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The cancer of Cancel Culture and the lefts devotion to it.

Cancel Culture:


So often on this board I see leftists comparing boycotts to modern Cancel Culture. The problem with that completely false comparison is that my personal boycotts or promotion of said boycotts has no impact on your ability to indulge in what I am boycotting.
Take General Motors for instance. I will never again buy a new GM product because of how they shit on dealers while bailing out investors with my tax dollars. That personal boycott has no affect on your ability to purchase a GM product. I am not DECIDING FOR YOU.

At the same time I have not nor would I ever try to get Springsteens music banned or Deniros movies canceled. In fact I still love both of their products. They have both added to the culture of our nation. One with pride instilling patriotic music and the other with thought provoking movies that delved into organized crime. I think America would be a worse place culturally if I cancelled the products of everyone I disagreed with politically or personally.
A great question for the left is why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective are banned? Why is Gina canceled while the left invokes Nazi references daily? Those are rhetorical so don't bother with your gibberish twisted responses.
If not for Lincoln the United States today might still be fractured. The Civil Rights bill might not exist. Yet in California he is canceled and Illinois is considering canceling him. How is this not total off the charts lunacy?
Think back to the worst things you've ever said in life then imagine CNN putting your picture and those statements on the air every hour, every day for weeks or months...

Where does this insanity take us? Gina was spot on despite wording it in a way that could get her in trouble.

We have to stop this shit. We are circling the drain. We're like the Roman empire on the fast track.
The thread premise is a lie and fails as a strawman fallacy.

The ‘cancel culture’ lie is predicated on the wrongheaded notion that those who engage in hate speech are somehow ‘silenced’ with threats of losing their livelihoods and being subject to an existence of obscure poverty.

But nowhere is there evidence of this happening.

Indeed, not only are those who engage in hate speech not silenced by such threats but continue to flourish and prosper.

The most recent example would be the right’s poster girl for the cancel culture lie, Gina Carano.

Not only has she not been ‘silenced,’ but Carano is even more free to propagate her lies and misinformation as a new member of the rightwing website The Daily Wire:

“The Daily Wire is helping make one of my dreams — to develop and produce my own film — come true…”

So much for the ‘cancel culture’ lie.
So often on this board I see leftists comparing boycotts to modern Cancel Culture. The problem with that completely false comparison is that my personal boycotts or promotion of said boycotts has no impact on your ability to indulge in what I am boycotting.
Take General Motors for instance. I will never again buy a new GM product because of how they shit on dealers while bailing out investors with my tax dollars. That personal boycott has no affect on your ability to purchase a GM product. I am not DECIDING FOR YOU.

At the same time I have not nor would I ever try to get Springsteens music banned or Deniros movies canceled. In fact I still love both of their products. They have both added to the culture of our nation. One with pride instilling patriotic music and the other with thought provoking movies that delved into organized crime. I think America would be a worse place culturally if I cancelled the products of everyone I disagreed with politically or personally.
A great question for the left is why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective are banned? Why is Gina canceled while the left invokes Nazi references daily? Those are rhetorical so don't bother with your gibberish twisted responses.
If not for Lincoln the United States today might still be fractured. The Civil Rights bill might not exist. Yet in California he is canceled and Illinois is considering canceling him. How is this not total off the charts lunacy?
Think back to the worst things you've ever said in life then imagine CNN putting your picture and those statements on the air every hour, every day for weeks or months...

Where does this insanity take us? Gina was spot on despite wording it in a way that could get her in trouble.

We have to stop this shit. We are circling the drain. We're like the Roman empire on the fast track.
Dixie Chicks.
What about them? Ate they still making music? I'm not a country fan so I have no idea beyond the headlines
They were silenced and received death threats when they dared to open their mouths about GWB.
Part of the right wing cancel culture you're now going to pretend you knew nothing about.

Pretend? I don't follow country music.
Apparently they went on solo outings according to Google and are getting back together after a duet with Taylor Swift.

I don't follow cry in my beer bullshit music.
Either way even if you are right, since I don't know the facts, that is one instance. That clearly pales in comparison to what you tards are doing now. Canceling half our historical figures and anyone on the right who dares express an opinion by the dozens.
What you and others on the right who propagate the ‘cancel culture’ lie fail to understand is that this is the process the Framers envisioned for our free and democratic society: that private citizens in the context of private society determine what speech is appropriate and what speech is not, free from unwarranted interference from government or the courts.

It was never the Framers’ intent that those who engage in public speech do so with impunity, that in the context of private society those who engage in reckless, irresponsible, or harmful speech would be subject to warranted criticism by their fellow private citizens and be held accountable for that reckless, irresponsible, or harmful speech.

The notion that conservatives are living some sort of clandestine existence, endlessly looking over their shoulders in fear of being ‘persecuted’ by ‘the left’ is in fact a lie.
So often on this board I see leftists comparing boycotts to modern Cancel Culture. The problem with that completely false comparison is that my personal boycotts or promotion of said boycotts has no impact on your ability to indulge in what I am boycotting.
Take General Motors for instance. I will never again buy a new GM product because of how they shit on dealers while bailing out investors with my tax dollars. That personal boycott has no affect on your ability to purchase a GM product. I am not DECIDING FOR YOU.

At the same time I have not nor would I ever try to get Springsteens music banned or Deniros movies canceled. In fact I still love both of their products. They have both added to the culture of our nation. One with pride instilling patriotic music and the other with thought provoking movies that delved into organized crime. I think America would be a worse place culturally if I cancelled the products of everyone I disagreed with politically or personally.
A great question for the left is why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective are banned? Why is Gina canceled while the left invokes Nazi references daily? Those are rhetorical so don't bother with your gibberish twisted responses.
If not for Lincoln the United States today might still be fractured. The Civil Rights bill might not exist. Yet in California he is canceled and Illinois is considering canceling him. How is this not total off the charts lunacy?
Think back to the worst things you've ever said in life then imagine CNN putting your picture and those statements on the air every hour, every day for weeks or months...

Where does this insanity take us? Gina was spot on despite wording it in a way that could get her in trouble.

We have to stop this shit. We are circling the drain. We're like the Roman empire on the fast track.
A lot of people don't like the GOP world of lies propaganda they have now. Everything you know is garbage propaganda.
How do all those right wingers demanding a boycott of the Olympics in China effect their hate for the cancel culture? Can you have it both ways?
I explained that in the first fucking paragraph ffs.

And fuck the Olympics just because it's mostly overrated boring bullshit masquerading as a sport. Shotput a sport? That shit with the rock and a mop on ice? Gtfo with all that nonsense. Bar games for fun are not a sport

No you didn't. Lots of RWNJs are demanding the US boycott the Olympics. That would affect my ability to watch the games. You right wingers need to make up your silly minds.
A US boycott would mean us athletes couldn't participate ya tard. They can't stop the networks from airing it. This isn't China lol
Did you mean us athletes or U.S. athletes, you worn out old souse? Since when has the drunk numb-hand jerk off been an Olympic sport?
How do all those right wingers demanding a boycott of the Olympics in China effect their hate for the cancel culture? Can you have it both ways?
I'm a very strong right wing Republican but have not demanded any boycott against anybody
A lot of right wingers have. Does that make them RINOs?
To support or not support is first amendment right. Conservatives are generally bonded on lower tax and less federal control over state choices, and we value the individual's right to invent and be rewarded for the patents and copyright wealth such efforts earn. We usually oppose breaking the law and support the tasks police must do when dealing with criminality.

However, when some idiot goes around bragging of his crime and thuggeries, we do reserve the right to allow him to pay for his crime if the courts find him guilty, and we get rid of officials who swear an oath to support the Constitution, but for some reason renig on that promise while executing the break doing an official task.

You wanna try again? You were doing pretty good till it all went to shit and didn't make any sense at all.
It is the infiltration of Communism and Marxism into the US. And it is coming from the inside out through government and the big corporations.
Social Equity and Social Justice require that the world's wealth be redistributed according to government dictates.
No private property.
No private industry.

Another part of this is:

Big tech companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon are also deeply connected to the military-industrial-intelligence complex. They serve important surveillance and data harvesting functions without which the technocratic agenda cannot not be realized

The core of the technocratic power structure includes entities such as the Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, the Aspen Institute, the Atlantic Institute, the Brookings Institute and other think-tanks

How do all those right wingers demanding a boycott of the Olympics in China effect their hate for the cancel culture? Can you have it both ways?
I explained that in the first fucking paragraph ffs.

And fuck the Olympics just because it's mostly overrated boring bullshit masquerading as a sport. Shotput a sport? That shit with the rock and a mop on ice? Gtfo with all that nonsense. Bar games for fun are not a sport

No you didn't. Lots of RWNJs are demanding the US boycott the Olympics. That would affect my ability to watch the games. You right wingers need to make up your silly minds.
Or you can stop trying to pigeon hole everyone. Of course, that would have to be reciprocated.
So often on this board I see leftists comparing boycotts to modern Cancel Culture. The problem with that completely false comparison is that my personal boycotts or promotion of said boycotts has no impact on your ability to indulge in what I am boycotting.
Take General Motors for instance. I will never again buy a new GM product because of how they shit on dealers while bailing out investors with my tax dollars. That personal boycott has no affect on your ability to purchase a GM product. I am not DECIDING FOR YOU.

At the same time I have not nor would I ever try to get Springsteens music banned or Deniros movies canceled. In fact I still love both of their products. They have both added to the culture of our nation. One with pride instilling patriotic music and the other with thought provoking movies that delved into organized crime. I think America would be a worse place culturally if I cancelled the products of everyone I disagreed with politically or personally.
A great question for the left is why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective are banned? Why is Gina canceled while the left invokes Nazi references daily? Those are rhetorical so don't bother with your gibberish twisted responses.
If not for Lincoln the United States today might still be fractured. The Civil Rights bill might not exist. Yet in California he is canceled and Illinois is considering canceling him. How is this not total off the charts lunacy?
Think back to the worst things you've ever said in life then imagine CNN putting your picture and those statements on the air every hour, every day for weeks or months...

Where does this insanity take us? Gina was spot on despite wording it in a way that could get her in trouble.

We have to stop this shit. We are circling the drain. We're like the Roman empire on the fast track.
Dixie Chicks.
What about them? Ate they still making music? I'm not a country fan so I have no idea beyond the headlines
They were silenced and received death threats when they dared to open their mouths about GWB.
Part of the right wing cancel culture you're now going to pretend you knew nothing about.

What I heard you say is that everything that has been happening in the last five years is ok because of the Dixie Chicks. Is that what you intended?
The most recent example would be the right’s poster girl for the cancel culture lie, Gina Carano.

Not only has she not been ‘silenced,’ but Carano is even more free to propagate her lies and misinformation as a new member of the rightwing website The Daily Wire:

“The Daily Wire is helping make one of my dreams — to develop and produce my own film — come true…”

Wrong and dangerously so. Simply because she was given another job elsewhere does not make it ok that she lost her job. I'm not sure what world you live in that makes this ok. It simply isn't true.
How do all those right wingers demanding a boycott of the Olympics in China effect their hate for the cancel culture? Can you have it both ways?
I explained that in the first fucking paragraph ffs.

And fuck the Olympics just because it's mostly overrated boring bullshit masquerading as a sport. Shotput a sport? That shit with the rock and a mop on ice? Gtfo with all that nonsense. Bar games for fun are not a sport

No you didn't. Lots of RWNJs are demanding the US boycott the Olympics. That would affect my ability to watch the games. You right wingers need to make up your silly minds.
Or you can stop trying to pigeon hole everyone. Of course, that would have to be reciprocated.
So often on this board I see leftists comparing boycotts to modern Cancel Culture. The problem with that completely false comparison is that my personal boycotts or promotion of said boycotts has no impact on your ability to indulge in what I am boycotting.
Take General Motors for instance. I will never again buy a new GM product because of how they shit on dealers while bailing out investors with my tax dollars. That personal boycott has no affect on your ability to purchase a GM product. I am not DECIDING FOR YOU.

At the same time I have not nor would I ever try to get Springsteens music banned or Deniros movies canceled. In fact I still love both of their products. They have both added to the culture of our nation. One with pride instilling patriotic music and the other with thought provoking movies that delved into organized crime. I think America would be a worse place culturally if I cancelled the products of everyone I disagreed with politically or personally.
A great question for the left is why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective are banned? Why is Gina canceled while the left invokes Nazi references daily? Those are rhetorical so don't bother with your gibberish twisted responses.
If not for Lincoln the United States today might still be fractured. The Civil Rights bill might not exist. Yet in California he is canceled and Illinois is considering canceling him. How is this not total off the charts lunacy?
Think back to the worst things you've ever said in life then imagine CNN putting your picture and those statements on the air every hour, every day for weeks or months...

Where does this insanity take us? Gina was spot on despite wording it in a way that could get her in trouble.

We have to stop this shit. We are circling the drain. We're like the Roman empire on the fast track.
Dixie Chicks.
What about them? Ate they still making music? I'm not a country fan so I have no idea beyond the headlines
They were silenced and received death threats when they dared to open their mouths about GWB.
Part of the right wing cancel culture you're now going to pretend you knew nothing about.

What I heard you say is that everything that has been happening in the last five years is ok because of the Dixie Chicks. Is that what you intended?

I use the Dixie Chicks to point out that the right wing uses the so-called "cancel culture" all the time. Ask the congressmen and women who have been censured by their state GOP parties. Ask Whoopi Goldberg who was fired from Weight Watchers (I think it was) because of her riff on GWB. Anyone seen Kathy Griffith/Griffin or whatever that twit's name is lately? Wonder why.
How do all those right wingers demanding a boycott of the Olympics in China effect their hate for the cancel culture? Can you have it both ways?
I explained that in the first fucking paragraph ffs.

And fuck the Olympics just because it's mostly overrated boring bullshit masquerading as a sport. Shotput a sport? That shit with the rock and a mop on ice? Gtfo with all that nonsense. Bar games for fun are not a sport

No you didn't. Lots of RWNJs are demanding the US boycott the Olympics. That would affect my ability to watch the games. You right wingers need to make up your silly minds.
Or you can stop trying to pigeon hole everyone. Of course, that would have to be reciprocated.
So often on this board I see leftists comparing boycotts to modern Cancel Culture. The problem with that completely false comparison is that my personal boycotts or promotion of said boycotts has no impact on your ability to indulge in what I am boycotting.
Take General Motors for instance. I will never again buy a new GM product because of how they shit on dealers while bailing out investors with my tax dollars. That personal boycott has no affect on your ability to purchase a GM product. I am not DECIDING FOR YOU.

At the same time I have not nor would I ever try to get Springsteens music banned or Deniros movies canceled. In fact I still love both of their products. They have both added to the culture of our nation. One with pride instilling patriotic music and the other with thought provoking movies that delved into organized crime. I think America would be a worse place culturally if I cancelled the products of everyone I disagreed with politically or personally.
A great question for the left is why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective are banned? Why is Gina canceled while the left invokes Nazi references daily? Those are rhetorical so don't bother with your gibberish twisted responses.
If not for Lincoln the United States today might still be fractured. The Civil Rights bill might not exist. Yet in California he is canceled and Illinois is considering canceling him. How is this not total off the charts lunacy?
Think back to the worst things you've ever said in life then imagine CNN putting your picture and those statements on the air every hour, every day for weeks or months...

Where does this insanity take us? Gina was spot on despite wording it in a way that could get her in trouble.

We have to stop this shit. We are circling the drain. We're like the Roman empire on the fast track.
Dixie Chicks.
What about them? Ate they still making music? I'm not a country fan so I have no idea beyond the headlines
They were silenced and received death threats when they dared to open their mouths about GWB.
Part of the right wing cancel culture you're now going to pretend you knew nothing about.

What I heard you say is that everything that has been happening in the last five years is ok because of the Dixie Chicks. Is that what you intended?

More accurately would be that you are complaining about the exact same thing you are guilty of. Hypocrite much?
"..why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective.."

Freudian slip?
How do all those right wingers demanding a boycott of the Olympics in China effect their hate for the cancel culture? Can you have it both ways?
I explained that in the first fucking paragraph ffs.

And fuck the Olympics just because it's mostly overrated boring bullshit masquerading as a sport. Shotput a sport? That shit with the rock and a mop on ice? Gtfo with all that nonsense. Bar games for fun are not a sport

No you didn't. Lots of RWNJs are demanding the US boycott the Olympics. That would affect my ability to watch the games. You right wingers need to make up your silly minds.
Or you can stop trying to pigeon hole everyone. Of course, that would have to be reciprocated.
So often on this board I see leftists comparing boycotts to modern Cancel Culture. The problem with that completely false comparison is that my personal boycotts or promotion of said boycotts has no impact on your ability to indulge in what I am boycotting.
Take General Motors for instance. I will never again buy a new GM product because of how they shit on dealers while bailing out investors with my tax dollars. That personal boycott has no affect on your ability to purchase a GM product. I am not DECIDING FOR YOU.

At the same time I have not nor would I ever try to get Springsteens music banned or Deniros movies canceled. In fact I still love both of their products. They have both added to the culture of our nation. One with pride instilling patriotic music and the other with thought provoking movies that delved into organized crime. I think America would be a worse place culturally if I cancelled the products of everyone I disagreed with politically or personally.
A great question for the left is why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective are banned? Why is Gina canceled while the left invokes Nazi references daily? Those are rhetorical so don't bother with your gibberish twisted responses.
If not for Lincoln the United States today might still be fractured. The Civil Rights bill might not exist. Yet in California he is canceled and Illinois is considering canceling him. How is this not total off the charts lunacy?
Think back to the worst things you've ever said in life then imagine CNN putting your picture and those statements on the air every hour, every day for weeks or months...

Where does this insanity take us? Gina was spot on despite wording it in a way that could get her in trouble.

We have to stop this shit. We are circling the drain. We're like the Roman empire on the fast track.
Dixie Chicks.
What about them? Ate they still making music? I'm not a country fan so I have no idea beyond the headlines
They were silenced and received death threats when they dared to open their mouths about GWB.
Part of the right wing cancel culture you're now going to pretend you knew nothing about.

What I heard you say is that everything that has been happening in the last five years is ok because of the Dixie Chicks. Is that what you intended?

I use the Dixie Chicks to point out that the right wing uses the so-called "cancel culture" all the time. Ask the congressmen and women who have been censured by their state GOP parties. Ask Whoopi Goldberg who was fired from Weight Watchers (I think it was) because of her riff on GWB. Anyone seen Kathy Griffith/Griffin or whatever that twit's name is lately? Wonder why.

So. It's ok then.
How do all those right wingers demanding a boycott of the Olympics in China effect their hate for the cancel culture? Can you have it both ways?
I explained that in the first fucking paragraph ffs.

And fuck the Olympics just because it's mostly overrated boring bullshit masquerading as a sport. Shotput a sport? That shit with the rock and a mop on ice? Gtfo with all that nonsense. Bar games for fun are not a sport

No you didn't. Lots of RWNJs are demanding the US boycott the Olympics. That would affect my ability to watch the games. You right wingers need to make up your silly minds.
Or you can stop trying to pigeon hole everyone. Of course, that would have to be reciprocated.
So often on this board I see leftists comparing boycotts to modern Cancel Culture. The problem with that completely false comparison is that my personal boycotts or promotion of said boycotts has no impact on your ability to indulge in what I am boycotting.
Take General Motors for instance. I will never again buy a new GM product because of how they shit on dealers while bailing out investors with my tax dollars. That personal boycott has no affect on your ability to purchase a GM product. I am not DECIDING FOR YOU.

At the same time I have not nor would I ever try to get Springsteens music banned or Deniros movies canceled. In fact I still love both of their products. They have both added to the culture of our nation. One with pride instilling patriotic music and the other with thought provoking movies that delved into organized crime. I think America would be a worse place culturally if I cancelled the products of everyone I disagreed with politically or personally.
A great question for the left is why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective are banned? Why is Gina canceled while the left invokes Nazi references daily? Those are rhetorical so don't bother with your gibberish twisted responses.
If not for Lincoln the United States today might still be fractured. The Civil Rights bill might not exist. Yet in California he is canceled and Illinois is considering canceling him. How is this not total off the charts lunacy?
Think back to the worst things you've ever said in life then imagine CNN putting your picture and those statements on the air every hour, every day for weeks or months...

Where does this insanity take us? Gina was spot on despite wording it in a way that could get her in trouble.

We have to stop this shit. We are circling the drain. We're like the Roman empire on the fast track.
Dixie Chicks.
What about them? Ate they still making music? I'm not a country fan so I have no idea beyond the headlines
They were silenced and received death threats when they dared to open their mouths about GWB.
Part of the right wing cancel culture you're now going to pretend you knew nothing about.

What I heard you say is that everything that has been happening in the last five years is ok because of the Dixie Chicks. Is that what you intended?

More accurately would be that you are complaining about the exact same thing you are guilty of. Hypocrite much?

I see. You are incapable of intellectual discourse. I won't make that mistake again.
How do all those right wingers demanding a boycott of the Olympics in China effect their hate for the cancel culture? Can you have it both ways?
I explained that in the first fucking paragraph ffs.

And fuck the Olympics just because it's mostly overrated boring bullshit masquerading as a sport. Shotput a sport? That shit with the rock and a mop on ice? Gtfo with all that nonsense. Bar games for fun are not a sport

No you didn't. Lots of RWNJs are demanding the US boycott the Olympics. That would affect my ability to watch the games. You right wingers need to make up your silly minds.
Or you can stop trying to pigeon hole everyone. Of course, that would have to be reciprocated.
So often on this board I see leftists comparing boycotts to modern Cancel Culture. The problem with that completely false comparison is that my personal boycotts or promotion of said boycotts has no impact on your ability to indulge in what I am boycotting.
Take General Motors for instance. I will never again buy a new GM product because of how they shit on dealers while bailing out investors with my tax dollars. That personal boycott has no affect on your ability to purchase a GM product. I am not DECIDING FOR YOU.

At the same time I have not nor would I ever try to get Springsteens music banned or Deniros movies canceled. In fact I still love both of their products. They have both added to the culture of our nation. One with pride instilling patriotic music and the other with thought provoking movies that delved into organized crime. I think America would be a worse place culturally if I cancelled the products of everyone I disagreed with politically or personally.
A great question for the left is why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective are banned? Why is Gina canceled while the left invokes Nazi references daily? Those are rhetorical so don't bother with your gibberish twisted responses.
If not for Lincoln the United States today might still be fractured. The Civil Rights bill might not exist. Yet in California he is canceled and Illinois is considering canceling him. How is this not total off the charts lunacy?
Think back to the worst things you've ever said in life then imagine CNN putting your picture and those statements on the air every hour, every day for weeks or months...

Where does this insanity take us? Gina was spot on despite wording it in a way that could get her in trouble.

We have to stop this shit. We are circling the drain. We're like the Roman empire on the fast track.
Dixie Chicks.
What about them? Ate they still making music? I'm not a country fan so I have no idea beyond the headlines
They were silenced and received death threats when they dared to open their mouths about GWB.
Part of the right wing cancel culture you're now going to pretend you knew nothing about.

What I heard you say is that everything that has been happening in the last five years is ok because of the Dixie Chicks. Is that what you intended?

More accurately would be that you are complaining about the exact same thing you are guilty of. Hypocrite much?

I see. You are incapable of intellectual discourse. I won't make that mistake again.

If you think intellectual discourse is the same as ignoring your hypocrisy, then you could be right.
How do all those right wingers demanding a boycott of the Olympics in China effect their hate for the cancel culture? Can you have it both ways?
I explained that in the first fucking paragraph ffs.

And fuck the Olympics just because it's mostly overrated boring bullshit masquerading as a sport. Shotput a sport? That shit with the rock and a mop on ice? Gtfo with all that nonsense. Bar games for fun are not a sport

No you didn't. Lots of RWNJs are demanding the US boycott the Olympics. That would affect my ability to watch the games. You right wingers need to make up your silly minds.
Where do you live, North Korea?????
How do all those right wingers demanding a boycott of the Olympics in China effect their hate for the cancel culture? Can you have it both ways?
I explained that in the first fucking paragraph ffs.

And fuck the Olympics just because it's mostly overrated boring bullshit masquerading as a sport. Shotput a sport? That shit with the rock and a mop on ice? Gtfo with all that nonsense. Bar games for fun are not a sport

No you didn't. Lots of RWNJs are demanding the US boycott the Olympics. That would affect my ability to watch the games. You right wingers need to make up your silly minds.
Or you can stop trying to pigeon hole everyone. Of course, that would have to be reciprocated.
So often on this board I see leftists comparing boycotts to modern Cancel Culture. The problem with that completely false comparison is that my personal boycotts or promotion of said boycotts has no impact on your ability to indulge in what I am boycotting.
Take General Motors for instance. I will never again buy a new GM product because of how they shit on dealers while bailing out investors with my tax dollars. That personal boycott has no affect on your ability to purchase a GM product. I am not DECIDING FOR YOU.

At the same time I have not nor would I ever try to get Springsteens music banned or Deniros movies canceled. In fact I still love both of their products. They have both added to the culture of our nation. One with pride instilling patriotic music and the other with thought provoking movies that delved into organized crime. I think America would be a worse place culturally if I cancelled the products of everyone I disagreed with politically or personally.
A great question for the left is why is Mein Kampf still for sale on Amazon while other books from a conservative perspective are banned? Why is Gina canceled while the left invokes Nazi references daily? Those are rhetorical so don't bother with your gibberish twisted responses.
If not for Lincoln the United States today might still be fractured. The Civil Rights bill might not exist. Yet in California he is canceled and Illinois is considering canceling him. How is this not total off the charts lunacy?
Think back to the worst things you've ever said in life then imagine CNN putting your picture and those statements on the air every hour, every day for weeks or months...

Where does this insanity take us? Gina was spot on despite wording it in a way that could get her in trouble.

We have to stop this shit. We are circling the drain. We're like the Roman empire on the fast track.
Dixie Chicks.
What about them? Ate they still making music? I'm not a country fan so I have no idea beyond the headlines
They were silenced and received death threats when they dared to open their mouths about GWB.
Part of the right wing cancel culture you're now going to pretend you knew nothing about.

What I heard you say is that everything that has been happening in the last five years is ok because of the Dixie Chicks. Is that what you intended?

More accurately would be that you are complaining about the exact same thing you are guilty of. Hypocrite much?

I see. You are incapable of intellectual discourse. I won't make that mistake again.

If you think intellectual discourse is the same as ignoring your hypocrisy, then you could be right.
If by hypocrisy, you mean that I judge all you little Democratic Party members as the same because you look alike then I'm guilty. You repeat the same lines. You don't blink. You don't question. It's easy to forget you might not actually tow the party line. I thought that by asking directly that it would provide you with the opportunity to actually state what you thought as an individual.

Again. I see you are incapable of intellectual discourse. I won't make that mistake again.

I'm a liberal. We don't ban books or destroy people because we can.
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