The Campaign to ***Destabilize*** the Trump Presidency

Turn around is only fair. Maybe if you treated Obama with respect then we'd of done the same for Trump...Now we're pissed.

How government bureaucrats react when their livelihood is threatened


Shortly before the Waco raid, the agency’s public image had hit an especially low point. Back in October of 1992, some African American agents accused the agency of discrimination at a House of Representatives subcommittee meeting – specifically claiming that their superiors assigned them to more dangerous jobs than their white counterparts and denied denied the same opportunities to job promotion as whites received. They filed suit. These allegations of racism were not the end. Female workers from the ATF had also made allegations of sexual harassment, and said they faced retaliatory punishment for voicing their complaints. The ATF announced that it would launch an investigation as a result, two months before the assault at Mount Carmel.[18] A couple of CBS’ 60 Minutes exposés had focused on the harassment charges, including one before the Waco raid and one a month after in which a reporter found, “Almost all the agents we talked to said they believe the initial attack on that cult in Waco was a publicity stunt – the main goal of which was to improve ATF’s tarnished image.”[19] This would explain the codename of the raid, Operation Showtime. [20]

And because the BATF bureaucrats felt threatened they MURDERED 90 innocent people in Waco, TX

Libertarians have been demanding since 1971 to ABOLISH the administrative state.

Coordinated Operation to Destabilize the Trump Presidency?

Is Trump “in bed with the enemy”?

These are serious accusations allegedly backed up by US intelligence which cannot be brushed away.

Will they just be forgotten once Trump accedes to the White House? Unlikely. They are part of a propaganda campaign on behalf of powerful corporate interests.

What is at stake is tantamount to a carefully coordinated operation to destabilize the Trump presidency, characterized by several distinct components.

The central objective of this project against Trump is to ensure the continuity of the Neocons’ foreign policy agenda geared towards global warfare and Worldwide economic conquest, which has dominated the US political landscape since September 2001.

Let us first review the nature of the Neocons’ foreign policy stance."

Background on The Neocons’ Foreign Policy Agenda

In the wake of 9/11, two major shifts in US foreign policy were devised as part of the 2001 National Security Strategy (NSS).

The first pertained to the “global war on terrorism” against Al Qaeda, the second introduced the preemptive “defensive war” doctrine. The objective was to present “preemptive military action” –meaning war as an act of “self-defense” against two categories of enemies, “rogue States” and “Islamic terrorists”:

“The war against terrorists of global reach is a global enterprise of uncertain duration. …America will act against such emerging threats before they are fully formed.(National Security Strategy, White House, 2002,

The preemptive war doctrine also included the preemptive use of nuclear weapons on a “first strike” basis (as a means of “self-defense”) against both nuclear and non-nuclear states. This concept of a preemptive first strike nuclear attack was firmly endorsed by Hillary Clinton in her election campaign."

In turn, the “Global War on Terrorism”(GWOT) launched in the wake of 9/11 has come to play a central role in justifying US-NATO military intervention in the Middle East on “humanitarian grounds” (R2P), including the instatement of so-called “No Fly Zones”. GWOT also constitutes the cornerstone of media propaganda.

The military and intelligence dimensions of the Neocons’ project are contained in The Project for the New American Century formulated prior to the accession of George W. Bush to the White House. The PNAC also posits a “Revolution in Military Affairs” requiring a massive budget outlay allocated to the development of advanced weapons systems including a new generation of nuclear weapons.

The Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency

Obama has formally accused Moscow of interfering in the US elections on behalf of Donald Trump. These are serious allegations. Whereas the sanctions are directed against Russia, the ultimate intent is to undermine the legitimacy of president-elect Donald Trump and his foreign policy stance in relation to Moscow.
I seem to recall someone who questioned the legitimacy of a President for several years.

Oh, yeah. It was Donald Trump!
But did McCone come close to perjury all those decades ago? Did the onetime Washington outsider in fact hide agency secrets that might still rewrite the history of the assassination? Even the CIA is now willing to raise these questions. Half a century after JFK’s death, in a once-secret report written in 2013 by the CIA’s top in-house historian and quietly declassified last fall, the spy agency acknowledges what others were convinced of long ago: that McCone and other senior CIA officials were “complicit” in keeping “incendiary” information from the Warren Commission.

Seems the Trumpttes have been caught taking aide from the enemy and they are getting all pissed that they were caught.

Listen Comrades, You like surrendering....
You keep calling Trump supporters commies for some reason yet your kind operates based on Alinsky's plan.
Seems the Trumpttes have been caught taking aide from the enemy and they are getting all pissed that they were caught.

Listen Comrades, You like surrendering....
You keep calling Trump supporters commies for some reason yet your kind operates based on Alinsky's plan.

The REAL comrades - the demo_rats- have a powerful ally :the Democrat Media Complex.

"The PNAC initiative was launched by William Kristol and Robert Kagan whose wife Victoria Nuland, played a key role as Clinton’s Assistant Secretary of State in engineering the Euro-Maidan coup in Ukraine.

The Neocon project also includes a menu of “regime change”, “color revolutions”, economic sanctions and macroeconomic reforms directed against countries which fail to conform to Washington’s demands.

In turn, the globalization of war supports Wall Street’s global economic agenda: The (secretly negotiated) Atlantic and Pacific trade blocks (TPP, TTIP, CETA, TISA), coupled up with IMF- World Bank- WTO “surveillance” are an integral part of this hegemonic project, intimately related to US military and intelligence operations."

Turn around is only fair. Maybe if you treated Obama with respect then we'd of done the same for Trump...Now we're pissed.
Matthew you seem to be an ignorant twit; I am grateful you have no actual position of authority.

There are those within the CIA who need to be purged. Individuals who illegally violate a Congressional Subpoena by refusing to appear before Congress to provide evidence they have yet simultaneously leaks information / that evidence to the media need to be GONE! If your top, secret Intel Agency has a leak, that leak must be PLUGGED.
This is too hard for dumb twits to comprehend. Used to be whenever I won a new contract I let all of the other companies employees go collect unemployment from their former employer. I took that policy line to insure that whoever went to work for me followed the protocol I had established our excellent reputation on. In many cases it is easier to train new employees than to try and retrain another company's old employees with bad habits. At this point we need a clean sweep considering that some of the peoples employees forget that they actually work and receive their paychecks at the will of the people; not a few that believe they have absolute rights to dictate and rule over the people.
Trump is days away from becoming the most powerful man on earth, so much for Obama and the left. RIP libs.
The Campaign to ***Destabilize*** the Trump Presidency

You mean like The Campaign to ***Destabilize*** the Obama Presidency...?
May be it is more like a policy to keep the people unstable on both sides if it were possible to fulfill an agenda that goes against freedom and liberty this country is supposed to be standing for. It is hard to get your footing back in unstable stormy waters. That flooding storm began on 9-11 and there are a whole lot of evil sob's that would like nothing more than to see this country go down so they can buy in at fire sale prices and then push their own agendas.
There are those within the CIA who need to be purged. Individuals who illegally violate a Congressional Subpoena by refusing to appear before Congress to provide evidence they have yet simultaneously leaks information / that evidence to the media need to be GONE! If your top, secret Intel Agency has a leak, that leak must be PLUGGED.
I heard last night that the worker bees have been told not to bring in any news about obummer or hitlery that disrupts their business. Wow!! It was on Megan Kelly last night the former CIA Director James Wooley. he even stated:

"Kelly brought up the Washington Post report, and Woolsey confirmed that he "was not really called upon go to meetings or participate in work on the transition," other than briefing reporters. But he didn't bite when she asked about the Twitter abuse, and said he could support the right reform of the intelligence agencies."
We voted in Trump because he is not a lib and not a neocon. We have, for the first time in decades, a president that is NOT beholden to a political party or doners. We are serious about restoring our rights and liberties. We are serious about making gov. smaller and more efficient. We will take a lot of shit fron the lunatic left but when we have had enough you will know it. We won't stand by and let Trump be stopped. To all the lib politicians, elections in 2yrs, play ball or say goodbye.
A campaign to destabilize Trump is comparable to a campaign to make shit smell worse.
Clearly the Democratic politicians and partisans have decided that a non-stop flood of attacks from every corner of our government, society and culture is their best chance for mitigating their 2016 losses.

No doubt the goal is to scare enough moderate Republicans that they can pick off a few votes on important issues here and there.

Nasty? Yeah. But after the last eight years, it's a little tough to blame them.

I keep seeing here how liberalism must be destroyed. Okay, well, if this is indeed life and death, that's the way they're going to respond.

Can you blame them?
Keep going with the circlejerk, Deplorables.

I notice that it's getting smaller.
It is getting more elite.

We question authority and dogma because we are smart enough to do just that. You are not even smart enough to know that the government can be, and is, wrong, frequently.

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