprisingly, these same "quotes" share the expected editing and parsing. Additionally, most are 1980's vintage material.

Regarding the Dean Kenyon "quote" we see that only an edited, parsed portion has been "quoted". Here is a fuller description:

Edwards v. Aguillard: Dean Kenyon's Affidavit

The phony "quote" dumped in this thread by the princess has been dumped in four other threads. Yet, she continues her fraud.
Berlinski is just another cult member of the Disco’tute.

#24: David Berlinski

Encyclopedia of American Loons: Search results for Berlinski

Berlinski is one of the movers and shakers of the contemporary creationist movement, associated with the Discovery Institute and one of their most frequent and famous debaters. A delusional, pompous narcissist with an ego to fit a medieval pope. Also a name-dropper (most of his talks concern important people he has talked to). A comment on one of his lunatic self-aggrandizing rants can be found here:

Disco. ?tute: Evolution is a ?terrifying cripple,? ?bang[ing] its crutches through…Hell? ? Thoughts from Kansas (sums up this guy pretty well):

He is apparently really angry at evolution (it is unclear why), and famous for his purely enumerative “cows cannot evolve into whales” argument.

Berlinski was once a moderately respected author of popular-science books on mathematics. He can still add numbers together, but has forgotten the GIGO rule (“garbage in, garbage out") of applied mathematics. Some of his rantings are discussed here.

Likes to play ‘the skeptic’ (which means denialism in this case, and that is not the same thing).

Diagnosis: Boneheaded, pompous and arrogant nitwit; has a lot of influence, and a frequent participator in debates, since apparently the Discovery Institute thinks that’s the way scientific disputes are settled (although he often takes a surprisingly moderate view in debates, leading some to suspect that he is really a cynical fraud rather than a loon).
Darwin deniers. CSC - Denying Darwin: David Berlinski and Critics

"Mr. Berlinski states that "before the Cambrian era . . . very little is inscribed in the fossil record." Yet the oldest known fossils are of bacteria and stromatolites (containing blue-green algae), both of which are with us today, and are still among the simplest forms of life known. The Cambrian explosion occurred much later, after simple life (and even simple multicellular life) had already appeared. This is one of the many points in the fossil record that support evolution." - quote

[Mr. Berlinski further asserts that evolution is random. It is not quite that simple. Evolution is accomplished by random mutations of DNA. However, the process of natural selection is not random at all. Any physician treating a relapsed cancer patient knows full well that the cancer . . . will be resistant to the original drugs used as therapy (and this resistance may be due to the overexpression of a single protein). This is not random in any sense. Similarly, any physician treating a patient infected with the new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria can tell you that there is nothing random about the selection of these bacteria: they grow where their predecessors could not.

[MENTION=37754]Hollie[/MENTION]. Its a pretty good read
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That's it? This was your big argument against Darwin? The same talking points, half truths and misconceptions that have been debunked time and again all over the place? :lol:

I'd go through the time and energy to pick them apart piece by piece, but why bother? I'd tell you to go to your local college and buy a copy of whatever book is currently being used in their Evolutionary Theory class, but that's likely out of your league, so I'll just direct you to An Index to Creationist Claims and List of creationist arguments - EvoWiki and The Panda's Thumb and RationalWiki and even Wikipedia, but you won't read them anyways.

1. Every single bit of the OP is true.
That must be what you mean by "talking points, half truths and misconceptions"....your attempt to save face.

a. must not be qualified to understand the difference between gradual and sudden, huh?

The OP is untrue on the face of it because you're arguing with a strawman called "Darwinism", which doesn't exist.

You haven't proven that there was anything sudden about the Cambrian explosion. The changes could easily have been gradual, while the suddeness is only the result of the population explosion that occurred once those changes achieved enough of a critical mass to confer increased survivability over earlier forms.

1. "Darwinism", which doesn't exist...."

So....changing the name means it doesn't exist?

Well...then, let me change your name!

2. "...the suddeness is only the result of the population explosion that occurred once those changes blah blah blan..."

First....good to see you admit to the 'suddenness.'

Second.....even better to watch you skewer your attempt at....what?....imagination? Certainly not science nor logic.
The point is that there is no proof of intermediate forms leading from the simple one celled organisms of the PreCambrian to the Brachiopoda, Eldontia, Annelida, Ctenophora, Hyolitha, Echinodermata, Arthropoda, etc.

Now, before you embarrass yourself further, and suggest that they could appear spontaneously as Brachiopoda, etc....

....couldn't the new organisms have come into existence?
But Louis Agassiz explained in an Atlantic Monthly article, "Evolution and the Permanence of Type,"
a) small scale variation never produced a difference in specie....
and b) large scale variation, produced either gradually or suddenly, inevitably resulted in sterility or death. "It is a matter of fact that extreme variations finally degenerate or become sterile; like monstrosities they die out."
Agassiz, "Evolution and the Permanence of Type," p. 99. I am in a generous mood, I'm perfectly willing to allow any wacky idea you come up with....including aliens dropping off the phyla during the Cambrian....(actually proposed by leading 'scientists')

.....just admit that there is absolutely no proof of any of your "evolutionary theories."

It is simply conjecture, based on logic or faith....and only approaches "science" if it is the type of "science" that relies on consensus, rather than actual proof.

In that light, I'm fine with it.
There's no such thing as "Darwinism". It's called Evolutionary Theory and has progressed a long way beyond Darwin's early musings. The sudden changes and relative lack of intermediate examples are easily explained by Punctuated Equilibrium. Evolutionary changes are only seen in a relatively small number of individuals, making finding all the examples nearly impossible, until such time as accumulated changes convey a marked increase in viability. Then a population explosion would occur and we find the evidence for a new species in the fossil record.

Actually, you prove the OP.

You see, as Darwin admitted....his theory not only couldn't be proven, but fossil evidence was exactly in the opposite direction.

So....the the admission became "It must be the exact opposite of his theory: Punctuated Equilibrium."

Punctuated Equilibrium isn't the exact opposite of what Darwin said. It's a refinement of his theory based on more evidence, i.e. science.

[ame=]BAZINGA (all of them before the ballpit) - YouTube[/ame]

So....gradual and sudden aren't opposites?

Merely "refinements"???

Is that like a 'bank robbery' is merely a refinement of 'bank deposit'?

You're startin' to sound like the dunce Stevie.
My pal Stevie wanted to see the debunking of Darwin's theory of evolution.....

1. Unfortunately for you, you haven't debunked anything.

2. It hasn't gone unnoticed that you have cut and pasted into this thread the same phony, edited, oarsed and out of context "quotes" you have dumped into four other threads.

3. How desperate... and really pathetic.

Hey, Halloween!

What the heck took you so long to get here??
Traffic with all the other gals on their brooms?

I hate to make you have to start lying so quickly....but, can you point out any untruths in the OP?

Darwin deniers. CSC - Denying Darwin: David Berlinski and Critics

"Mr. Berlinski states that "before the Cambrian era . . . very little is inscribed in the fossil record." Yet the oldest known fossils are of bacteria and stromatolites (containing blue-green algae), both of which are with us today, and are still among the simplest forms of life known. The Cambrian explosion occurred much later, after simple life (and even simple multicellular life) had already appeared. This is one of the many points in the fossil record that support evolution." - quote

[Mr. Berlinski further asserts that evolution is random. It is not quite that simple. Evolution is accomplished by random mutations of DNA. However, the process of natural selection is not random at all. Any physician treating a relapsed cancer patient knows full well that the cancer . . . will be resistant to the original drugs used as therapy (and this resistance may be due to the overexpression of a single protein). This is not random in any sense. Similarly, any physician treating a patient infected with the new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria can tell you that there is nothing random about the selection of these bacteria: they grow where their predecessors could not.

Would you like to try to address the OP?

Any probs you can find? it entirely correct?
There's no such thing as "Darwinism". It's called Evolutionary Theory and has progressed a long way beyond Darwin's early musings. The sudden changes and relative lack of intermediate examples are easily explained by Punctuated Equilibrium. Evolutionary changes are only seen in a relatively small number of individuals, making finding all the examples nearly impossible, until such time as accumulated changes convey a marked increase in viability. Then a population explosion would occur and we find the evidence for a new species in the fossil record.

Actually, you prove the OP.

You see, as Darwin admitted....his theory not only couldn't be proven, but fossil evidence was exactly in the opposite direction.

So....the the admission became "It must be the exact opposite of his theory: Punctuated Equilibrium."

[ame=]Yea... that's the ticket! - YouTube[/ame]

Unfortunately, you're faced with the same problem,...

"And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
]Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

....and you are left with nothing but excuses as to why there is no proof:

"Evolutionary changes are only seen in a relatively small number of individuals, making finding all the examples nearly impossible,..."

Stevie is a dunce.....but you might like to consider this: Darwinism and Marxism are based on a totally material view of the world, i.e., there is nothing more.
The two ideas developed at about the same time and for the same reason.

Neither idea works. Seems to be lots of evidence that both are incorrect.

Not surprisingly, every one of the "quotes" dumped into this thread by the princess appears on virtually every creationist website, exactly as cut and pasted by the princess. And, not surprisingly, these same "quotes" share the expected editing and parsing. Additionally, most are 1980's vintage material.

Regarding the Dean Kenyon "quote" we see that only an edited, parsed portion has been "quoted". Here is a fuller description:

Edwards v. Aguillard: Dean Kenyon's Affidavit

The phony "quote" dumped in this thread by the princess has been dumped in four other threads. Yet, she continues her fraud.

So....the best you can do is say you've heard something before?

Could you point out any that are in error?

'Cause if you can't, then two facts are established:

1. The OP is correct

2. You are incapable of learning.

Go for it, Halloween.... could start lying.
Berlinski is just another cult member of the Disco’tute.

#24: David Berlinski

Encyclopedia of American Loons: Search results for Berlinski

Berlinski is one of the movers and shakers of the contemporary creationist movement, associated with the Discovery Institute and one of their most frequent and famous debaters. A delusional, pompous narcissist with an ego to fit a medieval pope. Also a name-dropper (most of his talks concern important people he has talked to). A comment on one of his lunatic self-aggrandizing rants can be found here:

Disco. ?tute: Evolution is a ?terrifying cripple,? ?bang[ing] its crutches through…Hell? ? Thoughts from Kansas (sums up this guy pretty well):

He is apparently really angry at evolution (it is unclear why), and famous for his purely enumerative “cows cannot evolve into whales” argument.

Berlinski was once a moderately respected author of popular-science books on mathematics. He can still add numbers together, but has forgotten the GIGO rule (“garbage in, garbage out") of applied mathematics. Some of his rantings are discussed here.

Likes to play ‘the skeptic’ (which means denialism in this case, and that is not the same thing).

Diagnosis: Boneheaded, pompous and arrogant nitwit; has a lot of influence, and a frequent participator in debates, since apparently the Discovery Institute thinks that’s the way scientific disputes are settled (although he often takes a surprisingly moderate view in debates, leading some to suspect that he is really a cynical fraud rather than a loon).

I really don't care whether or not you like Dr. Berlinski.....
Can you point out anything in the OP that isn't correct?

Now, hurry up before Dorothy spills water on you again.
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Darwin deniers. CSC - Denying Darwin: David Berlinski and Critics

"Mr. Berlinski states that "before the Cambrian era . . . very little is inscribed in the fossil record." Yet the oldest known fossils are of bacteria and stromatolites (containing blue-green algae), both of which are with us today, and are still among the simplest forms of life known. The Cambrian explosion occurred much later, after simple life (and even simple multicellular life) had already appeared. This is one of the many points in the fossil record that support evolution." - quote

[Mr. Berlinski further asserts that evolution is random. It is not quite that simple. Evolution is accomplished by random mutations of DNA. However, the process of natural selection is not random at all. Any physician treating a relapsed cancer patient knows full well that the cancer . . . will be resistant to the original drugs used as therapy (and this resistance may be due to the overexpression of a single protein). This is not random in any sense. Similarly, any physician treating a patient infected with the new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria can tell you that there is nothing random about the selection of these bacteria: they grow where their predecessors could not.

[MENTION=37754]Hollie[/MENTION]. Its a pretty good read

C''re smarter than Hollie.....not a very high bar to surmount....

...but can you find anything in the OP that isn't correct?

Or are you gonna be another witness to its veracity?
Actually, you prove the OP.

You see, as Darwin admitted....his theory not only couldn't be proven, but fossil evidence was exactly in the opposite direction.

So....the the admission became "It must be the exact opposite of his theory: Punctuated Equilibrium."

Yea... that's the ticket! - YouTube

Unfortunately, you're faced with the same problem,...

"And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
]Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

....and you are left with nothing but excuses as to why there is no proof:

"Evolutionary changes are only seen in a relatively small number of individuals, making finding all the examples nearly impossible,..."

Stevie is a dunce.....but you might like to consider this: Darwinism and Marxism are based on a totally material view of the world, i.e., there is nothing more.
The two ideas developed at about the same time and for the same reason.

Neither idea works. Seems to be lots of evidence that both are incorrect.

Not surprisingly, every one of the "quotes" dumped into this thread by the princess appears on virtually every creationist website, exactly as cut and pasted by the princess. And, not surprisingly, these same "quotes" share the expected editing and parsing. Additionally, most are 1980's vintage material.

Regarding the Dean Kenyon "quote" we see that only an edited, parsed portion has been "quoted". Here is a fuller description:

Edwards v. Aguillard: Dean Kenyon's Affidavit

The phony "quote" dumped in this thread by the princess has been dumped in four other threads. Yet, she continues her fraud.

So....the best you can do is say you've heard something before?

Could you point out any that are in error?

'Cause if you can't, then two facts are established:

1. The OP is correct

2. You are incapable of learning.

Go for it, Halloween.... could start lying.

1. Oh, you poor dear. You're once again exposed as a fraud.

2. Your OP is a fraud.

3. Stop lying.

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