The Cappucino Corral


Happy Hump Day, Cappuccinisti!

We've had really big storms here the last two days.

I feel like that one guy out of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Everytime I step out the door, I get drenched....

The rain in Miami
falls mostly on my fanny?

So yummmy......:)
The Bluebonnets are in full bloom this time of year. Since we've had a lot of rain lately, they are really impressive this year. I took this picture in a hurry, was parked in the highway shoulder and didn't want to be run over, so it's not a really good one....I needed to get closer. I'm going to try and take a picture in another area that is safer and I can get a better picture, before they are gone..

Mertex those no collars were sneaky eh, Jen had the idol and beat out the blues plan to get rid of her. I like tyler and the lady he is aligned with carloine and I like Joe, and Mike.

That was so neat last night.....however, Tyler and Carolyn voted along with the blue collar.....Blue collar along with Tyler and Carolyn still have the numbers, so it will be interesting to see what happens next week. I want Rodney voted out.....he's arrogant and thinks he is in control.
Mertex those no collars were sneaky eh, Jen had the idol and beat out the blues plan to get rid of her. I like tyler and the lady he is aligned with carloine and I like Joe, and Mike.

That was so neat last night.....however, Tyler and Carolyn voted along with the blue collar.....Blue collar along with Tyler and Carolyn still have the numbers, so it will be interesting to see what happens next week. I want Rodney voted out.....he's arrogant and thinks he is in control.

Agree I can't stand Rodney, and though I am not a fan of Haley or Jen, I like Joe and thought Jen was clever in her move. So it's going to get interesting.

Mike's hawt! :lol:

I think the best players right now are Joe and Jen and I think if Tyler & Caroline can keep things under wraps they have a chance too.
And a fine weekend to the Cappuccinistis......

My daugher got the bike for Easter and just as expected, we were biking for about 4 hours today. Her eyes were gleaming with joy!

Then we went to a special service this evening (early evening), she got somewhat sick after an hour and I had to bring her home.

It was Sederous Interruptus.
I haz the Seder Sadz.

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