The Case(s) Against bullshit


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

This is an interesting and insightful essay on the current "lawfare" campaign against Trump, pointing out that it is not unique at all in its message, only in the extent of its tactics.

I suspect you Leftists know all this, but but you pretend to think it's all legitimate because it furthers your agenda.

The Left is evil.
Was the $355 million fine against Donald Trump, for a “crime” that even the judge issuing the ruling admitted hurt no one, a bridge too far?

Starts with a contrived talking point by people who don't seem to understand the reason for the laws that Trump violated.

This even after it costing them trillions of dollars.
Strangely enough, Trump's lawyers, staffers and employees are all lined up to testify against him in the various cases, after having provided most of the evidence against him.

No doubt they're all part of The Evil Satanic Deep State™, and in on the massive conspiracy to destroy America.
Trump wouldn't be so paranoid..............If everyone wasn't out to get him.


This is an interesting and insightful essay on the current "lawfare" campaign against Trump, pointing out that it is not unique at all in its message, only in the extent of its tactics.

I suspect you Leftists know all this, but but you pretend to think it's all legitimate because it furthers your agenda.

The Left is evil.

Don't be absurd. Trump was barred from having a charity or a ball team. He was fined for money laundering at his casinos and Panama. He was fined for fraud with Trump University.. His crimes go back 40 years.
Don't be absurd. Trump was barred from having a charity or a ball team. He was fined for money laundering at his casinos and Panama. He was fined for fraud with Trump University.. His crimes go back 40 years.
Trump knows his cult.

I suspect you Leftists know all this, but but you pretend to think it's all legitimate because it furthers your agenda.

It's legitimate because it follows the rule of law, something Republitards used to bleat on about endlessly when they were impeaching Bill Clinton over a cum stain, but seem to resent when their MAGA Jesus is being exposed for the authoritarian-loving con-man that he is.

The Left is evil.

It's called justice.

Suck it up, buttercup.
No, they are not.

91 counts, four seperate grand juries in four separate jurisdictions. Multiple judges, investigators, and prosecutors, it's real.
They’re all in on it. Once you’ve crossed the rubicon of dozens of counties, nine states, every district, state, and federal court were win on the 2020 “stolen” election, pretending that four grand juries in multiple states is kid-stuff.
Was the $355 million fine against Donald Trump, for a “crime” that even the judge issuing the ruling admitted hurt no one, a bridge too far?

Starts with a contrived talking point by people who don't seem to understand the reason for the laws that Trump violated.

This even after it costing them trillions of dollars.
Yep and new york city is paying the price. I hope when Trump is president next year. I hope he cuts all federal funding to new york and tells them to live off his fines. While all the banking lenders move out of there.
Yep and new york city is paying the price. I hope when Trump is president next year. I hope he cuts all federal funding to new york and tells them to live off his fines. While all the banking lenders move out of there.

You understand that will never happen. Trump is all words with little to no actual action.

This is an interesting and insightful essay on the current "lawfare" campaign against Trump, pointing out that it is not unique at all in its message, only in the extent of its tactics.

I suspect you Leftists know all this, but but you pretend to think it's all legitimate because it furthers your agenda.

The Left is evil.

Every one of those cases is a result of bad decisions by Trump

Pick one and we can discuss
Don't be absurd. Trump was barred from having a charity or a ball team. He was fined for money laundering at his casinos and Panama. He was fined for fraud with Trump University.. His crimes go back 40 years.

Been a long time since Trump won in court
Like he did with Hillary?
After all this kangaroo courts that have gone against him. I think those Biden files that were taken from him on the Mar a Lago raid will be exposed. Then Washington will fall from democrats and Republicans being exposed for screwing over Americans for decades.
Any Trump supporter over the age of 65 does not have the mental capacity to resist the lies and machinations of Donald Trump, even if presented with evidence and eyewitness testimony of their validity.

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