The case for Trump's obstruction of justice

Trump whores will try to hide they ever supported this charlatan to their grandkids down the road.

But poppy why did you support someone even more corrupt than Nixon?
What utter bullshit... this coming from a guy who shrugged off deleted subpoenaed e-mails, servers, Blackberries, iphones, laptops, etc.?

Whatthefuckever. Comey's a fraud who should be fired and investigated.
Comey has an impeccable reputation. Trump, not so much.
When Trump inexplicably invited those Russian spies into the Oval Office and were back slapping each other, he not only gave away government secrets to them but admitted obstruction of justice when talking about why he got rid of Comey.

This prez is a danger to the United States and himself.
The New Yorker has a poignant, short article on how that moronic Trump just keeps on shooting himself in the foot "thinking" that he could run our country as if he was running his businesses.

The article does not point to anything new, but offers a good recap of what Mueller's investigations must be building as a criminal case against the orange charlatan.

The bottom line boils down to Trump pressuring Comey to lay off Flynn, and his ill-advised admission to the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, when Trump stated after his firing Comey, “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

With the above short sentence, Trump openly admits that the firing of Comey was prompted by the FBI Director's unwillingness to be his Trump probably berated underlings to do his bidding while running his businesses.

I sure hope that Mueller can help our country be rid of this stain in the WH.

President Trump Appears to Be Guilty of Obstruction of Justice

Another great big nothing burger. You haven't listed any prosecutable crimes.
When Trump inexplicably invited those Russian spies into the Oval Office and were back slapping each other, he not only gave away government secrets to them but admitted obstruction of justice when talking about why he got rid of Comey.

This prez is a danger to the United States and himself.
He did no such thing, moron. I love the way you turds are constantly claiming that Trump gave away government secrets when your moles within the administration are constantly leaking classified information, witch is clearly criminal. A perfect example is the recent publishing of the transcript of his conversation with the Mexican president.
Another great big nothing burger. You haven't listed any prosecutable crimes.

NOT MY JOB to list what is prosecutable crimes......Its the job of the two grand juries that have already been impaneled. PATIENCE, middlefingerbaby, have patience....LOL
It may be time for you right wing Trump ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant responsibility-shirking on Obama and Clinton.....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the orange moron in the WH.

And it might be time for you to get over the fact that you lost.

Until then...suck on it.

This country survived Bush.

This country survived Obama.

This country will survive Trump (better than it would have survived Clinton.)
When Trump inexplicably invited those Russian spies into the Oval Office and were back slapping each other, he not only gave away government secrets to them but admitted obstruction of justice when talking about why he got rid of Comey.

This prez is a danger to the United States and himself.
He did no such thing, moron. I love the way you turds are constantly claiming that Trump gave away government secrets when your moles within the administration are constantly leaking classified information, witch is clearly criminal. A perfect example is the recent publishing of the transcript of his conversation with the Mexican president.

This story will be the same two years from now as they rev up to run......[holding in a laugh]....Lizzy Warren.

I can't wait.
Another great big nothing burger. You haven't listed any prosecutable crimes.

NOT MY JOB to list what is prosecutable crimes......Its the job of the two grand juries that have already been impaneled. PATIENCE, middlefingerbaby, have patience....LOL
Yes it is when you claim he's going to be prosecuted - that is, unless your admitting that your claims have no tangible support of any kind.
When Trump inexplicably invited those Russian spies into the Oval Office and were back slapping each other, he not only gave away government secrets to them but admitted obstruction of justice when talking about why he got rid of Comey.

This prez is a danger to the United States and himself.
He did no such thing, moron. I love the way you turds are constantly claiming that Trump gave away government secrets when your moles within the administration are constantly leaking classified information, witch is clearly criminal. A perfect example is the recent publishing of the transcript of his conversation with the Mexican president.

This story will be the same two years from now as they rev up to run......[holding in a laugh]....Lizzy Warren.

I can't wait.
Yeah, that will be the yuck fest of all time. They actually believe Fuaxahontas actually has a chance.
Yes it is when you claim he's going to be prosecuted - that is, unless your admitting that your claims have no tangible support of any kind.

Grow up, middlefingerbaby.....I'm free to make all the claims I want as you are free to put your head up your sorry ass and deny all that is happening.
Yes it is when you claim he's going to be prosecuted - that is, unless your admitting that your claims have no tangible support of any kind.

Grow up, middlefingerbaby.....I'm free to make all the claims I want as you are free to put your head up your sorry ass and deny all that is happening.
That's true, you can make all the claims you want, and we are free to ridicule them and point out how ridiculous they are.

You are admitting that your claims have no tangible support of any kind.
That's true, you can make all the claims you want, and we are free to ridicule them and point out how ridiculous they are.

Like I stated, you are free to keep your head firmly up your ass.....LOL
Yes it is when you claim he's going to be prosecuted - that is, unless your admitting that your claims have no tangible support of any kind.

Grow up, middlefingerbaby.....I'm free to make all the claims I want as you are free to put your head up your sorry ass and deny all that is happening.

We know that: You've set yourself apart as the board asswipe.

The fact that nothing is happening really has not affected you and the other members of the butthurt brigade from continuing to look like the losers you are.
"The bottom line" alleges that Trump pressured Comey when we know from testimony that Comey intentionally leaked information designed to undermine the administration of the President of the United States. In light of the ludicrous allegations of Trump/Russia that the left seems to be abandoning as we speak the best the left can come up with is allegations that Trump pressured Comey and we know that isn't true. Do hate filled angry incoherent lefties actually live in the freaking real world?

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