The case for Trump's obstruction of justice


Very, VERY original..........LOL
The only obstruction Trump is guilty of is keeping Hillaryous out of the White House.
/----/ And that is why the Left is so deranged
Didn't vote for Trump. Don't support Trump.

Still have to acknowledge that Trump can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason he wants. That is what serving at the pleasure of the president entails. Removing Comey from his position is a massive noting burger to complain about.

There will be a lots of right wing morons (like you) who will DENY ever voting for Trump.....

....and NO, a president is NOT above the law and the orange moron DID fire Comey for not being "loyal" enough to him and ending the Flynn investigation, and THAT IS obstruction of justice......

You right wingers will find out soon enough.......patience.
/----/ Lib wet dream #56
As original as the last 20 fake scandals that were going to 'bring him down' and ended up being nothing.

Among the lack of your other half brain, you lack PATIENCE.........Mueller's investigation is only about TWO months old.
It may be time for you right wing Trump ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant responsibility-shirking on Obama and Clinton.....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the orange moron in the WH.

I've noticed they're always desperate to change the subject and derail the thread. Isn't that against the rules?

They also try to blame others, which is the classic Trump move too.

In spite of their wishful thinking, they are to blame for this mess and Trump gets all the blame for his big mouthed, blustering, tweeting incompetence.

And now, look at what he's doing in Afghanistan. He is never going to be capable of being president.

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It may be time for you right wing Trump ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant responsibility-shirking on Obama and Clinton.....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the orange moron in the WH.
Trump is making sure Obama is just a bad memory, THANK GOD!
It may be time for you left wing Hillary and the Hussein ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant deranged-shrieking on Trump....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the Muslim-loving mulatto in the White House.

You forgot to include Kenyan in your racist banter........tsk, tsk, fuck head.....LOL
Obama is a racist, keep up your support for that kind of behavior. You do realize, Obama left blacks worse off than they were when he became president? With your support, you are the racist. Why do you support keeping blacks down?
“Kushner Cos., the New York property development business owned by the family of White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, has been subpoenaed by New York federal prosecutors regarding its use of an investment-for-immigration program,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“It isn’t clear what potential violations are being probed by the U.S. attorney.”

U.S. Attorney Subpoenas Kushner Companies
It may be time for you left wing Hillary and the Hussein ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant deranged-shrieking on Trump....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the Muslim-loving mulatto in the White House.

You forgot to include Kenyan in your racist banter........tsk, tsk, fuck head.....LOL
Obama is a racist, keep up your support for that kind of behavior. You do realize, Obama left blacks worse off than they were when he became president? With your support, you are the racist. Why do you support keeping blacks down?
It may be time for you right wing Trump ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant responsibility-shirking on Obama and Clinton.....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the orange moron in the WH.
Didn't vote for Trump. Don't support Trump.

Still have to acknowledge that Trump can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason he wants. That is what serving at the pleasure of the president entails. Removing Comey from his position is a massive noting burger to complain about.

Suddenly, there are a whole lot of conservatives who didn't vote for Trump. [emoji6]

It's his illegal actions that American patriots object to. As Nat pointed out, he's not above the law.

Trump is used to being able buying his way out of his crimes but he's never been up against the United States government.

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Didn't vote for Trump. Don't support Trump.

Still have to acknowledge that Trump can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason he wants. That is what serving at the pleasure of the president entails. Removing Comey from his position is a massive noting burger to complain about.

There will be a lots of right wing morons (like you) who will DENY ever voting for Trump.....

....and NO, a president is NOT above the law and the orange moron DID fire Comey for not being "loyal" enough to him and ending the Flynn investigation, and THAT IS obstruction of justice......

You right wingers will find out soon enough.......patience.
And Hillary was gonna win the election, right? Lol, you're an idiot.
It may be time for you right wing Trump ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant responsibility-shirking on Obama and Clinton.....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the orange moron in the WH.

I've noticed they're always desperate to change the subject and derail the thread. Isn't that against the rules?

They also try to blame others, which is the classic Trump move too.

In spite of their wishful thinking, they are to blame for this mess and Trump gets all the blame for his big mouthed, blustering, tweeting incompetence.

And now, look at what he's doing in Afghanistan. He is never going to be capable of being president.

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As original as the last 20 fake scandals that were going to 'bring him down' and ended up being nothing.

Among the lack of your other half brain, you lack PATIENCE.........Mueller's investigation is only about TWO months old.
And is uncovering Democrat crimes daily, and proving Trump did nothing wrong. Quit proving your stupidity. Lol, you're very entertaining, that's not a compliment.
Comey had already told Trump he was not a target in the investigation

Sure, but Trump DID become a target AFTER he tried to obstruct the investigation....Follow the "drip, drip, drip", Tigger; you're going to "love" it.LOL

You're making assumptions and have no proof of that. I guess you lack the ability to understand the authorization letter for the special counsel. Maybe you can get someone to explain the word "confined" to ya.

The New Yorker has a poignant, short article on how that moronic Trump just keeps on shooting himself in the foot "thinking" that he could run our country as if he was running his businesses. I say run the country like a business.

The article does not point to anything new, but offers a good recap of what Mueller's investigations must be building as a criminal case against the orange charlatan. ILMAO @ must be building as a criminal case. Trump is a crook to progressives as Santa Claus delivers presents to children on Christmas.

The bottom line boils down to Trump pressuring Comey to lay off Flynn, and his ill-advised admission to the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, when Trump stated after his firing Comey, “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” Can you articulate your story? That should be easy for you, because it's the "bottom line".

With the above short sentence, Trump openly admits that the firing of Comey was prompted by the FBI Director's unwillingness to be his Trump probably berated underlings to do his bidding while running his businesses. Yack yack yack yack yack.

I sure hope that Mueller can help our country be rid of this stain in the WH. No kidding, you actually hope. What a surprise.

President Trump Appears to Be Guilty of Obstruction of Justice I don't feel I'm going out on a limb saying this STORY is aimed at progressives to make them feel good. Today is Thursday, and what you figure the odds are I'll be proven right at day's end?
I've noticed they're always desperate to change the subject and derail the thread. Isn't that against the rules?

They also try to blame others, which is the classic Trump move too.

In spite of their wishful thinking, they are to blame for this mess and Trump gets all the blame for his big mouthed, blustering, tweeting incompetence.

Nitwits who easily fall prey to a moronic demagogue, have NO choice but to blame everything and everyone BUT themselves......Can't really do anything else.
And Hillary was gonna win the election, right? Lol, you're an idiot.

You'll ALWAYS have Hillary to divert and excuse your abject stupidity in voting for a clown.......Don't you agree???...................LOL
And is uncovering Democrat crimes daily, and proving Trump did nothing wrong

Well, you heard it here FIRST........I mean WHO could argue with such well documented reality as the above????

(what a fucking :asshole: LOL)

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