The Campaign to ***Destabilize*** the Trump Presidency

There are those within the CIA who need to be purged. Individuals who illegally violate a Congressional Subpoena by refusing to appear before Congress to provide evidence they have yet simultaneously leaks information / that evidence to the media need to be GONE! If your top, secret Intel Agency has a leak, that leak must be PLUGGED.

Clapper’s remarks were clearly aimed at Trump
, who has tweeted his contempt for the effort by the CIA and allied agencies to conjure up a Russian conspiracy to put him in the White House. Citing Julian Assange’s statement to Sean Hannity that a teenager could’ve hacked the Podesta emails, Trump’s tweets evoked the rage of the Washington Establishment – how dare he question those who failed to prevent 9/11, told us Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction,” and failed to foresee the rise of ISIS, which they (through President Obama) characterized as “the JV team”!

The hearing quickly degenerated into a “Hate Assange” session, with McCain asking Clapper "if any credibility should attached to this individual” given WikiLeaks’ “record of leaking materials that put U.S. lives in direct danger.”

Clearly the Democratic politicians and partisans have decided that a non-stop flood of attacks from every corner of our government, society and culture is their best chance for mitigating their 2016 losses.

No doubt the goal is to scare enough moderate Republicans that they can pick off a few votes on important issues here and there.

Nasty? Yeah. But after the last eight years, it's a little tough to blame them.

I keep seeing here how liberalism must be destroyed. Okay, well, if this is indeed life and death, that's the way they're going to respond.

Can you blame them?
The Democratic Party of America and its regressive ideology will die, there is nothing they can do to change that now.

The attacks against Trump are only hastening their demise by creating a permanent counter ideology that can easily wipe the floor with them once mobilized.
Same old crap. One side wins the otnber vows to fight it. Same old average america...notice small a

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