The Cassidy Hutchinson Book is Very Good

You're a fucking NAZI and a colossal dumb fuck.
Trump is such a Nazi and it's on purpose. So no, I'm not the Nazi. Voting for Biden, Gore, even Bush, Clinton, Christie, Ron DiSantis, Vivik, Tim Scott, Nikki does not make you a Nazi. Voting for Trump does though.

Donald Trump dreams of an American Fourth Reich — and he's not kidding​

Trump's rhetoric gets closer to outright Hitler quotations almost every day. It's a deliberate strategy​

Trump’s hate sermons are becoming even more intense and combustible. As he comes ever closer to openly quoting Adolf Hitler and the other 20th-century fascists, his behavior is clearly intentional and strategic.

Trump publicly admires and praises tyrants and demagogues and views them as role models. If he returns to power in 2025, he intends to create an American Fourth Reich. Consider Trump's speeches, interviews and social media posts over the last few weeks.

At a rally in Hialeah, Florida, last Wednesday, Trump painted a picture of a hellish (predominantly white) America overrun by serial killers and other human monsters from foreign (and predominantly nonwhite) countries, insisting that only he could save (white) America from the death and contamination caused by Democrats and “the left.”

On Friday, in an interview with Univision, Trump threatened to use the Department of Justice to put his political enemies in prison: “They have done something that allows the next party … if I happen to be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say, ‘Go down and indict them.’

Last weekend, on Veterans Day, Trump escalated his Nazi-style threats by declaring that his political enemies to be "vermin" or human poison to be purged from the system. That came at a MAGA rally in New Hampshire and also in a post on his Truth Social platform:

“In just the last few days, Trump has said, if he returns office, he’s gonna go after all those who oppose him and wipe out what he called ... the vermin in America — a specific phrase with a specific meaning…. It echoes language you heard in Nazi Germany in the '30s.”

Declaring that the enemies of the regime and the Great Leader are mentally ill and then imprisoning them for "treatment" is a common practice in authoritarian states.

Predictably, the mainstream news media and responsible political class responded with performative shock and surprise at Trump’s week-long channeling of Hitler and Nazism. In fact, Trump’s hateful behavior and language are no surprise.

The media, and by implication the public, have apparently forgotten that for weeks Trump has been spreading Nazi-style conspiracy theories: He has been “stabbed in the back,” America is being “poisoned” by immigrants, “good Jews” should support him while “bad Jews” will be punished.

But the mainstream media is bored with Trump's rhetoric and has now largely moved on. That irresponsible choice further normalizes Trump’s evil and the larger neofascist assault on the country’s democracy and civil society.

It is nearly incredible that the presumed nominee of one of the country’s two institutional political parties is explicitly channeling Hitler and the Nazis. That should be dominating the news. Trump's Fourth Reich aspirations constitute a national emergency. But America is an unhealthy society where all this will likely be normalized as just "culture war" tactics or political "polarization."

I'm sure you are close to embracing the title of Nazi. At one point in Germany, for a few years, it was actually cool to be a Nazi. It was for 4 years till Trump lost.

Can't wait to rig the next one.
Trump is such a Nazi and it's on purpose. So no, I'm not the Nazi. Voting for Biden, Gore, even Bush, Clinton, Christie, Ron DiSantis, Vivik, Tim Scott, Nikki does not make you a Nazi. Voting for Trump does though.

Donald Trump dreams of an American Fourth Reich — and he's not kidding​

Trump's rhetoric gets closer to outright Hitler quotations almost every day. It's a deliberate strategy​

Trump’s hate sermons are becoming even more intense and combustible. As he comes ever closer to openly quoting Adolf Hitler and the other 20th-century fascists, his behavior is clearly intentional and strategic.

Trump publicly admires and praises tyrants and demagogues and views them as role models. If he returns to power in 2025, he intends to create an American Fourth Reich. Consider Trump's speeches, interviews and social media posts over the last few weeks.

At a rally in Hialeah, Florida, last Wednesday, Trump painted a picture of a hellish (predominantly white) America overrun by serial killers and other human monsters from foreign (and predominantly nonwhite) countries, insisting that only he could save (white) America from the death and contamination caused by Democrats and “the left.”

On Friday, in an interview with Univision, Trump threatened to use the Department of Justice to put his political enemies in prison: “They have done something that allows the next party … if I happen to be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say, ‘Go down and indict them.’

Last weekend, on Veterans Day, Trump escalated his Nazi-style threats by declaring that his political enemies to be "vermin" or human poison to be purged from the system. That came at a MAGA rally in New Hampshire and also in a post on his Truth Social platform:

“In just the last few days, Trump has said, if he returns office, he’s gonna go after all those who oppose him and wipe out what he called ... the vermin in America — a specific phrase with a specific meaning…. It echoes language you heard in Nazi Germany in the '30s.”

Declaring that the enemies of the regime and the Great Leader are mentally ill and then imprisoning them for "treatment" is a common practice in authoritarian states.

Predictably, the mainstream news media and responsible political class responded with performative shock and surprise at Trump’s week-long channeling of Hitler and Nazism. In fact, Trump’s hateful behavior and language are no surprise.

The media, and by implication the public, have apparently forgotten that for weeks Trump has been spreading Nazi-style conspiracy theories: He has been “stabbed in the back,” America is being “poisoned” by immigrants, “good Jews” should support him while “bad Jews” will be punished.

But the mainstream media is bored with Trump's rhetoric and has now largely moved on. That irresponsible choice further normalizes Trump’s evil and the larger neofascist assault on the country’s democracy and civil society.

It is nearly incredible that the presumed nominee of one of the country’s two institutional political parties is explicitly channeling Hitler and the Nazis. That should be dominating the news. Trump's Fourth Reich aspirations constitute a national emergency. But America is an unhealthy society where all this will likely be normalized as just "culture war" tactics or political "polarization."

I'm sure you are close to embracing the title of Nazi. At one point in Germany, for a few years, it was actually cool to be a Nazi. It was for 4 years till Trump lost.

Can't wait to rig the next one.
Yada, yada, yada

This is cult projection. This is how you think, so you think others think this way.

She is trusted more because she testified publicly, under oath.

This is how you think, so you think others think this way.

No, the democrats have proven it time and time again, their actions are evidence of that.

She is trusted more because she testified publicly, under oath.

She is a proven liar, but the left overlook that because she’s speaking what they want to hear. If it weren’t for this, she just be another maga loving nutbag…
She lied to the deposition but told HER ATTORNEY she lied. So, my points stands. She was caught lying about what SHE SAID she witnessed, then come to find out, she didn’t witness it.

She never said she was there. She testified to what agent Ornato told her. Haven't you been paying attention?
Yada, yada, yada

I know it's hard to see yourself as a nazi. I mean, you personally wouldn't march jews into an oven, right?
But neither would have most German Nazi's. I wonder what percent of German whites were evil and racist? We tend to picture them all as evil nazi's spitting on jews but most of them were more like you and Elon Musk. Just anti semetic. You wouldn't hurt a jew. Yet.

And today you are using Jews. Today you'll march illegals, blacks and Democrats into the ovens. Tomorrow it'll be Jews
The Cassidy Hutchinson Book is a must read.
Get it from the library, if you know what a library is.

She outlines how insane and childish Trump was. Its so obvious the guy is a literal joke, completely unfit to be president. The worst part is everybody in the WH knew Trump lost the election, they all told him repeatedly he lost, and he tried to do anything and everything to steal the election and not leave the WH.

“Cass, if I can get through this job and manage to keep (Trump) out of jail, I’ll have done a good job,” Meadows told Hutchinson in June 2020.

Trump continued, “I don’t want people to know we lost, Mark. This is embarrassing. Figure it out.” Even then, when Meadows assured Trump he would work on it,

“We killed Herman Cain,” Meadows told Hutchinson and asked for his wife’s phone number.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe expressed concern about the president’s unpredictability, noting that one minute “he acknowledges he lost… Then he’ll immediately backpedal.”

“I think that Donald Trump is the most grave threat we will face to our democracy in our lifetime, and potentially in American history,” Hutchinson told CNN’s Jake Tapper in an interview Tuesday.

It's not a must read for me. Anything about Trump, I now skip it. Life is too short to waste your time hating or loving this guy. He ain't worth it.
It's not a must read for me. Anything about Trump, I now skip it. Life is too short to waste your time hating or loving this guy. He ain't worth it.
All we can do is vote. I just hope America doesn’t let me down like it does most midterms and 1980-92, 2000-2008 and 2016.

We need to get rid of the Nazis in the Republican Party. Their leader is trump so it’s a must he go first.
It's not a must read for me. Anything about Trump, I now skip it. Life is too short to waste your time hating or loving this guy. He ain't worth it.
Enough people who worked for trump have come forward. They can’t all be lying.

Didnt trumps team consider invoking the 24th or 25th amendment to impeach trump? Basically a mutiny? Where his team was going to claim he’s unhinged? Reminds me of the Germans who tried to assassinate Hitler.

We have Nazis in our government. And the sad thing is Hershel Walker and Kanye West are Nazis today. It’s crazy
Having won gold in the lying Olympics known as the J6 Committee, she now goes Professional Liar by writing a book of lies?

How much did you pay for your book? Count her statements of fact, after her basic bio, so you can calculate how much you paid for each lie that got you this excited.

Let me guess: You go to strip clubs, and feel honored when one of the girls asks you not to call her "Candy" because she hates her stage name, and trusts you to tell you that her real name is "Roxanne." Do you tip "Roxanne" as much as you paid for Cassidy's book?

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