For all of those "Fight for $15" minimum wage nitwits who do not understand basic economics:


Two Minimum Wage Charts for Andy Puzder
Another example of progressive policy regressing an entire nation back more than 100 years. They can't even keep their automobiles running thanks to idiotic left-wing policy. How poetic that the Jeep carrying Fidel Castro's casket broke down. It had to be pushed the rest of the way. :lmao:

Jeep carrying Fidel Castro's casket breaks down
If there was ever indisputable proof of the failure of left-wing policy, this little gem is it. Freaking hilarious... :lol:
  • A “Marxist” “collectivist” “worker-run” restaurant in Grand Rapids, Michigan, closed its doors this week after customers complained that they could no longer tolerate the bizarre hours, high prices and long lines.
  • It turns out, in a shocking revelation to the store’s management, that those Soviet bread lines were a bug, not a feature of Communism.
Marxist Vegan Restaurant Closes Down
Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens.

You have no way of knowing that.
Left and Right Are Two Wings of the Same Vulture

We do have a way of knowing it's a Chickenhawk lie. Reagan had his 9/11 with the Marines in Lebanon; DubDud called off all anti-terrorists actions after he was inaugurated. More of his treason was that his owners in the oil business insisted on giving Saudis visas and treating them with kid gloves.
"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good." - Thomas Sowell
It's such a shame that progressives are so filled with envy and hate and are so devoid of common sense. History has proven that conservative policy creates prosperity for all and progressive policy creates poverty for all.
  • The wealthy getting wealthier. Good for them. I’m happy — everybody wants to work for someone that’s wealthy. I know I do. I want my check to cash on Friday. I don’t ever want to worry that my paycheck is going to bounce. So I don’t care how wealthy my boss is.
  • If your job is insured or is more likely to remain because the government reduces regulation and taxes on your boss, what do you care if your boss gets richer?
  • Will we stop with the class warfare? Will we stop with the rich versus poor? The haves versus the have-nots? We’ve got to stop. There are greedy poor people, and there are greedy rich people. There are kind and giving poor people, and there are kind and giving wealthy people. It’s human nature on both sides. And your economic status has nothing to do with what kind of person you are. And political parties have divided haves and have-nots for political purposes way too long.
  • Keeping jobs here — you want to know why people are largely becoming more optimistic about a Trump presidency, it’s because he is saying he is going to keep jobs here. And there is proof now that those things are beginning to happen.
How’s That Economic Equality Working Out, Obama?
This is what happens with the progressive policy approach to crime. It just doesn't work when you disarm law abiding citizens, demonize law enforcement, and ensure that thugs everywhere will be immune from responsibility for their actions.

Progressives are causing blood to flow in the streets. And it's not a coincidence that it's nearly exclusively black blood that is flowing. It's such a shame that progressives got control of the education system in America and dumbed down the black community to the point that they can't even see what progressives are doing to them. Keeping them illiterate and indoctrinating them has resulted in the simplistic mind-set of "Dumbocrat good, Republican bad" despite the fact that they are dying and wallowing in the misery of progressivism.

Black Lives Matter gets what it wants in Chicago — and crime is skyrocketing
Just like conservatives predicted. Every time progressives attempt their insane left-wing policies (which completely ignore basic economics) conservatives crunch the numbers and accurately predict what the outcome will be.
  • The Globe spoke with one Massachusetts business owner who has cut her staff from 50 to 20 in the past two years alone, telling the newspaper she just couldn’t afford to pay all those workers the ever-rising, state-mandated amount.
More than 50% of her staff went from low-wage to no wage thanks to idiotic left-wing policy. Progressives can't figure out that some is better than none. It always ends the same: economic collapse, poverty, and misery.

Massachusetts feels the impact of having highest state minimum wage
Wherever the left-wing ideology goes, decay, depravity, poverty, and misery soon follows....

"We can't look at the filmed Chicago beatings and the hundreds of Chicago killings as distinct, with the beatings 'political violence' and the killings just crime as usual. They're both the product of a depraved culture, and they're both facilitated by the breakdown in law and order. It's time to stop celebrating depravity. It's time to stop crippling the police. And it's time to speak the truth. Our nation's social fabric is fraying—nowhere more than in Chicago. This is the left's city, a foundation of its national power. How many more people have to die before it changes course?"

Chicago Is Breaking
This flawlessly sums up progressive policy:

“I’m paying higher premiums. I’m paying higher taxes, and I have worse coverage,” says Ross Schriftman

We had the most elite healthcare in the world and we had the most affordable healthcare in the world. Until Dumbocrats got involved. Reminds me of what a world renowned economist once said:

"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good." - Thomas Sowell

Pennsylvania Man Faces $784 in Premiums Under Obamacare
Progressives lack of understanding of basic economics and basic business is killing this nation. It's why we've had such high unemployment under Barack Obama, why we have 94 million people out of the labor force, and why we have $20 trillion in debt.
  • “You have to fund your development through your profits,” Womack said during my 2011 visit to Terre Haute. “And if you have no profits, you’re not building restaurants.”
  • Womack, a 30-year restaurant veteran, faced unique challenges in the industry, where profit margins ranged from 5% to 7%. Restaurants already produce the lowest revenue per employee, meaning there was a high labor cost associated with implementing the new law.
  • Womack said he was able to weather the recession. He remained hopeful Congress would make changes to the law or the 2012 election would usher in a president who would repeal it. When that didn’t happen, he simply wasn’t confident about the long-term prospects of running a casual-dining operation. IHOP, with servers and cooks, is a labor-intensive business. At the time he sold last year, Womack had 16 restaurants and more than 1,000 employees. “We felt that environment was not the place to be for the next 10 to 20 years,” he said.
  • Facing the prospect of Obamacare’s employer mandate on Jan. 1, 2015, Womack opted to sell his 16 IHOP restaurants last year to Romulus Restaurant Group.
  • Four years after testifying before Congress and urging Obamacare’s repeal, Womack remains alarmed at the law’s impact on his industry. He foresaw the challenges of offering attractive coverage in 2011 and is now facing that reality.
  • “Insurance rates are through the roof. Every year we get handed a 30% to 40% increase,” he said. “The only way we have to offset that is cutting our coverage way back. That’s happened every year since the law passed.”
So to recap - healthcare costs have gone through the roof (the exact opposite of what Obama and the Dumbocrats had promised), employees have lost their jobs due to costs, those that remained had hours cut back, and owners have had to close their doors or sell their businesses - all because progressives don't understand basic economics or how business operates. They actually (and laughably) thought that business owners would simply eat the cost of Obamacare regulations and the wealth redistribution they so desperately desired would magically happen as a result. Instead, people went from poor insurance and jobs to worse insurance and unemployment.

IHOP Owner Says Obamacare a Factor to Sell 16 Restaurants
I wouldn't call progressive policy a "failure". It's outcome is exactly what the progressives want: a failed economy and social unrest. High unemployment, war, terror attacks, high domestic crime rates, are all part of the progressive Agenda. Those all create fear, and a fearful population craves safety. Safety from violence, safety economically as well. Once a population is that fearful, they will be more inclined to elect the progressives that promise safety nets for them, even though they never have any intention of fixing those issues. Issues they've caused to happen in the first place.

Conservatives should let go of this notion that progressives "mean well" but are just too dumb to realize their policies hurt the country. That might be true for the "social liberal" who doesn't pay much attention to politics, but the progressive turds know exactly what their policies are doing. Accept the fact that progressives want to see all white, Christian, and capitalist cultures exterminated. They hate Western culture, and want to see it destroyed, which is exactly why they embrace Islam. Even though Islam is counter to everything "socially liberal", Muslims will definitely help the progressive cause of destroying Western culture, its the one thing Muslims are good at.

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